The Max-Leveled Princess is Bored Today As Well

Chapter 17: 16

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Flowers to You (1)

Translated by Wook

Edited by Wook

Three summers have passed since Caesar became crown prince.

Leonard began attending the capital’s military academy on the recommendation of the commander of the Red Knights. It was because he needed to complete school to become an officer of the Order of the Knights.

Thanks to this, I can only meet with Leonard about once a month, except during vacation.

Caesar visited the duchy every summer, but he did not stay as long as before.

He gained a little more power and lost a little more freedom.

Agoth was so obsessed with the sword that the blisters on her hand would not disappear. I felt a little sorry because she seemed to regard it as the only contact point with me.

And the fourth summer.

At the age of twenty-one, Caesar visited the duchy again.

With a very annoying thing.


“A gladiatorial competition organized by the imperial family?”

I checked the paper Caesar had handed out and frowned.

While I read the contents with my eyes, Caesar explained the contents to Leonard who was sitting on the opposite side.

“It’s an event that happens once every four years. It was originally for knights only, but this year the rules have changed.”

Oh, well, I know what a competition is. I knew it, but I just wasn’t interested.


“In this competition, sword skills are not the main interest. It is more like a talent show between nobles.”

I said, flicking the paper on the table.

There are two types of swords. A sword for preserving one’s life and killing opponents in actual combat, and a sword that moves in a set combination for show.

This competition is for the latter. For example, even if a talented mercenary participated in this competition and achieved victory, they would almost certainly be cursed for saying that their swordsmanship was crude and vulgar.

“I told you. The rules have changed. This time, one can participate even if they’re not a noble.”

Caesar said, tapping the table with his index finger.

“It is hosted by the imperial family. I’m sure there will be a lot of great guys participating. It will be fun.”


That’s a bit tempting.

As many people flock, you can experience various situations.

Nevertheless, I was worried that Leonard’s school only teaches useless protocols in practice.

At that moment, Agoth came into the room with snacks.

“I brought chocolate tarts.”

“Sheesh, it just had to be chocolate.”

Caesar grumbled to himself. He doesn’t like sweet food very much.

“Oh, my. My apologies. Shall I prepare egg tarts for Your Highness, then?”

“Mm? What’s going on with you?”

“It will take about two hours.”

“You really…”

Caesar and Agoth growled and looked at each other.

I mean, they’re pretty consistent. At this point, I don’t know if the two get along well or not.

“Come to think of it, if it’s a competition where non-nobles can participate, can Agoth also participate?”

Leonard, not interested in whether the two lost or roasted, muttered as he picked up the paper on the table.

When her name appeared, Agoth pricked up her ears like a rabbit. Caesar sighed and leaned his body against the chair.

“That’s right. Well, if it’s that guy, even if she participates, she’ll only get messed up.”

“… Oho.”

Agoth has never participated in a competition before.

Even so, I was about to release her from service slowly. Will it be okay?

“Caesar. Did you bring this up because of Agoth?”

“Are you crazy? No, I’m not.”

Judging by this reaction, I guess it’s right.

“He brought this information for you. Good for you, Agoth.”

“I-I don’t like it! There is nothing better than my lady!”

Agoth shouted, her face blushing.

“Doesn’t Agoth want to go to the competition?”

“I want to go out!”

Agoth shouted, her eyes gleaming. Then she looked back at Caesar with a frown on her face and shouted.

“Ha, really! Thank you!”

“…She’s picking a fight with me now, isn’t she?”

At Agoth’s words, where the contents, expressions, and shouts of the words were not unified at all, Caesar sarcastically said.

“Anyway, let’s all participate. We are all Master’s pupils, but the three of us have never really competed properly.”

“Oh, are you participating too?”

I looked at Caesar in amazement. Caesar’s expression was strangely distorted.

“Didn’t you know? In this contest, the crown prince is an automatic participant.”

“Huh? Since when?”

“Since the time Gray became the imperial family.”

I had no idea. It was a competition that I didn’t even care about because I had no intention of participating in the nobility games.

Leonard, who was sitting next to me, calmly added explanations to my bewildered expression.

“One of the symbols of the imperial family after Emperor Dante is the ‘Sword’. It’s no wonder that His Highness took sword lessons early, Helena.”

I didn’t know there was such a background in Caesar’s early sword education.

Is it my fault? Because the me in my previous life was too good?

What an amazing butterfly effect.

In my previous life, I was just doing it to make ends meet!

“Ohh… So it’s like that.”

Anyway, all three of my students can participate. If so, it will be more interesting.

Isn’t this a competition where I can see at a glance how much the skills of the three have grown?

“Then why don’t all three of you participate?”

After saying that, I realized belatedly that it was a mistake.

I guess I have a talent for walking into troublesome things on my own feet.


Caesar, who arrived at the duke’s mansion around noon, gave me a cumbersome task, and left around midnight.

Leonard was away for a while at Mother’s call, so I ended up seeing him off alone.

“Why don’t you stay for a night? It would be dangerous to ride the carriage at night.”

“I stopped by for a while on my way back from Salisbury. I need to hurry up and go back.”

“After becoming the crown prince, you became so busy.”

“It’s okay. It was something I was prepared for.”

Caesar answered in a rather refreshing tone.

“Will you not be able to come to the duchy this summer?”

Early summer is already over.

Originally, this was the time for him to stay in the duchy and fuss around.

However, after finally visiting the duchy after a long while, he left before the day even ended.

Caesar answered my question with a light sigh.


Well, somehow the atmosphere became awkward. I shouldn’t have asked.

There was an awkward silence for a long time.

It was Caesar who opened his mouth as if the silence was uncomfortable.

“By the way, are you going to social gatherings?”

“Social gatherings?”

“You must have gotten quite a few invitations after my birthday party.”

“Ah, I’m refusing all of that.”

“I knew it. The reason is probably because you’re lazy and those things are annoying, right?”

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“What’s the point of asking?”

“Haha, as expected.”

Caesar laughed out loud.

I suddenly thought about how much more we can have these conversations in the future.

Even so, after the first kiss that was caused by ‘getting swept by the atmosphere’, we became subtly awkward with each other. Maybe it’s because both of us are implicitly avoiding the topic.

This is because I am afraid that the relationship will change rapidly, whether it gets better or worse. But beyond that, it was heartbreaking to think that I would gradually become estranged from him in the future.

“Have you ever received an invitation from Margrave Brande?”

Caesar suddenly asked a question out of the blue.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him.

“Margrave Brande? Why did you bring them up out of nowhere?”

[T/N: In the previous chapter it is said that Brande is a marquis. It is said that margrave and marquis are at the same level: beneath a duke and above an earl/count. The difference is that marquis is a title of nobility, while margrave is a feudal era military-administrative officer of comital rank, originally in charge of a border area. I guess both titles can be used at the same time, one as a proof of their noble heritage, the other one as proof of their military position. Correct me if I’m wrong]

“No reason… I just suddenly thought of it.”

Caesar nodded and answered.

Just suddenly, there’s no way.

In fact, there was one person that immediately came to mind when I heard the name.

Yulika Brande.

At the first meeting, where she had to figure out the proper distance between each other and confirm my position, the blonde young lady started fighting without questioning.

“I don’t know because there are so many invitations.”

“That many?”

“I’m dying just from writing rejection replies. Why can’t anyone see me resting?”

I grumbled, and Caesar laughed loudly. Does this guy enjoy being hit by work?

By the way.

‘There is definitely something with Brande.”

When I go up to the capital during the gladiatorial competition, I should ask Hamilton secretly.

“Okay, then I’ll go back.”

We exited the mansion and stood in front of the waiting carriage.

“Wait until Brother comes back in a little bit to send you off.”

“That’s alright. I have to hurry up.”


The crown prince’s see-off is so shabby. It was because of Caesar’s opinion that he would leave quietly without a fuss because it was close to midnight.

‘Since I heard about the party last time, if the protocol is neglected, I get strangely annoyed.’

Somehow I feel like my student is being pushed by the empress and neglected.

No matter how annoying it is, since I have decided to become a teacher, I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a teacher.

“Tell me whenever there are people who bother you. Don’t struggle alone.”



“I am Helena’s disciple.”

Caesar grinned as he gave an answer that seemed like an irrelevant one. The smile that seemed like a villain somehow leaked out of me without realizing it.

Well, I did teach you not to get hit anywhere.

I tapped Caesar’s arm and said encouragingly.

“It means you can be a spoiled child.”

[T/N: Me again, uh. The word ‘spoiled child’ here is from ‘acting like a spoiled child’, which has the same meaning as ‘‘acting coquettish’ or ‘playing the baby’]

In fact, although Caesar is not young enough to act coquettishly to me now.

He’s not young just by looking at his appearance. Imagine a 21-year-old guy acting coquettish to a 17-year-old girl.

But Caesar’s eyes twinkled in response to my joking words.

“Then will you spoil me?”

“Mm? Oh, hmm. Well, yes.”

“Then, what if I do something like this?”

Caesar smiled and walked over to me.

Then he holds me tight in his arms.


“What are you doing?”

I said in his arms. Without thinking of letting go of me, he answered by putting his head on the nape of my neck.

“I’m acting like a spoiled child.”

“What kind of nonsense is this?”

“I’m charging up my ‘Helena-meter’ to help me get through the tough times.”

[T/N: I changed the sentence a bit. The literal translation is ‘I’m filling up Helena to endure bad things…’ Wow if that does not sound weird :)]

That’s weird.

By the way, this guy is really big. I didn’t know I was going to be hugged like this. Was I always this small?

I reached out and patted him on the back.

“Fine, charge it up, charge it up.”

“Heh heh.”

Caesar’s body trembled as if my hand was tickling, and he laughed softly. Like a child.

It’s sad that he hides the difficult things from me. I wonder if he doesn’t trust me that much.

But if I think that these childlike expressions, actions, and tone of voice are only shown to me…

“I will do my best.”

Caesar said in a voice mixed with laughter.

“Yes, do your best.”

I answered in a playful voice.

If all you want from me is this kind of kindness, I can give it to you.

I’ll give it to you without leaving any behind.

So, come again anytime, my sweet disciple.

With that in mind, I placed my forehead on Caesar’s chest and closed my eyes.


A month after that. Leonard, Agoth, and I went to the capital’s villa to participate in the gladiatorial competition.

On the day I left, my parents held my hand tightly with an excited expression.

“Our Helena, you have finally decided to lead an ambitious life. I can’t believe you’re going to the capital city voluntarily…!”

“Since you’re there, try participating in social gatherings. If you need anything, I will support you with anything.”

Uhm… I’m neither motivated nor interested in socializing, but since you two look happy, let’s leave it alone. First of all, I should laugh. Hahaha.

Until the carriage left the estate, Agoth was completely mesmerized by the scenery outside the carriage window. Leonard and I looked at such Agoth with delight.

“Are you amazed, Agoth?”

“Pardon? Ah, yes! It’s the first time I’ve ever ridden such a nice carriage!”

“What about the capital city?”

“The capital as well! I thought I wouldn’t be able to go until I became an adult…!”

Agoth’s face was literally shining, and stardust seemed to fall from her eyes.

So cute. Leonard and I looked at Agoth with the feeling of seeing a puppy spinning around to bite its tail.

“My lady, I will do my best! Even if I don’t win, I’ll do my best not to spoil my lady’s name!”

“If you’re going to do it, you should be thinking about winning, Agoth.”

“Oh, I see! My lady is right. With the goal of winning…!”

“That’s right. That’s the spirit.”

Agoth and I looked at each other and clenched our fists.

Leonard, who was watching from the side, burst into laughter.

“You don’t have the will, but you have the spirit, Helena?”

“Of course. It’s annoying to do it, but if you’re going to do it anyway, you have to win.”

“Really? Then I will do my best for Helena.”

Leonard gave a relaxed smile. It was a confident smile that was rare for him who was always humble.

Then, you must win.

I decided to become a teacher because I was thrilled to see my students perform well.

I leaned on the back of the chair feeling excited after a long time.

I hope the gladiatorial competition starts soon. No matter who wins, the winner must be one of my three pupils.

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