The Max-Leveled Princess is Bored Today As Well

Chapter 30: 29

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May My Sword be Clothed with Power I (4)

Translated by Wook

Edited by Wook

After dinner, a meeting was held in a large room in the mansion.

On my side were Caesar, Leonard, and Hamilton, and on the rear of the border was Lot, the captain of the enlisted army.

“You said you had something to say, didn’t you?”

I was the one who started first.

The elder seemed as if his soul that had went out of his body during the day’s attack had not returned yet, and so he spoke with a rather dazed face.

“I’m sure you all know that there’s been an increasing number of demonic beasts on the frontier these days.”

“We have heard of it.”

“Then, have you ever heard of ‘Dracoism’?”

I frowned at the unfamiliar word. I looked at Caesar and Leonard, but it seemed like this was their first time hearing about it as well.

Hamilton, the only one on our side, opened his mouth with a look as if he knew something.

“Are you talking about the new religion that worships dragons?”

Ah… I’ve heard of that.

It is said to be a religion that spreads among the common people. on such a small scale that even the Holy Church was not interested in it.

“That’s right. Last spring, the believers visited Vandarium.”

“Dragons have been extinct for a long time. What a bunch of strange people.”

I cocked my head and said.

“I didn’t pay much attention to that news because there were few believers and it sounded like nonsense.”

The elder paused for a moment with a firm expression on his face. It was Lot, the enlisted general, who continued to explain.

“They said the number of monsters has increased because there was a ritual to resurrect dragons in the forest.”

“… It must be a coincidence. What else?”

Caesar said, frowning. We didn’t say anything, but we all agreed with him in our hearts.

However, the elder had a different opinion.

“When I asked the other frontiers for support, they all said the same thing. After that group of believers left, the number of demonic beasts increased.”

“Then why didn’t you report that to the above?”

“Because there is no evidence.”

Hell, I was a person who didn’t really like the word ‘evidence’.

However, I was also the type of person who’d say It must be a coincidence to such a story without any evidence.

I looked in Leonard’s direction to seek consent.

But unexpectedly, he was lost in thought with a very serious look on his face.

“What’s wrong, Brother?”

Leonard raised his head and looked at me at my words.

“Nothing… Just a sudden thought.”

“What is it?”

“I told you before. There is a theory that the sharp decline in the number of monsters is related to the extinction of dragons.”

… Mm.

A strange silence lingered in the room.

‘No, there is no way to revive the dead ones.’

I thought so as to convince myself, but in reality, I was also one of the “dead ones.”

Since it was a reincarnation, the correct term for me should be “reborn” rather than “revived”, but it was quite an ambiguous case since I still had the memory of my past life intact.

At this point, I had deep doubts about my existence.

‘Is it just a coincidence that I was born with memories of previous life?’

I gently clasped my trembling heart.


After the conversation with the elder, we had an operational meeting with the crew.

We explained the attack method of the Black Dogs we had met in person, and gave advice on how to deal with it. Fortunately, the crew’s skills should be adequate to deal with the Black Dogs.

“But things won’t calm down if we don’t get rid of the large beast.”

Leonard said, and I agreed.

“In the opinion of the mages, it is highly likely that it is a demonic beast called ‘Lukrokota.’”

“What is Lukrokota?”

Agoth asked with bright eyes.

“It’s a beast with a lion’s body and a badger’s head. It’s big, but it’s very fast.”

500 years ago, it would have been treated as a ‘medium-sized’ monster, but now it had become a ‘large-sized’ one.

“Lucrocotta has great regenerative capabilities. If you don’t cut its head, it will continue to live.”

“As expected, my lady! You know everything about demonic beasts!”

Agoth looked at me in wonder and said.

“I saw it in an illustrated book about demonic beasts.”

Of course it was a lie. This is all knowledge from experience, guys. Although it’s been 500 years.

“By the way, Caesar should be in charge of cutting its head.”

“Not you?”

“My sword is capable of hurting it, but it will be impossible to cut off its body.”

My double sword blade was short and light. Of the four of us, Caesar’s sword was the most powerful and heaviest, so it would be appropriate.

“And anyway, since he’s the crown prince, it’d be nice if the contribution went to Caesar in moderation.”

“You don’t have to think about that.”

Caesar answered seriously. I simply smiled and replied, “Alright.”

As he cleared his seat after the meeting, Leonard said with a smile.

“I hope it ends soon before everyone gets tired.”

We all agreed with that.

If the hunting of large beasts was delayed and the time was extended, morale would drop. Not to mention Caesar would not be able to stay here and left the work in the capital for long.

For whatever reason, it’s best to finish it before it snows.


We racked our brains to summon the large demonic beast. Opinions such as luring them with the corpses of small beasts or tying cattle as prey came from all over the place.

As a result, there was no need to use up all of that wisdom.

Three days later, we were able to run into Lukrokota without any action.

“It appears that a few Black Dogs were caught in a trap north of the forest.”

On the morning of the third day, the elder brought up a news that was not very suitable as the topic of conversation at breakfast.

“It seems that the herd of Black Dogs has moved north.”

“It seems so. Judging by the fact that many of the traps were broken, a large beast might be with them.”

So that afternoon, when the sun was about to go down.

We decided to start a full-scale subjugation of the monsters.

“The enlisted men on the Marquis side will be deployed to block the escape route. When a large beast appears, don’t attack it hastily, and focus on hunting the Black Dogs and protecting His Highness.”

Just before departure, I once again tried to raise the spirits of the crew and did a roll call. The members shouted their names with full of energy.

Eventually we formed a line and moved north of the forest. A few men in front and behind lighted the way with torches.

“It’s night, so it’s difficult to see.”

After walking for a while, Caesar caught up with me and said, I laughed out loud at those words.

“Why? Are you nervous?”

“Hmph, who’s nervous?”

Caesar raised one corner of his mouth and smiled.

“Actually, there is one more thing that bothers me.”

As I kept myself alert, Caesar spoke to me again.

“Last time. Why did the nocturnal Black Dogs suddenly appear during the day?”

“Well. Did they have insomnia?”

“I’m not kidding, Helena.”

At my playful remark, Caesar wrinkled his brow and looked at me.

“The one who came at the end was just aiming for you.”

“Really? I must have been the closest to it.”

“No. The elder and the privates on the side were closer.”

Unlike me, who wanted to take it lightly, Caesar was serious.

“Be careful, Helena. We don’t know if the monsters will aim for you again this time…”

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Caesar said to me with a serious expression.

But his words were not completely finished.

“It’s the Black Dogs!”

A shout was heard from the rear of the line. We reflexively pulled out our swords.

“Each in their own positions! Keep the camp!”

My cry echoed through the forest. The crew, who were bewildered by the raid, heard my voice and began to move in unison as they had been trained.



Screams, cheers, and cursing began pouring out from here and there. The number of Black Dogs was much higher than before.


‘Is it because I just listened to Caesar? It really feels like those beasts are flocking to me.’

Obviously, I was standing in front, but the monsters that appeared from the rear approached me in an instant.

It was to the point that I had to take a step back because I was overwhelmed by their numbers.

‘What’s with this? I’ve hunted monsters several times in my past life, but this is the first time this has happened.’

My palms were sweaty as I became flustered.

“Both sides, stay back!”

I shouted while holding the sword I was holding in both hands.

At my cry, a straight path was opened from the place where I was standing to where the demonic beasts were pouring out.

I looked at the Black Dogs that were aiming for and rushed at me, raising one corner of my mouth and smiling.

“I’m really popular with even the beasts, what should I do?”

After spitting out silly jokes to relax.

I rushed.

“Agoth, catch up!”

“Yes, my lady!”

I rushed forward in the waves of the demonic beasts rushing towards me, cutting, dividing, and dismantling the Black Dogs one after another.

Those I had missed to cut down were killed by Agoth, who was following me.

When I arrived at the other end of the line, the path I had taken was covered with the corpse and blood of demonic beasts.

“Wow! Captain is the best!”

“Nice! Let’s get rid of them all!”

The team’s morale went up even more due to the performance of me and Agoth, who had reduced the number by more than half in an instant.

At the time when the number of Black Dogs had greatly decreased.

“It’s the large beast! The large beast, aaaaah—!”

The long-awaited large beast, Lukrokota, appeared.


In the darkness, the huge monster’s eyes lit up. Its roar shook the air.

“Keep your position!”

Certainly, a large beast was a large beast. As soon as it appeared, two crew members were trampled on by the beast’s feet. It was an instant that the ranks were disorganized.

I looked back and shouted.


“Don’t worry! I’m ready!”

In the distance, I could see Caesar kicking one of the Black Dogs and then immediately poised to jump. His red eyes gleamed in the darkness.

“Cover him!”

At my shout, Agoth and Leonard jumped forward at the same time as planned. The two swords attacked Lukrokota’s legs and sides, respectively.

The beast screamed and struggled. The trees around it fell. Normal enlisted men did not dare even come close.

‘Do you think I’ll let you run away?’

Don’t give the wound time to heal. After a delay, I rushed forward and slashed the beast’s hind legs.

The beast staggered and howled. It was an opportunity to attack. Things were going smoothly as planned.

“Great! Caesar, now—”

At that moment.

The beast forcefully changed its direction towards me.

It turned to attack me even while showing its back to the enemies in front. It was a reaction that didn’t make sense.

That bizarre obsession made me freeze in an instant.

‘Is it really after me?’

Caesar might be right.

These guys were after me.

But why?


The voice of Caesar calling me pierced my ears and I moved again.

Lukrokota’s large head, with its mouth open in front of me, separated from its body and flew into the air.

Caesar’s sword cut off the beast’s head.

Even as the red blood of the demonic beast splashed and soaked my clothes and hair, only unresolved questions filled my head.

As I looked at the headless body of the large beast that fell to the side, and the face of young Caesar who was living in front of me, I pondered over that question over and over again.

Why me?


“I didn’t think we’d be able to kill it like this at once…”

Private Captain Lot mumbled in frustration as he kicked the Lukrokota’s corpse with his feet.

“It was so quick compared to his size, it has been difficult to catch him until now.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. But today, for some reason, it ran into the middle of the fray.”

“Well, anyway, since we’ve caught the large one, the number of beasts will decrease for the time being.”

“I hope so. We owe the princess a lot.”

Lot chuckled and laughed.

At that time, the soldiers who were handling the severed beast’s head called Lot.

“Oh, excuse me for a moment.”

Lot nodded to me and then stepped down. Caesar and Leonard were giving instructions to the other men.


“Yes, lady.”

“We’re done over here, go help the private captain.”

Agoth nodded at me and ran to Lot.

I stood alone in front of the beast’s body and looked at the section of the beast’s severed head.

‘Well, the end was more bland than I thought. Thankfully.’

Like a beast that regenerates quickly, scars of pain were already left on the cut part of him.

‘It must have been running towards me. It was not an illusion.’

Caesar realized this before me.

It was difficult to dismiss it as an illusion if it was also felt by others.

“… Mm? What’s this?”

I was staring blankly at the corpse of the beast, and suddenly I found a strange pattern on the hide.

Is it a pattern or a stain? I tried to reach out to wipe the blood off to take a closer look, but—


At that moment, I felt a strong pain in my chest.

It was a fleeting moment, but it was a strong sense of pain as if something sharp had pierced the heart. I grabbed my chest and sat down. Cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck in an instant.

What is this pain?

And right after that.

“Look out!”

Caesar’s piercing voice echoed through the forest.

Something huge leaped up from the floor without a sign, devouring the body of the Lukrokota that was lying next to me. The ground shook and I lost my balance and stumbled.

Without even realizing what the opponent was, I put my hand on the handle of my sword first.

‘An attack—!”

But I was late.

Things had gone far too abruptly to react.

When I realized that it was a giant ‘snake’ that rose from the ground, my body had already floated midair, falling toward the ground.

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