The Max-Leveled Princess is Bored Today As Well

Chapter 54: 53

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Before I parted with Yulika in front of the store, I thanked her with a farewell.

“Thank you for your help this time.”

She had found things that even professional scholars could not do. I was glad to bet on her academic passion for magic.

“I know that you hate me. Still, I am grateful you did not turn down my request.”

At my words, Yulika bowed her head and bit her lower lip.

“It wasn’t a difficult request.”


“So you don’t need to thank me. I helped you because I feel sorry for you.”

You feel sorry for me?

I tilted my head, not knowing what she meant, and Yulika raised her head and looked at me.

It wasn’t a lie. She had a heartfelt look of pity.

“Why do you feel sorry for me?”

“The fact that you believe in His Highness’ love.”

Oh, is that what you’re talking about?

The story that Caesar likes me because I am Peresca, not because of love.

I just smiled bitterly. It was not something to persuade, and it was something I did not want to persuade.

“It would’ve been better if Princess was someone who wanted the power of the crown princess.”

“You think so?”

“Well, then. Excuse me.”

With those words, Yulika disappeared in front of the store.

I had once said that I sympathized with her, but now she said she sympathized with me.

‘By the way… Krusech.”

I unconsciously placed one hand on my chest. The beating of the heart in the palm of my hand was faintly felt.

‘Welcome to the king who will come again.’

Does this mean that Krusech will return as I have returned to this world?

The evil dragon that was sealed 500 years ago.

‘No, it’s impossible.’

Because that evil dragon has already disappeared. With a sealed place, forever.


As usual, I was about to return from class with Caesar, but I ran into Horio, the commander of the White Knights, in the palace corridor.

“Are you going home?”

“Yes. Greetings, Captain.”

Towards Horio, who nodded, I also bowed by bending my knees slightly and before straightening them.

Compared to Dalton, who was rough in his tone and actions, Horio had a rather stern impression. Is it because he comes from aristocrats?

“I heard you accompanied the Red Knights during this summer’s camp.”

“Because they asked me first.”

“Hey, if I had known that, we would have asked Princess first.”

Unlike Dalton, who called me “instructor,” Horio used the title “Princess” throughout.

Is this difference also because he comes from a noble family?

“I think you treat the Red Knights more favorably. Is it because it’s where the young duke is?”

“I think… it’s part of the reason.”

“Then, if I want to invite you to tea time, will you bring the young duke as well?”

Horio said with a smile.

Is this a joke? It was difficult for me to answer, so I just answered with a smile.

“Then, if you don’t mind, I’d like to treat you to a cup of tea. Oh, of course, with the young duke as well.”

‘So it wasn’t a joke?!’

The White Knights and the Red Knights have not been on good terms for long.

And right now, you’re going to invite the deputy commander of the Red Knights to the White Knights’ office? Just to have tea time with me?

“Excuse me, may I ask what your business is?”

“Well, there’s nothing grand. It’s been quite a while since you’ve looked after the trainees, and I haven’t shown my gratitude yet.”

If that’s the case, it’s hard to say no.

“Okay. But if you’re inviting my older brother because of me…”

“It’s not necessarily like that. He’s someone who will lead the duchy in the future, so there is no harm in being in a good relationship.”

Horio smiled softly.

“The Order of the Knights is indeed on bad terms, but in any case, once the young duke inherits his title, he will leave the Order.”

That’s true.

A person with a dukeship cannot belong to the Knights Order.

‘In other words, you want to line up from now on, right? The White Knights are people of noble origin.’

I nodded and accepted Horio’s offer. If it were a political matter, there would be no reason to offend each other by refusing without justification.

“Alright. Then I will be happy to accept your invitation.”

“That’s great. I’ll take you right away. This way.”

Horio smiled thinly and stretched his hand towards the other side of the hallway as if guiding me.


The White Knights’ commander’s room was spacious and splendid compared to the Red Knights.

Leonard and I sat inside the office decorated like a salon and looked through the room thoroughly.

“I think this is too big of a difference. Don’t you think so, Brother?”

“Because the White Knights will have a lot of donations.”

Leonard was smiling, but there was bitterness in his tone.

“The family of Captain Horio is a successful business family.”

“Oh, a wealthy man.”

“Especially in this generation, the assets accumulated are quite large, to the extent of providing funds at the request of the imperial family.”

“So maybe the reason he’s the captain…”

“Well… that has nothing to do with…” 

Members of the White Knights bought knights with money and power… The rumor was not for nothing.

Somehow we were gossiping right in the middle of enemy lines.

“Ah, by the way, where is Sir Horio? Why is he not coming?”

I grumbled for nothing, trying to dilute my feelings for Horio.

“Well. He was listening to something from the royal attendant earlier.”

“Really? Is he busy with work? Then I just want to go back.”

“Umm… I feel the same.”

Leonard smiled bitterly at my dissatisfaction and agreed. Sitting here would be like a cushion of thorns for him, who was a member of the Red Knights.

Then the door opened, and Horio appeared.

“Excuse me for inviting but keeping you waiting. I suddenly have something to report.”

“It’s alright. We didn’t wait long.”

I replied with a smile.

Now, it seemed that my level of pretense had risen quite a bit. Seeing Leonard staring at me with a sullen expression.

The maids also came along with Horio. They quickly laid out a variety of refreshments and teas on the table.

‘Three-tier trays at tea time in the captain’s room…’

I was a little intimidated when I saw the three-tier tray with various kinds of desserts.

In the Red Knight’s commander’s office, at best, black tea with milk was all there was.

“I don’t usually go this far.”

Did he read my expression? Horio said as if making an excuse.

“I prepared this especially because you two are here.”

“I see. Thank you.”

“Please feel at ease, too, young duke. Please see it from the view of a young duke, not a deputy leader of the Red Knights.”

“Thank you for your advice.”

Leonard said with a smile.

The angelic smile was still there, but it was strangely wary.

Now he was a member of the Red Knights.

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I felt like seeing a child who had grown up and left his nest. I took a sip of tea with satisfaction.

“Princess, is there any inconvenience in teaching the trainees?”

“No, I’m glad you’re so considerate.”

“Because my kids are in the position to be taught. It doesn’t make sense if the teacher is uncomfortable with it.”

Horio smiled, revealing his white teeth. It really contrasted with Dalton’s Heheheh crude laugh.

The two people really do not seem to overlap, no matter where you see them.

“By the way, more than half a year has already passed. How are our trainees doing?”

Umm… What should I say?

To be honest, the skills of the trainees of the White Knights were arrogant. Everyone said This is enough, and it felt like they gave up on reaching something beyond.

It was bound to be different from the soldiers of the Red Knights, whose passion had been ignited after going with me on a subjugation mission.

‘But it would make me feel bad if I said this.’

Not to mention he had said that I acted more favorably towards the Red Knights. It’d put me in a more difficult situation if he misunderstood that I discriminated against them.

“Their skills… are very neat, and they… keep their standards well. Overall it’s not bad.”

That’s right. Fear of getting hurt by being neat. Have no desire to improve their skills by keeping to standards. I can’t help but say it’s not bad because it’s not good either.

Fortunately, Horio heard my words as a compliment, so his face brightened.

“Is that so? Ah, I am so glad.”

“… Cough.”

Only Leonard, sitting next to me, understood the meaning of my words and coughed in vain, holding back laughter.

I poked Leonard in the ribs to keep him from laughing.

“It would be nice if His Highness would come to our knights at any time and compete with them.”

“I will pass on the word.”

“Thank you, Princess. The opportunity to compete with His Highness cannot be lost to the Red Knights.”


I glanced into the air and thought of the summer camp.

The Red Knights had already experienced the glorious experience of being defeated by Caesar in a confrontation with Caesar.

‘Let’s keep this a secret too.’

Unintentionally, more and more stories couldn’t be told to Captain Horio.

“Please feel free to drop by often. I will prepare a good tea for you.”

“I will remember your consideration.” 

“Yes, if possible, please mention me in front of His Highness too. Ahahaha!”

Horio laughed out loud as if trying to hide his embarrassment.

It seems that this man is only interested in career advancement.

Thinking so, Leonard and I both burst into laughter mechanically.


The meeting with Horio wasn’t very long.

Conversations with him were surprisingly superficial. I didn’t know anything else, but his intention to “occupy a position” was very clear.

“I didn’t expect Sir Horio to be that ambitious for his rise in status.”

As I walked down the hallway with Leonard, I let out a long sigh.

In his spare time, he appealed to me by saying, “You must tell my story to His Highness,” and to Leonard, “You must tell my story to the duke.”

“Well, it’s good to have a clear goal.”

“What is that? My brother is so generous.”

“Haha, is that so?”

“Aren’t you going to be scolded by Sir Dalton when you return?”

“It’s okay because I already reported it. I don’t think he will scold me after giving the order to go himself.”

I can imagine Dalton jumping around and swearing at Horio.

“… Huh?”

Suddenly, I stopped walking and looked back.

I stopped abruptly, and Leonard stopped a couple of steps ahead.

“What’s the matter?”

“Mm? No, it’s just…”

There was a sign of movement.

But this was the imperial palace, where many people come and go. It was natural that there was a presence.

But somehow, something was different.

‘It’s not murder intent, nor is it inquiry… What is it?’

“Oh, it’s rare for Peresca’s siblings to be together.”

As I tilted my head, the empress appeared.

And she was not even alone. There were several nobles, including Yulika, as well as attendants.

‘What? Are you having a meeting?’

But they wouldn’t make it so obvious if they had a meeting.

Leonard and I bowed our heads at the same time. The empress looked at us with her benevolent smile that did not reveal her inner feelings.

“It’s nice to see siblings getting along well.”

“Thank you, Your Ladyship.”

“It would be good if our Prince Fran and the crown prince learn from it a little bit.”

“What is seen is not everything. I’m sure they care about each other a lot.”

Leonard responded with a deft remark. Even his expression was so kind that no one could doubt that it was a lie.

“Is that so? Well, I guess brothers and sisters are a little different. Right, everyone?”

The empress asked the nobles who followed her. The nobles scrambled to defend the empress’ words, saying, That’s right, that’s right.

“Today, I invited people struggling with love and held a small tea party. Would you two like to join us, if you don’t mind?”

“Thank you, but I’m still at work.”

“Please invite me next time, Your Ladyship.”

Leonard and I politely declined. I was sure the empress said it out of courtesy.

“I see. Then maybe next time.”

“Thank you.”

“I look forward to it.”

The conversation wasn’t long. There was no sarcasm or arrogance at all. Perhaps it was because there were many other nobles.

It would have been better if we broke up and headed in our directions…

“Excuse me.”

There was the sound of footsteps coming from behind.

When I turned around, several knights belonging to the White Knights came out armed and stood around Leonard.

I looked at them with displeasure.

“What’s going on?”

“Some main data disappeared from the captain’s room.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“We’re not suspicious of the two of you, but since it’s a procedure, can we do a brief body search?”

No, what absurd thing is this?

He invited us, and he suspects us?

“Oh, that’s a tough one. In such a case, it is convenient to be searched quickly and freed from the charges.”

The empress stopped walking and smiled thinly, looking at this side.

“Both of you will be innocent anyway, so what do you have to worry about?”

‘… Shit.’

Did they plan something?

But why?

Horio is not from the Empress’s side. He is not weak enough to be swayed by the empress.

When Caesar’s power grows, he dares to touch Peresca, a close aide to Caesar?

Why on earth did Horio…?

“It’s here.”

When my mind was all over the place, a knight standing by me shouted.

In his hand were several small folded papers.

A document with the seal of the White Knights was taken out of Leonard’s coat pocket.

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