The Mechanical Era

Chapter 12: Academic Troubles

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The sun shined once again to the city of Vallina, the megacity of the northern continent, and the birthplace of the Asteria Imperium. With about a million people living their lives, it had the greatest mages and knights working for them, and they dominate the west side of the northern continent.

All children of royalty from the other cities send over their children to have their scholars to teach their own magic there. The academy itself was made out of polished marble bricks, with every room fully furnished. Classes only last for about 4 hours, and only occur on every other day.

In the front row seat of the dark oak chair, facing the professor as he teaches , sat two twin girls, one with a serious face and the other with apathy, paying full attention to the small poetry book hid behind the text book rather than of the professors teachings.

They both had similar facial features, blue eyes, round head and small nose they inherited from their mother, and short hair from their father. The thing that separated them was the fact they had differing hair colors, being black and blonde.

"Sister, pay attention! The teacher will notice!" the one with black hair said.

"Dear sister, I believe this isn't much of importance. Just something of an old ma..." she got cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"Miss Sofia!" the teacher in an aggravated tone. Sofia was forced to stand up.

"Can you tell me what we were discussing about?" he asked. She stayed silent, as she struggled to know what the topic was specifically. The teacher then sighed, and gave Lisa the chance to do so.

"We were discussing about the life and times of King Gunther Valline, sir." Lisa confidently responded.

"And what he known for?"

"He was known for being the king who took the throne away from the Callius bloodline to the Valline bloodline in the year 3,943 I.C. He was also the one to change the kingdom's name from it's previous name being the Kingdom of Callicin to the Kingdom of Vallina."

"Very good Princess Lisa. Sit down." Lisa smiled and complied. Sofia was still standing.

"As for you princess Sofia, I want you to meet me afterschool. I will inform you when you should. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." he said, irritated.

The class had dragged on for 2 hours in total before it ended. Lisa and Sofia walked back to their rooms. It they have another class in an about two hours. This was the time to rest and socialize with other parts of royalty.

"Sofia! You need to start paying more attention in class! We just started!"

"How is it any important? Why are they so strict?"

"Because knowing our history is of great importance! I firmly hold the position that knowing the historical knowledge allows us to help relations with other kingdoms and help our family!"

"Is it really more important than that of learning magic? The subject that would allow us to defend ourselves and our people?"

As started arguing, the door struggled to open. On the other side, the voice of a boy was heard. Lisa and Sofia knew who it was. On the other side, the blonde haired boy with a round cheek waited. When the door opened, the two were staring him down.

"Brother Edward, you have been in the academy for about a year, correct?"

"Yes. Can I come in?"

"Oh, Sorry."

Edward walked into the room he shared with his sisters. "Now, what is it that you two want to know."

Lisa spoke up first. "We want to know whether if learning magic is as important as history."

"Is that what was so polarizing that it caused you two to argue about? I never expected such behavior from you two."

"Please answer our question."

"Well, I am sorry to break you the news that even I do not know the answer to your question."

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They both sigh in disappointment.

"Well sister, it appears we unfortunately would have to wait and see."

"If only that older useless brother of ours had at least a little magic. Then at least he could have joined to answer our questions." Lisa remarked. Sofia and Edward nodded in agreement.


A woman with wavy medium long black hair dressed in the royal white gown sat on her golden throne. She was about 40 years old, but appeared significantly younger. On the outside of the throne room were guards stationed to protect the queen. She was currently holding a meeting with the pope of the church.

The pope was a position elected by the sacred crystal.  Legend has it that it had been handed down to humanity by god himself when the demons first arrived, and has been a vital part of society for millennia. The pope, an old bald man dressed in his white silk cassock knelt down in front of the queen.

"Your majesty, we suspect that a new wave of demons are fast approaching. Won't it be beneficial for the people's safety if the knights started to train harder, and have some grain stored for the future?" he asked.

The Queen herself was distracted with a romance novel about rejection. A very tragic tale indeed.

"Your majesty?"

Her brown eyes moved away from the pages to meet with the pope's. She closed the book and finally paid attention.

"Is there?"

"Pardon me, your majesty?"

"The church had claimed to have predicted many demonic waves to destroy the many kingdoms of the continent. Yet we have managed to deal with them with ease for the past century. Why is there a need for such drastic actions?"

"B...But your majesty! This time the crystal experienced a great surge! Surely it would be best to at least do a minimal amount of training?"

"I think not your holiness. Would it be necessary under my protection? Are you doubting me, Queen Rose Valline the I of Vallina, of my abilities to defend my loyal peasants?"

"Of course not your majesty. I just think..."

"Then please watch your world you holiness. If that is all, you are permitted to leave." The pope just nodded and leaves the throne room. She picked back her book again, but her reading was however was once again interrupted. This time by a messenger.

In his hands was a letter, received from the principle himself. He knelt down and handed over the letter, which she grabbed with a small spell. She closed the book, but not before using her bookmark, and started to read the contents of the letter.

It detailed of Sofia's current misdeeds. She had joined up to the academy for about 3 months when she turned ten along with her sister Lisa. The misdeeds all came from the same professor, who complained that she was not listening properly.

Normally, she would ignore such actions from the beginners, but this time it was from the rather resistant Maybale family. She was in an ongoing cold war with them and had a bit of history, especially the current King Danial Maybale and his wrenched wife Malinda Hernfest. Therefor she gave their children 'special' treatment in regards to the academy, along with the others.

She got a maid to call the assistant minister, who dumped everything he was doing to come to her aid with quill and paper in hand. The man was about the queen's age, and a former member of the Dellone Royal family. He was disowned by his family following a scandal and was taken in by Rose.

He did not resist to obey his queen, never asking questions of her actions. Always taking her side in any legislation she would want to place into law, like the good minister he is. He had short brown hair combed up. Though his were a boring brown, his cheek was sleek and masculine.

"What is it my queen?" he asked.

"Minister Nathan Covett. Princess Sofia Maybale seems to have one again shown apathy towards her class. Please come up next to me to help craft me a letter to inform her guardian."

"Yes your highness." While Rose lay out the message she wanted delivered, Nathan gave out suggestions to help amplify it's effectiveness.


Malinda was enjoying herself in the royal garden. She sat on a wooden chair under the garden seating area next to a man with ruby fusion hair combed to the right, along with his coca brown eyes on his round face. His name was Corel Gendelburg, the king of Nexert. Corel, a fan of green, wore his green royal suit for the occasion. On the table were a teapot, cups on top of saucers, and a scrolled map.

They were both waiting for Salvatore Dellone, King of the city of Desmon. She had sent off a letter about 4 days ago, and got a letter back saying he himself will be arriving here today. They have arranged a meeting, to continue their discussions to help in gain influence in the northern region, to fight back against Queen Rose Valline.

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