The Meditations of a Young Woman

Chapter 4: Chapter IV

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The Arena was ridiculously opulent and expansive for something that could only hold around twenty thousand people. The main structure was a colossal glass domed construction with staggered seating areas and booths for the rich and powerful overlooking a pool of water. In the middle of the arena was a raised platform upon which the Pro Bending was done.

The sitting area was dark with the lights focused on the actual bending area making spotting Korra’s face difficult. I settled on stalking around the back of the sitting area trying to identify anyone in water tribe garb as the crowd was focused on the events of the match. There was some confusion on the platform as a pro bender had broken some rule or another but the match started again quickly enough after that.

“The Platypus Bears know a green player when they see one and they are focusing on the brunt of their bending on this poor girl.” Some of the people sat down turned to look at me as I made my way around looking for the misbehaving girl. Finding Korra was going to be difficult and hopefully I would be able to do it before anyone noticed we were gone.

If Tenzin knew she had snuck away convincing him to let her have more freedom in the future would be much more difficult. Reasonably so as the brat certainly did not deserve more freedoms after she had been such a hassle in her training and sneaking out.

Still, she was the Avatar, the most important cultural and political figure in the world, being a positive figure in her formative years was necessary so I could understand some leniency given to her.

“Did that Waterbender just Earthbend?!” What? That can’t be right. I looked over at the pro bending game as a whistle was blown and the referee called a foul. No this has got to be a joke.

“You've gotta be kidding me! She's the Avatar, folks playing in a pro-bending match can you believe that?” How the hell did she manage to join a team!? Did she have no conception about how bad this was for her reputation? She was not even good at the game! I planted my hands on my head and held back a frustrated shout as I ran my fingers though the inch long hair that had grown in.

“The Avatar will be permitted to continue so long as she solely bends water!” They are going to allow it?! I was going to push for so many regulations for this stupid sport! I began to pace up and down forcing myself to use Tenzin’s breathing exercises.

As much as I would love to fly over to that platform and give this idiot a piece of my mind that would also be damaging to not only the Avatar’s reputation but the Air Temple’s reputation to. If the public knew that the Avatar had snuck out to join a team the press would have a field day. I had to wait until Korra was out of the public eye before I dragged her back home.

Trying to prevent Tenzin finding out about this was well out of the window, the only thing that could be worse is if she lost the match. She would firmly cement herself in the public mindset as the Avatar that can’t even compete in a fighting sport.

I made my way over to an empty seat and threw myself down in a bit of a strop. When the match started again the entire enemy team focused Korra down and sent her falling into the water below earning a sympathetic groan from the crowd. Slowly the other two members of the team who likely expected a better performance from the Avatar were forced back and lost the round.

The third and final round started with the Platypus Bears hammering Korra’s co-conspirators into the side of the ring while sending a barrage at Korra. It was effectively the same strategy as before, take out the Avatar then grind down the ‘Bending Brothers’. Korra for her part took being hammered with jets of fire, water and rock and just shrugged off the attacks but was clearly being worn down just like the rest of her team.

Just when she was about to be knocked into the water again, she shifted into the instantly recognisable flowing leaf form Tenzin and I had struggled to hammer into her over the last few weeks. The flowing movements allowing for instant adjustments to incoming attacks and allowing her to avoid the attacks rather than just absorbing them.

The Platypus Bears kept up the pressure but were clearly being tired out from the overly aggressive attempt to knock Korra out of the match and Korra’s teammates pushed out from the side of the ring and began to dismantle the platypus bears sending the entire team into the water as the crowd lost their minds.

Despite loosing the previous two rounds it seems that a knockout of the entire enemy team won the match outright. At least Korra had not utterly embarrassed herself to the public. I slipped out of my seat and marched towards an entrance being guarded by a heavyset man.

“Sorry miss this is the backsta-.”

“Get out of my way! I represent the Air Temple.” I was done wasting my time, Korra and the rest of her team had left the field and were heading backstage and I had to make sure she did not make any more bad decisions today.

“I-I think I need to speak to my manager.” He said holding out his hands as I pushed him aside facing no resistance. “Miss please I could get in trouble!” I ignored his protests and made my way though the back stage of the arena building myself up to give Korra a dressing down she would not soon forget.

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in right now Korra?”

“Tenya!” The cry of surprise when I stormed into a dojo cum gym where the two fire ferret pro benders and Korra where chatting about the game they had won.

“Korra you are out of line. You are coming home now and you will think about what you have done.” One of the pro benders stepped forward holding his hands up.

“Hey wait a moment Korra-.”

“I don’t know who you are but you will shut your mouth and walk away.” My eyes snapped back to Korra. “Korra, now!”

“NO! I-I’m going home later Tenya I am finishing up here… a-and I’m joining the Fire Ferrets permanently.”

“Don’t be ridiculous you are the Avatar and you have a job to do so don’t make this worse for yourself.”

“What so I can stay locked up on that island meditating about how much I can’t Airbend?! In that last match I felt more in tune with the air then I ever felt listening to Meelo snore!”

“It will take time for the teachings to sink in and your frustration at that does not justify leaving the island, alone and fighting in a pro bending match.”

“Oh, come on now miss Airbender lady, who would hurt the Avatar? She is safe with us.” I jabbed a finger at the Earthbender. He was thick set and built like a fridge.

“You let her fight in a game with a four percent mortality rate! You call that safe?”

“Wait, WHAT?! It’s that high!? Mako did you know about this?” Before the Firebender Mako could respond Korra stepped forward to complain about me doing my job and bringing her home.

“You know what! I don’t even need Airbending! I need to learn modern bending using what I am good at! Modern styles of fighting li-.”

“Fighting? Is that what you think you’re learning? It’s a game Korra, with petty rules that a real fight won’t have. The boys beside you? They are entertainers not masters of the bending art.”

“Okay that’s enough! If Korra doesn’t want to go with you then you can’t make her! Get out before I call security!” It was almost effortless to fall to the ground as he reached forward to grab my wrist and sweep his legs before collecting myself again.

“I think you will find I can make her.” I said calmly as he crumpled to the ground. The earth bender gasped and held out his hands.

“Miss Master Air Nomad person mam, please can we talk abou-

“Stop attacking my friends!” Korra shouted, rather unfairly might I add since I had done no such thing.

“Stop hiding behind them and come quietly Korra. I am getting tired of this, it's childish.”

“It’s not just a game and it’s teaching me more than sitting around on Air Temple Island is, I know Tenzin is your father but I thought you would have my back on this.” I scoffed.

“What could have possibly given you the impression I would support any of this? The Air Temple has a responsibility to train you and I have a reputation to uphold! Not to mention how you are tarnishing your own reputation as the Avatar by pretending to be something you are not.” She winced but maintained her defiant expression as I continued. “Do you think this game is going to teach you anything about how to conduct yourself in a real fight? I will say it again, it’s a game, don’t be delusional.” The Firebender finally collected himself and dusted himself down with a scowl.

“How would you know anything about fighting? You spent your whole life on that island getting everything handed to you on a silver platter! You don’t know anything!” There was a gasp from the Earthbender.

“Mako, Airbenders are pacifists, its insensitive to say things like that!” Mako waved his brother off.

“I can just have you both arrested by the White Lotus. But Korra does not seem to learn unless the lesson is hammered home, both of you are to leave or I will use force to restrain you and take the Avatar home.” The bending brothers’ eyes snapped to Korra in a panic as she clenched her fists in frustration.

“Tenya, I don’t want to fight you!” I shook my head and tapped my staff on the ground. A small part of me delighted in the chance to take the aggressive woman down a peg or two. Tenzin’s attempt to be her friend was clearly not working, she needed a more forceful teacher.

“You are under the delusion that you can learn fighting techniques from a game or that your duties as the Avatar extend purely to physical confrontation. Hopefully you will learn something here.” The humiliation of the bending brothers would sever any relationship they had with Korra, getting involved with them was a terrible idea when she had an established occupation to live up to. The three of them got into a fighting stance as the Earthbender rolled his thickly muscled neck.

“Okay so normal pro rules, no hea-.” I ran forward and brought my staff in a wide sweep that caught his legs and sent him sprawling just like his brother. I spun about as Mako responded with a weak jet of flame that I did not even need to use my airbending to avoid.

“These are the modern fighters you think are capable of training an Avatar? What a joke.” I hopped back planting my feet on the Earthbender’s back as he tried to get up and used him as a springboard to propel myself over Korra jabbing my staff into her shoulder to disrupt her Earthbending.

I landed in front of Mako as he tried to close the distance to get into close range for some of the more aggressive Firebending attacks, he was polite enough to only use enough fire to be very painful if he landed any hits on me. I let him get closer and grabbed his wrist, twisting him over me using his own momentum to send him flying at his brother and Korra who stumbled backwards to avoid him. Then I brought my staff around to sweep Korra’s legs before she could recover and collected myself neatly.

“In a real fight you would already be dead. Is this what you have to show for breaking your promise to remain on the island? You are going to admit that you are here because you wanted entertainment. There were no noble intentions here.” The woman in question hopped to her feet in an impressive display of athleticism that was mirrored by the bending brothers as I circled the trio with my staff gliding just over the gym floor.

“Don’t count us out just yet.” Mako said sending a flurry of controlled flames at me that were almost trivial to dance away from. Both of the bending brothers falling into formation around Korra as she sent a trio of earth disks flying towards me far too slowly to reasonably cause more than a nasty bruise, she was likely intending to break apart the disks and then use the earth to restrain me. I quickly moved to intercept one striking it out of the air with my staff and turning it into a cloud of dust before using Airbending for the first time in the fight to send all that dust into the trio.

“Ah my eyes! That’s cheating!” The Earthbender cried out trying to stomp the dust in the air out of the way as I closed the distance and sent all three of them into a mangled heap on the ground using less kind staff attacks then before.

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“There are no rules in a real fight!” It seemed like they still wanted to scrap as I backed away to avoid more fire and gave them time to get back up as I circled them again. “Your role as Avatar requires you to understand all four nations and elements, you will not be spending most of your time fighting and looking at you now, that is a good thing.” Korra began to water bend, the smooth motions giving herself away as she collected material from a nearby trough and allowed it to orbit her as the bending brothers took up formation again.

“Aren’t the Air Nomads meant to represent freedom? Why are you trying to force Korra to stay stuck on that island?” The Firebender shouted probing me with overly telegraphed attacks.

“Korra made a promise that she intended to learn Airbending and not leave the island. It is here and now that she will learn there are consequences for not keeping your word. I am done playing.” I twirled out of the way of clawing ice and blocks of earth. I had to avoid causing any real harm while still beating some sense into the lot of them, I had authority here as one of Korra’s teachers and I had to enforce that authority. I built myself into an ancient dance of the Air Nomads. Every step bringing energy into the stagnant air all around me until the room was filled with a raging torrent of air currents.

The technique was often overlooked as it was considered somewhat of a taboo, it was a relic of a less civilised age and was known as the Air Nomad War Dance. The concept was simple, when the currents of the air around you have so much energy in them it does not take much effort to direct them towards an opponent, allowing an unceasing torrent of attacks from all directions so long as the dance is maintained.

Once I had mastered the technique the disregarded claims of it being purely defensive proved true, it was an oppressive sequence that made earth, water and fire bending almost impossible for the average bender. Its effectiveness was dubious against multiple opponents and I had never gotten a good chance to test it out. It also required so much effort to maintain that it was almost impossible to empower attacks to do more damage and knowing Airbenders that was likely a feature rather than a drawback.

It was simple to manipulate the energetic air to strike out at the trio from all directions, an unceasing barrage that they struggled to defend against. Weak fire extinguished by the tempest, stone shattered by the storm and water sundered with incredible force sending Korra and the brothers staggering about. As I expected they had no idea of what to do in this situation and I had effectively rendered them helpless as I battered at them.

The brothers collapsed from the oppressive strikes, worn down and exhausted as Korra endured managing to defend herself now and then with a truly impressive grasp of defensive earth and water bending. Still her attempts to strike out again and again amounted to nothing her face defiant and full of rage. Yes, this was for the best, she had to lose that pride and be humbled. She drew her body inwards letting her core steady herself as she tried to bend the earth but she could find no stability. She swung her arms forward in a desperate attack but her flames were extinguished by the storm. She tried to whip the water and ice towards me but she was desperate and I scattered the attempt with ease.

I must admit I was dumbfounded when she twirled away from the next few attacks, the fury and desperation on her face replaced with focus as she began to notice the pattern I drew from, turning away from the attacks before throwing herself forward. She punched towards me in a wide swing again as I prepared to scatter whatever fire she summoned.

I was sent staggering back instead when a focused current of air was slammed into my side. The storm was disrupted and quickly settled as Korra’s hands covered her mouth, the bending brothers staring in shock at me as I clutched the bruised ribs. With the dance disrupted the currents of air stagnated and calmed, everyone staring at Korra in shock.

“I CAN AIRBEND!” Korra shouted in glee as I considered just how hard I was going to hit her with my stick. I walked forward with that very intention when a voice called out.

“Y-you did it!” My attention snapped towards Tenzin standing at the entrance of the gym looking at the carnage in the room.

“Father! When… How did you know we were here?” I had hoped to drag Korra back home before Tenzin found out and banned Korra from ever going to the arena again. Considering she had revealed herself as the Avatar to the entire city while engaging in a pro bending match I expected him to find out eventually of course.

“The white lotus guards were listening to the radio when they heard the Avatar was playing in a match.” He glared at Korra who looked guilty as the pro bending co-conspirators began to stood up. “I never expected to see you training with them Tenya, nor would I have ever expected this method to bear fruit.” Training? He must have only seen the tail end of the fight.

“I am sorry Tenzin, Tenya…” Korra began. “I know it’s not excusable but I got so frustrated at my lack of progress that I lost sight of everything you were both doing to help me learn. I was wrong to do this behind your back but I actually managed to Airbend!” Tenzin nodded as I felt my knuckles turn white from the strain of my grip on my staff. She had some gall to suddenly expect to avoid any consequences.

“It seems this was the perfect environment for you Korra, I am so proud o-.”

“Stop!” I shouted, my hands balled into fists as I approached the group spouting nonsense. “Korra put her life in danger coming here, she lied about coming to the island and she refused to come back home when I gave her an order! No minor progress in airbending makes up for her dishonesty!”


“No father, I will not tolerate her actions today. What good is an Avatar who can’t keep her word!?” Korra looked more pained by that then all the times I had struck her this evening.

“You're right.” She whimpered her eyes tearing up. “I am so sorry Tenya. I should have listened to you when you said that I was learning but it would take time.”

“Sir?” My eyes snapped to the Firebender and he flinched at my glare. “Korra is an incredible bender and I think there is a lot she can learn from pro bending, she has been talking about how hard she found your Airbending training before but she was using those moves in the ring and it was incredible.”

“She has snuck out before!?” I glared at Korra as she shrunk back but Tenzin placed a hand on my shoulder.

“I see I have made a mistake, I thought she had conspired with you to do this Tenya.” Is he serious? Why would I let her sneak out!

“I uh, did kind of promise I would join the Fire Ferrets permanently.” Korra said as Tenzin sighed.

“Korra, you need to learn when the right time to make a promise like that is… But as Tenya said, what good is an Avatar who does not keep to her word?” Her eyes lit up as Tenzin displayed his soft underbelly to the misbehaving student once again.

“I can’t believe I can Airbend!” Korra cheered again before throwing herself into a simple stance only for nothing to happen. “WHAT! I just did it! Come on Airbend!” I crossed my arms and felt a smug smile grace me.

“I told you, it will take time, you won’t suddenly master Airbending you need to be patient.” Tenzin nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“The results speak for themselves however, with Tenya’s help you have taken another step on that journey, I have been trying to train Korra using conventional methods but you understood that Korra might not respond to that. It's time I accept that you are just as much a master as I am, from now on we will share the responsibility for training Korra evenly between us. That way you can keep an eye on Korra when she trains here.” Eh! Why did I have to babysit her! He lent forward to whisper in my ear. “Pema and I are glad you made a good friend, I am sure you will be a fine influence on Korra.” Now he was trying to strike my ego to make me WANT the responsibility?! I was the one who coached him on doing that with Tarrlok!

“Fine.” I sighed, if he was going to make the absurd decision to let her play in pro bending matches, we did need to keep an eye on her while she did that. Korra was clearly frustrated with dealing with the heavy-handed white lotus so pushing the job onto me was… Reasonable, I did not like it but currently my workload was incredibly light with only performing minor chores and managing the Temple finances with Pema. Tenzin had overloaded his workload by taking Korra on as a student while he was needed in the council so this might simply be a case of him realising, he needed to delegate some of that workload.

“But if I ever catch you doing something like this again without my express permission Korra!”

“I know, I know. I won’t hide anything from you anymore Tenya.” Like I would believe her, still pushing the issue now would make me look unreasonable in the face of the support Tenzin had offered her. Honestly, he was his own worst enemy with how soft he was.

“Airbending takes priority over your… Hobby.” I glared at Mako and his brother as Korra sheepishly agreed.

“Wow I am glad we cleared that up! Huh, its so cool to meet actual Airbenders.” The Earthbender walked towards me with an earnest smile that was somewhat of a surprise after the number of times I had whacked him with my staff. I could still feel the resonant shock in my wrist. “That was so cool even when it actually seemed like you were trying to hurt us there for a bit and the uh, grinning while hitting me with a stick was not exactly what I expected from an Air Nomad but what do I know am I right?” He offered his hand to me. “Bolin, pleased to meet you Air Master miss.”


“Ah like Tenzin, Tenya. That an Airbender thing? The names kinda rhyme?”


“Right! Right yeah of course. Of course.” He clasped his hands together to look at me while I did my best to maintain a peaceful expression. I looked at Korra.

“Time for bed.”

“… Okay, the training timetable for the Fire Ferrets is early tomorrow morning anyway.” I had to get up early too! I was regretting not kicking up a bigger fuss about this more and more. Wait why was she so resistant to going home with me if she needed to train early tomorrow anyway? It was like she was just being difficult for the sake of it! Korra said her goodbyes to her new teammates and joined Tenzin and myself as we left the Arena heading towards a side jetty where some members of the White Lotus were waiting with a speedboat, I was unaware we had.

I sat down in the boat next to Korra and we were underway a moment later.

Of course, Korra took the opportunity to elbow me in the rib making me hiss in pain.

“Tenya. What’s wrong?” I rolled my arm to test it and now that I was too tired to be all that angry I was sure I had a cracked rib from Korra’s miraculous airbending.

“It’s nothing, just a rib, it will heal.” I shifted a bit away from Korra so she would not elbow me again, simply dulling the pain or healing myself was not an option in this life. Korra reached into the passing water pulling up a fair amount of the element.

“Here.” She lifted the side of my cloak and pressed her hand against my ribs and letting freezing sea water soak into the clothes. I let out a shout of surprised that was significantly less dignified than I wanted but Korra used her free hand to wrap around my waist and prevent me from pulling away from her as the pain in my side began to give way to a soothing warmth. “I learnt healing from Katara herself, before Airbending it was the hardest thing I ever did.”

“Thank you.” I said but she shook her head looking at me in the eyes.

“I hurt you in the first place… You were right when you said you got angry, I never expected it.” She let out a little laugh as she began to pull the water out of my clothes. “Katara would get angry at me too sometimes, but she always wanted me to get better. I know I can be hard to get along with.” That did not surprise me much, my grandmother had a will of iron buried under all that kindness.

“It’s okay.” I spoke softly holding back a yawn as the fuzzy sensation of healing pressed upon my fatigue of the day even more. “You just have to be careful in the city… We restricted you to the island for your own safety. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” So much effort had been put into the Avatar, I had no doubt that there were people who wanted that effort to amount to nothing.

“Thanks, Tenya.” She still had her hand around my waist and pulled me closer showing again her lack of respect for personal space. I could not find the energy to chastise her as she let out a yawn herself, the gentle motions of the speedboat likely would have forced my eyes closed if it were not for the loud drone of the engine even at a moderate speed.

Well, I could at least rest my eyes for a little bit, it was going to be a little while before we reached the island anyway.

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