The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 30: -30- Completed Feelings

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Tuesday morning began much like Monday did.  I made sure my phone alarm was set so I didn’t dare oversleep.  Chigusa occupied the spot on my shoulder meant for my wife, and I was not pleased with the thoughts that ran through my mind.

It was exacerbated by what Chigusa did upon waking as well.

“Good morning, hubby~”

Not Shota, not ex-boyfriend… She called me hubby.

“…good morning, Chigusa.”

I wasn’t able to say it back to her, because not once did I forget Mayuri-san was my wife.  No matter how debauched it became, I always kept my wife in my heart, as a punishment and safeguard for all I was doing with Chigusa.

My wife was my pillar of strength.

It was so fucked up to use Mayuri-san in such a way, but I had to.  Otherwise I might have fallen to Chigusa’s seduction.  I have to be thankful of my wife’s superior ability in the bedroom, otherwise I might seriously be in trouble here!

After the morning regimen of kissing, she reluctantly got dressed for school and made breakfast along with bentos for us.  It wasn’t to the level of Mayuri-san’s, but it wasn’t a flag bento either.

We left home, Chigusa firmly attached to me, and went to school for the day.  Raita asked me what was up, since apparently I looked like a fox in a henhouse, whatever that meant.

I kept the fact that Chigusa and I had done anything a secret from him, but she behaved ever more shamelessly feeding me in class.  She was a lot closer and more physical with me than before.  Honestly my image had been shit in class since the day we verbally sparred about my infidelity to her, but surprisingly no one was giving me any derrogatory looks.  

We were a couple in everyone’s eyes, and there was nothing I could do to change the public opinion.  Chigusa even took the opportunity to show off the ring I purchased for her, instantly catapulting my reputation amongst the women.

So a cheating bastard who gets his girl a popular accessory is forgiven just like that?  The impression I had that women are scary creatures was only further reinforced.  Chigusa had changed somewhat, becoming more approachable by the girls in my classroom during lunch, and her popularity soared further.

Well, as long as she was happy as a result, it didn’t matter.

Just so long as she didn’t try and cross the line, and that the last time we’d do anything would be on Friday morning.

After school, I cut my time at the club in half at Chigusa’s request, since every moment I wasn’t at home was stealing her precious time with me.

Kuro-chan was the only person in the know once again, and she was surprised at the course of action I took.

“Are you sure you’re okay with doing this kind of thing, senpai?”

I could only shake my head.  I also thought it was a terrible idea, and still do.  But it’s the only way to clear the feelings we have.  We have to get what we can out, so it can be settled between us.  Chigusa has to let go of the fantasy that we can be something together, because I love my wife, and that’s that.

“Well, good luck.  If it all goes to shit, I’ll be here for you!”

Kuro-chan was a dangerous existence too.  I expected to be scolded by her, but she only cared about my mental well-being.  She knew I didn’t have the same feelings for Chigusa that I did for Mayuri-san.  She did offer me some advice though.

“Just skip club this week.  Take her out and give her the full girlfriend experience.  Make it so there’s no regrets left to have… that’s what I think you should do at least, since you can’t do that.”

By that, she of course meant intercourse.

Taking her advice to heart, even though she has never admitted to being in a relationship, I valued her opinion, as she was the kind of girl who consumed relationship novels and smut like it was a sugary drink.

Back home, the moment I got in, Chigusa was quick to get into the mood, and we began defiling each other all over the house much in the same manner Mayuri-san and I had that day she walked in on us.

“Nee, Chigusa.  Would you like to go out on some more dates during the rest of the week?”

“Un, I’d like that a lot!”

However, that wouldn’t be the case until tomorrow.

Incidentally, when I asked Chigusa this question, she was in the same position on the couch Mayuri-san was the day we went at it.  I wasn’t giving Chigusa a mating press, but her legs were up over her head and I was face-diving inside of her sweet gyaru honeypot.

Since we lived in a house, Chigusa could be as loud as she wanted.  And she was at times, though she did explain why she was acting in such a way.

“Because it’s fun.  Don’t you like it?”

Chigusa said that it’s not like she had any specific desire to get vocal, but doing it turned her on, and she knew it turned me on as well.  

She wasn’t wrong.  

“Advice from a friend?” I asked, expecting her delinquent friends to be behind that erudite sexual knowledge.

“Hmm… I just figured mom did it for a reason.  She wasn’t all that vocal with dad when they did it.”

“So it’s because of Mayuri-san?”

“Yeah.  But I mean… guys don’t want their woman to just be quiet and just take it, right?”

I hadn’t considered it, but it made a great deal of sense.  Having a girl express vocally that she was enjoying the physical part gave an excessive amount of confidence to the man, in this case, me, that he wasn’t doing a bad job.

But was not doing a bad job one of my aims?

I mean, I am trying to detract from the experience for Chigusa… but perhaps just going all out is the better course of action?  She’s clearly giving it her all with her sexual appeal, as well as trying to fill the role of my wife while she is gone.

She’s a long way from being Mayuri-san, but if I remove my wife from the equation, Chigusa’s pretty endearing considering how she used to be.  Yet, I wonder if Mayuri-san wasn’t in the picture, would I be eating take-out every night in fear of the crunch rice disaster which happened when Chigusa first tried her hand to show off her domestic side?

It’s clear that Chigusa’s personality had undergone some kind of change due to Mayuri-san being here alongside her.

We took a call from my wife together, and I was happy to hear her sounding upbeat.  Mayuri-san also had her phone on speaker and I was introduced to Manako-san.

“So you’re the one to let my precious sister experience marriage.”

“Hi auntie!” Chigusa chimed in.

“Hello Chi-chan!  Is everything well with you?”

“Yup!  Studying hard, hoping to get into college maybe!”

“Oh, having a family member make it into college would be a wonderful thing.”

As it turns out, none of the Hanazono women have attended college, not the two sisters or their mother.  They were destined to be housewives.

“Well, I’m not the best at doing stuff around the house, so I figure I should at least contribute financially.”

“Well, go at your own pace.  To tell the truth, I’m not half as capable as Mayuri is.”

“Yeah, mom is a monster housewife.”

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“She really is…  three kids are nothing for her!  I’m surprised she never had more than you.  Perhaps that might change in the future… are you prepared to be an Onee-chan?”

Chigusa laughed.

“I’m already eighteen, I’d be more of an auntie than an onee-chan if mom ever has any more!”

While they laughed, Manako directed a question at me.

“So, brother-in-law, I would like to apologize for stealing your wife away for so long right after you got married.”

“Think nothing of it, Manako-san.  I know the importance of having a family, and so does Mayuri-san.  I hope you recover well and don’t overwork yourself too much.”

“I appreciate the sentiment.  I’ll be sure to return her to you safely.”

Manako-san excused herself and Mayuri-san returned to the call.

“Is everything going well over there?”

“It’s going… I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too.  Remember if it gets to be too much, you can…”

“Please… don’t say it.”

I couldn’t tell her just yet.  Not until she came back.

“Don’t worry mom.  Shota’s made it clear I’m not any kind of substitute for you.” Chigusa declared.

“I… see.”

“Still on track to return Friday?” 

“Yes.  Everything is going well here… Manako will be having a part-time housekeeper come in so she can alleviate some of the burden she has.  I helped get the children onto a new schedule that she only has to keep up.”

“Are you… two sharing the same bed?”

I hesitated in answering, but did anyway.

“I’m sorry, Mayuri-san”

“I told you it’s fine, Shota-kun.  I’m sure Chigusa appreciates it more than you think.”

“Still, I wish it was you there.”

“It will be soon, darling.  I’ll be back home to fatten you up and keep you nice and warm soon enough.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it!”

We ended the phone call and I sighed.  I hated keeping what was going on a secret from her… but I didn’t want to cause Mayuri-san to worry more and have something happen to keep her from returning.

Chigusa was neutral about the call, not showing anger than I continually showed my desire to have my wife back over my ex-girlfriend who was here for me.

Dinner was something simple again, a store-bought hamburger steak meal, which Chigusa easily made.  When a microwave is involved, she’s much more capable.

We ate together in the living room, and then resumed our intimacy, with Chigusa sitting on my lap as I suckled on her breasts for a drink of milk that was never forthcoming.  She sat on my lap atop my raging erection which slipped out of my boxers, and once more found it’s way to her entrance.

I was really worried, but Chigusa was calm.

“There’s nothing wrong with it just saying hello.  They used to be lovers, just like we are.”

I noticed she used are, instead of were.

But she never pressed down on the issue.

We just kissed and enjoyed the skinship with each other.  We cleaned up and went to bed, Chigusa getting a much desired fingering from me as she jerked my off while we kissed.

Spent from Tuesday, Wednesday came at last, and along with it, the usual morning kiss, a morning shower together with her, a missed breakfast because she was rushing to make the bentos, and a boring day at school.

After school, on Kuro-chan’s advice, Chigusa and I went straight out on a date.  We caught a different movie, we played around at the local arcade, and we did some print club stuff before stopping off to eat.

Chigusa and I went to eat some Korean food, and I learned how much she enjoyed spicy food.  She was in a lovey-dovey mood, and once we got back home, I found myself taking her from behind and sliding myself between her thighs which squeezed me tightly.

“Shota, wait.”

She pulled off her panties and put them on my head.

“The date was wonderful… I wanted you to know that.  You are everything to me, and every king needs his crown.”

After that we continued, and couldn’t stop until late into the night.

Thursday came, and once more we went out, visiting an aquarium and then stopping off to eat some premium sushi.  Chigusa had a great time once more, with the last place we stopped at being a coffee shop nearby that sold some cakes she liked.

The last night we shared was a sweet and messy one, as the frosting was not eaten as it should have been.  It was smeared over her body–and mine.  We took our time licking each other clean, and then licking each other past that, then taking a bath again, only to end up doing more licking.

But it got to a critical point again, where Chigusa mounted me.

“I love you, Shota.  Will you really not make love to me, just once?  I’m ready… I can handle it this time.”

I had no doubt it was the truth.  I had no doubt I could be inside of her and make her feel pleasure instead of pain.  But the person in pain would have been me.

Chigusa might have pushed it further, except for one thing.  My own tears.  The ones which came when I truly believed I couldn’t say no to her if she went all the way this time.  The tears which sapped my strength and wouldn’t let me throw her off if she did.

Chigusa reached down and adjusted me to a safe place.

She got me off along with herself, and then entwined her legs with my own and remained at my side.

“I will always love you, Shota.  I’ll find a way into your heart again.  I promise.”

It was the only promise I never wanted her to make.  Because she already had found a way in, and that was the most damning thing of all. Friday morning came at last, and with it, the last round of kisses and intimacy I should ever have with Chigusa ever again.

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