The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 7: -07- Preparations

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It was now officially halfway through summer break for me.  I was into my fourth week of summer break and another lazy Wednesday had arrived.  I headed downstairs this morning only to overhear Mayuri-san yelling at someone on her phone.  It was the first time I had heard her voice raised in anger since the night I met her.

“It’s not my problem!  Do whatever you want, I can’t do anything for you anyway, I don’t live there anymore!”

I saw her standing outside with the porch door open and talking on the phone while she smoked her morning cigarette.

“Like I said, that’s got nothing to do with me.  You need to take that up with those two!”

I felt like a sneak listening in, but hearing Mayuri-san being upset was something that concerned me.

“Don’t you have a new boyfriend yet?  …No?  Why not get back with your ex, then?  Didn’t you say he always treated you good?  Well, weren’t you the one who told me you liked him and you felt bad about breaking up not too long ago?  Anyway, I’m busy and you never bother to call me unless you want me to clean up your mess.  It’s high time you figured out how to do it on your own for a change!”

She pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the screen repeatedly with her finger to end her call.  I wasn’t old enough to have used one, but I hear the older generation used to slam the receivers of the old fashioned land line phones down when they got frustrated at the end of a call to vent their anger.

Slamming a smart phone down anywhere would be a terrible idea, even with a protective case.  I guess the best you can do in this day and age is just tap angrily at it?

“Mayuri-san, is everything okay?” I called out to her from just outside the kitchen.

She turned around, startled at my voice.

“Oh, Shota-kun!  Were you listening?”

I shook my head.

“It was just the last few things you said… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”

She put her phone back in her pocket.

“It’s fine…” She said, though I got the impression it was not fine at all.

“I won’t ask you to tell me about your personal affairs, but if it there is a situation where I might be able to help, please tell me if I can offer you any assistance at that time.”

“If it comes to anything like that, I’ll let you know.  The person on the other end of that call was my daughter.  It seems my ex has pretty much moved the girl he was cheating on me with into his house now according to her, and those two girls had a bit of an argument earlier.”

“Oh?  It wasn’t about you, I hope?”

“Hah!  I’m already old news.  No.  My daughter, who only seems to need me anymore when there’s a problem that needs fixing, was asked to leave the house by his new woman.  Of course, my ex wasn’t around to hear my daughter be told this by that home wrecker, so he doesn’t believe it at all.  But well, when you consider her father has a new lover just a couple years older than she is, living in the same house together with that person is bound to cause friction.”

“Oh, is she going to be okay?”

Mayuri-san waved her hand a few times in a circle.  Smoke coiled up into the air and she seemed ambivalent about it.  

“She’s eighteen and hasn’t even begun to take life seriously, Shota-kun.  Now that the shit is hitting the fan for her and mommy isn’t there to take care of it, she came crying to me as usual even though it’s not my business anymore.  Would you believe she didn’t even know her father and I split until last night, and it was only just this morning she decided to call me asking where I was and what the new woman was doing there?  It also seems that she had some trouble with a new guy she was supposed to be interested in and went home to complain to me about him, only to find out everything that’s happened at that time.”

“Ah… that is a bit of a complicated matter, isn’t it?”

“Not at all.  I doubt her father would just throw her out, however that won’t change that his new lover and her probably won’t ever get along.  Can you imagine calling someone close to your own age, mother?”

I laughed.  “Yeah, that would be a bit much…”

“Besides, the last thing I want is my daughter coming to visit here.  After all, you might find her more attractive than me, and then where will I go?” She said it in a half teasing voice mixed with a pout.

I slid in behind her and sat her down along with myself, wrapping my arms around her waist.  Mayuri-san was a pleasure to hold in my arms, and I wanted to console her if I could.

“That is definitely not going to happen… unless she’s got you beat on cooking and cleaning.” I joked, making sure my voice carried along with it that it was only a joke!

“Then I’m OK!” She said, raising her hands into a circle shape over her head.  “I think the only thing she can reliably do is wash the clothes, but that’s only because I had to show her how since I wasn’t going to wash fifty loads of her clothes just because she tried them on once and left them on her floor to get wrinkled up.”

I laughed, imagining a pretty lazy daughter she has.

“She sounds absolutely charming.”  I said, dripping with sarcasm.

“Ugh, I don’t know where she learned such reprehensible behavior.  Up until middle school she was such a well behaved young lady.  I think it was when she made some idiot friends who were a bad influence that she seemed to change practically overnight.”

I kissed Mayuri-san on the neck and hugged her tight.

“Is there anything you want to do today that will cheer you up?” I asked her, wanting her to feel better.

“Un.  I want to get shit-faced and squeeze you dry.”

She wasn’t even trying to tease me with her words right then, she just came out and said it directly.

“Mm… okay.” I agreed.

I think I was finally ready to take that next step with Mayuri-san.  I don’t know exactly how far to go with her, but I’m sure we could do something more than just snuggle.

“Really?” She said, craning her head back to me.

“Sure.  Now that I know Mayuri-san also interested in me and that she’s not forcing herself to do anything she doesn’t want to, I don’t see why not.  But…”  I dug deep for some special courage inside me to ask, “would you wear that black see-through thing you had on from last time?”

“Oh, you like me in black?”  Her eyebrows raised.

“I don’t know how to say this right… but it was like, a huge turn on.”

They say less is more, but that amount of clothing was the perfect amount to get me into the mood.

“Ufufufu~  Then I’ll do myself up nice and pretty for you tonight, and make you fall for me completely!”

“Ou!  If you can get any lovelier, then I’ll be looking forward to it.”

She put her hand over mine after that, clueless to the fact that I already had fallen for her completely.

“Shota-kun… don’t turn me down this time, okay?” She said with an intonation that was a bit more somber.

“I won’t.” I answered her.


“I promise.  I… also want to be with you, Mayuri-san.”

“Shota-kun… I’ll make you happy.”

“You already do.”

It was all lovey-dovey with us for a while after that, and the biggest issue coming to mind at the moment was the matter of protection.  I didn’t exactly have any condoms in the house, and I’m not always an idiot.  Even if a woman says it’s her safe day, there’s always a risk.

“Do you need some money to do your beer shopping today?” I reached in my pocket for my wallet and pulled out a substantial amount of money. “Here.”

I handed over some money to Mayuri-san.

“Shota-kun… this is a lot of money!”

“It’s yours.  I don’t want you to feel like you don’t have anything that’s yours, or can’t get something you want without having to ask me first.  I don’t think that’s right, especially with you taking care of me as well as you do… plus, now that we’re dating, I need to take care of you too, right?”

She held the money out in her hand, then put it to her chest for a moment.

“I’ll use it responsibly.” She said, sounding like an adult.

“Just don’t spend it all on beer, okay?” I tried to say it in a manner that wasn’t condescending.

“I’m not that reckless a drinker!”

I laughed.  Her reply removed the adult feel from her only moments before.  Mayuri-san loves to cut loose and drink every few days.

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“Also… I was wondering if while you were out… if um… you could pick up some protection… for tonight.”

She folded the bills and put them in her pants pocket.

“Thinking responsibly?”

I was.

“I’m pretty sure you are still young enough to get pregnant again, but wouldn’t that burden you if it were to happen?  Even if we have only started going out, I want… to be responsible.”

She nodded.

“That’s true.  It’s not a safe day for me, either…”

We were both on the same page there at least.

“Hmm, how about I pick up something in an ultra thin style, so you can get the most enjoyment out of it?”

“I’ll trust your expertise on this.”

“Un, leave it to me!”

I had given her 50,000 yen in total, which might have been a significant sum to her to hold freely, I don’t know, but it was only about one tenth of what I earn every month from writing.  I am somehow doing really well for myself, and it really wasn’t that big of a deal parting with that much cash.

Outside of smaller amounts like a measly 5,000 yen I gave her on occasion to do light shopping and the like for the house, I hadn’t really thought too deeply about her financial situation.  She was living with me here, but had next to no luck finding a part time job in all her time here.  It wasn’t that she didn’t try, the economy is just still working it’s way back to normal at a slow pace.

I figure this way, if she sees something she likes, she can get it.  If it costs more than that, I’d like to be consulted about it anyway.  I think it was a fair decision on my part.  I had thought about paying her something for her time, or giving her some kind of allowance or spending money while she stayed with me, but couldn’t find the right moment to bring it up, and the last thing I wanted was for her to think I was treating her like some delivery health woman.  

Usually I took her out a few times a week to give her a break from cooking at least one meal, and didn’t want to keep her feeling like she was a prisoner here.  I don’t know exactly what her home life was like with her ex, but I wanted to give her some kind of normalcy, stability, and freedom now that she was freely dating me.

And, if things don’t work out between us, I wasn’t planning on asking for the money back.  I’d rather she use it to help herself find a place or something like she originally intended.

Mayuri-san went off to do her shopping a little later on, while I tried to psych myself up for tonight.  The most important thing I did was head to the family altar and pray to mom and dad.

“Mom… Dad… Mayuri-san and I are going to further our relationship, so will you please give us your blessing?  I really do like her, and want her to be happy…  I think if you met her, even though you’d worry about the situations we are in, I’m sure you’d still think she’s a lovely woman.  I at least… am pretty sure I love her.”

I lit two incense sticks and let them burn down in the holder.

In my head with my eyes closed, a vision of my ex-girlfriend decided to appear at that moment.  She was absolutely nothing like Mayuri-san in terms of personality.  She was selfish to the core and obsessed with making herself seem more mature by dating me.  She always wanted to be taken out to trendy cafés or order in pizza, and it was actually a bit of a pain to be with her because well… I didn’t feel like we connected at all emotionally.

I felt like I was being used, but it was better than being alone.

Anything was better than being alone!

However, now that I had Mayuri-san in my life,  I felt like it was what my first relationship with a woman should have been like.  She is caring, doting, relaxed, and fun.  She’s everything I could think about wanting in a partner.  The only real issue was our age difference, and that wasn’t something that bothered me in the slightest at the moment, nor was the fact that she also had a daughter.

I’d be a real shitty person to demand a woman her age to have had no life experience, and from what I could tell it was all the experience she had living life already that made her the kind and wonderful woman that she is to me.

Mayuri-san was a bit late in getting back from the store, but she had bought a few extra things and missed taking the earlier bus.  I don’t own a car that I could have picked her up in, mainly because I didn’t know much about them and would have rather gotten one used for cheap than buy an expensive new one and hardly ever use it.

I mean, I mostly stayed at home and school wasn’t far enough away to justify driving there even if I had one.  For that matter, I don’t even know if Mayuri-san can drive.  Maybe I should consider that a future purchase?

“I’m home!” She called out cheerily when she walked in the front door.

I helped her bring the groceries into the kitchen, and we began putting them away.  She didn’t just get beer, she also picked up some food for the next few days.

“How about tomorrow night we have Sukiyaki?” She suggested.

Those words sounded great.  Sukiyaki was a bit of work, cooking all that food for just the two of us.  We ended up eating half the first day she cooked it during the first week she stayed with me, and the other half the next day.

“I also picked up what you wanted.”

In her hand was a package of ultra thin condoms.  It was a black box with a cellophane wrap around it.

“I have it on good advice that this is the best brand.  You aren’t allergic to latex are you?”

I shook my head.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not?”  I was pretty sure because I do have a box of latex gloves for the sake of cleaning and sorting trash.

“Good.  I picked up a big package, just in case we don’t want to get out of bed in the morning~♡“

Exactly how much was she planning to do with me?

I hugged her tightly in the kitchen then and there.

“Shota-kun?  Is something the matter?”

Without letting her go, I opened up my feelings a little to her.

“I just can’t believe that we’re… there already.”

“Are you nervous?” She asked in a calm voice.

“Maybe a little.  Mayuri-san is so beautiful, and it’s not like I haven’t thought about doing this with you, but… I’m also a bit worried.”


“Well, Mayuri has… had plenty of sex before, right?  I’m worried I might not live up to your expectations.”

“Ufufufu~  You aren’t the only one worried about that, you know?”  She said as she hugged me back, rubbing my back as well.

“Eh?  Why?”

“I’m an old woman, Shota-kun.  My body isn’t exactly young and springy anymore.  I know Shota-kun likes my breasts, but you still haven’t seen the rest of my body completely.  Even I have some insecurities about showing it all… to you.”

“There’s no way I would dislike your body, Mayuri-san!  But it’s not just your body I am interested in.  There’s no one I’d rather be intimate with than you!  I’ve never felt more at peace than when you are sleeping with me at night.  I… so many times I just wanted to…”

“Thank you.” She said softly into my ear.

“For what?”

“For your words.  For taking care of me, and making me feel appreciated every day I’ve been here.  I really want to make you happy, Shota-kun.”

“Me too.  I want to make Mayuri-san happy too.  I want to make plenty of happy memories with you, and take away any sadness you have left, even if it’s impossible right now.”

“Then work hard tonight, young man!” She said, patting me on the back a little harder than normal.



Mayuri-san started preparing dinner, and I sat in the living room on my tablet quickly looking for advice on how to please an older woman.  There were plenty of articles from young men in a similar position, and all of them said the same thing.

「Just let her lead, and hold on for as long as you can.」

Should I be worried!?

It wasn’t helpful at all!

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