The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 82: -17- Kuro-chan’s Confession

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~~** Tachibana Shota’s Point of View **~~


“Uwaah~♥” Kuro-chan’s eyes were sparkling at the monstrosity before her eyes.

On the table before us was a giant glass… thing. It looked like some oversized decorative wine glass and it was filled with what looked like cake and ice cream along with pudding and a number of interesting toppings in layers. It came with three spoons and my stomach alone was queasy just from the sight.

How much sugar was in this parfait, anyway?

Such concerns must have been trivial, for both of my dates simultaneously said itadakimasu quickly and dove in with their utensils, taking their first bites and squealing in delight at how good it tasted.

“This is so frickin’ yum!” Chigusa said while holding her hand against her cheek.

Kuro-chan did something similar as well. She looked quite happy enjoying this treat. As for me, I went in for a bite, but found two spoons aimed at my face, loaded with vanilla ice cream, a quarter of a strawberry, and chocolate syrup.

“Senpai, say ahhh~”

She looked eager to feed me a bite, and when I cast a sidelong glance at Chigusa, she gave me a slight nod and a wink. Did she want me to choose Kuro-chan’s spoonful?

Well, she did say it was basically our kouhai’s first Christmas-type date, and it’s not like I had a real reason to refuse it. So I opened my mouth to let her deposit the sweet confection onto my tongue.


I happen to like ice cream from time to time, there’s certainly some in the freezer at home, but something as over the top as a parfait definitely had its own allure as a treat on a date. Plus, it’s not like I mind being fed ice cream by a cute girl.

Yes, Kurone is cute. She’s not as tall as Chigusa or I, but she has a slender body, black hair that suits her, and a small face that makes her seem younger than she should be. I could talk about the other parts of her body, but they don’t interest me. I like her as a friend, but I’m not even thinking about her in a sexual kind of way.

I’m satisfied with what I have already.

I have an absolutely stunning woman in Mayuri-san, and now with the addition of Chigusa as an official lover and part of our marriage, I would be an absolute fool to want anything more. I’m not a Casanova-type, after all. I only wanted to be a good and monogamous husband to my wife, like my father was to my mother. That was my truest goal…

However, now that dream is gone. The moment I acquiesced to Mayuri-san’s sober request to include Chigusa, something which could not have been easy to do, considering her personality and track record, and codependency on alcohol, I had to deal with how this would affect myself as well.

And it took a while. Internal conflict isn’t easy to overcome when you are deeply in love. It’s not like this was me just acquiring two sex friends. This was me betraying my own principles on what I believed love was.

But I found the answer thanks to Mayuri-san’s jealousy, and only further confirmed it earlier today with some help from a rival author.

The answer… was so stupidly simple, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Would you girls like to try something fun?” I said with a confident tone, and mischievous smile.

“Fun, senpai?”

I nodded.

“Kuro-chan, will you please feed our Chigusa here, a bite of that parfait?”


Chigusa looked at me cautiously, not knowing what I was up to. She accepted the bite Kuro-chan offered, and when the spoon was removed from her lips, I pulled her close to me and kissed her, sliding my tongue in her mouth and assisted in the savoring and melting of the sweet ice cream.

Then I pulled away, and licked my lips.

“Your kiss was delicious, Kuro-chan.” Delivering her a discreet smirk.

Chigusa’s cheeks were flushed after that.

“You totally cheated, Shota!” she faux-complained in a cute way.

Kuro-chan, meanwhile, was also joining Chigusa in turning pink after that exchange.

The answer to my problems was confidence. Or rather, the lack of confidence that I had with the both of them. It was what Yorugata-sensei explained was the secret to her happiness.

「I remember the first time I met my Kouta. I thought it was destiny, you know? I thought Kamisama sent that person into my life without a doubt and I seduced him, even though he was younger than me. What really did it for me though was his confidence. I wrapped my legs around his head and pulled him into me. He could have broken out, I’m a tiny girl in real life, and he was certainly strong enough to do so. He had another woman he loved at the time, but even risking all that he had with her, when the opportunity presented itself, he pushed forward. He dove in and pleased me, and when I thought I might have fucked up, he showed me his gentleness too. It was his confidence and gentleness, and his ability to accept responsibility that made it so I could never be happy without him. That’s why I know I’ll always be happy by his side. I don’t need to be his wife, in fact, I’m happier as his mistress. I was the first one out of all his lovers to bear his child. To me, my place is the most secure because of it. That, and I stole half of his virginity first before his wife…」

I will show Chigusa that I am confident in my love for her and Mayuri-san. No one else will come between us. I will take all the responsibility and learn how to satisfy them both as my wives.

Chigusa should be the easier target. I think she’s the closest fit to Yorugata-sensei in this situation. As long as she knows I love her, she will be happy. For Mayuri-san… that’s going to be the tricky part. Because she has to take responsibility too, I just need to show her she doesn’t have to worry.

Because she’s my legal wife. That’s her place of honor in my heart, and in my life. And if the legal wife approves of the mistress, then that’s that. I simply need to reform the regret she has.

“Shota, you’re making a strange face… what are you thinking about?” Chigusa interrupted my thoughts.

“Eh?” Was it showing that I was deep in thought right now? “Ah, just wondering if I fed you a bite, if you’d share it with Kuro-chan.”

I said it as a joke, but I didn’t expect the reaction both of them would show at that moment.

“W-what? You want to see me do that with Kurocchin?”

“Senpai… that’s hella ecchi!” Kuro-chan said, covering her face with her hands.

“Ah, uh…” shit, maybe that was a it too much for being a joke?

“Kurocchin… what do you think?”

“W-well… I mean, was it fun for you, Chigusa-senpai?”

“Yeah. I enjoyed it. But to think Shota has that kind of side to him after all…”

“B-brownie. If we do it, I want a bite with some brownie on it.”

“Wha…?” I was completely unaware I was being taken in by them both.

“You heard her, Shota.” Chigusa spoke, pointing at a particular space which I could reach with a spoon in the glass dish. “Oh, and swap sides with her too. It’s too much to ask us to stand up and lean over the table.”


Chigusa carefully nudged me out of the booth, only to change places with Kuro-chan. This was only supposed to be a joke, but apparently I was being given the opportunity to see my kouhai and Chigusa kiss in front of me.

This was another thing that put me in some deep thought.

For some reason, I felt this was somewhat fun and harmless when it came to Chigusa and Kurone-chan, but if this was Mayuri-san and anyone else, would I feel the same way?

I think I’d only be okay if it was with Nene-san and her. I wouldn’t mind if Chigusa did it, but I know Mayuri-san wouldn’t go for it with her own daughter. It left me thinking what I considered acceptable after all.

If somehow Mayuri-san was into it, which I’m pretty sure she wasn’t, considering what I did with Chigusa up until she gave her explicit permission to do such things with her… it would make me out to be a real piece of work to get angry with her, if she did those things with Nene-san, even though I had essentially done the same thing with her that she did with me.

She pushed Chigusa to me, and I pushed her to Nene-san.

“Are you ready, Shota?” My blonde haired gyaru lover and baby’s mama asked me, once more snapping me out of my thoughts.


I reinforced my thoughts.

Did I really want to see it?

Yeah, I wanted to see it. I wanted to see my girlfriend and my cute kouhai still in their school uniforms and pleated skirts kiss each other and exchange a kiss with a mouthful of brownie and ice cream.

I reached across the table in front of me, took hold of my own spoon and plunged it into the parfait, making sure the bite of brownie mixed with the slowly melting ice cream wasn’t too big, then I offered it to Chigusa.


Chigusa then looked at me dangerously, and turned her head to face Kuro-chan who then joined lips with her. The degenerate side of me I didn’t know I truly had came to life again, like it had last night with Chigusa in our bedroom. My pants slowly became a tent when a certain pole went rogue, as I watched those two “share” the delicious bite.

Then they shared it some more.

And a little more after that.

Until they stopped. I never for a moment took my eyes off the whole thing.

After that, there was a strange tension at the table. A look of embarrassment remained on Chigusa’s face, but not on Kuro-chan’s at all. We all continued to eat the parfait slowly until the last bite, which Kurone-chan had, and without warning repeated to Chigusa once more.

After the parfait was done, the both of them excused themselves to the bathroom together. I was replaying the scene in my mind, something quite nice for a teenage boy to have seen, wondering if I had any problems with what I just let occur, which I didn’t.

I opened my phone and gave a call to my wife, who answered quickly.

“Mayuri-san… um… I just wanted to talk to you for a moment.”

“Enjoying your date with Chigusa?”

“Well… it’s not just Chigusa I’m on a date with…”

I explained what was going on, and how Kurone-chan got roped into it by Chigusa.

“Should I be angry at you?”

“It’s not me calling to tell you everything, just that when I saw them do that… I could only really think of you.”


“Can I ask something of you later?”

“And what’s that?”

“I also want to know how jealous I can get over you.”


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“I want you to kiss Nene-san in front of me.”


“Will you entertain the thought for me at least? I’ll listen to all your complaints when I see you later. Love you, Mayuri.”

Then I hung up the phone before giving her a chance to say no outright. Chigusa and Kuro-chan returned from the bathroom looking refreshed and we left Giuseppie’s to continue our date.

The next stop was the nearby Manga Café.

Of course our dear kouhai went right to the age-restricted section to browse, leaving me holding Chigusa's hand.

"Anything you want to look at?" She asked me, but I was already holding the thing I most wanted to in the store.

“You said you liked Kurone earlier… but… is it more than just friendship?”

She froze in place, tensing up when I asked her that.

“…just think of it as a girl crush…”

“It’s not like I mind if you have some feelings towards her.”

“Did you enjoy watching it? What I can’t do with mom?”

“If you are asking me if I was turned on, then of course I was.”

“…what would you think if I said I maybe wanted to go further with her?”

“I don’t know. But better it be her than someone like Izumi or Saori, at least. I know Kuro-chan is a good girl, even if her reading hobby is a bit on the extreme side.”

Chigusa sighed.

“Not too long ago, I was just like her. Same hairstyle, same interests, I was a bit of an otaku back then. If not for Izumi and Saori taking me into their circle, I’d probably still be exactly like her… No boyfriend or lover to speak of, and on my way to being a pervert.”

I wanted to chime in that she was most definitely already a pervert, but I was quite sure I’d get an elbow to the midsection if I said anything.

I browsed around, finding myself in the same section as Kurone-chan as well, and seeing a copy of Yorugata-sensei’s works on the shelf in front of me.

「It Can’t Be XXX!!」

「Nana-chi to Ren’ai」

「JK Loli Succubus」

「Sharing Lovers」

「Bride of the Dark Lord」

She’s really a prolific author! Everything is published under the Alpha publication firm. I personally wish I could get a contract with someone, but well, I think I make more on Fanbox than I would if I went with a traditional publisher. It would be nice if I managed to get something turned into a manga though.

Kurone moved over to me, holding a book in her hands called Comatose Countess, the cover all but screaming that it was in the girl’s love genre. “Senpai, still chasing after Yorugata-sensei?”

“Who’s that?” Chigusa inquired.

“The one who got Shota started on writing. Everyone says It Can’t Be XXX!! Was her best work, but Shota really loved Nana-chi to Ren’ai.”

I sighed. It’s true, though. Nana-chi to Ren’ai was about a young man in a difficult relationship with an experienced gyaru. He was a spineless wimp at first, but eventually grew, though he had plenty of setbacks. I felt that some of the characters had the most believable personalities, when of course, you removed the trash MC from the equation.

Heh. Sometimes I think I’m the trash MC of my own life.

“Hmm, maybe I should try giving it a read?” Chigusa said, reaching for a copy.

“Please don’t, Chigusa. You might get some funny ideas from it, like trying to make me start a harem.”

“A harem? Hmm…”


“I’m kidding! Sharing you with mom is enough for me.”

Somehow that last statement didn’t feel as full of conviction coming from her as it should. That, and the fact Kuro-chan who she just shared a food-kiss with a short while ago happened to be accompanying us on a date today, wasn’t helping with her credibility.

Instead I moved away from that section, and found an interesting book. An Isekai story about a brother and sister pair who were reincarnated into another world.

“Maybe I should try writing something a little ecchi myself, what do you think, Kuro-chan?”

“An ecchi isekai?”

I nodded.

“Senpai… are you going to end the current novel then?”

“Not yet, just thinking about the future.”

Chigusa ended up taking the copy of Nana-chi to Ren’ai anyway, and all three of us found a nice place to sit down and read for a while. Of course I was seated between them, and found Kuro-chan leaning her head against my arm.

I reached over with my free hand and patted her head.

“A headpat, senpai? Really? What am I, a ten year old?”

I went to remove my hand, but her hand reached up to prevent it.

“I never said to stop.” she whispered cutely under her breath.

Chigusa wasn’t even paying attention, reading the book she had selected with some interest. I had read it before, and knew how much of a sad romance it delivered. Thankfully, the story was told from the heroine’s point of view. If it was told from the male lead’s… it would be something else of a gut punch entirely.

We stayed in the manga café for about an hour before departing, I ended up buying all four printed volumes of the series she was reading as a gift to her. For Chigusa, I actually own every one of the books, so I told her she could just read mine when we got back home.

Our next stop was just for a quick bite at the nearby pizza parlor, before stopping at the Karaoke place Chigusa wanted us to go to. I rented us three a room for one hour, of which the first half was spent singing anime songs of all things.

Kurone had a nice voice, and even had a fairly cool duet with Chigusa. I was left singing the opening to a fairly old series, since I haven’t really been watching anime in recent years.

But it was fun.

To be honest, I’d like to do this with Mayuri-san, Chigusa, and Nene-san. I bet a duet with Mayuri-sand and Nene-san would be fun. Maybe they could sing some enka or something. I bet that would be interesting.

“Alright, time for a break, and a little fun!” Chigusa announced.

That fun came in the form of Kuro-chan climbing on to my lap and face-forward and resting her head on my shoulder.


“Just put your arms around her for a minute, Shota. It is a date, you know!”

I felt a bit awkward doing so, but I rolled with it. It’s not like I’m going to do a single thing to Kuro-chan, and I guess perhaps I can see this as something like a research-study for her if she’s going to keep writing ecchi stories. No doubt she could turn something like this into a strange scene.

Chigusa sat next to us, drinking a glass of water and smiling.

What was she up to?

I know she’s up to something…

“Nee~ Senpai… I know you can’t respond to my feelings anymore, but I still want to say it. I really like you, and I have for a long time.”

A confession… from Kuro-chan?

“So, you don’t have to say anything, but, thank you for taking me out on a date with you both. I had a great time.”

Her head lifted up and she gave me a peck on the cheek. Then she removed herself from my lap and onto Chigusa’s, giving her the same kind of hug she just gave me. The only difference really was how that hug ended.

Those two began to make out.

Well, I mean, okay?

I wasn’t upset. Somehow I didn’t see Kuro-chan as a threat or anything… I was surprised to find out they were that close, though. It made me wonder if Kurone was shuttling some of my secrets over to Chigusa, but considering I told her about Mayuri-san that first day back to school, when Chigusa came over not having the slightest clue… I want to believe she was playing fair with both of us as friends.

When their kiss ended, I could see a definite happiness on my kouhai’s cute face.

“It’s a pity you got married, senpai. I would have loved to have been a part of your relationship with Chi-chan.”

Her head was buried in Chigusa’s chest, but she was looking right at me. Chigusa had one arm wrapped around her waist and the other was gently stroking her hair.

“If it was any other person, I wouldn’t care… but I love you both so much.”

I could only shake my head. What can I even say to an admission like that, being happily married to Mayuri-san?

“I’m sorry, Kuro-chan. But I’m already happy with what I have.”

She closed her eyes and let Chigusa continue to comfort her.

The time soon came to a close, and I didn’t extend the room. We left and at the suggestion of Chigusa, we walked her to her home. After this, we would stop by a love hotel, however…

It wasn’t what those two had planned at all.

No, this was a dangerous fire play, and I was about to get burned.

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