The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 15: Backup

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Andrew's arms were shattered. Almost every single bone in his body had been smashed like mashed potatoes. Violently, he coughed up blood as if it were a natural occurrence. The shockwave from Waver's punch had not only destroyed his skeletal system but had also completely paralyzed the rest of his body as well.

Sindy rushed over to him with panic gripping her soul. A worrisome feeling of whether or not he was alive swarmed her like a hive of bees.

"No! No! No! No! Nooo!! Please, Andrew! Stay with me!" She cried, running to his side.

Quickly, she then activated her Regeneration Art and began healing his injuries. Unfortunately, it was barely enough to keep him alive. In truth, Regeneration Art consumed a lot of Spirit Energy when used. Since Sindy had already utilized it once before in addition to other Art Styles, she barely had any SE left to heal Andrew's injuries. Due to this, Andrew would certainly die in a few minutes if Sindy didn't find a way to regain her stamina.

Just then, Samantha was sent crashing into a boulder right next to them. Dust engulfed the air as she screamed in pain from the agonizing impact. Frighteningly, Sindy had even heard a few of Samantha's bones snap like twigs. Waver had done the same to her as he had done to Andrew.

Sindy trembled with terror. She could now hear Waver's footsteps slowly approaching them. There was no way she would be able to heal both Andrew and Samantha while fighting back. What could she do? She was already low on Spirit Energy which made the situation even worse.

"Damn it! Why..?" She whimpered. "It's just not fair..! How can you hurt people for fun..? Why are there people like you in the world?!"

Waver was now standing behind her. He looked down at Sindy like a pitiful insect. Slowly, he then raised his hand ready to release his final attack to end their lives.

"Little girl, the question you should be asking is not why we exist, but what made us this way in the first place. You can consider it in the depths of Tartarus..! Shockwave Art: Skull Crusher!"

Sindy was sure she was about to die. Waver was ready to end their lives with his final attack and she was powerless to stop him. All she could do was close her eyes, hoping that Nathan would magically appear and save her life.

"Earth Art: Giga Impact!!!"

Miraculously, a very familiar voice penetrated Sindy's eardrums followed by an extremely powerful attack. Waver was suddenly sent flying backward a few hundred feet away by a powerful Art Style.

Sindy looked up in shock to see a very familiar figure now standing before her.

Standing strong with a massive metal hammer placed across his shoulders, dark sunglasses, and a cigar hanging from his lips was no other than Instructor Brady.

"Instructor Brady!!!" Rejoiced Sindy with tears in her eyes.

"Sup, Mindy! I see you've got yourselves quite the opponent here!" He replied with a grin.

Samantha also looked up in pain, grateful that they had been saved.

"Brady Sir, you saved our lives..."

"I sure hella did, didn't I? Now keep quiet and stay out of this, kids!" The Instructor then paused as he looked over his shoulder as if he was searching for someone. "Donna, get your ass over here woman! I knocked the commander away so you're free to heal the kids."

Coming from seemingly out of nowhere was Donna, the head nurse of the healing department. Without a moment of hesitation, she pushed Sindy aside and began healing Andrew's injuries.

"Brady, just keep that monster away from us so that I can take care of the kids in peace!" Pleaded Donna.

"I plan on it, darling! Just take me out on a date when I whoop this guy's ass. Got it?"

"I'd rather let the commander kill me first..!"

"Damn, woman! Can't you be considerate of my feelings!?"

Sindy then began looking around frantically. Even though they had received backup, she was still worried about the other commander. If Leo and Amanda had failed to defeat him then they were in big trouble.

"Instructor, there's one more commander! I'm not sure if the others managed to defeat him, but if they didn't then I doubt that even you can fight both of them at once!"

Samantha quickly agreed with Sindy. She did not doubt the Instructor's strength but the Commanders were on a whole other level compared to ordinary assassins.

"You're an SA-Classed assassin, right Instructor? Sindy's right! I doubt that even you alone can handle both commanders by yourself!"

The instructor grinned as he walked off towards Waver who was patiently waiting for him in the distance.

"Heh! No need to worry about Senpai, kids. Nathan is dealing with the other commander!"

Sindy's eyes sparkled with relief and joy. Hearing that Nathan was there with them fighting had to mean that he had recovered from his mental depression. She then lifted her head with a bright smile as she whispered "Thank you" towards the sky.

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On the other hand, Waver had managed to reduce the damage taken from the Instructor's surprise attack. Thankfully for him, his Shockwave Art had saved him from a major injury.

He then looked forward to see Instructor Brady walking towards him with his hammer placed calmly across his shoulder.

"So you're Brady..." He began with a cunning smile. "I've heard a lot about you from the other commanders. It would however be counter-productive for us to fight. So are you sure you want to continue like this?"

Instructor Brady then puffed his cigar before replying, "Well, if it's one thing I can't let you Clique dogs get away with, it's hurting my students. I've taken quite the liking to them."

"HAHA! Don't tell me you've grown soft, Brady! Magna's heart would be crushed to see the pathetic excuse you're becoming! But if you insist, I'll crush you too!"

Waver then catapulted himself forward using his Shockwave Art like before. The area echoed with the sound of sonic booms as he closed in on Brady.

"Shockwave Art: Skull Crusher!"

The sound of the Art echoed through the entire mountain range as Instructor Brady barely managed to block the attack with his hammer.

Waver was however quite relentless. Immediately following up his first attack, he released a barrage of ferocious punches. The Instructor was barely keeping up but he had managed to block the majority of Waver's attacks. Unfortunately, a single punch managed to creep through the Instructor's guard before delivering a painful right hook to his jaw.

Nevertheless, the Instructor couldn't allow the pain to hold him back. Immediately, he countered with a stinging headbutt, resulting in Waver staggering backward.

Sadly, Waver was quite tough. His body was built to withstand such damage which allowed him to make a quick recovery.

He then jumped and swung a ferocious kick towards the Instructor's head. Luckily, the Instructor dodged the attack before securing a painful blow with his hammer to Waver's stomach. Waver violently coughed up a pool of blood as he winced in unbearable pain.

He was starting to get annoyed by the Instructor's durability. He needed to create an opening to land a powerful hit that would end the fight in an instant.

Waver then quickly used his speed to get in behind the Instructor. Before he could even react, Waver latched onto the Instructor's stomach before slamming him into the ground with a Combination Art.

"Shockwave Art: Shockwave Bomber and Lighting Art: Blitz Breaker! Art Combo Move: Shockwave Blitz!!"

The ground shattered into pieces as Waver suplexed the Instructor. Dust, rocks, and electrical sparks flew in all directions as the ground shook like an earthquake.

"That's it for you, Brady! I probably should have held back but it's your fault for defending the weaklings!" Laughed Waver.

However, to Waver's surprise, Instructor Brady had found the strength to get back up. This confused him significantly. It was supposed to be impossible for anyone to get back up from such a powerful Combination Art. To make things worse, Waver then received a powerful uppercut from the Instructor with the use of one of his Art Styles.

"Earth Art: Rock Punch!"

Waver staggered backward, flinching in pain. Nevertheless, he refused to allow the Instructor to win. Quickly, he launched a counterattack with yet another one of his Art Styles.

"Let's see if you get back up from this! Shockwave Art: Bulldoze!"

With power equal to that of ten charging elephants, Waver speared the Instructor in the gut, slamming him through countless trees. Dust, leaves, and other debris shrouded the air from the impact.

However, to Waver's embarrassment, the body of Instructor Brady simply disintegrated into a cloud of smoke. It now made sense to Waver why the Instructor had been able to sustain so much damage yet was still able to continue the fight. It had been a clone made of smoke the entire time.

"That's my Smoke Art: Smoke Clone! How'd you enjoy playing with it?" Laughed the Instructor from behind a tree as he calmly puffed his cigar. He hadn't lifted a single finger since the fight had started.

"You sly bastard!"

Instructor Brady's Smoke Clone was one of his best moves. Not only was the clone extremely durable, but it could also replicate the Art Styles of the original at half strength.

"Man, you must have meat for brains! Of course, I can use Smoke Art! Do you think I smoke for no reason?"

"Hahaha!!! Fine then! I'll get serious! I'll show you the power of my Lightning, Brady!"

Electricity then quickly engulfed the body of Waver. He and the Instructor stood face-to-face ready for round two. However, elsewhere, Nathan was in a fight that would mark the beginning of major events.

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