The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 21: Isabella’s Offer?!!

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Nathan closed his eyes as he concentrated. He could feel the power of his Spirit Energy boiling up inside him. During the time Nathan had spent training with Isabella, he had managed to call upon his Lightning and Wind Energies at the same time. This was all necessary to gain mastery over his Spirit Energies.

"Good Nathypoo! Now try adding your Death Energy into the mix! If you can do this then you have mastered taming your Spirit Energy! You might even be able to create your first Combination Art!" Tutored Isabella.

Nathan followed Isabella's instructions. Due to this, his body became cold from his rising Death Energy. He could feel its power building up inside him, threatening to go out of control at any moment. Nathan clenched his teeth as he tried to force his power to obey him. It was quickly becoming too much for him to handle.

If he was a simple Double Art User then he would have already tamed his Spirit Energy. Unfortunately, his Death Energy was much too aggressive to comply with his Lightning and Wind Energies.

Due to this, Nathan flinched in pain as a sudden burst of energy sent him skating across the floor on his back. His energies had backfired, almost injuring him in the process. He had once again failed to tame them.

"Ugh... Dang it, Izzy! This isn't working! My Wind and Lightning Energies are practically in harmony but as soon as I try to add my Death Energy they go out of control!" Complained Nathan in frustration.

Isabella then placed her finger on her bottom lip as she stooped, looking Nathan cutely in the eyes.

"Well, you refuse to dance with me so I don't know what else to do..." She replied innocently.

"What does dancing have to do with anything..?"

Before responding, Isabella stood up with a bright smile. She then began twirling herself around like a ballet, initiating an angelic dance.

"When trying to control three Art Styles, you must find a way to put your mind at ease," she started. "I do this by dancing. Ever since I was a child, I've always loved to dance. Whenever I dance, my mind is comforted which allows all three of my Spirit Energies to become one. Of course, I have to do this while in battle as well. I dance while I fight!"

"I don't understand... By dancing, you're not doing anything spiritual. It's more physical than anything else... So would I be able to control my Spirit Energies just by dancing..?"

"Well, not exactly. To control your Spiritual Energy, your mindset plays an important role! For example; one might be born with the Demon Art but if that person is scared of demons then they will never be able to achieve control of their Demon Art until they overcome that fear!"

"I see... Then what about you? How exactly does dancing help with your control..?"

"You see, my main Art Style comes from the Light Arts, Nathypoo! It's called Celestial Art! Celestial Art deals with divinity and purity. I've always enjoyed dancing as a child growing up because it always calmed me down whenever I was in a bad mood. So when I dance, it comforts my mind, allowing me to think of pure thoughts! Once my mind is settled in this state, I have almost perfect control over my three energies!"

Nathan's face then became a little dull. Was Isabella trying to tell him that he had to accept his fear of death to gain control of his Death Energy? He had already made up his mind to kill if he had to but to accept death as easily as Isabella accepted dancing was no easy task.

"So you're saying that I have to accept my fear of death if I wish to control my Death Art..?"

"Well, that might just give you the minimal control needed. You have an A.O.D sleeping inside of you so that complicates things. You'll have to figure out the rest by yourself, Nathypoo!"

"Man, this feels hopeless..."

"Well, you'll have to get your Death Energy under control somehow. If not, then you might end up turning into an A.O.D again."

"Don't you have any other ideas I could try out? Like a shortcut or something?"

Isabella then stopped dancing as she pondered. Her eyes gazed at the ceiling and her finger rested against her cheek. There wasn't much Nathan could do apart from accepting his fears.

"Hmm... Maybe try placing your Death Energy through your sword as a medium instead of trying to keep all of it inside you! That way, your sword deals with the dominant pressure exerted from your Death Energy instead of your body!"

"I can give that a shot!"

Nathan then unsheathed his katana and placed it before him. He closed his eyes and began to focus once more. Following Isabella's instructions, his Death Energy began to shroud the blade of his katana in a black aura.

Just then, the sword began vibrating violently. A second later, the katana forced its way free from his hands causing Nathan to stagger backward. As he fell, he glimpsed his katana spiraling out of control towards Isabella. It was sure to hit.

However, to Nathan's surprise, Isabella had skillfully managed to catch the blade of his katana with just two fingers, inches away from her face.

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"Okay, Nathypoo! Let's not do that again!" She said cutely.

Nathan sighed, "I'm going to take a break. This is too much for me to handle..."

"Aww, don't give up! It's just been three days since you started... You've gotten better since then! At first, you couldn't even summon your Death Energy but look at you now!"

"I'm not giving up... I'm just going to hang out with Sindy and Andrew for a while to release some stress. I'll be back later..."

Just then, before Nathan could even exit the Leisure Dome, Isabella ran over to him before wrapping her arms gently around his neck. Slowly, she then whispered into his ear;

"I can help release tons of stress if you like..."

Nathan then Immediately stopped in his tracks as Isabella's sweet scent paralyzed him on the spot. It was as if he was being hypnotized.

"How would you do that..?" He asked carefully.

Slowly, Isabella then braced her body closer to Nathan's, allowing him to feel the shape of her figure.

"I can show you if you follow me to my room..."

Isabella's words hit Nathan like a rock. He clearly understood what she meant. Her body was warm and her scent was extremely attractive. To Nathan, resisting her temptation felt like a vampire starving itself from human blood.

"Izzy..." He called softly.

Just then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Isabella began slowly moving her hand across his chest, towards his waist. This made Nathan even more tempted to accept her offer. Was it wrong to accept a beautiful girl who was giving him such an opportunity? To most guys, it would be a dream come true.

However, Nathan also felt a sense of guilt. He did not know why guilt had suddenly overcome him but it felt as if accepting Isabella's temptation would mean betraying someone close to him.

Due to this, Nathan took a deep breath before biting his lip, causing it to bleed. Despite how tempted he was, Nathan could not allow himself to be seduced. He did not wish to have such an interaction with the opposite gender until he decided that he was ready.

Back in the Real World, Nathan was normally teased by some of his classmates for never doing the "deed". But in truth, Nathan did not like the idea of giving himself to just anyone. He would rather wait on someone special instead of giving himself to a random girl.

"I'm sorry Izzy... You're very attractive but I have to kindly decline your offer..." Refused Nathan.

Isabella was in shock. She could hardly believe that she had been rejected. She was used to guys doing anything to gain her attention. Isabella had always gotten what she wanted using her physical charm. But for some reason, Nathan was able to resist it. Being rejected was a completely new experience for her.

"W-why..?" She asked timidly.

"It's just not a part of who I am. I want to find someone special before I participate in stuff like that... I want to find her, fall in love, then marry her. After marriage, then we can do whatever..."

"B-but aren't all guys into sex..?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't... However, just because I'm into it doesn't mean I'm going to allow myself to be controlled by it. I've never understood how people can give away their bodies so easily. Especially when love isn't even involved..!"

"But Nathypoo-"

"Isabella, stop!" Exclaimed Nathan angrily. "I don't want to. Maybe you'll view me differently for rejecting you but I don't care. I'd like to keep my virginity until I'm married to someone that I love. So please refrain from approaching me like that again. Think about what you do with yourself before you throw away your body like a filthy pig..."

Nathan then carefully removed Isabella's hands from around his neck before he calmly exited the Leisure Dome. Isabella stood paralyzed with disbelief. She finally knew the pain of rejection. She was even compared to a pig— a phrase that she had never heard in all her life.

Isabella wanted to call out to Nathan but she was unable to utter a single word. Thoughts flooded her mind as she tried to figure out what she had done wrong. She was accustomed to using her beauty to get what she wanted. Not once had she been rejected until now. For once, someone was out of her reach.

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