The Mind World And The Outcast Hero

Chapter 4: Hated

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Nathan, Sindy, and Andrew were all patiently waiting for Alondo to return. His proposal from the previous night was the only thing that they could think about. They still knew so little about the Mind World, yet they were already being offered a seemingly complex job.

"So, what do you guys think about the captain's proposal..?" Asked Nathan.

"I don't know... I'm trying not to think about it too much. I'm sure he'll explain when he gets here," replied Sindy, playing with her dead smartphone.

"Man, our phones are the only thing we have to remind us of the Real World, huh?" Queried Andrew with a topic change.

"Sadly, they don't even work anymore. They malfunction as soon as we even try to turn them on..." Complained Nathan bitterly.

A sudden knock then pierced the ears of the three friends interrupting their conversation.

"May I come in?" Asked a familiar voice from behind the door.

"Yeah, come on in," prompted Nathan.

The door then slid open as Alondo stepped in.

"Halloo," he greeted, "So, have you three decided if you'll work for AA?"

"Captain, I think we need a bit more information on what the organization is about. Don't get me wrong, because you all seem like good people, but the word Assassin doesn't seem very friendly to us..." Politely noted Sindy.

Alondo then began to laugh heartily which confused the group of friends. However, no one complained as it lightened the mood quite a bit.

"First of all, please refrain from calling me, Captain. I hate formalities so just call me Alondo or Smartmind. Secondly, I can understand why you would be cautious about joining us but when we say Assassins, we mean Assassins of evil, crime, etc."

"Ohhh, I get it!" Exclaimed Nathan.

"Yep! To put it simply, we help people in need while exterminating evil. AA is one of the best organizations in the Mind World that does this. We're all basically heroes of society here."

Their faces now became blindingly bright with a better understanding of the organization. This had made them feel a lot better compared to how they were before.

Prior to Alondo explaining the organization's duties, they had started to worry that the organization was one that dealt with assassination. Now knowing that it was near to the complete opposite, the friends could finally breathe easy.

"If you work for us, not only do you get a free and clean room to sleep but you're also provided with free nutritional meals three times per day, lots of money for each of your missions, and many leisure areas to enjoy yourselves when off from missions. So what do y'all say?"

At this point, the answer was becoming crystal clear. They had nowhere else to go and the offer was dream-like. Not to mention, they had to spend at least another two years before even hoping to return home.

With minimal knowledge of the world as well as being aliens to the new society, it would be extremely difficult for them to get by without help. The organization would take care of a majority of their needs.

"Dude, this is legit! They aren't even actual assassins which means we won't need to kill anyone on missions!" Rejoiced, Andrew.

A slightly dim look then quickly came over Alondo's face, "I didn't say that..."

The friends' celebration ended almost as quickly as it started. With a glint of worry within their eyes, they all turned to look at Alondo.

"Wait, what are you implying then..?" Asked Nathan dimly.

Alondo gave a depressing sigh while scratching his head. Given the different circumstances between the Real and Mind Worlds, it was only natural that they would be surprised at the taking of another person's life.

In the Real World, killing was a major taboo and there was usually little to no reason to do so. However, in the Mind World, killing was a necessity for survival. Due to unfortunate circumstances, children as young as age 5 were sometimes forced to take another person's life for survival. Living in the Real World was nothing compared to that of the Mind World.

"Alondo, what do you mean..?" Asked Nathan once more.

"Sometimes on missions, you will be confronted by dangerous enemies. To save someone you care about, you may have to harden your resolve to kill someone else. It's not a fun world. Look though, I'm not saying that you must kill someone to save another. However, failing to do so in critical situations will most definitely cause you to lose someone else."

The reality of their situation began to soak into their minds like water in a sponge. Sometimes, it's kill or be killed and that was a situation present even back in the Real World. Alondo made a point that they couldn't deny.

"I can understand if this bothers you..." continued Alondo "...but Nathan, this world needs a hero. I didn't spend sixteen years of my life preparing all of this only to hear a no. That would be extremely unfair to me and everyone else present in both the Mind and Real Worlds. You didn't ask to be here but everyone has a duty to fulfill with their lives and this is simply yours."

Nathan clenched his fists in frustration. He couldn't bear the thought of killing someone else. It just didn't sit right with him. There had to be another way.

"Fine, if I must, then I'll simply make my own way. I won't kill anyone, nor will I allow anyone to be killed. It just doesn't sit right with me!"

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Sindy and Andrew also nodded in approval of Nathan's naïve statement.

The three then spoke in unison showing their newly found determination, "We'll do it on our terms!"

Alondo then placed a fake smile across his lips. He honestly doubted they could find such a path but he still encouraged them anyway. He believed that the best lessons were thought through experiences. Simply telling them that it was impossible to avoid coming across death on missions would not make them believe otherwise.

"Then I'll believe in you to make that happen and bring something new to AA!"

"One question though, Cap..." started Andrew.

Alondo frowned, "Don't call me, Cap..."

"Oh right, sorry Cap..! But I've noticed that everyone here has some kind of supernatural ability. I saw Nathan use this weird power with a broken branch back in the Dark Forest then Amanda and Leo spoke of some Illusion Art. But my question is; what about me and Sindy? We're completely powerless, Cap..!"

Alondo restrained himself from hitting Andrew. He didn't like the formality but it wasn't the time to fight over something so trivial, "Sigh— not to worry. Everyone has some kind of supernatural ability present within them. It's just not accessible while in the Real World due to a rule put in place by the Gods. However, since you're no longer in the Real World, that rule no longer applies to you."

Andrew's and Sindy's faces became as bright as the sun. Alondo's words fueled them like a tank of gasoline.

"That's awesome then, Andrew! I was afraid that Nathan would be the one going into danger all by himself!" Rejoiced Sindy.

"Well, of course, you three will have to go through training before you're allowed to go on any missions," declared Alondo.

"No issue! When does training start, Cap?"

"Right now actually. But before you go, go get breakfast from the cafeteria."

"And which way is the cafeteria?" Asked Nathan.

Before responding, Alondo gave each of the friends a small white device that resembled smartphones.

"I had these designed for you last night. They operate like the smartphones you're used to in the Real World so they're easy to use. They have a map of HQ as well as the entire Mind World so you shouldn't have any problems finding your way around. They can also be used for communication as well as a few other features that I'm too lazy to go into right now. I expect you all to figure them out on your own."

"Does this come with some hot chick's phone number by any chance?" Asked Andrew hopefully.

"Really, Andrew?" Mumbled Sindy.

Ignoring Andrew's remark, Alondo continued, "After breakfast, head to the training area located on the map. If you have any other questions, please do NOT feel free to let me know. Thanks."

Alondo then walked out of the infirmary leaving the three friends to get ready for breakfast.

A minute later, they walked down the lobby observing the beautiful design of the interior of the base. It was painted white with many unique rooms for video games, sports, and even swimming pools to relax in. There were also a lot of other assassins of different ages who looked pretty powerful. However, the atmosphere had negativity written all over it.

As they walked, the friends picked upon distasteful glares and glances from the surrounding assassins. They all looked at Nathan with pity in their eyes while whispering unpleasant things to one another.

"The Mind Hero, huh? How sad to carry a burden he won't even fulfill..."

"I kind of feel sorry for him. I mean, save the world? Like that's ever going to happen!"

"He'll probably end up dead like the others before he can even accomplish anything... Seems that's all the Mind Heroes have been good for..."

"It doesn't matter. Filth from the Real World deserves to die anyway!"

The three friends couldn't help but watch in bewilderment. They couldn't fathom why they were receiving so much hate.

"What the hell is their problem?" Inquired Andrew in annoyance.

"I don't know but let's just try to ignore it if possible... I don't like unnecessary drama..." Persuaded Sindy.

Nathan kept quiet trying to prevent their words from bothering him. He had no idea why they were saying such hateful things but he had a gripping feeling it was caused by something horrible.

A few minutes later, they all entered the cafeteria to have breakfast. Nathan had resolved himself to get back home to his mother and little sister who he missed dearly. Not to mention, he wanted to keep Sindy and Andrew safe. He wasn't about to let the negative words of a few insignificant people affect him. He had a duty to fulfill and unnecessary distractions were the last thing he needed.

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