The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 18: Author’s Note (2)

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Hey there, Milkers!

So, our world is set up and our hero has resolved upon a course of action. My charts tell me that's the End of Act One! We made it, friends! We made it! We told a coherent unit of story.

This puts us about 20% through the book. Wow, I'm pretty happy with getting there at this pace. Mustn't set myself up to think updates will keep coming this fast though.

This also lets us do some maths. If we're at around 23000 words now, then the whole webnovel should come in at 115000 words when we reach its end. That sounds manageable. Should be all done telling Tatiana and Rutt's story next year. I can't wait for you to see how it all works out.

Probably not gonna be any more updates until the other side of Christmas, when the Minotaur's preparations for his attack on the Vampire castle begin. Damn, I love Fantasy. What a genre! "The Minotaur's preparations for his attack on the Vampire castle." What a thing to be able to say! My only regret is that I'm writing this as a Web Novel instead of running it as a D&D game. 

Thanks to everyone who's been reading, commenting and favouriting. You've been so generous!

And a special shout out to the Mega-Milkers who always stay up-to-date: SushiShon, MAnzibares, March117, Heracles, Caos_em_forma_duvidoso and yetoryote. It's been the most encouraging thing to see you folks show up every time I update, and I fucking appreciate it.

See you all after the festive season for Act 2! It's going to get so fucked up. You've no idea.

Merry Christmas,



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