The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 23: Chapter 11: Three Conventionally Attractive People are having Dub-Con Sex

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Is there anyone in your life you've never met, but it feels strange that you've never met?

A good friend of one of your good friends, perhaps? Maybe a faraway grandparent or even a parent? Someone who touches your life through their effect on you or on those close to you?

Often it's a loved one's partner. Often your child, or your parent, or your sibling will meet someone and become close to them. That new person will become a huge part of your loved one's life and, by extension, part of your family. But there'll be a time, a window, an interval, in which that person is as yet unknown to you. They're a phantom person. Playing a role in your life even though they've no idea who you are. And that doesn't feel right to you, does it? Because, like everyone, you want to feel like the MC of your life. This phantom person should have met you and that they haven't feels wrong.

There is someone in your life like that. You know there is.

Maybe it's one of your girlfriend's workmates. Maybe it's someone from your husband's relay swimming team. An influential teacher at your daughter's school. Your best friend's other best friend who you never run into because they mostly socialise at the Bingo Hall and you can't go near that place because of your gambling addiction.

There is someone in your life like that. You've never met them. And it is so weird you've never met them. It doesn't feel right.

You've heard so much about them

I want you to think about that person right now.

What will it feel like when you do meet them?

Because you probably will. And not under controlled, stage-managed, pre-arranged circumstances. Because it's not a big deal is it? Just meeting a teacher from your daughter's school or one of the guys from your husband's swim team. It'll just happen some day. The phantom person you've heard so much about will become a real person standing right there in the room with you. No big deal.

What do you think you'll be doing when you meet that person?

For Tatiana Lever, that person was Chevoy Vesh, her younger sibling's vampire lover. Chevoy Vesh had been part of Nikola's life for three years now. How strange it was that he'd never met the rest of the Levers. How strange it would feel when he finally did.

What do you think Tatiana was doing when she met Chevoy Vesh?

She was stroking her little brother's pee-pee, while he suckled on her titty and she was breathlessly repeating, "I'm being a real good mommy, a real good mommy."

I hope nothing like that happens when you meet yours!

Present in Nikola Lever's little farmhouse bedroom right now:

Nikola Lever. Presenting as a cute bisexual twink, Nikola is in fact a non-binary boy who aspires to eventually go by she/her pronouns. And the minute he commits to that then the narrator of this novel will fully respect it. In most universes, Nikola would be having a 'femboy' phase right now, but the Idea Wars tragically destroyed the cultural concept of the 'femboy' within the Lands of Lust and Pain.  He is in this room because it's his room.

Tatiana Lever. A pretty milkmaid with curls of butter yellow hair, a beautiful smile, and enormous 36J tiddies. What a fucking stunning pair of gazongas! Let me know in the comments what you'd do to them. She is in this room because, feeling conflicted over her feelings and duties regarding her new minotaur boyfriend, she wanted to experience a gentler and more innocent intimacy by crossing a few sexual lines with her little brother.

Chevoy Vesh. A notorious vampire. The Burgrave of Castle Vesh, ruler of the village of Spetlamu, and lover of Nikola Lever. He's in the room because, like most nights, he likes to let himself in through the window to either feed on Nikola or bugger him. 

Do you think the narrator should start using she/her pronouns for Nikola now, even though Nikola hasn't unambiguously expressed those wishes in the story yet? It's kind of a grey area, isn't it?

"Oh yeah," moaned the milkmaid, "I'm a good mommy. I'm being a really good mommy, babyboy."

"I wonder if I'm interrupting something special here?" asked the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh. His voice was a lot like Alan Rickman's, but not when he played Snape. Think of other roles here like 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' or 'Close My Eyes.' Even 'Love Actually' if you like. It's your imagination. 

"My Lord!" said Tatiana, using what I'm pretty sure is the correct form of address for a Burgrave. Burgraves are equivalent in aristocratic rank to Counts, so it seems a safe bet.

Vesh stood with an authority and presence. He was within the Lever's house, but that house was within his village. He stood like he was comfortable and confident in his ownership of everything he could see. And that very much included Nikola. The vampire was a model of composed, refined elegance. His immaculate and ornate evening wear was perfectly tailored to his frame, and his cloak hung from his shoulders with a rakish nonchalance.    

He walked slowly over to the siblings on the bed. Nikola had taken his mouth away from Tatiana's nipple, but was still sat on her lap, cuddled in close.

The vampire took Tatiana's chin in his hand and raised it to bring her eyes to meet his.

"An honour to meet my thrall's family," said Vesh, "But am I confused? Do I now meet his sister or his mother?"

"His sister, my Lord," said Tatiana. "Why, I was merely fancying myself his momma while giving him titty and stroking his pee-pee like a nice mommy ought. T'was mere fancy!"

"I know such fancies. Why I often fancy myself to be his poppa while he suckles on my fuckstick. Why should you not be momma to the little bitch-boy while he suckles your teat? Tis good play!"   

"Tis indeed, My Lord!" Tatiana immediately felt comfortable with the Burgrave. He was in complete control of the situation, but that felt kind of reassuring. The waves of authority that came from the vampire were calming. He gave off the sense that the adults were in the room now and that whatever happened, they'd take care of it. There was nothing to be done when faced with the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh but trust and relax.

Tatiana continued, "We lost our own true Momma to the Shits last year, My Lord, and all the while since I've tried to be momma to this house in her stead. But never did I truly feel it until tonight, when I took Nikola's little pee-pee in my hand and took his lips to my udders."  

"And fine udders they are!" exclaimed the vampire, "Why they put the boobies of my biggest-titted wife to shame! She's rocking 42Hs, and these are, what, J cups?"

"You know your titties, My Lord. They are 36Js and you may use them as you wish." Tatiana was surprised at her own words. She'd always refused the advances of the villagers who'd wanted paizuri, but here she was offering them up to her little brother's lover. It was a calculated risk though. She knew full well the vampire was a homosexual.

The Burgrave chuckled softly.

"Ah, as I'm sure my thrall has told you, I am very much homosexual. Your ample slutbags delight my eyes but bring me no arousal." 

"Why not simply motorboat them then, my lord. Merely to amuse?"

"A fine suggestion!" the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh declared, and did just that. "Ah, what sport!"

Tatiana smiled. She had been so nervous about meeting this guy, but he was really great!

The other Levers had never been entirely sure what to made of the Burgrave and Nikola's relationship. They had never done anything sexual until Nikola was over Forfeiture's age of consent, but the vampire had started grooming him a couple of years before that, which seemed like a hell of a red flag. And although Nikola swore that he always enjoyed being fed on and fucked by the Burgrave, he never seemed in the best condition afterwards, either physically or emotionally. 

Proud as the Levers were that the ruler of the village was buggering one of their own, they quietly had some concerns about the whole arrangement.

Tatiana felt a lot less concerned now she'd finally met him. He was just swell! 

"Well, I'd best leave you two too it," she said, covering her tits back up and heading over to the ladder to her attic room.

"No need for that, my good lady," said the notorious vampire, "Unless my heightened preternatural senses have been deceiving me all this time, you often masturbate while listening to us fuck, do you not?"

Tatiana flushed bright red and looked at the floor.

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"My lord..."

"No need, to be embarrassed. Many a night my preternatural vampire ears have heard the busy damp motions of your fingers as you've flicked your clitty over the sound of me ravishing your baby brother's besthole. The scent of your minge wafts down thickly through these old oaken floorboards."   

"My lord..."

"Well, tonight the Dark Lord of Spetlamu grants you a glorious boon!" He threw his arms wide with theatrical pomp, "Tonight, fair Tatiana Lever, you may watch me use your brother! And naturally, should you wish, you may wank while spectating!"

The Milkmaid gasped in delight and placed a chair opposite Nikola's bed, where she could get the best view.

She spread her legs wide.

"The sight and odour of my cunny won't put you off, will it my lord?" she checked.

"Nay, cunt means nothing to me," said the vampire, "While immune to its charms, I am in no way repelled by it. Spread your shapely thighs as wide as you wish and rub that pussy as wildly as you require. Tis as if the hole were invisible to me."

Nikola at least appreciated the view of his(/her) sister's vag.

Tatiana's light blonde pubes retained the downy softness of youth, never having coarsened and darkened with age. She'd a full and untamed quasi-medieval bush, but the lightness and fluffiness of the pubes gave it a real charm. The outer lips of her twat were plump and full. It looked like the kind of cunt you'd wanna slap, hard, to watch those fat cuntlips quiver and jiggle. 

"I love your pussy, mommy," Nikola said. He was laid face down on the bed. His ass ready for his lover and his eyes on his sister's cunt.

Who am I writing this for? Is it just me?

Tatiana slid her chair a little closer to the bed. To bring her coochie a little closer to Nikola's face. Not close enough to make contact, but close enough to give him a real good view. Enough that, when he panted and screamed from the assfucking that was about to commence, she'd feel his breath on the wet pink flesh of her cunt. 

"Put the chair back where it was, I think," commanded the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh, "I have granted you license to spectate, but you are no participant in this." 

Tatiana slid the chair back, giving her brother a "hey, what're you gonna do about it?" kind of playful, rueful smile.

Then the Burgrave took out his dick.

Naturally it was larger than Nikola's. Naturally it was smaller than the minotaur's. But hey, that covers a lot of ground.

Vesh's gay vampire cock was a good seven inches, cut, and with a pleasing bulging barrel shape that made it thicker at the root. Tatiana appreciated it but, just as her quim did not excite Vesh, the vampire's cock did nothing much for her. To Tatiana then her brother's little pee-pee was adorable and her boyfriend's apocalyptic weapon of mass destruction was her new god, but the vampire's dick was just a dick. Nothing special.

 This did not mean that she wasn't loving the spectacle of it being rubbed against her brothers pert little ass though. She was real into that!

Vesh was completely dominating Nikola on the bed. One naked, the other fully clothed except for his exposed wang.

As Vesh licked at Nikola's neck and back, pinned him down, and rubbed his dick all over him, there was a real tension in the air. Was the vampire looking to feed or to fuck?

What was Vesh going to plunge into the peasant enboy? His penis or his fangs?

Only Vesh knew, and he controlled and directed that tension by keeping everyone guessing. Would Nikola be opening his veins or his besthole?

Tatiana thought it was hot as hell either way. She kept her fingers busy working the exterior of her cunt. She would push them into the vaginal cavity itself once Vesh penetrated her brother. As either his fangs entered Nikola's neck or his fuckstick entered his poop-tube, her fingers would thrust themselves deep into her own eager, yearning snatch.

The anticipation was delicious. The lack of control was heavenly. The Milkmaid sat there, legs as far apart as she could get them, showing her brother as she teased her own pussy. Teased it impatiently, longing to begin finger-fucking it the moment Vesh committed to taking fluids out of Nikola or putting them in.  

Nikola howled in pain. Vesh was pressed flat against his back, his devilish teeth in his neck. Blood was flowing.

Tatiana's fingers slammed into her cooze. Slammed right the fuck up there. The force with which she'd rammed them up shocked her, but the motion had been involuntary. 

The vampire, not moving his mouth from the wound he was inflicting on Nikola's neck, smiled at her with his eyes and raised a conspiratorial eyebrow.

Nikola whimpered, like a little pussy, like the little bitch-boy he was, from the pleasure and pain. And also from the frustration. He loved being fed on, but damn he wanted his lover up his ass as well. He wanted his lover to rape the fuck out of his ass while his sister rubbed her cunt in his face. 

Vesh was not an insensitive man. He could feel how his thrall's body was moving, what it was begging for. He knew what the little bitch-boy wanted.

"Might as well give you the full show, eh?" he said to the Milkmaid, and began to lube up Nikola's besthole.

"Fuck YES! Fuck YES!" shouted Tatiana. She was on her second orgasm.

Dabney Lever, Nikola and Tatiana's heartbroken and careworn father, put his head round the door to see what all the noise was about. He saw and walked straight back out again. It would make a hell of an "Are you winning, son?" meme.

Nikola sure felt like he was winning. He was taking that cock so deep now. But fuck, it hurt. Everything hurt. The vampire held him roughly. His hands gripped Nikola by the shoulders, his fingers sinking into his trapezius muscles. Bruising. Breaking the skin. Forcing him down into the bed as the vampire ploughed him.  

Nikola loved it, the nasty little slut, but he was crying so hard. Sobbing like a baby. 

"My lord," gasped Tatiana, "My lord... I know you commanded me not to participate, and yet...?"

"You would offer comfort?" Vesh asked, a charming smile on his face, "You want to be a good mommy?"

Tatiana's third orgasm hit.

"Fuck yeah. Aw yeah. Wanna be such a good mommy for my baby boy."

"I will permit it."

The vampire thrust deeper and harder into Nikola's ass.

And Tatiana put her titty in his mouth. 

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