The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 27: Chapter 12: Peartree (Part 1)

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Dawn of the Second Day!

Wild that everything so far has happened in one day. Okay. Maybe not everything. There’s been a bunch of flashbacks and technically at least one flashforward. Earning that ‘non-linear storytelling’ tag.

But everything that’s happened in the ‘present tense’ of the story so far - from Tatiana waking up to find Rutt in her barn through to the kitten meeting the dryad - has all been one busy day in the village life of Spetlamu. 

Welcome to Day Two! I think this day should only take five chapters and one interlude, so the pace is picking up!

The action and ultraviolence all start on Day Three. It’s mostly gonna be fucking until then.

Most girlies would be exhausted from having stayed up most of the night nursing and wanking their little sibling while watching them getting bestholed by a vampire.

Tatiana Lever was not most girlies though, and she leapt out of Nikola’s bed and flung open the window like a Disney princess. Fresh-faced and full of vigour and life, she couldn’t wait to get started on her chores around the farm, especially now that her list of chores included tossing off Rutt the Minotaur.

Everything in her life felt so exciting in the creeping sunlight of the dawn. Yesterday had been the best and brightest day she could remember, filling her with life and hope and youthful enthusiasm. She loved the Minotaur’s dick so much! It was the most beautiful and wonderful thing she’d ever seen, and she felt like the luckiest and most special cunt in the world that she was allowed to hold it, and kiss it, and make it cum.

And she had loved being a good mommy to her little brother. Wanking Nikola while nursing him on her fat slutbags had made her feel so feminine and nurturing. And the thrill of crossing those sexual boundaries with her blood relative was so fucking hot. She wanted to do so much more to little Nikola. She wanted his little pee-pee inside her. She wanted to give him her vaginal and anal virginities while telling him what a good mommy she was. In a perfect world, the Minotaur’s shaft would deflower her, but as she wanted to survive her first fuck then her brother’s cute penis was second best. 

There was the biggest, brightest, happiest smile on Tatiana Lever’s beautiful innocent face!

She was going to have the biggest, brightest, happiest day! She just knew it!

She would wank the Minotaur and do all her morning chores around the farm. Then she would do her milk round, touring the village delivering her wares and masturbating anyone who needed it. Then tonight she would join Nikola in his bed again and take a penis inside her snatch for the first time. Maybe even inside her besthole! The world was so full of wonderful possibilities.

Tatiana did a merry little twirl of delight when she thought about all the men, monsters, trans lesbians and enboys she was going to make happy that day! Her pretty little hands and holes were going to serve and worship cock so good! She was going to be kind and friendly and a good mommy to every dick she saw and get so much fucking cum.

Tatiana loved her life, loved serving her community, loved dick and loved cum. She was a really good girlie.

Nikola wasn’t a girlie, but would have been in the middle of a femboy phase if the Idea Wars had gone a different way. As it was, Nikola was a non-binary boy who wanted to use she/her pronouns.

“Hey, sis… or should I call you mommy now?” Nikola called over from the bed.

“Sis is fine,” Tatiana teased, “Just call me mommy when I’m wet.”

“Oh fuck yes. So. Yeah… about what I said last night…?”

Tatiana tried to remember. Had Nikola said much? Most of the time his mouth had been full of either her titty or the Burgrave’s dick. There was one real fun moment when both had been in there.

“…About how I’m a non-binary boy who wants to use she/her pronouns?” the non-binary boy prompted. 

Tatiana remembered now and told her sibling that was valid and that she respected it.

The narrator will from now on also use she/her for Nikola.

Then Tatiana went out to the barn to milk the Minotaur’s cock.

The barn stank of his filthy animal scent. The steamy, musky odour of a Minotaur asleep in the hay. Of a huge, hulking beefy monstrosity that had nested and nestled down there for hours, snoring and sweating and farting. It overwhelmed the Milkmaid as she entered. It was almost too much, yet it was nothing compared to what it heralded. The scent of the Minotaur raped her nose, but the sight of the Minotaur raped her eyes harder.

There he lay. Rutt the Minotaur. Muscle and fury and passion. A monster. A hero. 

And alongside him lay his cock. Tatiana’s love. 

The Minotaur excited and amused her. She thought he was going to be a fun and challenging boyfriend. But his cock was something else. It was perfection. It was everything her body and soul had ever cried out for. 

She gasped. There could be no waiting for Rutt to awake. She had to show that fuckstick how much she loved it right now. Dropping to the floor, she crawled towards in on all fours like an animal. Her mind full of nothing but longing for a penis that was too big for her cunny to ever take. 

Rutt snored in his sleep.

Tatiana whimpered and growled as she crawled closer to the thick fat tube that lay alongside him.

When she’d worked it yesterday it had been with cunning and precision. She’d worked it as a calculating craftswoman, studying and controlling her every movement to deduce how best to stroke the shaft. That was not how it was going to go today. Today Tatiana approached his cock with simple lust.

Yesterday she had wanted to make it spunk up. That goal had felt like her life’s purpose and meaning.

Today, making it cum wasn’t even on her mind. She didn’t want to think about how this would conclude. She just wanted to love it, to lick it, to squeeze it close to her body. She wanted to express how she felt about that dick and never wanted that feeling to end.

The wang was far longer than half Tatiana’s height.

It was longer than Nikola had been tall for most of her life.

Maybe that was why she thought of it almost like a person. It was large enough to be.

Maybe the cock was her baby now. Maybe she wanted to mommy it like she did her girlybrother. 

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No. That was ridiculous. This absolute symbol of manhood and power was nobody’s baby. This cock was her lord and master. 

Tatiana was upon it now. Her mouth had found it. Her lips and tongue had found his nutsack and were greedy for it. While her hands cupped his balls like holy relics, every component of her oral musculature worked to pull his scrotal sac into her mouth. Her face filled with the baggy, wrinkly skin of his scrotum. Those angry, gristly balls, engines of spunk, lingered on her lips and in her fingers while she sucked and dragged the sweaty sackflesh past her teeth.

The scrotal skin outside Tatiana’s face gripped Rutt’s bollocks so tightly now. For a moment, the Milkmaid thought she could hear ghostly voices coming from inside his left testicle, but then they stopped and she never thought about them again until the first of this novel’s two epilogues.

Rutt stirred in his sleep from the pressure on his sack. His meat was hardening. Tatiana released the scrotal skin from her mouth and took a long, slow lick of the Minotaur’s acrid besthole.

“Mmm,” groaned Rutt, coming round, “You dirty little bitch.”

Tatiana groaned with pleasure. She pulled herself up alongside the Minotaur and threw her arms around his erect fuckstick. She cuddled and hugged it, like a child would cling to a parent’s leg. 

The enormity of it. Between her arms. Between her slutbags. Bringing her knees up, she positioned her thighs around it too.

Tatiana was wrapped around the Minotaur’s massive penis like a fireman descending a pole. It pulsed against her pussy and throbbed between her titties. Her lips were licking and kissing its head now.

Yesterday she had wanked it with her hands. Today she wanked it with her whole body. Her whole soft body wrapped around it like a cocksleeve. Her every limb and extrusion moulded into an onahole for his use. Tits, arms, and thighs wrapping tightly around his weapon. Turning her whole body into a cunt. All Tatiana wanted to be was a cunt. All she wanted to be was a big wet cunt for her man.

The cunt between her own legs was saturated. Pussy juice gushing from between the fat, slutty lips of her bushy blonde minge. It felt so good against Rutt’s monster cock. It felt to good to wrap herself around a monster dick so long she could lick at its head while feeling it pressed between her thighs, pressed against her whore cunt. Fuck yes.

“This just a private party for you and my raper?” asked the rousing Minotaur, “Or am I invited?”

He reached round and slammed his heavy hands onto her 36J teats, squeezing them tighter round his shaft.

“Mmm, you like those those?” said Tatiana, “You like my big fat udders?”

Rutted snorted.

“Seen worse,” he said, and stood up.

He rose to his feet with Tatiana sat atop the shaft of his dick.

Her cunny lips folded around the pole beneath them.

She was astride his enormous monster wanger like a witch astride a broomstick. Like a kid sliding down a bannister. 

He held her in place by his firm grip on her titties. She clenched her thighs even tighter around his rod. The veiny mass of his manhood divided her labia as her cunt slid back and forth on top of it.

Tatiana couldn’t take this killer meat inside her. But nevertheless she could ride it. She could fuck it. Her soft thighs and her dripping wet cunt lips could ride and fuck it real good.

There was a cough. A polite little “excuse me” cough.

It didn’t come from Rutt, who was rarely polite.

It didn’t come from Tatiana, was wasn’t feeling very polite right then. She was feeling like a rabid fuckdoll.

It came from a pear. From a mouth that had grown on a pear that had grown on a branch that had grown on a tree that had grown in the barn. It had grown there in the last minute.

Tatiana and Rutt turned to look at the recently appeared pear tree.

“Hello,” said the pear tree, “I’m a dryad.”

“No shit,” said the Minotaur. “And you’re gonna be a dead fucking dryad unless you got a real good reason for interrupting this half-decent intercrural fuck.”

“I’ve been looking for you your whole life,” explained the tree. “Your whole life. And I finally found you.”

Tatiana climbed off Rutt’s dick. She didn’t know what was going on but it didn’t feel like the appropriate place to be.

The Minotaur grabbed a handful of her pubes and yanked them out. Tatiana screamed in pain and shock.

“Did I fucking tell you to get off my dick, whore? No? No? Did I? I see you shaking your head but I can’t hear the word. Did I fucking tell you to get off my dick?”

“N-no,” managed the Milkmaid. Agonised and shook. She threw her leg back over his pole and sat back astride it. Her quim’s lips around her heart’s desire. There were droplets of blood forming where that portion of her bush had been violently deforested. Fuck, how she longed for his vile, brutal, heavenly cock to be inside her. 

Then the Minotaur plucked the talking pear and took a big bite.

The tree didn’t react except to grow a new mouth on a new pear.

“I’ve been looking for you your whole life,” said the pear tree, “I was one of your father’s bitches, Rutt. And I wanna be a mommy for you. I wanna be such a good milky mommy.”

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