The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 29: Chapter 14: Peartree (Part 3)

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Tatiana thought she was probably a heterosexual. That wasn’t a huge deal for her, like it was for the Heterosexual Vampiress Ravinical Vesh. It wasn’t a big part of how she saw her ‘identity’ but it was probably a fact about her.

Sure, the Milkmaid liked to check out other girlies’ asses and slutbags. Everyone likes doing that. It didn’t mean she was seriously attracted to girlies. After all, like most people, she also liked to check out cute lolis and big horsecocks. That didn’t mean she was a lolicon or a zoophile. It just meant that naughty eyeballs like to roam over attractive subjects.

Maybe she got a little bit extra cuddly with her best friend Joanna sometimes, but they’d never really lezzed up.

So it was fair to say that Tatiana was straight.

She was also kind, warm-hearted, empathetic, and generally sexually submissive except for some soft mommy domme shit she had going on.

Being straight, kind, warm-hearted, empathetic, and generally sexually submissive, there were some situations that Tatiana thought she would never find herself in. Some things she’d assumed nice straight girlies would never find themselves doing.

One of them was raping another bitch.

This was not something Tatiana had ever expected she’d have to do. She was very unprepared. 

Rutt the Minotaur had decreed that he and his Milkmaid were going to rape Peartree the dryad together. Tatiana the Milkmaid had no idea what she was doing! She was so out of her depth! She wished she’d been taking notes all the times that she’d seen Irene Ivermectin being sexually assaulted, but she’d always tried to look away because she found it a little upsetting. What wasted opportunities! If she’d played closer attention she could just do to the dryad some of the things the villagers had done to Irene. The Minotaur wouldn’t have known she was just copying. He was new to the village and had only ever witnessed one of Irene’s gangrapes.

As it was, Rutt was holding the short, green-skinned woodland spirit by the wrists, waiting for the Milkmaid to start abusing her.

And the Milkmaid was just staring at the captive cunt with apologetic eyeballs.

“You must have thought something like this was gonna happen?” said Tatiana. She tried, very badly, to make it sound sadistic and threatening, but it was a genuine question.

“Yeah, I guess,” said Peartree, “But I had to take the risk. I wanna be Rutt’s mommy so bad. I wanna give him nurturing love, and moral guidance, and practical support and have him suckle on these titties.”

Poor Peartree. Her motives were so pure, thought, Tatiana. The dryad had loved Rutt’s father with all her sappy heart and, when he had departed this life for the Last Labyrinth, had spent over fifty years tracking down Rutt so she could mommy him nice. So she could offer him her love and udders.

“Hah! As if I’d ever suckle on your gross saggy teats!” said the Minotaur.

It was so unfair. Peartree’s boobies weren’t even that saggy. They had a little droop to them, sure, but Tatiana thought that gave them character.

Maybe Tatiana should show them some love to let Peartree know she liked them?

The Milkmaid reached out and took the dryad’s boobies in her hands. They felt real nice! Soft and doughy as they moulded between Tatiana’s splayed fingers. It was pretty nice groping and fondling them, while teasing and pinching at the dryad’s funny green nips with her thumbs. Maybe raping girlies was okay after all!

“What the fuck are you doing?” said the Minotaur, unimpressed by Tatiana’s technique. “What the fuck is this soft lesbian pyjama party pillow fight shit? We’re raping this cunt, not giving her a champagne and rose petals romantic weekend break.”

Tatiana apologised.

“I’ve never raped anyone before,” she explained.

“And I’ve never been raped before,” said the dryad.

“What, my daddy never raped you?”

Peartree shook her head.

“Even though your humanoid form could survive Minotaur cock? What the hell was wrong with that guy?”

“Oh, no way can dryads’ humanoid forms survive being fucked by Minotaurs! That’s a myth. Minotaur dick tears us apart as much as any other girlie.” The plump green cutie elucidated, “It’s just that our trees can regrow our humanoid forms after they’ve been fucked to death. Our trees are our true bodies.”

“It that so?” asked Rutt.

“Oh yeah. That’s why your father never fucked my humanoid form. He loved the real me. He liked to fuck my tree.”

“A real character, my old man, huh?” said the Minotaur, “Well, it’s your humanoid form that’s getting fucked today.”

He reached between her legs and forced a chunky finger into her dry besthole. She squirmed in discomfort as he gave it a good wiggle.

Tatiana wasn’t sure how she felt. The dryad was obviously feeling pain and fear from how the Minotaur was holding her, all the mean things he was threatening, and how he was forcing fingers up her unwilling ass. That made the Milkmaid feel bad! But the dryad looked so cute, grimacing in pain and trying not to cry. So fucking cute! And that made the Milkmaid feel naughty and tingly. Raping girlies was a really emotionally complex experience. It gave her a new respect for folks who did it. They must be so good at managing their feelings!

But most rapists she knew were just people who’d done Irene Ivermectin, and she guessed that was easier because it was just a silly prank on her husband. They didn’t have to worry about being any good at rape or doing it right.

Tatiana wanted to do it right. 

Yesterday, Rutt had been so good making the effort to fit in with her life. Coming with her on the milk round, hanging back when she was tossing off Mrs Mulberry, making himself part of village life at The Grin. He’d really gone the extra mile to be part of the things that were important to her.

And clearly one of the things that was important to him was committing savage acts of sexual assault on beings from classical mythology, so how could she make any less effort to fit in with that?

To be honest, it was a very good sign for their relationship that he wanted her to be part of this. Most boyfriends, Tatiana understood, liked to keep their girlfriends out of it when they raped other girls. But right from the start, Rutt wanted her to be included and that had to be healthy.

So Tatiana wanted to make her lovely new boyfriend proud!

She thought she’d better do something nasty to Peartree to get the party started. Rutt had both her wrists gripped behind her back in one of his giant hands. His other hand was fingering her besthole, which was no joke as Minotaur fingers were way fatter than most human dongs. But what had Tatiana done so far except caress Peartree’s boobies? Nothing! She knew she had to raise her game.

The Milkmaid’s own cunny was still hurting and bleeding ever so slightly from when Rutt had torn out a fistful of her pubes two chapters ago. 

Maybe that would be a fun mean thing to do to the dryad?

Yeah, Tatiana could see herself doing that. Grabbing Peartree by the bush and swiftly pulling down. 

She brought her hand up to perform the move and… oh my god! Peartree’s minge was bald. No pubes whatsoever. Okay, so that one wasn’t going to work!

Tatiana started to giggle. The Minotaur asked her what was so fucking funny, so she explained and he had a good chuckle too. Tatiana liked that the mood was still pretty light.

She brought her knee up sharply and slammed it between Peartree’s legs.

Right into her fucking cunt!

The dryad sobbed in pain, and Tatiana gasped at what she’d done.

“Wow! I’m sorry!” said the Milkmaid.

“Don’t apologise to the bitch!” the Minotaur corrected her, “Give her another!”

Tatiana gave her another knee to the snatch but it didn’t seem to make as big of an impact.

Putting her hands on the dryad’s wide hips to steady herself, Tatiana brought her knee up a third time, much harder. Aw yeah, that hit the spot. The bitch felt that one. Tatiana started to think this kind of thing could be pretty fun if you could disassociate yourself from all empathy and decency for long enough to enjoy it.

“Please stop,” begged the beautiful, vulnerable woodland spirit, “I only wanted to be your mommy. I only wanted to give you soft love and tiddy.”

“You hear that, Tat?” Rutt said, “Mommy Dryad wants to give us tiddy.”

Tatiana was so excited! He’d called her ‘Tat’ which was kinda her name! That was the first time he’d called her something other than ‘cumdump’ or ‘whore’ or whatever. This activity was so bonding for them. 

She took the verbal cue to start working Peartree’s teats, grabbing both her nips between her thumb and forefinger and stretching them out as long as they’d go. Rutt had three fat fingers up her besthole now and was running his wide, wet bull’s tongue all round the whimpering dryad’s face.

“Are you my mommy?” Rutt whispered in Peartree’s ear.

“I wanna be!” she blubbered pathetically, “I wanna be a nice mommy for..”

Rutt twisted the clump of fingers he had in her besthole viciously, scraping at the interior. Green, pear-scented blood was pouring from her anus now.

“Are you my mommy?” Rutt asked again.

“If you let me, I’ll show you what a good…”

Tatiana punched her in the titty.

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“Last time I’m asking, cunt. Are…you…my…motherfucking…mommy?”

“No,” Peartree admitted.

Rutt retracted his massive tongue and kissed her lips.

“That’s right. Next question. Who am I?”

Peartree whispered the answer.

“Louder,” he told her.

“DADDY!” she shrieked.

“Fuck yeah, I am,” said Rutt the Minotaur. He felt pretty good about this. The tree spirit had been one of his father’s best bitches, but she belonged to him now.

Tatiana was so wet. Her boyfriend was so fucking hot.

"You ready to fuck this slut now, Tat? You ready to fucking rape her cunt?"

Fuck yeah, Tatiana was ready. She was ready to do whatever the Minotaur told her. There was just one problem.

"I haven't got a pee-pee, babe," she said.


"Um...I haven't got a pee-pee. Y'know. To, um, rape her with."

Tatiana said the word 'rape' quieter than the others which was really cute. 

"Yeah, I noticed that. We're gonna improvise."

Rutt threw Peartree violently to the floor.


Let's be specific here. It matters. 

Rutt threw Peartree's humanoid projection to the floor. That humanoid projection wasn't her true form. Her true form was the tree growing inside the barn.

Rutt walked over to the pear tree and snapped off a branch.

So far the pain that Peartree had been feeling was physical and emotional. The agony she felt when the branch snapped was on a whole different level. It was spiritual pain. The tree was her true self, her true being, and in breaking it then Rutt had snapped off a part of her soul. He was violating her in profound and complete ways only a nymph could understand.

"Yeah, you liked that, didn't you?" he smirked at the broken bitch on the floor. 

And he handed the broken branch to Tatiana.

"No way! We're not gonna...?" the Milkmaid was genuinely shocked and horrified. Her first time as a rapist was in at the deep end, that was for sure!

"Oh yeah. We're gonna."

And the Minotaur sat his hairy ass right down on Peartree's face, grabbed her thighs and held them wide apart. Presenting the dryad's bald green minge as a wide open target for Tatiana.

"You're gonna need both hands on that," he told her.

He wasn't wrong. The branch was heavy. Or maybe Tatiana's arms felt light from the horror of what was happening. She felt a little like she was in a trance now... but also a little more awake. Like whatever disassociation had carried her this far was wearing off, and the reality and wickedness of what she'd been doing was coming flooding back to her in a tidal wave of empathy and conscience. How could she do this to another girlie?

But she did. 

With both hands gripping firmly, and tears streaming down he face, Tatiana the Milkmaid lined up the broken, splintered end of the branch with the entrance to the dryad's vag. The jagged break in the wood tore and scraped at Peartree's cuntlips as Tatiana tried to position it right so that the branch could be driven in deep.

Rutt shouted encouragement and directions. It was a messy, nasty process. She should probably have used the other end of the branch. But eventually it was in place. Tatiana put all her weight behind it and then thrust into to the dryad. Again and again and again.

"I don't think I really like raping girlies, babe," she said.

"Don't worry," said the Minotaur, "We ain't raping anyone. This fat green bitch I'm sitting on and that broken branch you're holding are both parts of the dryad. We ain't doing anything. She's just fucking herself."

Hours later, Peartree's ordeal was over. 

Tatiana, shaken to her very core, was looking around at the carnage in the barn.

"Is she...dead?" she asked.

"Nah," Rutt reassured her. "Remember what she said? Her humanoid form can regrow itself so long as her tree's okay."

"Oh yeah," Tatiana recalled.

Then Rutt took his axe and chopped down the tree.

"Fucking hells!" yelled the Milkmaid, "What the fuck?"

"Haha. Relax, girlie. She's gonna be fine. Fat green bitch is mine now and she and her saggy tits don't get away that easy."

"Okay, so first her tits aren't that saggy..."

"They fucking are. Disgusting pair."

"...and second, how the fuck is she gonna be fine? She's a tree! And you just chopped down the tree!"

Rutt was already stripping the branches and bark off the fallen tree.

"She's gonna be fine," he reiterated, "She's just not gonna be a tree anymore. That nymphic spirit is gonna animate something way better."

Tatiana understood. Or at least she understood where this was going. She understood that Rutt was going to make something out of the felled pear tree and that the nymph would now inhabit that object. What she didn't understand is if that had been his plan all along.

Had this rape just been for the sake of rape? 

Or for the sake of establishing dominance over his own dead father?

Or... had it all been a ritual of some kind to bind the dryad to him, on his terms, and ready her wood to be fashioned into whatever magical item the Minotaur was going to make?

Maybe Tatiana didn't have her bf as figured out as she thought she did, because she had absolutely no clue. What monstrosity had she really just let herself be involved in?

"Hope 'mommy' enjoyed however many fucking centuries she spent as a tree," Rutt reflected as he carved, "Because those days are behind her. From now on she's gonna be the shaft of my axe."

Inside the weapon he was crafting, Peartree's nymphic spirit felt a rush of unbelievable joy and elation.

She couldn't be Rutt's mommy.

But it was okay.

It was all okay.

He still wanted her. 

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