The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 31: Chapter 15: What If?

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As above, so below!

In the preceding interlude we read about two books of fairy lore and two masturbating girlies.

In this chapter we will also read about two books of fairy lore and two masturbating girlies. But don't worry. One of the books will be different. And both of the girlies.

High in the lofty and nefastus halls of Castle Vesh, Evangelina (the part-elven lesbian vampiress who didn't have a prophesied besthole) was greasing her gash like a pro, while Ravinical (the bored heterosexual vampiress) was mustering a typically lacklustre effort. 

While down in the village of Spetlamu, Tatiana (the Minotaur's Milkmaid) and Joanna (the Innkeeper's Ill-Reputed Tomboy Daughter) weren't tickling their clams yet, but let's give them time.

"So he's just...left?" asked Joanna.

The two teenagers were in Joanna's room at The Willowish Grinnigog, her father's Inn. They'd often chill there together while Tatiana got cleaned up after wanking all the patrons in the taproom, but right now they were simply hanging out. They were having a sleepover and looked super cute together in their girly pyjamas.

"Yeah," said Tatiana, "After we...after what happened with the dryad, he just walked out of the village."

Joanna wasn't sure what to think. She hadn't cared for the Minotaur and thought something didn't feel right about his relationship with her bestie, but it seemed fucked up that he'd arrive in Spetlamu, make such a big impression, and then just fuck off.

"So weird. And, like, he'd made you his sex slave and he'd said he was gonna massacre the vampires. He made all these big commitments and then he just...left."

"Oh, he's coming back."

"Ah! I've misunderstood."

"Yeah, lol. He's coming back Sunday."

"Oh right. Huh."

After Tatiana and Rutt had ritually raped Ubi-Ibi-Ibi-Ubi-Obi-Ubi-Ubi-Ubi-Ibi-Obi-Ubi the dryad, killed her pear tree, and bound her nymphic spirit forever to a carved wooden pole that was destined to become the shaft of a magic axe, the Minotaur had marched out of the village along the Eastern Road.

"Yeah, so before he raids the castle he's gotta do some 'gear prog' or something. Raise the ilevel of his main weapon. So he's collected the dryad-haunted wood for the shaft, now he needs metal for the head."

Joanna fluffed her pillow and sipped her cocoa.

"Do axes even kill vampires?" she asked.

"I guess so," said Tatiana, "Beheading kills them, doesn't it? Axes have gotta be okay for beheading, right? And he's gonna carve the knob to a point so it can work like a stake." 

"I'm sorry...the knob?"

"Haha, yeah. Sounds lewd, doesn't it? It's just part of the shaft of an axe. You got the eye...then the body, then the throat... then the knob."

"Wow, you're in deep, huh? You gonna start swinging an axe around too, Tattie?"

"For sure!" the Milkmaid laughed, getting into bed, "Beware Tatiana Lever - Barbarian Queen! Haha. Nah, You just gotta show an interest in your man's shit, don't you? Hey... is there gonna be room for us both in here, with my giant tits?"

"Sure. I'll just snuggle up. It's nice to be able to do this, isn't it?"

It was. Tatiana and Joanna hadn't had a sleepover together since they were both lolis. The milkmaid's responsibilities on the Lever dairy farm usually kept her tied there, but tonight her father and girlybrother had decided that she needed a break, needed some quality time with her best friend, needed some time away from the farm.

The atmosphere on the farm was so intense. 

There was the Careworn and Heartbroken Dabney Lever processing his grief about his wife's death, his belief that the sight of minotaur dick had turned him gay, his youngest child's gender identity, his youngest child's offer to masturbate him, his inexplicable feelings of disgust at his eldest child's titties, and his horror at having licked minotaur cum off them.

There was the non-binary boy Nikola Lever and her coming to terms with her gender identity, her having been groomed into a one-sided sexual relationship with a vampire who was very hot but very bad at aftercare, and her entering into an incestuous relationship with Tatiana based on mommy/son roleplay.

And there was Tatiana. Who was to some extent involved in all the above scenarios, and also had a lot of weird shit going on with the Minotaur.

This was a family who could do with a little time apart.

So arrangements had been made for Tatiana to sleep over with Joanna that night.

Nikola had asked the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh if she could have a sleepover too, up at the castle. He'd said absolutely not.

"Wow, your tits are kind of a problem actually," admitted Joanna. The single peasant bed they were sharing had its limitations. "Good thing I haven't got any."

Joanna's chest had changed very little since her loli days.

"I'll sleep facing this way. Then they can just flop over the side."

Tatiana rolled to her right. 

Two books on her bestie's bedside table caught her eye.

"Hey...are these...?"

"Yeah," said Joanna, "Those are the books. Those are the reasons everyone thinks I'm a slag."

Joanna had let Henri the Miller assfuck her three times in exchange for books of fairy wisdom. She only had two books to show for it, and neither was the one she had wanted.

Tatiana picked one up.

'Discourse On The Manner and Manners of the Fair Folk.'

"The Fey are cruel tricksters ever," she read. 

"Yeah, fucking tell me about it," said Joanna.

"Do you think it's true?" asked Tatiana, "Do you think fairies are all mean?"

Joanna hadn't really managed to resolve and rationalise her feelings on this. It was so hard to put together. The time she'd spent with her fairy as a loli was the happiest memory of her life, and the time the same fairy had burned the third book was hands down the worst shit that had ever happened to her.

"I don't know...I can't get it all to fit..." the tomboy admitted, "Like...I saw that one fairy two times in my life, but I can't get them to feel like the same person because my experiences were so different. The first time I saw her she made me so happy. The second time I saw her she destroyed all light, hope and goodness in the world. So how can my brain store them both in the same slot as the same person?"

Tatiana knew what she meant.

She was having that problem with Nikola. Trying to get all the Nikolas to fit in her head right. 

She had the Nikola she'd grown up with, the cute little twink brother she'd taught to masturbate.

Now she had this new Nikola she wanted as a lover and a son, that she wanted inside her pussy so bad.

And the two Nikolas used different pronouns and identified differently. It was so hard for her to reconcile them as one person. But she didn't think she could talk about that, and felt guilty even thinking it. It was some bullshit to complain that it was hard for cis people to adapt to the identities of people who fell under the trans umbrella. She knew that. But she found it hard anyway.

Her brain couldn't store both Nikolas in the same slot as the same person.

She supposed everything would be better once they'd fucked. Once she'd given her girlybrother her virginity. That knowing her that completely would make the idea of her whole. But she hadn't been able to touch him since Peartree. She hadn't been able to do anything sexual since the horror of being part of the dryad's rape and sort-of-murder.

"It's the same for me. My brother's a girlybrother now and I need to fuck him but I can't because I raped a tree."

"Is that the same?"

"Kind of. I think. The bit about...the brain storing people in slots or something. I dunno. I'm a dumb bitch."

Joanna gave her a little kiss.

"I love my dumb big-titty bitch," she said.

Tatiana thought about how different it felt when Joanna called her a dumb big-titty bitch to when Rutt called her the same words. She figured that, like how the brain sometimes has to store the same person in different slots, it has to do that with words too. The Milkmaid's passion was sociolinguistics, but the overlaps between that field of study and neurocognition were fascinating.

When Joanna called her a big-titty bitch it made her heart feel warm.

When Rutt called her a a big-titty bitch it made her vag feel warm.

Tatiana picked up the second book.

'Fey Blessings.'

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"Ah, yeah. That one's just porn," said Joanna. 

She wasn't wrong. It was one hundred and ninety-seven pages of human men fucking fairies. Joanna didn't care for the book. She wanted to be a fairy, not penetrate one.  

'Fey Blessings' just wasn't an interesting book. It had a certain shock value for the first few chapters, but once that joke wore off then it was just repetitive, banal and unpleasant. Nobody could possibly be interested in reading a book like this one unless they were morbidly obsessed by dicks going into holes that were too small for them. 

"Wow, this is neat," said the Minotaur's Milkmaid.


" how are these little fairies taking dicks that're bigger than they are?"

"They're just drawings, Tattie."

"Okay, but look..." Tatiana leant over to show Joanna the page she was on. "This little tinkerbell bitch here...she's what...four inches tall? And she's got a seven inch dick up her quim!"

"Yeah, it's a drawing, babe."

"And this one over the page. This little Rainbow Magic cutie. 'Angelonia the Double Anal Fairy.' She's accommodating two wangs in her besthole and both are twice her size."  

"Yeah, it's a drawing."

"And this..."

"Tattie, you're about to describe a drawing of a fairy getting fucked by a human dick and I'm about to tell you it's a drawing."

Tatiana sighed. Her friend was right. 

"Yeah, yeah I guess these pictures are just beautiful fantasises," the Milkmaid admitted, "It's just so frustrating I can't take my boyfriend inside me without perforating my bowel, fracturing my spine, and having my intestines fly around the room like deflating balloons. I wish the Blessings of the Fey were real!"

Joanna looped her arm around her friend's and snuggled in close.

"Wild that I'm the one who wants to be a fairy, and you're the one who needs a fairy cunny."

"Mmm, yeah," moaned Tatiana, "I need a magic fairy cunny so my nasty Minotaur can fuck me deep and hard."

"Wow, that dumb book's turned you on, huh?"

It sure had! The discomfort Tatiana had experienced around sexual thoughts since Peartree's rape was lifting. Tatiana was very comfortable with sexual thoughts since leafing through 'Fey Blessings.'

Joanna gave her another little kiss, but this time flicked her tongue over Tatiana's lips. The way she'd always done since they were lolis. The way she did when she was letting her friend know she wanted deeper, sweeter kisses. Tatiana kissed back, long and slow, to let her know she understood.

"You can enjoy the book, if you like," whispered the skinny ginger tomboy. 

Tatiana looked like she didn't quite understand what was meant by that.

"If the book's turning you can enjoy it. I don't mind."

Okay. Now Tatiana understood. She made a happy little moan to show how completely she understood.

She understood. Aw yeah, she understood.

"I don't understand," she said, naughtily, "Whatever do you mean, Jo?"

Joanna leaned in right up to Tatiana's ear. She lowered her voice and breathed softly.

"I don't mind if you touch yourself."

Oh fuck, thought Tatiana, whatever drawings were in that book wasn't anywhere near as hot as whatever her skinny little tomboy friend was doing right now. Her words felt so tingly and good in her ear. The fleeting moments when Joanna's smooth teen face brushed up against hers.

"I don't mind," whispered her best friend, "If you touch your pussy."

"My naughty pussy," gasped the buxom Milkmaid. Her fingers had found it already. Found her own fluffy blonde bush.

Joanna watched Tatiana's arm slip down under the blanket.

"You're touching it now, aren't you? You're touching your pussy."

"Mmm, yeah I am. I love my naughty pussy, Jo."

Joanna kissed her, full on her plump, feminine lips. Their eyes locked. The blue eyes of the Milkmaid trapped staring into the green of the tomboy's.

"You're in bed with your best friend," Joanna held her gaze, "And you're fingering your naughty, wet pussy."

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm fingering it so nice. My clitty feels so good."

"Show me," said Joanna.

Tatiana didn't have to be asked twice. She couldn't bring herself to cutely pretend not to understand this one. She really wanted to show her friend her pussy. She wanted to share that sight. The urge to display it, to have it been seen and looked on approvingly, was so strong and primal. Her cunt needed to be perceived, to be studied by affectionate eyes.

She raised the blanket, lowered her pyjamas, and spread her legs.

She felt like she was showing Joanna everything. Not just the plump fullness of her twatlips and the wet pink within, but everything she was going through and everything she was.

All her desires and needs.

How much she wanted to make everyone happy. How much she missed her mother. How much she wanted to comfort Nikola and make everything okay for her. How much she wanted to be a good person and how sure she was, deep down, that she wasn't one. How much she wanted the Minotaur to fuck her and rape her and kill her. How much she wanted to live and be happy and free. How much she wanted Peartree to know she was sorry.

Tatiana, the Minotaur's Milkmaid, spread her thick thighs as wide as she could because she so desperately needed her best friend to see her cunny. She felt her cunny told her story. Showed who she was. Only her cunny felt like it represented the truth of her life right now. And she needed Joanna to see that truth.

"You're so beautiful, Tatiana," Joanna said.

Tatiana started crying.   

The mood changed.

"Babe...babe..." Joanna was stroking her butter-blonde hair now, holding her head against her flat chest, "Tatiana... what if we loved each other?"

What a question. What a concept. What an idea.

What if we loved each other?

What a thing to ask.

"You mean like, if we were gfs? Like full on lez?" the Milkmaid was struggling. 

"Yeah, for real. But...not just that. Like what if there was love?"

"I don't get it."

" Your boyfriend, the Minotaur. He's a cruel man, right?"

"Yeah. He nasty."

"And the Miller who used me and hurt me, and the villagers who call me wicked names, and the fairy who deceived me...they're all cruel. The vampire exploiting your sibling. The tyrannical cook beating his family. The Godfolk who sent the shitting disease. Maybe even some of the guys who tease the Parson."

Tatiana's eyebrows shot up. She thought she was okay at spotting patterns but this was legit news to her. She genuinely hadn't put any of this shit together. It was just how the world was, wasn't it?

"Yeah. When you put it like that, there's a lot of cruelty in the..."

In the Lands of Lust and Pain.

"What if we promised each other to not be like that. If we were supportive and protective instead. What if we loved each other? What if we were kind?" 

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