The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 36: Chapter 20: Assault on Castle Vesh (Tatiana’s Story)

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The morning after Irene's death there was a strange atmosphere in Spetlamu.

Tatiana felt it as she went about her milk round.

Tatiana contributed to it as she went about her milk round.  

The atmosphere was strange and grew stranger as she passed through. Delivering the milk, the yogurts, the cheeses. Going from door to door, like every morning, distributing the wares of the Lever Dairy Farm. Bringing her face to the houses of the people who had witnessed yesterday's atrocity in the church.

Her face. The face of the girlie who had saved all their lives. From her boyfriend.

On most days most of the men and trans lesbians along her route wanted one of her famous luxury handjobs to go with their groceries. Not many wanted a handjob today. Not with the grisly spectacle of what had happened to the priest's wife still so fresh in their minds.

She refused those very few brave men who still asked to be tossed off. They were upset but understanding. Well, kind of understanding. They were understanding but they didn't understand. They thought Tatiana was declining to wank them because she was shaken by what had happened with Irene.

That wasn't it.

She was shaken far more by what had happened with Peartree.



"What they saying about me out there?" asked Rutt when she got back to the farm. "They coming for me with pitchforks and torches?"

"Babe, they're saying nothing about you out there."

"Nobody's got an opinion, huh?" 

They were relaxing together in the barn. She was giving him some gentle, slow strokes as they chatted.

"Oh, they've got their opinions, no doubt. They're just terrified"

His cock gave a cute twitch in her hands. Damn, she loved this thing so much.

"Well, maybe they'll like ol' Rutt a little more after tonight, huh? After I free this town from the vampires."  

"See, that's the thing..." she looked up from his truncheon, "They won't. Everyone likes and respects the Burgrave. As feudal lords go, nobody here's ever heard of a better one. He's our guy."

"Yeah well, not after tonight he's not."

Tatiana sighed. Her words weren't gonna change his mind. The Minotaur wanted to be the big liberating hero and that was that. She might as well talk less and use her mouth to do more licking around the corona of his cockhead. That was safe again now she'd washed all of Irene's brain matter off it.

"You got plans for while I'm out massacring vamps?" he asked.

 "Yeah. My girlfriend's coming over so I can suck off Nikola."

"Fuck. You kids are crazy. What, Joanna's gonna suck your brother to show you how it's done?"

"Girlybrother," Tatiana corrected.

"Sorry, yeah. Girlybrother," said Rutt respectfully. Nikola was a non-binary boy who used she/her pronouns.

"And nah," the Milkmaid further explained, "Joanna hasn't got the first clue about sucking dick. She's just coming round because..."

...and there she trailed off.

It was kind of hard to explain without bringing up some difficult stuff.

Tatiana really wanted to move to a fully sexual relationship with her girlybrother, based on mommy/son roleplay. She wanted Nikola's dick in every hole she had, while they talked about what a good mommy she was and what a good girlyboy Nikola was, and they just cuddled and cummed and loved each other all night.

Nikola had a lot of issues as she came to better understand her gender and the psychological effects of having been groomed since the age of ten by a charming but naughty vampire. Tatiana had a few things she was trying to figure out. Both of them were pretty confident that them fucking each other was gonna help a lot. 

Both of the Lever siblings were 100% sure that the world was gonna seem a simpler and happier place once Nikola was balls deep in her Onee-chan and pretending that she was her mother.

All that stuff, Tatiana was happy to tell her Minotaur boyfriend. 

And he kinda got a lot of it too. Not all of it. Rutt was at least thirty-five years older than Tatiana, so it'd been a long time since he'd been a teenager, and there was no way he could relate to modern teen feelings like these. But he listened, and he took it in, and he said the right things. Sometimes, Tatiana thought, he really was the best bf and she loved him nearly as much as she loved his wanger.  

Rutt might not have entirely understood why his milkmaid wanted to give her anal and vaginal virginities to her non-binary girlybrother while pretending to be her mommy, but he understood that it was important to her and that was what mattered. 

So yeah, Tatiana could talk to him about all that stuff.

What she couldn't talk to him about was why she hadn't taken Nikola's cock yet. Why Joanna had to come round to help. Why she hadn't been able to masturbate any of her customers today.

Because that was because of Peartree.

Helping rape the dryad had been fun in parts and horrible in other parts, but it had kind of fucked Tatiana up. 

Now, in sexual situations, she froze and couldn't do anything. Like some useless frigid bitch!

Thinking about sex stuff made her feel panicky and weird.

"Kind of a little like Irene used to get," she thought, "Which was weird because she was a rape victim and I'm a rapist..."

Damn, that was a freaky thought, "I'm a rapist!"

Fuck, Tatiana could not handle that thought at all! That little factoid just did not feel like something that could or should be true of the kind, friendly, good-natured and warm-hearted village milkmaid with curly butter-blonde hair. 

So... yeah. Tatiana wanted to get real sexy with Nikola but couldn't... because sex stuff just made her think about the poor dryad now.

Unless one of the two exceptions were in play.

There were two things that could bring her troubled mind some peace and let her get as horny as she wanted. One of them was Rutt's dick. She loved it so much that it overrode all feelings of guilt and shame. There was no way she could hold it in her hands and feel bad about Peartree, because Minotaur dick was so wonderful that it deserved to do whatever it wanted to whoever it wanted. To caress that shaft was to transcend morality.

The other thing that made the bad thoughts go away was Joanna. 

Her little ginger tomboy girlfriend was so kind, and loving and devoted that she made Tatiana's whole world more beautiful and bright. When she was with Joanna it felt like there was more to these lands than just lust and pain. It felt like there was caring, and mutual support, and female solidarity. Being with Joanna made it feel like what had happened with Peartree couldn't really have haven't because nothing so horrible could happen in the same world as Joanna.

This was bullshit, of course, and erased the grotesque misogynist traumas that had been inflicted on Joanna herself. But it was how Tatiana felt.

Tatiana could do sex stuff if the Minotaur's dick was present (because it made her feel like Peartree's rape was okay). 

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Tatiana could do sex stuff if Joanna was present (because she made her feel like Peartree's rape never really happened). 

Tatiana could do sex stuff under absolutely no other circumstances. 

Either Joanna or Rutt's dick had to be involved for her to get horny without freezing up.

And that was really slowing down her relationship with Nikola.

"You okay there, big tits?" asked the Minotaur, "You kinda zoned out there a bit."

"Oh yeah. Yeah, I guess. Sorry...what were we talking about?"

"You were telling me why your girlfriend needs to come round before you can suck your girlybrother's dick...?"

"Oh, yeah. Right. Huh. I guess she just wanted to watch," the Milkmaid lied. 

She felt real bad about lying to her bf, but she just didn't want him to know how fucked up she was over Peartree. She knew he'd think she was being a pussy.


The plan had been for Joanna to just kind of hang out while Tatiana sucked Nikola. To just sit there reading or something. Maybe stroke the Milkmaid's hair or fondle her ass or something if it looked like she needed that extra emotional support.

It's not how it went.

Nobody's dick got sucked.

The three teens just... never got around to initiating the dick sucking. They had so much to talk about, so much to share and discuss and unload, that the three of them all just ended up chatting to each other for hours. 

When the three of them got together, up in Tatiana's cosy attic bedroom, then the whole vibe was much more "lets all just hang out and chill" rather than "lets cross hard lines of sexual taboo and unshackle ourselves from decency and restraint." 

At no point was a formal decision reached like "Tatiana will not be sucking her girlybrother's penis today" but it didn't need saying out loud. They could all read the room. This wasn't the time for that. It was just the time for the Milkmaid to relax, kick back and enjoy the company of two people she loved.

Tatiana took her titties out and offered them each one to play with. 

Neither declined.

The milkmaid lay back on her bed feeling happier and more relaxed than she had in over a year.  

Her cute twink girlybrother playing with her right nipple.

Her flat-chested tomboy girlfriend sucking on her left nipple.

Yeah, today wasn't the day to try anything stressful or adventurous. Today was the day for chill shit like this. Two people she loved working her big fat titties. She wondered which of them would be the first to finger her foof.

"You two are the best," she said, "I really needed this, guys... oh! Are you okay with 'guys' Nikola?" 

"Lol, yeah," said the quasi-medieval enboy.

"This is real nice," said Joanna. As well as getting to suck her gf's massive slutbags, she was enjoying spending time with Nikola. She wasn't attracted to her, but she was closer to her in age than she was to Tatiana and they had a lot of stuff in common. It was weird that Nikola and Joanna didn't hang out more, since they were both important in the local church's LGBT society, but that was such a big group that you could get kind of lost in it. Everyone there tended to stick to their own cliques. 

"So nice," confirmed Tatiana with a little moan. Both of her bitches were so good at this kind of leisurely, laid-back tit-sucking. Nikola worked her nipple like a full baby coming to the end of a feed. Joanna with an absent-minded affection. Joanna played with her titty as if doing that and talking to her were kind of the same thing - just different ways of showing love with her mouth.

"Yeah, look at you," said Nikola, "Tatiana Lever, great harem master."

She ruffled her hair. Then she ruffled Joanna's too. For symmetry.

"You two are the least problematic members of my harem," the Milkmaid joked.

"So where is your third waifu, anyway?" asked Joanna, obviously glad that the answer was "not here." This afternoon would be going pretty different if Rutt was with them in the little attic bedroom. For one thing the stairs would have to join the kitchen door on the repairs list.

"Yeah, Rutt's up at the castle now. Killing everyone."

"Oh shit, is that tonight?" Nikola had kind of been hoping for at least a chance to say goodbye to his vampire lover before the Minotaur killed him. Maybe say some other stuff too. "Well fuck. Guess I'm only going to be in one harem from here on out."

"Hey! Do you think that, because we're in Tatty's harem and she's in the Minotaur's harem... that means we're indirectly in the Minotaur's harem?" blurted out Joanna. It wasn't the most reasonable thing to say to someone who'd just discovered that her vampire bf was about to die, but the thought had just hit her and hit her hard, so out her mouth it came. Joanna really did NOT want to be in Rutt's harem in any sense whatsoever. 

"I don't think so," said Nikola. "But I am gonna make a chart."

There was a silence.

"Damn, I really am bummed about the vampires getting killed," Nikola said.

"I mean... we could always go save them?" suggested Joanna.

Tatiana was shocked!

"What? Us save the vampires from my monster bf and his terrible alien, dryad-haunted axe?"

"Sure. Why not? I know the secret passage from the inn to the castle that dad uses to deliver all the lesbians' wine. All we'd have to do is warn them he was coming... or have you deescalate the Minotaur like you did back at the church."

Shit. That was a pretty good plan. And the village was just gonna collapse into total anarchy and poverty if the Minotaur just murdered the local government and strode away. And Nikola was never gonna make peace with her relationship with the Burgrave if this was how it ended.

The more angles the Milkmaid came at it from, the more it made sense.

The more good reasons there were for the three hot teens to form an adventuring party, make use of Joanna's secret passage, sneak into the castle, and broker a peace between the Vampires and the Minotaur.

"Let's do it!" she said. 

Three heroes. Off on their first quest. 

The milkmaid felt so proud of her lovers.

She had no way of knowing that neither of them, as the people they were right then, would ever leave Castle Vesh. 

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