The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 45: Interlude: Satisfactions

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Hey, I'm no monster. True, over the last week I've killed more girlies than I have since the beach volleyball massacre, but I had a good reason for each and every one of them.

With Peartree there were almost too many godfolk-damned reasons! Too many things to keep my attention on for me just to relax and have a good nut. In a perfect world that session would have been the wholesome and emotionally uncomplicated experience of just smashing my dad's wife to death with my dick. But in this dark realm, in the Lands of Lust and Pain, it had to be complicated.

The warm-up was pretty fun, but as the hours of her violation and torture went on then it all had to get a bit 'ritual' and a bit 'occult.' If the whole scenario was gonna end with her spirit bound to a new shaft for a magic axe, then it had to be spooky magic sex. That ain't me. I like to grunt and roar when I fuck, not chant or intone. Just glad we managed to get about forty minutes of light-hearted and enjoyable sexual assault out of it before all that dumb goth shit had to kick in.

Having Tat there was another thing to think about. Don't get me wrong, it was so fucking sweet how keen she was to make the effort to help even though this wasn't her kind of party. I already knew she was a kind and selfless girlie from watching how she acted around the village, but I was amazed to see that she was so kind and selfless that she would completely put her morality and tastes aside just to help her new minotaur boyfriend spend all morning violently molesting another girlie. What a babe! Like I said, I'm falling for her hard.   

But however eager she was to please, it was still her first rape - fuck, as far as I could tell, it was her first time even being mean to anyone - so she had to be shown the ropes. She had to be coached. Lot she needed to be encouraged with and supported through and, to be honest, it took me out of the experience. Especially after the third time she broke down crying. The first two bouts of sobbing I was able to put a stop to with some motivational words, but the third bout carried on pretty much through to the end.

So, yeah. Between having to do infernal dark magicks to enslave Peartree's nymphic spirit to my axe, and having to emotionally support Big Titty Tatty through the abominable crime I was coercing her to commit in order to strengthen our relationship... between all that shit then there just wasn't much space in the experience for me to just simply enjoy hammering the hell out a screaming, chubby, green-skinned cunt.  

It was okay though, I guess. Now the nymph was bound to the shaft of my axe then I could just summon up her humanoid form to fuck anytime I felt like it. Ha! It'd be the first time I'd ever stuck my meat up the same cunny twice! Not that there'd been much left of her cunny by the time my dick got inside it the first time. By that time Tatiana had already shredded it to bleeding tatters by shoving a splintered branch right up there. 

It was okay, but it was emotionally complex. Left us all with a lot of feelings and shit, rather than a nice warm post-fuck afterglow. It was probably best that when I was done carving the tree I left the village for a couple of days. Gave my Milker a bit of time to process shit.

No time for me to process anything though! No emotional respite for poor ol' Rutt!

For me it was straight back to one of the hardest places in the world for me to be. Back to the campsite where the British Robots had massacred the men, whores and slaves in my care. Back to the site of my greatest shame and failure. That was pretty rough, let me tell you. I felt like pure shit. Had to do it though. A magic axe made out of the wood of a nymph needed a blade of equal puissance, and there was nothing better or more fitting to fashion it out of than the metal shell of the one Exterminator I saw killed the night they attacked.

An axe with a shaft from classical mythology and a blade from science fiction. An axe made out of my frustrations. My frustrations with the shadow of my father providing the wood. My frustrations at being bettered by Outer Space Robot People providing the metal. There are three things in the world; Frustrations, Satisfactions, and the Opportunities to turn the former into the later. I hadn't picked a name for the axe yet. I liked 'Absalom' but knew most likely I was just gonna lazily end up calling it 'Peartree' because the cunt's nymphic spirit abided within. What I really wanted though was to call it 'Satisfaction.'  

So yeah, it was rough going back there, stomping over the rotten corpses of the folks I couldn't save, and stripping that alien metal from the robot's shell. And it wasn't easy then exiting Linear Time to track down my mysterious old friend from the Idea Wars, the one man in all the Multi-Verse I knew with the skill to work that metal into an axe blade.

But I did it. I made those sacrifices. I pushed through a lot of difficult feelings and a couple of boundaries of reality, morality, and copyright law to make a mighty magical axe with which to save the villagers of Spetlamu from their wicked vampiric landlords.

I did all that. I paid that price and took those hits.

And when I returned to the village yesterday, ready to become their hero, what did I see? What did I fucking see?

Every single villager crammed inside the church. And a huge sign outside saying


What the fuck, guys? What the fuck? Ungrateful little shits.

I love my dick. I love it so damn much. I love it and I won't hear a fucking word said against it.

They think it's their problem? Then I'm gonna damn well make it their problem.

So I strode into the church ready to start an orgy of carnage.  Slammed the World's Big Problem right into the face of the priest's wife. It came right out the other side. Looked funny as hell. My shaft had smashed through her teeth and mouth and burst out the back of her neck. A grotesque mechanism of skull fragments and spinal cord kept her ragdoll corpse dangling from my erect pole. Well, nothing like that had happened before! Her head was like a needle threaded by my meat. I think she died pretty quick. I was horny as fuck and couldn't wait to see how many more bitches I could get dangling on there the same way. I'd seen red and no cunt was leaving that church alive.

Then my milkmaid stepped forward. Then Tatiana, that beautiful big-titted blonde slut, approached me and began to work my cock so good and so nice that all I wanted to do was ease back and let her worship it. Clever little bitch. Clever little slut. Fuck, Tat works my big nasty cock so nice. So nice I could almost believe it was back between Vanessa's tentacles. The stress and distress of revisiting the campsite massacre and the weird conflicted feelings I had over Peartree's ritual rape... all that shit melted away as she took my fat dick in her soft hands. As I stood there in the aisle of Saint Lidwina's, surrounded by screaming and weeping villagers, the grisly corpse of the vicar's wife suspended from the base of my fuckstick, and my sweet, innocent, beautiful girlfriend milking six hot creamy loads out of my stinky balls... everything felt in the world felt beautiful and right.

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But it's never as simple as that.    

There were still the vampires to kill.

So the next day I assaulted Castle Vesh. 

First opposition I came across was some goth bitch in fancy underwear. Nips of her soft white 42H tits poking through slutty triangles cut out of whatever the hells you call the fucking lacey slutwear she was wrapped in. 

The bitch was really horny for me. All bitches except those with a real high lez percentage are horny for me, but with this cunt it was crazy. She was so thirsty it was kinda unattractive. Kinda messy.

The fight got kinda messy too. It's always gonna when you're fighting someone who's got vampire powers but no idea how to use them. Gave me a good test run of Satisfaction though. Inside the axe, Peartree's nymphic spirit steered it well, stretching, warping and bending the wood...directing my blows to where they needed to fall... correcting for the vampire bitch's superspeed. The bitch got a few bites and scratches in but she never stood a fucking chance. 

Chopped off her arm, chopped off one of her titties, then stomped her to death when she was dumb enough to turn into a one-winged bat.

The next two vamps put up a better fight. Which was impressive as, during the battle, one of them mentioned she'd been suffering from migraines lately; Migraines are no joke! They were lesbians though, so naturally had better combat stats.

They worked and strategised as a team, used their brains and powers and exploited their advantages. The fight started with me toying with them and ended with me respecting them. Dare say they'd have won if I'd fought fair. But I had Peartree morph Satisfaction into a stake and dusted the one with 34D tits. That shook up the one with 34C tits so bad it gave me an opening to chop off her head. I got the impression they'd been pretty madly in love.

Then I chopped a few more bits off her corpse. As trophies. Mounted them on my horns. Felt like a way of honouring a warrior.

My next two obstacles were not warriors.

One was Tatiana's complicated sibling, Nikola, who'd somehow got inside the vampire castle and wanted to talk through her gender identity. To be honest, we had a pretty good talk. I liked the kid a lot. If things worked out with the Milkmaid I kinda almost saw myself ending up like a big, gruff friendly uncle to Nikola. Full of good advice.

The other obstacle was some kind of magic tentacle kitten or something. It tried to teleport me and the bitchboy out of the castle, but I used an Ultratemporal Affirmation technique to ground myself and stay rooted to my location. 

Technique just worked on ol' Rutt though. Nikola and the kitten were sent flying off through local space/time like snapped elastic. Hope the kid's okay. Tatiana will be real upset if her girlybrother's dead. She really wanted to give that kid her pussy-virginity.  

That kinda brings us to where we are now, huh?

Where I am right now, anyway. Standing outside the Boss Room of the castle. I've drunk some potions to buff me up and got my stance on.

About to go in and face my final foe, the notorious vampire Burgrave Chevoy Vesh. 

Think what you've seen so far has been kinda nasty? It's got nothing on what happens once I open that door.   

And so ends the recap. Sadly it wasn't a very effective one because it didn't remind you of the most important thing in this situation. Because it was from Rutt's perspective, and he doesn't know the most important thing in this situation.

There's a serpent that nests in the Queen of Forfeiture's womb.


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