The Minotaur’s Milkmaid

Chapter 52: Chapter 29: ONE NIGHT HENCE

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After the Assault on Castle Vesh, Ravinical promised Rutt that her vagina could offer him an experience he had never known.

He bade her come to the Levers’ farm three nights hence.

This is one night hence.

“Dad, is rape wrong?” asked Nikki.

"Hmmm. Asking the big questions, eh son?"

"She's your daughter now," Tatiana reminded Dabney.

The three Levers were huddled in front of the fireplace in the farmhouse's parlour. The father in the armchair,  his offspring on the couch. Reunited after their adventures. After Nikki and Tatiana's adventures anyway. Dabney had mostly just been getting on with farm stuff during the Assault on Castle Vesh and the day following. Any stories he had to tell were of longer ago.

Tatiana had been returned home that morning by the Burgrave Chevoy Vesh himself, although he had not left the shade of his carriage. The Milkmaid had found it funny that her friend had had less trouble sourcing a carriage pulled by skeletal horses than sourcing a cup of tea. Yet despite the horrifying refreshments at Castle Vesh, the vampires had otherwise been completely courteous. They had even given her Rutt's magic axe to take home with her, which was real kind considering that he'd chopped them all up with it a bit. The vampires seemed good people all round. Neat, sweet, petite. A bit creepy and kooky perhaps. Certainly mysterious and spooky. But by no means altogether ooky. The Milkmaid enjoyed the Burgrave's company and although she hadn't seen much of his heterosexual wife, his lesbian wives had been so adorable. They couldn't stop apologising for having sprinkled dead babies' amputated fingers all over her unseasonal Christmas treats! Tatiana wondered if her girlfriend, Joanna, would like to meet these vampiric dykes. Jo was around 70% lez, so it might be nice for her to have some 100% lez friends. 

Nikki had returned home around midday, having flown back from the Ligature border by turning herself into a helicopter using her shoulder tentacles. Her family were surprised at both the shoulder tentacles and the invention of the helicopter. They were also surprised to learn that she was now a velvety purple futanari catgirl. Nikki had expected folks would find that really hard to adjust to, but strangely everybody was treating it almost like it was something of a relief. 

Previously, there had been Nikola, a non-binary boy who used she/her pronouns. Now there was Nikki, a futanari catgirl. And everyone seemed much more comfortable with the fetishised pornographic construct than with the authentic trans identity. Funny that. 

"Are you still my sibling?" Tatiana had asked when Nikki first explained that she was now a new being created by the fusion of Nikola and some kind of magic tentacle kitty.              

"I'm your sister now"

The milkmaid had pressed her big soft breasts up against the kitty cat and whispered in her pointy ear, "And am I still your mommy? Am I still your lovely, milky mommy?"

"Mmm, yeah..." purred Nikki. Exhausted as he was from being annihilated and reconstructed, almost dying in the desert, and inventing the helicopter, Nikki couldn't wait to fuck her sister-mommy. Nikola's little boy dick had been rubbing cutely against and between Tatiana's ass cheeks for years. Now it was surely nearly time for her bigger, better girldick to slip into Tatiana's cunt and take her virginity. Tatiana had always been the best sister Nikola could have dreamt of. Now for Nikki she was the best mommy as well. And the naughty kitty couldn't wait to be inside her pussy.

Joanna had made it back with Nikki. She was a fairy now. She was also barely conscious and nearly dead from sunstroke. They put her in a jam jar full of lard and rosewater and left her in the pantry to heal. The Levers would think about her later.

Rutt was the last to return. He got back in the middle of the afternoon. Injured from having been thrown from atop a castle and almost drowning in a moat, he wasn't in a great condition. But he was strong enough to demand that Tatiana give him a handjob and demand to have first suck on Nikki's brand new 32G slutbags. After he'd cum, slapped them around a little, and called them a few boring slurs, he went to the barn to rest and heal.

So come the evening, with Rutt inside the barn, Joanna inside a jam jar, and Peartree inside an axe, it was just the core Lever family relaxing together in the warmth and rustic comfort of the parlour.

“Dad, is rape wrong?” 

"Hmmm. Asking the big questions, eh son?"

"She's your daughter now."

"Sorry, daughter," said Dabney, "What's put that in your mind, I wonder? Been listening to the old parsons' funny ideas about 'consent culture' have we?"

The family all chuckled. Tatiana had sometimes felt a little sorry for Camenzind Ivermectin, but none of the Levers would really miss him around the village. 

"No, it's not like that," explained the catgirl, "It's just... you know I've been merged with a playful kitty-cat called Ahegao, right? Well, Ahegao had a kind of predatory streak. She was a cat. She liked to hunt, okay? So sometimes she'd rape girlies with her shoulder tentacles."

"Wow, and you've got all those memories?" asked Tatiana. Nikki's head was laid on her lap getting ear scratches and headpats from the milkmaid. Tatiana ruffled her sister's hair when she said 'memories' as if to indicate the head in which she thought the memories might be. 

"Kind of. They're coming back to me slowly. Like the memories of how to teleport. All I know for sure is that Ahegao used to have a really fun time committing rape."

"So you thought you might like to try it, eh?" asked her father. 

"Yeah! I just wanted to check first that it wasn't a bad thing to do."

"I've been wondering about that too," Tatiana spoke up. It was very brave of her to say this out loud. "I helped my boyfriend rape and torture a dryad in order to bind her nymphic spirit to the magical axe in the kitchen. A lot of it was pretty exciting and funny, but I felt real bad afterwards and I can't stop feeling bad. So I've been thinking too... maybe rape's wrong?" 

"So you girls have come to your ol' papa for some advice?" Dabney puffed proudly on his pipe, "I suppose maybe I haven't given you clear enough moral guidance on this issue up until now. It's no wonder you're confused. But then, I don't reckon I ever got much guidance on such things from the Lever Patriarchs afore me. Poppa Erwin thought very much like the Parson. He thought it was a terrible wickedness for a man to force himself on someone and that it diminished the man's spirit. Extreme views. He even thought that it was harmful in some way for the person being raped."

They all looked over at the mantlepiece, at the portrait there of Poppa Erwin. Austere and stenatorian.

"Then there was Poppa Dezideriu. He had no personal interest in committing rape, being asexual, but the squirrelly old fella did so love to skin women alive while they dangled from hooks in the cellar. He'd always vocally defend that hobby. Usually in court."      

They all looked over at the mantlepiece. Then all remembered that they tended not to keep portraits of Poppa Dezideriu on display. Family policy.

"And finally, Poppa Maximillian. He'd always tell me, 'Son, you've gotta find a balance in life.' Poppa Maximillian would say it was important to respect and love women, to understand their personhood and agency. A heterosexual man needs a woman as his companion in life, he'd tell me. As his helpmeet and partner. 'If a straight man can't love and respect women, then that man will live a lonely, empty life' he would say. But he'd also say it was important to rape a few sluts too. Everything was about balance with Poppa Maximillian. Cherishing and honouring women was vital to him, but he'd also preach the importance of sometimes just pinning a bitch down and violating her remorselessly while laughing at her screams and sobs."

"Poppa Maximillian was always so wise," said Tatiana.

"Aye, aye... that he was...but I'm not so sure he had the right of it this time," Dabney was looking sad and faraway. His eyes pointed in the direction of his father's portrait, but he seemed to be staring through it, staring into the past. 

Tatiana took a breath.

"Daddy... have you ever raped a girlie?" she asked.

"Aye. Aye, I have," he began to softly sob. "Only the once, and only a tittyrape, but aye, I have. I'm like you, my precious Tatiana. I've only raped one girlie and felt real bad about it every since. Maybe old Poppa Erwin was right? Maybe it does diminish your spirit. Maybe committing rape does make you a worse person somehow."

The Levers sat in reflective silence for a moment.

"Who did you do? Was it Mom?" asked Nikki.


The Catgirl and the Milkmaid breathed a sigh of relief. They hadn't liked the thought of their dad raping anyone else. It would have felt weird.

"What happened?" said Tatiana, gently, reaching right over and putting a hand on her father's knee.

"You sure you want to hear this?" Dabney checked.

His daughters said that they did. It would be difficult to listen to, but they had to hear it now. And it sounded like something Dabney needed to say out loud.

So he told them.

Momma had been deep in the third trimester of her pregnancy with Tatiana, her belly full of the sunshine and life that would soon spring forth as her beautiful daughter. Momma's womb was holding a bountiful golden treasure and was so very nearly ready to donate it to the world. When she arrived into the Lands of Lust Pain, Tatiana would do so in the form of a big fat baby, strong and sizeable, but before that her healthy size bloated her mother and swelled her spherical.

Papa loved Momma's big pregnant belly. He loved to kiss it, to listen to it gurgle, to tell cute stories to the baby inside, to feel it kick, and to shoot his seed all over it. Her massively distended abdomen was a huge turn on for him. He would hug and worship it as he fucked her. Good times.

But Papa loved Momma's big pregnant teats even more. In this final stage of her gravidity, her melons had bloated to an unprecedented scale. Not only that, but their swelling firmed them too. Momma's boobies were bigger and firmer than they'd ever been. Big, firm pregnant tits. Big, firm milky tits. Yes, Momma's milk had started to come through, ready to nourish her child. Little white droplets would form at her nips.

Big, firm, milky, pregnant tits. Sat atop the vast globe her big pregnant belly had become. Those plump, swollen udders above that round pregnant belly. Milk teasingly dripping from nipples that had darkened almost to purple.

Poppa loved it. Poppa loved Momma's pregnant body. Loved her pregnant belly. Loved her pregnant breasts.

But she would not let him touch them.

Not at that stage. Not the breasts.

"No, Dabney," she would tell Papa. "They are too swollen, too sore."

They enticed him.

He would try to fondle them. 

"No," Momma would say. "They are too swollen, too sore."

They allured him.

He would try to caress them. 

"No," Momma would say. "They are too swollen, too sore."

They aroused him.

He would try to lightly stroke them. 

"No," Momma would say. "They are too swollen, too sore."

They tempted him.

He would try to kiss them.

"No," Momma would say. "They are too swollen, too sore."

Her breasts had never looked better to Papa's eyes or felt better to his hands. How he longed to play with them as freely and as passionately as the night he impregnated her!

The night before Tatiana was born, it became intolerable.

Papa was fucking Mama's cunt from behind, one hand on her hip, another on her belly. He was having a perfectly good time, just pumping away, when he forgot himself and slid a hand up to gently and carefully cup a titty from underneath.

Momma winced in discomfort and said, "No."

Papa lost his fucking patience. 

He splayed his fingers, grabbed as much of the swollen breast as he could, and crushed it in his hand. 

Momma screamed. Papa said nothing. He said nothing throughout the entire tittyrape he was about to commit. Even his grunts were quiet. Momma made enough noise for both of them. 

"No!" she shouted again, and again, as Papa's angry, frustrated hand continued to kneed, and crush, and grope her teat. 

His attention was so fixed on how good it felt to finally grope her enormous, sore boob that he almost forgot his dick was inside her. As soon as he remembered he began to thrust good and hard, plunging it in deep in time with every sob and plea to let go of her tit. 

Papa brought his other hand around. He grabbed the other titty and gave it the same nasty treatment. Roughly compressing it and manipulating it, hurting it as punishment for every time he'd been told not to touch, raping it with his hands. Raping her sore, swollen, pregnant titties with his hands. It felt so good.

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It felt so good, but he wanted to see. He wanted a better view. Papa made the bold decision to pull his dick out of her cunt and attack her from the front. He wanted to see those fat udders as he worked them. He wanted to watch them bruise and watch the nipples leak milk.

Changing position in the middle of something like this was risky, but Papa knew that Momma couldn't try to escape or fight back. She had to protect the baby. She had to take it.

It was pretty easy to get her pinned down with her back on the floor. 

In what little tussle there'd been, Papa had slapped her hard across the tits. That felt nice, so he kept on slapping them once his weight was on top of her. There was no way she could struggle. Not without bringing his weight down on her abdomen. Her sore, swollen, huge, milky pregnant titties were completely at his mercy. 

Papa pinched one of those purpled nipples. He stretched it. He twisted it. He tortured it between his thumb and index finger. 

It felt so good, so fucking good. Being on top of her. Slapping and punching and crushing her udders. Stretching and twisting and pinching her nips. 

The bitch should have let him fondle them. The bitch should have let him caress them. The bitch should have let him stroke them. The bitch should have let him kiss them. 

If the bitch had done that this wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't be getting this.

But she was getting it now. 

Her sore, swollen pregnant titties were getting what they deserved. They were getting fucking raped.

Papa got his nasty dick between them. He got his dick right between Momma's pregnant titties and began to fuck them hard.

And as he did so, his skilled farmer's hands formed a new shape.

Almost automatically, as Papa's attention was on the sensation of his cock gliding between her mounds, his hands instinctively went to work gathering her tittyflesh into a new configuration between them.

His pelvis rocking back and forward, his fingers began to coax and squeeze with a knowing deftness. No less aggressively, but now with precision.

It was Papa's first and only rape, but the dairy farmer for sure knew how to work a lactating teat.

Within moments, the milk coming from Momma's nipples was no mere speckle of white moisture, but a steady stream of fluid.

"And that," Dabney Lever told his daughters, "is how I milked your mother."

Tatiana and Nikki sat there in some degree of shock. 

"You were born the next day," he told his eldest, "Your mother said she forgave me, but I'll never know if she did so simply because we had a child to raise. There was no time for her to leave or make other arrangements. There was no time for her to do anything other than commit to raising a child with a man who had raped her boobies. She had no choice but to forgive. But I could never forgive myself for what I did that night."

"Are you sure?" asked Nikki, "It sounds really hot."

"Oh, it was. It's in my top three fucks ever. But the guilt and shame I've carried since committing that act has made heavy my heart and brought low my shoulders. I feel it did diminish me. I feel I did do your mother a terrible wrong, a terrible harm. The pleasure that rape brought me is nothing compared to the pain I've carried since. The pain of knowing I can never be truly forgiven."

Tatiana thought about what he was saying.

"I think I understand," she said. "When we ask 'is rape wrong?' then your answer is..."

"That it was wrong for me. Maybe it's right for some people. But for me it was wrong."

Dabney Lever was sobbing now. Sobbing once again in front of his children.

The poor, poor man, Tatiana thought. He's carried these difficult feelings alone all these years. Tatiana intuited correctly that, once she was born, her parents never spoke of that night again. Her father had had to silently soldier on alone with his conflicted emotions about what he did. She felt so sorry for him.

The milkmaid started to cry too. The catgirl wasn't quite there yet.

"Daddy, I know Mom would have forgiven you," Tatiana said softly.

"I can't know that though. I'll never know that. She had to act like she forgave me because we had a family to raise. And now she can never freely offer forgiveness because she died from too much diseased medieval shitting."

Slowly and deliberately, Tatiana unbuttoned her quasi-medieval pyjama top.

She exposed her tits.

Her father looked away.

"Daddy, look at them," she gently insisted, "Look at my beautiful breasts."

Her father looked.

"Do these remind you of mommy's?"

Her father nodded.

"You know they do," he said.

"I do. That's why you've always found it hard to look at them, isn't it? Ever since they started to grow. That's why you don't like to look at any big titties now, isn't it? They all remind you that you raped Mommy's."

Dabney nodded again.

Nikki gasped again. This was all making so much sense. This must be why her dad loved to perv at Joanna's flat chest so much. Her tiny teen tomboy teats were the polar opposite of the epically huge pair he'd raped, so he'd been able to enjoy checking them out without getting reminded.  

Tatiana let her pyjama top fall to the floor. She removed her hairband so her butter-blonde curls cascaded down past her bare shoulders.

She walked over towards where her father was sat. Walked over to plant her naked breasts right in front of his grey, moustachioed face.  

"Daddy," she whispered softly and sweetly, "Kiss my tits."

"Tatty...Tatty...You know I'm gay now. I ate the Minotaur's cum."

"The way you're looking at my tits doesn't seem very gay."

"Gay men love tits."

"Gay men love to comically honk and jiggle tits. Is that want you want to do to these, father? Something silly? Something funny?"

She cupped one and brought it close to his lips. He kissed it. Then he leant forward of his own volition and kissed the other.

Nikki the Futa Catgirl was getting real excited watching this, even if she no longer entirely understood why it was happening. Her girldick was hard and her shoulder-tentacles were wiggling like crazy.

"Daddy, let me tell you about my breasts," said Tatiana the Milkmaid, stroking her father's hair and rubbing her nipple against his lip, "I inherited them from my mother. People always said I had your eyes and her breasts. You've heard the village folk say that, haven't you, daddy? I have your eyes. I have her breasts. These are her breasts. She grew me inside her. I was inside her her night you raped her. She grew me inside her body and, when I left it, she fed me with her rich and nurturing milk. Fed me until I grew up into a beautiful girlie with lovely big tits. With her lovely big tits."

"Tatty...why are you saying this...why are you doing this?"

Tatiana smiled. She looked so pretty. So soft. Love was radiating from her in waves, warmer than the heat from the fire.

"These tits forgive you, daddy," she said, and kissed him on the cheek. "Mommy's gone and can speak no more, but my boobies can speak on her behalf. My boobs can speak for the mother who grew and loved me. My boobs can speak for the boobs you raped. You can let it go now, Daddy. All the guilt you've been feeling. All the shame. Let it all go. My tits forgive you for what you did to her."

Nikki's tentacles were still wiggling in confused arousal, but the catgirl herself was crying now. Her sister was so kind. Her sister had the most saintly soul. 

"Thank you," sighed Papa Dabney Lever, "Thank you, my beautiful child." 

"Fondle them. Stroke them. Caress them. Kiss them," Tatiana urged.

Dabney did as he was instructed. Showing them all the tenderness and care he could, his adoration an act of atonement.

Nikki said nothing, but began to slowly stroke her pee-pee as her father licked her sister's nipples. Her tentacles were going berserk, waving around in the air like ribbon gymnastics. 

Tatiana dropped to her knees and began unbuttoning Dabney's trousers. She had always wondered why she'd never given any of the men or trans lesbians on her milk round a titfuck before. She'd never understood her own reluctance. Maybe this was why. Maybe this was always destined to be her first time taking a cock between her teats. This beautiful act of closure that would put everything right.

"You know what you need to do with that, don't you?" she asked her father, smiling at his rock hard penis.

"I need to fuck your tits," he said.

"No," the Milkmaid told him. "You need to make love to them."

He smiled with infinite adoration and gratitude and placed his meat between her melons.

The watching catgirl's tentacles wiggled even more out of control.




Yes. The tentacles chanced upon the correct occultic symbols that needed to be traced in the air to activate the Catgirl's forgotten powers.

Nikki relearned teleportation.

Nikki vanished from the room.

Dabney and Tatiana didn't notice. They were very busy. 

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