The Miraculous What if Machine (One shots)

Chapter 12: Magic – Part 3

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On Friday night, June's parents throw a party. It's apparently extremely rare for a town to produce two apprentices in the same season or even the same year, so it's a huge deal. Also, families aren't allowed to go to the covens with the apprentices, so this is a way to see them off and say goodbye. The Baron's big house on the corner of the block is packed with relatives, friends of the family, teachers and school officials, and lots of actual friends. Everyone is there to wish June and Ian well.

Ian arrives in a black dress his mom suggested, after he turned down a more revealing cocktail dress she'd picked out. It's a long-sleeved cotton maxi that covers most of his skin and his male shape. It's so conservative, he might not seem all that feminine if it weren't for the 3" heels on his feet, the dazzling makeup on his face, the hoop rings in his ears, and the bedazzled crystal clip depicting a series of three crescent moons holding his hair in place.

He's extremely self-conscious as he waits at the door with his parents. They stand slightly behind him in their finest. Their attitude toward this whole thing has been as shocking to him as his ease at walking in heels. 

His mom had fussed over him the entire time he was getting ready, making sure he looked his best. Then, when he'd come downstairs and his dad saw him, he'd said, "You look beautiful. You've really become a wonderful young woman." Ian thought he saw a tear in the old man's eye.

This would not be the case if he'd chosen to wear a dress to a party in his old reality. And he can only imagine what his dad would have said if he saw Ian wearing makeup, never mind if he found out about the black lace panties he wore. Not that Ian would have worn panties and a dress nor makeup in that reality. Sure, he envied the variety of styles that women got to wear, men's clothes were so boring, but he was guy and he knew they weren't for him. Sure, he may have appreciated how pretty women's clothes could be, but that was just his aestheticism kicking in. Browsing through women selections of clothing stores online was simply the same as his interest in art.

Still, he's impressed his parents in Magic Earth (as he's started to call this universe) are so open and accepting of their Ian's gender identity. They seem to truly embrace it enthusiastically. Even if they occasionally slip up on the pronouns or forget to call him Ivy. These parents seem much cooler and loving, and he's constantly surprised by how close his relationship to his mother. In his own realty, they didn't talk much. Certainly never about anything personal. Although that might have been his own fault keeping things bottled in. It makes him wish he had spent more time with her laughing and talking while picking out dresses and putting on makeup—although it would be more like picking out a suit and fixing his hair in that reality, of course.

It is strange to think that in a few days, he won't be a guy anymore. 

Ian has been spending a lot of time studding the image of Claire Wilmott wondering which of her features he will get from the ceremony. She has a really cool goth vibe with her purple hair and pale skin. He loves how cute her round face is and the way her full lips have a resting pout. He hopes he'll end up looking just like this. And once he's transformed the dresses and underwear will fit a lot better. He'll even have to start wearing bras. It was all very exciting! Although his mind was likely just mixing up his excitement about getting magic powers with the upcoming transformation. The magic was the only part he was actually interested in after all.

June answers the door and says with a huge smile, "I'm so glad you came, Ivy? Don't you look pretty?"

"Thanks," he grumbles knowing she's teasing him. Which isn't fair because he's seen himself and he is pretty. "You look nice too," he says grudgingly because she does. She's also wearing a black dress, but it's a more daring design, strapless and satin. Her mom must have forced her to go to the hairdresser's earlier because she's coifed for a change, and her tresses are bundled up on her head making her seem even taller than usual. And even in heels, Ian is forced to look up at her.

As soon as he enters, he's completely overwhelmed. People immediately stop what they're doing to come over to him and congratulate him or pepper him with questions. He's never had so much attention in his life. And every one calls him Ivy and if they talk about him among themselves, they use "she and "her." After a while, it almost seems natural.

Still, he's mostly used to being on his own, and the constant press of people gets to him after a while. He makes the excuse of getting a drink and slips away into the kitchen which looks deserted. Although when he enters, Ian's surprised to find Tommy Malloy getting a soda from the fridge. The surprise isn't just because he thought the room was empty but that his classmate is here at all. Tommy is mister popularity at school. Class president. Head of the debate team. Cool in a clean-cut sort of way. He's never been hostile to Ian and June, but he's never given them the time of day either.

"There she is," he says. "The woman of the hour! Well, one of the woman of the hour" He comes over and puts a hand on Ian's shoulder. "You know I'm super happy for you, but it's not going to be the same around here without you. I'm really going to miss all our talks. Promise when you come back for a visit, you'll drop by and say hello to old Tommy from time to time."

What the hell? They've never said more than two words to one another.

It must be the difference in their realities.

Right! It clicks into place. Witches are celebrities here. And Ian's going to become one. But also, if he spent his whole adolescence fan-boying over witches, it probably didn't seem as weird. Probably most of the population did the same.

"Um...sure. Absolutely!" he answers after a stunned moment.

"So, has your coven told you—"

"Excuse me," a feminine voice interrupts. "The old folks put some of their music on, but its got people dancing. Ivy? Did you want to dance with me?"

The disco beat of a Bee Gees song comes from the next room. He hadn't noticed it until it's mentioned. Ian turns and sees Cindy Smith. She's a popular cheerleader and tonight, she wears this positively slutty halter top and miniskirt combo. Her strawberry-blonde hair cascades in curls over her shoulders.

Is she really asking Ian to dance? Or rather, asking Ivy? This seems so impossible that for the first time, Ian begins to wonder if Magic Earth isn't a dream he'll wake up from.

"Um...okay. I guess."

She drags him out and through the crowd of people to a spot by the fireplace that has been cleared away for some of the young people to dance. About a dozen other students from their school move around jerkily to the music. As soon as Ian starts to get into the steps, the song switches to Dancing Queen. Cindy stays opposite him, gyrating and stepping to the beat. Ian tries copying her moves.

It's strange. He's actually rather graceful, finding the rhythm and moving his heeled feet like it was second nature.

Cindy starts singing along to the lyrics, and Ian finds himself doing it too until they both start giggling.

When a slow dance comes on, Cindy holds him close and leads. Her left hand starts on his hip but inches down onto his butt. His heart races. Her breasts press against his chest and makes him aware of how flat his is. But when her mouth meets his, he forgets about it and thinks only about the warmth of her lips on his. Then, when her tongue dives into his mouth, he stops thinking all together.

The song ends, and Cindy whispers in his ear, "It awfully warm in here. Maybe we can find someplace cooler."

Suddenly, Ian grows impossibly embarrassed at the realization his member is hard and pressing into her.

Damn! Why does it always have to get in the way and ruin things? Sometime he wishes he didn't—that is, he wishes he had more control over it.

Far from minding the humiliating protrusion, Cindy glances at it and bites her lower lip lustily before dragging him away. He tries the best he can to cover his shame with his free hand.

They end up in the Baron's guestroom. And Ian wonders again at what kind of strange dream this is that he's making out on a bed with a gorgeous cheerleader.

Cindy takes her top off and lets him touch her breasts. This is the first time he's ever touched a girl's breast. Just like a few minutes ago, he had his first kiss.

Cindy isn't big, and his hands envelope the firm but tender mounds of flesh. After a while of massaging them, she pushes his head down level to them so he can suck on her hard swollen nipples.

Ian caresses the soft flesh and licks the hard nubs. He wonders how his chest will compare to Cindy's. Will he be similarly developed? Or will he take more after Claire and be bigger? He wonders what it will be like having someone do this to him?

When Cindy speaks again, he's so aroused he feels like he might just burst without receiving any attention down below.

"So," she says, her voice is husky and shows that her desire is nearly equal to his. "You'll be going through the ceremony soon. If you wanted to feel like a man one last time, I can suck on your hen. Or if you don't want that reminder, I have a potion that could make things interesting."

"Potion?" he asks, immediately being drawn to anything magical.

"It'll make my clit grow out so I can take you and deflower you."

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It takes a few seconds for his brain to work out the mechanics of what she's talking about. He does not want to have anything stuck up in the hole back there! He never has. But he is curious to see some magic in action.

And if they did it, it would be the incredibly sexy Cindy behind him taking him like he was her girl. Which sounds pretty hot.

No! He couldn't do that. Could he? No, he couldn't.

But he feels bad asking her to suck his gross member. Although...a perfect solution comes to him.

"How about you take the potion, and I give you head," he says, hoping he's gotten the terminology right. If it's just an overgrown clit, it would be perfectly normal as a man to suck on it, and he'll get to see magic in action. It's win-win.

"Oh, you bad girl." She plants a big sloppy kiss on him and goes to her purse. She pulls out a small crystal vial. The liquid inside is clear blue and reminds him of mouthwash. "I could only afford 15 minutes worth, so get ready. We'll have to be fast." She slips out of her skirt and panties revealing her glorious trimmed pussy, making him feel somewhat inadequate.

Ian's heart  hammers like mad in his chest, and he wonders if he should get down on his knees in front of her or just lean over from his position on the bed. He decides it would be awkward and put strain on his back leaning over, so he gets on his knees.

That's why when the door burst opened, he's kneeling between Cindy's knees as they watch the rapid growth of a tower of pink flesh.

June stares at them shock. She clears her throat in a way that is utterly fake and utterly unnecessary, since both Ian and Cindy are already looking toward her like deer in headlights.

"Ivy," she says tensely, suppressing an inner rage. "They want us to say a few words. If you can pull yourself away from your...ah-hem...activity."

Cindy is absolutely mortified at being caught like this and quickly extracts herself and makes for the en suite bathroom with her clothes. (Later, she'll slip out of the house without Ian or anyone else seeing her.)

His face burning with embarrassment, Ian gets to his feet. The only positive of his humiliation is he's no longer hard. "I..." is about the only explanation he can come up with.

"Just come on. People are waiting," June says through gritted teeth.

They each say a few things thanking everyone for their support, and telling them what an honor it is to represent Hardwood in the witching community. Then, a couple of bottles of Champagne are opened. Only adults and the two future apprentices get glasses. Apparently, their achievement is worthy of ignoring the law in this instance.

Their parents then take turns toasting Ivy and June. But the way June glares at Ian coldly makes every nice thing anyone says about him feel like a lie.

She does a good job of avoiding him the rest of the night, but he finally manages to corner her alone in the kitchen as the party is wrapping up.

"Okay, I get it," he says. "It was weird seeing us like that, but why are you so angry?"

"If you don't know, then you obviously don't get it. Geez, if I hadn't walked in, just what you would have done with that slut."

"Cindy's not a slut."

"Yes, she is. She was in our universe and she is in this one. She was only with you because you're a soon-to-be witch. She probably wanted to tick fuck a witch with an enchanted cock off her bucket list and figured this might be her only chance."

Ian almost corrects her that that they were only planning on having oral sex, but stops himself.

June goes on, 'Don't you understand. In this world we're the special ones. People will try and take advance of you."

"It's not like that. She really likes me."

"Oh really? Then, why were the two hooking up at your going away party instead of dating? Huh? If she liked you, the two of you could have been an item for weeks—months. Why suddenly now?"

"I..." Ian is angry and confused. Cindy did like him? Right? She wasn't just using him? He thinks of the way they had danced together, and he recalled not having seen June dance with any of the guys once. Suddenly, his anger has a direction. "You're just jealous. Jealous because someone was interested in me and no one was interested in you."

She looks stricken as if slapped. "You know what, Ian? Fuck you!" She storms off and charges up the stairs to her room.

Ian is still furious enough not to care, but later when he's home and alone in the darkness of his bedroom, he starts to feel bad about how he's left things.

He had gotten rather carried away with Cindy. How would he feel about things now, if June hadn't walked in on them? He almost gave a girl he hardly knew a blow job. He would have likely regretted that. Especially if June was right, and it was only a one night fling and never meant to be anything more serious. A theory which his unanswered texts to Cindy seem to support.

Ian should never have made fun of June for not dancing with anyone. People always made fun of them, it was their job to stick together and support each other no matter what.

He gets out his odd ePhone and texts her: "Sorry. I was a jerk. Can we talk?"

But she never replies.

He goes over to see her the next morning, but Mrs. Baron tells him, "Sorry, dear, June left already. We saw her off at the Plumeport at seven."

"Oh, I guess I'll text her when she gets in."

"Didn't she tell you? She's left her ePhone at home. Apparently the Marigny Coven burns everything when they take you in. She couldn't bare losing her precious phone. I swear, you girls and those things...Well, if she calls from her hotel, I'll tell her you stopped by."

Out of curiosity, he looks up flights to New Orleans, and discovers that air travel in Magic Earth is conducted with giant plumes of smoke that carries people from city to city. For comfort, the passengers lie back on soft rugs. He wonders if this isn't some evolution of the magic carpet.

Ian barely slept the night before, and it's a long rough day. He wants to occupy himself with packing for his own trip, but as much as there was to do when he was going to college, there's nothing to do now. He'll have to surrender all his belongings when he arrives at the coven, so there's no point in bringing anything except some basic hygiene products and a change of clothes. At least, his coven won't burn everything. Apparently he'll get it all back at some point.

From what he's gathered, the coven will send a coach for him around noon on Sunday and put him up at an inn for the night. He's supposed to present himself at the coven Monday morning at 8:00 a.m.  

For the first time since the Miraculous What If Machine fell into his lap, he has doubts and he wishes that it wasn't happening so quickly. He still wants to practice magic, but having June mad at him is a price he's not willing to pay.

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