The Miraculous What if Machine (One shots)

Chapter 14: Magic – Part 5

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Apprentices are only allowed to return home twice a year. The Summer Solstice is traditionally a time for communities to rally together and tighten their bonds, and until Ivy is a journeywoman, her community will still be the town of Hardwood (afterward she'll be expected to spend the holiday with the coven). But December's Full Cold Moon is always for family. Hearth and home, as the people of Magic Earth often say. And it is for this holiday that Ivy steps outside the compound gates for the first time in three months.

The coven doesn't supply transportation, so her parents pick her up in their carriage.

She waits for them in a bulky woolen cloak that covers her from head to ankle. Her boots stamp out a place for her in the snow. Under the cloak is a simple dress. Sleeveless with a V-neck and a fabric belt cinching it at the waist. The hem sits at mid-thigh. She has two more just like it in the small bag slung over her back.

The winter wear is necessary due to the weather (the coven wouldn't let their apprentices die of exposure), but she's proud she has won the right to wear the dress. She wasn't the first of the three apprentices to do so. And she was immensely jealous the first time she saw Dani walking around the compound clothed. But she finally managed to gain enough favor to be granted a simple shift.

She hopes by next spring to gain the right to underwear and maybe a bra. She knows it'll be a year or two before she gets more complex clothing or more of a variety, but right now the plain frock is a badge of honor for her.

When her parents arrive, she has to call out to them. They don't recognize her at all.

Why would they?

She looks more like Claire's daughter than theirs now. She retained none of her original features. Not a trace of the old Ivy is left. And the only things that distinguishes her from her master is her height (Claire is 5'4" and she is 5') and her weight. Claire is thick in the thighs and bigger in the bust and hips, where as Ivy is a waif by comparison. What she'd originally thought were huge breasts seem only moderate since she's got used to them. (They're a C-cup, although she's never been measured for a bra to learn this). Her master tells her she was the same way when she was younger, and Ivy will likely fill-in with age too.

Her parents are taken aback when they realize its her, but hug her little form tight to them.

"I hate to see my Ivy gone, but you're making us so proud with the path you're on," her mother says.

They fire off questions the whole ride home, but it's hard to talk about her time with the coven. She's not allowed to discuss the magic stuff with non-witches. And she can't imagine what they'd make of the rest of her life there.

For the first month, she was little more than a maid, doing menial tasks and trying to earn her master's approval.

Her days were mostly the same. Get up, make breakfast, clean the cottage, make lunch, clean the workshop out back while Master was at business in the coven house, make dinner, bathe Master, then unless she was being punished, she'd sleep in Master's bed, the little spoon wrapped in Master's body, kept safe and warm. It was the only point of the day she had to rest and where she felt fully content. She soon learned not to do anything to cause Master displeasure and lose this cherished place in her Master's embrace.

Near the beginning of October, things changed. Her cleaning duties were reduced to twice a week, and she was given reading assignments. After dinner, Master would quiz her and if she did well, Master would let her eat her pussy as a reward.  Which in a way was another element of her training. One she worked hard at to improve upon. If having Master praise her made her feel good, bring Master to orgasm made her brain numb and her body gooey as if she'd just cum herself.

She also got the chance to socialize with the other apprentices. There were about two-dozen serving at the compound, including the three that started at the beginning of autumn. Once a week, they'd get together and do laundry or some common task in one of the coven buildings, like scrubbing the floors or beating the rugs. Through this, Ivy learned what else was happening and what she might expect as she rose up in the apprentice ranks. She even found herself with friends. Dani, Catharina, and her stuck together as the newbies, but they also became close with Rosemary and Patience, who'd been there longer but never fit in with the apprentices from their own seasons.

By November, Master got her working on potions. Her progress had been adequate according to Master. But Ivy thought she was doing better than that. After all, she'd gained her dress (among other things) from her abilities at brewing.

When she steps into her old house, the doorbell rings before she can finish taking her cloak and boots off.

Her mother glances out the window and says, "Oh, it's June. She must be anxious to see you and compare notes."

Ivy answers the door and is shocked by her old friend. Her changes haven't been as dramatic as her own, but they are startling.

June is still as tall as ever, but now she has curves that completely obliterates her old beanstalk figure. Her pale skin marked with freckles on her cheeks and nose is a latté brown. The messy carrot orange hair has turned completely scarlet red and cascades in waves over her shoulders instead of a mop in front of her face. And her pale eyes have darkened almost to black. The thick glasses which had so defined and shaped her face for so long are gone.

"Holy shit, Ian!" she says, almost falling backward off the stoop. "Wow!!"

"Yeah, the phone was right. The ceremony made me look pretty much just like her."

"Yeah, that too. But I was reacting to how tiny you are!"

"I'm not tiny. I'm just petite." But next to June, she is tiny. The top of her head doesn't even reach June's shoulders.

Eventually, after Ivy's parents have greeted June, they go up to Ivy's room.

It's weird seeing it again. She barely recognizes it. Has it really only been three months? Although, it's not exactly the room he'd grown up in, so that might explain part of how alien it feels.

They sit on the bed. June with her back against the wall and Ivy sitting against the headboard just like they used to. June has a similar dress to Ivy, but it seems more stylish. It's cut to fit her better, and the hem and neck line is finished with lace.

Ivy says, "I'm really sorry about—"

June stops him. "Forget about it. Ancient history. I should have called you that day before I entered the coven. But..." She laughs. "But I was too pissed at you. But not anymore. All that stuff seems so silly now." She turns and takes Ivy in. "So, Ian, how does it feel?"

She cringes. No one has called her Ian in ages. She's not sure when she started thinking of herself as Ivy or a she. It just seemed to happen naturally. She'd gotten used to it. Just like she'd gotten used to being naked all the time. Now, it feels strange and unsettling hearing the old name.

"How does what feel?" Ivy asks trying not to sound testy.

"Having a vagina?"

 She shifts uncomfortably, checking her hem to make sure that she wasn't exposing it at that very moment. "Good. Nice. I mean, all guys want to know what it would be like to have one, so its cool to finally find out. You know?"

June considers Ivy for a moment. "You do know that most guys do not want to know what it would be like? Most guys are extremely possessive of their willies."

Ivy wants to call June out on how silly the word she picked is, but she needs to set the record straight. "That's not true. A wondered all the time what it would be like. It's totally natural."

"Could it be?" June says. "You were trans all along? Just like you seem to have been in this reality?"

"I'm not trans! I'm a!" The word seems hard to get out of her mouth.

"Says the adorable little girl in a dress. Okay, let me put it to you this way, what if you could change back to how you were. Would you?"

"Of course not!" June seems about to say a-ha, but Ivy goes on, "I wouldn't be able to do magic if I did that."

"What if you could change back and still do magic? What then?"

"Well, I'd..." What would she do? She thinks of being a man at the coven. Would she have the same comradery with all the women apprentices. Would she still be Master's special pet? Then she thinks of the cute face that greets her in the mirror. Her old body was awkward and pathetic by male standards. This one in contrast is graceful and very attractive. She much prefers being pretty. But does that mean...

She says, "It doesn't matter. That's impossible, and we both know it. This is the way I am, and I'm okay with it, but it doesn't make me trans."

"Ian, it's okay of you are. We're best friends no matter what."

"Could you please stop calling me that. I prefer Ivy now."

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"And she says she isn't trans," June mutters with an eye roll. She decides to change the subject. "So, how's the big coven? What's it like apprenticing with Claire Wilmott?"

Ivy chooses her words carefully. There's simply things she can't say to someone who belongs to another coven. And then there are things, she doesn't want to tell June. Like how she'd spent over two months going around naked. Or how she'd been transformed into a house cat for a day after she accidentally spilt a rare ingredient.

"'s cool. Not what I was thinking. It's a lot different from Hogwarts. But I'm learning so much. I'm starting with potions. I've gotten really good at one, and I can sometimes mix a second one correctly. But I'm not always successful. What about you?"

"It's wild! Miss Margot is super nice and has me working on wind cantrips to start with. She's an elementalist, you know, and Air is the first one I need to master. It's also not what I was expecting though. The orgies were really hard to get used to at first."

"Orgies!" Ivy's eyes opened as wide as dinner plates causing June to giggle.

She laughs at his shock. "Oh of course, you're from a North East coven. No sex up there."

Ivy blushes, and is thankful when June takes it to mean she's right.

The first potion Ivy had worked on was one that cleared up blemishes. It was rather simple, and she'd gotten the hang of it quickly. Her batches of it even started getting shipped to the coven's store in town. The second one, however, was crazy complex. She must have tried it a hundred times before getting it right. Once she had, she held a clear vial filled with a blue liquid that reminded her of mouthwash in a familiar sort of way.

Her suspicion that it was the same sort of potion Cindy had taken was confirmed when Master downed it and proceeded to reward Ivy for her success.

Ivy had lost her virginity right on the workbench. Master had laid her naked form out on the table with her butt right on the edge. This put her damp pussy at perfect waist height for master to penetrate her while standing. She was too tight at first and the initial thrust into her hurt like hell, but she eventually warmed to it. So, did Master. She seemed to enjoy it even more than the work Ivy did with her mouth. She cooed in her apprentice's ear and kissed her mouth while caressing her body.

With her hands on Ivy's breasts, she whispered, "Oh! You feel so good! Do you like that? Do you?"

To which she cried out, "Yes! Yes, Master! More! More!'

Her master proceeded to pump her hips against her driving her magical appendage deep into Ivy's anxious pussy. She gave one final hard thrust and groaned incoherently. Hot jets of a fluid shot against her insides, sending Ivy over the edge.

She'd masturbated with her old body before, but it was never something she was comfortable with. Sometime she just needed the release no matter what, but it always made her feel dirty. But being used as a vessel of her master's pleasure was pure bliss. And she was extremely grateful that she'd mixed up a bigger batch of the potion than just 15 minutes worth. So, once Master had cum the first time, she flipped Ivy over and took her again doggie-style.

It had made Ivy extra motivated to get the formula right. And she'd managed to experience Master's reward many times since.

Ivy pulls herself from the memories as an anxious stirring begins in her groin.

What had they been talking about?

Oh right...orgies! But the covens are all women. Did that mean...

"Wait! So, you've had sex with other women? Did that freak you out?"

It's June's turn to blush.

"Actually. I've never been into guys," she confesses.

"Why did you never say anything?"

"I don't know. I guess I figured no one was going to date a freak like me anyway, so why bother going through the pain of coming out? Like I needed another target on my back at our narrow-minded school. But I kind of thought you'd guessed."

Ivy looks stunned. Not only had she not guessed but she never had a clue.

"Didn't you ever wonder why there was never any romance between us?"

Ivy starts playing with a strand of her hair. "I always thought it was because of me. I just always felt weird. Awkward. Like if I was with someone nothing would work right."

"Do you still feel that way?"

She shifts her position on the bed and sits cross-legged. Before she can answer, June exclaims, "Whoa! Hello! You want to put that away?"

"Oh crap!" Ivy quickly straightens her legs and yanks her dress down. "Sorry. I forgot."

"Ah, it's okay. I was just kidding with you. I don't mind if you flash me." Then with a sly look on her face, she says, "So, Mrs. straight-As still hasn't earned her panties."

"Hey! None of the apprentices have. I'm not behind or any—wait a minute." Ivy realizes that June knows all about having to earn one's clothes. "You have to do that at your coven too?"

"Yeah. But I'm surprised that they do that at a straight-lace puritan coven like Willows."

Flummoxed, Ivy takes a moment before saying anything and they settle into silence. Finally she asks, "So, have you gotten your panties yet?"

"No, not yet. They may love to party in my coven but they're also strict as hell, and every gain is super hard. Besides, I kind of like the freedom. Do you want to see?" She places a hand by the front hem of her dress. "I suppose it's only fair since you showed me yours."

"No that's okay." Although she did want to see it. "I can't get over that you were gay all this time and I never knew."

"What about you? Are you gay or straight?"

"Super gay—I mean straight. I mean—I like girls...still."

"Well, that's interesting." June eyes her. "Two gay girls sitting on a bed without any panties."


June lurches over and plants a big wet kiss on Ivy. When she doesn't pull away, her tongue slips in between Ivy's lips.

Soon they're making out furiously. Hands caress thighs and grope at breasts and bare butt cheeks as their dresses get pulled up, and then off.  Naked, June pushes Ivy down beneath her, using their size difference to physically dominate her.

"I like the new Ivy," she whispers. "You're so sexy."

"Here. Let me..." Ivy says, abstractly. Then, squirms down so that June is sitting on her face. She begins lapping at her friend's pussy, putting all her practice to good use.

"Oh, I do like this new Ivy," she moans. June leans back and fingers Ivy, plunging two digits into her wet, eager hole.

As she works her tongue through the crevices and over the nub, Ivy can feel June's excitement growing. Her own body is responding with heat and intensity to the finger-fucking. Damn, why does she love being penetrated so much? And why does she love serving someone more powerful than herself? She doesn't know the answer to either of these things, but she does know she's happy she's here with June sharing this moment of intimacy. And she knows that she likes this new Ivy too.

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