The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 6: Chapter 4

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Hey there, expecting a time skip? Hahaha, not this time!


Anywhoozle, time to find some tracks. We head into the woods everyone's heads on a swivel. I'm looking around but mostly at the ground, the others notice my gaze and Allgran asks me about it and I kindly explain I'm looking for tracks. The earth around here is soft enough for there to be some if we look hard enough. The gets everyone looking so we spread out a little and search. Tina quickly finds some tracks and I investigate them closer. I find that it is indeed wolf tracks and that it is headed deeper into the forest. They look fresh enough so it should be close. We start tracking the wolf and me and Tina are able to follow the tracks through the underbrush relatively easily, though the others seem to be having trouble so they just follow us.


As we're following the tracks me and Tina look at each other at the same time. “We're making too much noise.” I say.


“Agreed. Let's try and move more quietly, if we're lucky we might be able to ambush this wolf.” She says. It seems her animosity has been forgotten somewhere, not that I'm complaining. We make an attempt to move silently, but none of us are used to walking through a forest at the best of times so there's not much difference as far as I can tell.


We move through the forest and despite our constant surveillance we're taken by surprise when a wolf jumps out from behind us and tries to bite Allgran. Fortunately he manages to jump back just in time and the wolf is left biting air. Me and Veynestin shoot fire bolts at it. Mine hits it in the side but doesn't seem to do much while Veynestin's goes wide. Allgran draws his dagger and tries to stab it, but the wolf jumps aside. Then finally Tina finishes her spell prep and launches a Chromatic Orb charged with lightning at the wolf. The wolf moved right into it and takes the spell in the chest. The smell of burning hair and meat fills the area as the spell discharges into the beast, it doesn't even have the time to cry out as it dies. Thank the gods that they spared a diamond for each of us so we could use Chromatic Orb. It's a standard spell here at the Guild so they make sure to teach it to every student in the special classes.


After I'm sure the wolf is dead I turn to Tina, “Thanks. That could have been much worse, but are you sure using a spell slot for that was fine?”


“Yeah. It was too close. I'm starting to realize why most parties have a fighter or other front-line combatant. Even a single hit from that thing could have been bad.” She responded. I'm mildly surprised, but not unpleasantly so. It seems she's good at analyzing the situation.


“So, the next question is: Do we press on and try to find more wolves or do we head back with the wolf we brought down?” I ask to the group.


“I say we press on.” Veynestin says. “We should probably try to bring down more than one since this is supposed to be a training exercise cum pest control. Until we've each used a spell slot is probably best.”


“I agree.” Allgran pipes up. “Though this time I'm walking in the middle, I did not sign up to be a front-liner.”


I quickly check my character sheet and see I've gained 13exp, bringing me up to a total of 108exp. I'm definitely not leveling up today, but I've gained more from this little battle than from a day of study. As long as we're very careful we should be able to make steady progress towards level two. Oh, right, what about Tina? “Tina?”


“If they think it's worth the risk I'm willing to go on, but someone else will have to spend a spell slot cause I'm down to my last one.” She says. Can't fault her there. She saved Allgran's bacon there with that well timed and well aimed spell.


“Alright, if we're doing this we need to find some more tracks. Let's split up and search around nearby.” I say, pretty much taking the lead. We split and I walk around nearby. I soon find some tracks but their hard to make out and I can only really tell which direction they're headed in. I call everyone over and we decide to follow this trail.

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Most of us are able to follow the tracks this time. The elves seem to be taking this more seriously this time around, which is good. Never underestimate wolves. They can take down even the toughest party with enough numbers. And that's not even counting their stronger variants. If this pack is being led by a dire wolf we're screwed.


We try again to travel quietly and only Tina has much success. Unfortunately we're simply not cut out for this stealthy bullshit. After walking a way I and the elves notice something in the bushes to ether side of our group. I call out just as two wolves come out growling. Me and Allgran fire off our Fire Bolts at pretty much the same time towards different targets. Mine hits the wolf in the chest and the smell of burned hair fills the air, but it just looks angrier. Allgran's meanwhile hits the wolf in the nose and the thing takes off immediately, fleeing directly away from us.


The angry wolf runs up and attacks Veynestin and manages to bite down on his arm. It's a nasty wound, but to his credit Veynestin keeps his calm and pulls out his dagger with his good arm, slashing at the wolf. The wolf lets go and manages to avoid the dagger, but takes a Fire Bolt from Tina instead. Just then my next Fire Bolt is ready and hits the wolf in the eyes, it howls and flails around as it's eye balls pop in the heat. It dies just like that.


Meanwhile Allgran tried to hit the fleeing wolf with another Fire Bolt but it hits a tree near the wolf's head causing it to put the pedal to the metal and it disappears into the forest. We stay on alert for a minute or two before all turning to Veynestin.


“I think it's time we head back. That's a nasty wound and needs treatment as soon as possible.” Tina says and I'm in full agreement. Me and Allgran cut the fangs from the wolf we killed and start heading back. We pass by the first wolf again and take the time to harvest the fangs from that one too. Honestly I don't know what the fangs could be used for besides as decoration but Allgran and Veynestin both say their the most valuable part after the pelt, which we practically ruined with our fire magic. We make it back to the forest edge and it looks like we're the last to arrive. The other two teams look to be in worse health that we are, with multiple members sporting injuries of some kind or other. Mr. Thomson wordlessly comes out of the forest behind us and hands Veynestin a potion before going around to the others.


“Looks like we're done here.” Tina says. “If we ever have to do this again I hope you'll all team up with me again.”


“Definitely!” Allgran agrees loudly.


“Sure, count me in.” Veynestin says next.


“Sure and thanks. You guys definitely surprised me out there.” I agree last. Looks like I might be able to make a few more friends if this turns out to be a regular thing.


“Alright you lot, that's it for your practical! Except for those four no one managed to kill a single wolf. We'll be working on that in the future, trust me on that! Dismissed!” Mr. Thomson yelled out at us then after looking around to make sure everyone injured had a potion he started walking back toward the school.


I think I'll head home. This has been a long day.


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