The Misadventures of Allure Blackhorn

Chapter 9: Chapter 7

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I completed my level up during the rest, and I am now a proud evocationist. Though I don't have any area-of-effect spells yet so it's debatable whether it's useful yet. Soon enough I'll be adding to my damaging cantrips so there's a lot to look forward to. The only thing I can't figure out is why I leveled up when I did. I didn't, and still don't, have the required exp. Is it a glitch? Is that even possible? I don't know. The others saw me messing with my character sheet, but I haven't said anything to them about it, and I don't plan to either. It's for the best that I keep my early level up a secret. Maybe I can tell Uncle and Auntie? I'd like to tell them, but I have no idea how they'd react.


Anywhoozle, enough about that it's time to search for more tracks. As we were looking for tracks Argentian alerted us to an unnerving fact. Three wolves were attempting to ambush us. So we found a decently open spot to make a stand. We grouped around Argentian with me directly behind him. The wolves must have decided stealth wasn't an option anymore because they came rushing up towards us. Veynestin and Tina exchange nods then target the same wolf each with Fire Bolt. Veynestin's hits it in the shoulder but Tina's grazes by it just slightly burning its fur. Another wolf aims for Argentian but breaks its fangs on his armor. Then he counter attacks and pierces its shoulder.


Then the wolf Veynestin and Tina attacked charged at Veynestin, but Argentian expertly blocked its charge then stabbed it through the head. Then Allgran and I aim a Fire Bolt each at another wolf, burning it quite severely, but not killing it. The wolf we hit turns around and runs behind a tree before howling loudly. Veynestin tries to hit the wolf behind the tree but just singes the tree instead. Meanwhile Tina attacks a different wolf with Fire Bolt but misses. The wolf Tina missed then tries to run but Argentian gets an attack in thanks to his Sentinel feat, shortly there's only one wolf left. The rest of us try taking pot shots at it with Fire Bolt but it hides behind that tree so we'd have to move to target it properly.


Just as I'm about to suggest taking the fight to it, it howls again and there's an immediate response from close by. Within a minute four more wolves surround us. Veynestin apparently decided to end things fast and cast Chromatic Orb but missed and ended up melting a tree. Tina had the same idea and cast the same but with a lightning twist, and is much more successful, killing one wolf. A wolf attacked Tina, but again Argentian was there to block and counter, injuring the wolf for its trouble. Another wolf manages to bite down on Argentian's hand, slightly injuring him; but he was quick on the counter and stabs it through the eye, killing it instantly.


A wolf behind us attacks Allgran, but he turns out to be much more nimble than we ever gave him credit for and dodges the attack. Then the hiding wolf comes out and attacks Argentian, it's teeth sliding harmlessly off his mail. Veynestin and Tina attack the wolf with Fire Bolt and one hits but the other goes wide, hitting Argentian. A wolf attacks Argentian but bounces harmlessly off his armor. He counter attacks and kills it.


Again the wolf behind us attacks Allgran but again he miraculously avoids it. Me and Veynestin shoot at it with Fire Bolt burning it down. That was the last of the wolves around us and we wait for a few minutes before letting our guards down. It doesn't look like there are any more coming for us. Everyone but me and Argentian leveled up from that fight. I can tell by the way everyone is checking their character sheet, the same way I was before.


“I think I'm done with wolves.” I say to no one in particular. “Even if they ask me to come back out and hunt some more I think I'll have to decline.”


“I second that opinion.” Tina agreed.


“Same.” Veynestin and Allgran said at the same time.


“I'm none too bothered by stayin' away from dis nonsense myself.” Argentian said finally.


“The goal was to get you students used to combat, and I think you four have cleared that requirement with flying colors.” Mr. Thomson said, coming out of invisibility. “I don't think I need to ask you lot to keep hunting wolves, though I won't stop you from doing so on your own. With Mr. Dragonborn you should be fine.”


“Thank goodness” I sigh, “I need a bath something awful. What do you say we head home now?”


“I think I speak for everyone when I say that's a fine idea.” Tina said cheerfully.


And so we gathered up the usable wolf fangs and pelts then headed out of the forest. Nothing bothered us on our way out thank gods and we made good time. It was approaching dark by the time we made it back to town. We said our farewells and parted ways. I headed home under the now drinking to get drunk eyes of Argentian.


“Hey. Is that flask a magic item or something? I don't think I've ever seen you refill it.” I finally built up the nerve to ask.


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“Yeah, it's the Flask of Endless Ale. I had it custom made by an artificer I used to know.” He responded quietly.


“Oh, I see.” I said equally quietly. Soon I reached home and Argentian went on his own way. Letting myself in I was greeted by Uncle who was writing something at the table.


“Good evening Uncle.” I tried to sound cheerful but it came out monotone. I was so sick of fighting. A few days off would be good. Please? No? Damn.


“Welcome home Allure. I take it you were fighting again today?” He asked.


“Yeah. Argentian was a huge help, I don't think we would have survived without him. By the end we fought seven wolves total in a group. He took out a good number of them himself.”


“At least he's making himself useful. Had enough of fighting wolves yet?” He jests.


“Ugh, more than you know. But because we killed so many of them we were exempted from hunting anymore for now. Hopefully I can go back to being a normal student for a while.” I say tiredly.


“At least you're not some battle junkie. I'm glad to know you're normal, in that respect.”


“Are you saying I'm abnormal in some way?”


“Might as well tell you, when you started talking your pronunciation was strangely good for a toddler. That let us know you were extraordinarily intelligent. Even to this day you've never forgotten anything, have you?” He asked, going serious.


“Yeah. I remember everything perfectly. Sometimes things get lost in the shuffle but I just have to dig a little and the memory pops out perfectly. I'll always remember today and yesterday as perfectly as reliving the days.” I say equally seriously.


“I don't know how to help you with that, but if you ever want to talk, I'll be here.” He says, his face softening.


“Thanks, Uncle. Now I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. See you tomorrow.” I finish, walking towards the bathroom.


I'll need to find something else to beat up on if I want to get more levels fast, but I don't see any reason to rush right now. If I can gain exp by studying than I should just slowly build up my knowledge and power. I wonder if I'll ever be as strong as my parents... Only time will tell.


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