The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 114: Revenge

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Ariel landed back in her homeland, Atmos, the continent of the angels. She touched her lips lightly as she remembered the passionate kiss she had with Bruce. She couldn't help but blush once more.

He saved her from death and sent her back to her homeland. She no longer could imagine her life without him. All she wanted to do at that moment was to take back what belonged to her and find Bruce.

Ariel opened her wings and flew back to her kingdom.

In the center of Atmos was a magnificent palace that existed for millions of years. At the front of the palace was a statue of an angel with a bow in his hands. His name is Zephyrus, the God of Wind.

Every angel who came to the palace had to kneel before the statue of Zephyrus. However, not every angel had the honor to kneel before the statue because only the angels chosen by the royal family could gain access to the palace.

Every five years, the royal family would hold a competition to determine the best talent in the younger generation. The winner would be granted a chance to pray in front of the statue of Zephyrus. The competition ended recently with the winner being the prince of the Imperial Family, Mitchell.

At the age of 22, he managed to reach the Mid Stage Divine King realm and obliterated the competition. He had always lived in the shadows of his prodigious sister who was the winner of the previous tournament when she was only 18.

Unfortunately, tragedy befell the entire Imperial Family when Ariel went missing two years ago. The entire continent was under lockdown under the rage of the emperor, the strongest angel on the continent and its mightiest protector, a Worldly Supreme expert!

In front of the statue of Zephyrus was the royal family that controlled the entire continent. A young man kneeled in front of the statue praying for his sister loudly so that everyone could hear his prayer.

"Lord Zephyrus, please guide my sister to heaven in the afterlife"

The Emperor and the Empress, who were behind him, had somber expressions as they remembered their precious daughter. She had recently disappeared two years ago. When they found her spirit stone to be broken, they knew that she had died. That day was the most painful day of their lives. Even though they had dozens of talented children, only Ariel truly shined like no others.

They tried their hardest to find her body and the culprit, but nothing came to fruition after two long years. Unlike the emperor and empress, her siblings were overjoyed that Ariel had died because they would have a fighting chance for the throne in the future.

A beautiful figure approached the palace when she heard the most absurd thing in her life.

"Oh, how kind of you brother to be wishing me well in the afterlife" A cold familiar voice appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked up to see who it was.

"Ariel!" Emperor Remiel cried out.

"My daughter…" The empress immediately shed tears when she saw her daughter after 2 years.

Her siblings were shocked as though they have seen a ghost. Some even tried to attack her before she could get any closer.

"Insolence!" Emperor Remiel released his aura and suffocated his disgraceful children who tried to hurt their own sister.

Ariel ignored her siblings because she expected as much. Growing up, only her little brother showed her affection while others plotted her demise. Little did she know, the affections of her little brother were venomous and led to her death.

Ariel landed in front of her parents who always doted on her. They were the only ones she truly loved in her family.

Ariel struggled to contain her emotions and cried loudly when the familiar faces were in front of her once again.



"I'm home…"

Ariel cried out loud and hugged her parents. She had been missing her family for 10 long years.

"Good daughter, you finally returned to us" Emperor Remiel hugged his daughter tightly.

"Father, that's an imposter!" The young man who said the prayer loudly couldn't believe the person in front of his eyes.

His sister was supposed to be dead! He made sure of it two years ago.

"What are you talking about?!" Emperor Ramiel glared at his son.

"Her spirit stone broke two years which means Ariel had already died" Michell tried his best to explain because his mind refused to accept reality.

Emperor Ramiel thought about his son's words and it made sense. How could his daughter be in front of him when her spirit stone was broken?

"Father, I managed to come back from the dead to fulfill my vengeance" Ariel stared at Michell with hatred.

"Didn't you find it weird how I disappeared two years ago on my 21st birthday?"

"It's because my own little brother lured me to a deserted spot so that he could r ape me!" Ariel revealed the truth.

The emperor and the empress gasped when they heard the truth. They had always known Mitchell was infatuated with Ariel, but they didn't think he would do something that horrific.

Ariel's other brothers weren't surprised by Michell's actions because they too had lusted after Ariel. Except Ariel treated them as enemies and never fell to their schemes.

"That's a lie, father!"

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"I'm telling you that she is an imposter" Michell cried out as he started to imagine what would happen to him once he was under Ariel's hands.

"Fine, then swear to Lord Zephyrus that you did not do such thing" Ariel said coldly.

The imperial family was bound to Lord Zephyrus because he is the god of the angel race. Lying in the name of Lord Zephyrus would incur his wrath and permanently destroy one's soul.

"I.. don't want to.." Michell fell down to the floor. He didn't dare to look Ariel in the eyes.

"Sister, please forgive me" Michell crawled to Ariel and begged her to not kill him.

"Originally, I would have killed you on the spot for daring to defile my body"

"But thanks to you, I met the love of my life"

"Therefore, enjoy your life as a cripple you disgusting creature!"

Ariel swung her swords and attempted to cripple Michell on the spot.

"Ariel, no!" Emperor Samiel stopped Ariel's attack.

"Father, what is the meaning of this?" Ariel looked at her father in anger.

"Ariel, he is still your brother and my son…" Emperor Samiel struggled to look at his daughter.

What his son did was unforgivable, but he couldn't let his son be a cripple for the rest of his life.

"Ariel, how about we seal your brother's cultivation for 1000 years?" Ariel's mother, Empress Kana did not want her son to be a cripple as well.

"Fine" Ariel nodded. She didn't want her parents to torment themselves because of the hateful bastard.

"But I doubt Michell will live for long once my love finds him"

"Who are you talking about?" Empress Kana asked.

"My husband"

"WHAT?" Her parents were shocked that their daughter got married.

"Who is he?" Empress Kana could barely control her emotions.

"You will meet him soon" Ariel did not want her parents to know that she fell in love with a human. They would never allow it until they witness Bruce's strengths.

Afterward, everyone was dismissed and was ordered to not tell a soul about the incident. Regarding the culprit of the incident from two years ago, Michell's cultivation was sealed. The emperor threw his own son into silent confinement for 1000 years. Thankfully, Ariel agreed to not let everyone know of his crime so that the dignity of the royal family remained intact.

That day, the entire Atmos continent went into an uproar because their goddess has returned. Many young males began to cheer as it was their dream to see Ariel in person.

Unfortunately for them, her heart already belonged to a certain hooligan.

"Princess, you asked for me?" A handsome angel kneeled down in front of Ariel.

"Yes, I recalled that you led a group of talented youths to a trial two years ago, correct?" Ariel looked at the man with great anticipation.

"Yes, that's correct" The man replied not daring to look up at the princess. To him, her beauty was divine and could not be tainted by anyone.

"Do you have the recording of the fight that broke out between the other groups?" There was a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Yes, I have the recording right here Princess" The man didn't notice anything strange in Ariel's voice and handed her the recording.

"Thank you, you are dismissed"

The man was confused by the request and left her chamber.

Ariel opened the recording and saw the entire fight that happened between Bruce's group and the other groups. She looked at the different humans in the recording and could not find Bruce anywhere.

She was disappointed until a young man showed up out of nowhere with shining lights coming out of his body.

Ariel held back her breath as she looked at the young version of her beloved. He was still quite handsome back then unlike his current flawless appearance.

Seeing Bruce easily defeat the dragon and demon, Ariel felt pride in her heart. Even she would have a difficult time defeating his enemies at the Early Divine King stage.

She was happy when she saw his image again until the scene where Sophia hugged Bruce tightly to stop him from further torturing the dragon. Her eyes trembled as she gritted her teeth.

"You bitch… Take your hands off my man!"

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