The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 117: His Majesty Part 2

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“My name is Jonathan Hopkins!”

“Who?” Vincent had never heard of such a person. From a young age, he was taught the names of all the Great Emperors on the continent.

Almost everyone at the party also wondered the same thing.

“It can’t be…” Meredith trembled when she heard the familiar name. Though his voice was unfamiliar to her. The name he mentioned was the same name that a certainly shameless bandit used when he first fought her.

Sophia felt her connection with the Goddess of Light gradually grew stronger. That’s when she knew that her beloved had returned. She couldn’t help but shed tears.

Logan and Elizabeth also heard about Bruce’s antics in the Imperial Academy. When they heard the name of the prodigy from the Hopkins Family, their bodies shook.

“Logan… our child…” Elizabeth began to cry.

“I know… He came back to us” Logan struggled to keep his emotions in check.

While Bruce’s friends and families were having different thoughts running through their heads, the masked man continued to torment Vincent.

“My name is Jonathan Hopkins, the emissary of the greatest person on the continent, Bruce Stellae!”

Everyone gasped when they heard the name that’s been mentioned multiple times at the party.

“How dare you mock his majesty?” The masked man smacked Vincent down to the ground.

A small crater was created below the table. Vincent’s protectors immediately moved toward the masked man.

“Stay over there if you want to live” The masked man released his soul power and locked down the protectors of Vincent Kingston.

“What is this power?” The Kingston Great Emperors were deadly afraid. Their souls were suppressed to the point that they can’t move their bodies.

“Most importantly, how dare you mock his majesty’s parents?” The masked man lifted Vincent up from the ground and ripped his arm off his body.

Blood spewed everywhere as the masked man brutally crushed Vincent’s bone after tearing apart his limb.

“ARGHHHHH” Vincent screamed in pain

“Do you want to go against the Kingston family!” One of Vincent’s protectors screamed when he saw his young master losing his arm in front of his eyes.

“Oho, Let me ask you a question old fool”

“Does the Kingston family want to go against his majesty?” The masked man released his aura and oppressed everyone from the Kingston family. Only those at the upper extremes of the Great Emperor realm could endure the aura. Unfortunately for the protectors, they were only at the lower extremes of the Great Emperor realm.

“He has grown so powerful over the past two years” Chef John muttered.

“Looks like you were worried for nothing, John” Steven smiled at his friend who had been losing his sleep over failing to protect his disciple for the past two years.

“Elizabeth, our son has returned” Logan clutched his wife’s hand tightly. Every day she prayed that her son would return safely.

The couple hugged each other as they watched how their son take revenge on their behalf.

“Why the hell are you bragging about your talents and looks? You stupid pumpkin!” The masked smacked Vincent’s face multiple times until he looked like a swollen pig.

“His majesty’s face is so handsome that every maiden would fall in love at first sight”

“Moments ago, princesses from multiple kingdoms waged war for his majesty”

“As we speak, millions are dying by the second due to his majesty’s handsomeness”

“His handsomeness would cause the downfall of a continent!”

“…” Everyone started to wonder if this guy was right in the head.

“My god, did he grow more shameless over the years?” Deion quietly muttered. He was pleasantly surprised and happy that his best friend returned. However, that bastard kept on exaggerating his looks.

“Regarding talents, even gods begged him to be their apprentice”

‘Yup, this guy is definitely not right in the head’ Everyone thought the same thing.

Bruce would have cried in tears of injustice if he knew what they were thinking. Gods did ask him to be their apprentice!

“Look at you, all beat up and no shame”

“How could you be compared to his majesty?”

Vincent was in so much pain and anger from the masked man’s insults that he fainted.

“Church of Light, are you not going to do anything?” The Great Emperors from the Kingston family yelled toward James Bennet.

“Jonathan Hopkins, was it?”

“Could you please let go of my guest?” James lightly coughed even though he already knew the identity of the masked man.

“Aren’t I your guest as well?” The masked man retorted.

“I don’t recall inviting someone named Jonathan Hopkins” James smiled politely.

“I have the invitation here” The masked man passed over the invitation to James’s hand. It was completely legitimate surprisingly. James knew Bruce forged it, but he played along.

“My mistake, but as you know, conflicts are forbidden here”

“Ok fine” The masked man threw back Vincent and his detached arm to the Kingston family. He had a much bigger plan for Vincent in the future.

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The Kingston protectors immediately put pills into Vincent’s mouth and stabilized his energy. They looked at the masked man with extreme malice. No one had embarrassed the Kingston family like this ever.

“If you idiots want to keep your eyeballs, I suggest you get out of my sight” The masked man conjured runes to push the Kingston family out of the palace.

“Kindly fuck off from here, you little shits from the backwater Kingston family”


The rune clashed against the Kingston family representatives and pushed them outside the palace. Though The Kingston family people managed to stop the rune from pushing further, they were so embarrassed by what just happened that they went back to their family.

They vowed to seek revenge against Jonathan Hopkins!

Back at the party.

The masked man then continued to drink his wine.

“What are you all staring at me for? Keep enjoying yourself”

Despite saying that, everyone kept staring at him. They had a billion questions to ask him.

“I know that you guys want my majesty’s photographs, but they have already been sold out!”

“But I can tell you guys more about him if you’d like”

As soon as everyone heard the most absurd thing in their life, people began to get back to the party. Clearly, the masked man was not there to terrorize them, but to spout bullshit.

The expressions on the Dark Forces were grim when they saw the powerful masked man playing around with the Kingston family like it was nothing.

Cormac Monet gritted his teeth because he knew for sure the masked man is Bruce Stellae. Only that evil brat could make people spit blood like that.

Everyone else aside from the Dark Forces started to generate inquiries about the masked man. Overnight, Jonathan Hopkins became the most popular search!

“Hello, Mr. Emissary” Sophia walked toward the masked man and greeted him.

“Ah hello his majesty’s fiancée” The masked man nodded at her.

Sophia giggled when she heard the tone of his voice. She was glad that her beloved was still the same person.

“So, where is your majesty?”

“Yeah, where is your majesty?”

The masked man looked up and saw familiar faces staring at him.

“Ah you see, my majesty only wanted one thing in this world”

“To establish World Peace!”

Everyone rolled their eyes. Clearly, the shameless bandit did not change at all.

The masked man was shocked because the deadpan faces around him proved that no one believed his words!

“Back to your question about his majesty's whereabouts…”

“He is currently teaching orphans in a land far far away from here”

Everyone rolled their eyes once again when they heard his response.

“Mr. Emissary, has your majesty met any girl in the far far away land?” Sophia lightly smiled at the masked man except the smile wasn’t a smile.

The masked man immediately choked up because he didn’t have a good answer for this one.

Staring at the guilty convict in front of her, Sophia sighed.

“How many is it?” Meredith’s voice rang out.


“Is it me or is it getting hot in here” The masked man started to sweat. Even the powerful Kingston family didn’t manage to make him feel this nervous.


“Oh, look at the time, I have to go now!” The masked man immediately bolted out of the window.

“Erm, what just happened?” Edward was confused.

Seeing the two tigresses wanting to devour a certain someone, Deion couldn’t help but be happy that he only had Chelsey. But wait, maybe the risk is worth it?

“Elizabeth, our son has become a playboy” Logan shook his head.

“Hmph, my son is destined to have numerous women!”

Elizabeth was ecstatic to see her son return. He even managed to embarrass a powerful ancient family for their sake. She wanted to be in the front seat when Bruce crushed the Kingston family in the future.

Just as the party was starting to slow down, a new guest showed up.

“I have an announcement to make, Bruce Stellae has arrived!”

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