The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 17: Banditry 101

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In the dark of night, a small figure went to every single house in the desolate town and dropped off a small pouch. Inside each pouch contained 20 gold coins. For commoners, 20 gold coins could last them for a lifetime if they invest and spend wisely. Since Bruce could not identify the family of the fallen men in the previous battle, he decided to give out the gold to every family in town.

'Now that everything is done, I should dress more nicely. I can't be looking like a beggar while ordering delicious food'

Bruce hummed to himself as he traveled to the next town in search of a restaurant so that he could stuff himself with delicious food. After dividing the loot between him and the town, he still had thousands of gold coins left.

Bruce arrived at the next town on his journey and went straight to a restaurant. This time, he looked much nicer with a clean shirt and clean hair. Though his face was no longer handsome as before due to temporary physical modification, he no longer looked like a beggar.

"Hello waiter, what kind of dishes can I get with 5 silvers?" Bruce decided to only spend 5 silvers per meal to remain low-key.

"What a young kid like you doing out here alone? Where are your parents?" The waiter asked curiously as it was uncommon to see a young child alone by himself in this day and age.

"Oh, my parents are at home. I got mad at them for not buying me what I wanted, so I ran away from home." Bruce came up with an excuse as it was common for children at his age to run away from home.

"You should really head back to your parents. They must be worried sick. Anyway, with 5 silvers, you can have pasta with meatballs, chicken noodle soup, or pork fried rice"

"Ok, I'll take the chicken noodle soup please"

"Alright, coming right up"

The waiter brought out a large bowl of chicken noodle soup and Bruce went straight for the food. He sighed heavily after tasting the soup as it was a long time since he had something decent to eat. As he enjoyed the hard-earned meal, the owner of the restaurant came out and made an announcement.

"Everyone, please be cautious and don't use the road to Umbrah City when you leave the town"

"Mr. Park, why are you telling us this? Has something happened on the road?" The customer became curious as to why this announcement was made in the morning.

"I've just received news from one of my vendors that the raw ingredient shipments have been robbed by bandits on that specific road. It's very dangerous to travel on that road right now until the authorities capture the bandits." After the owner explained the announcement, the customers discussed it among themselves and agreed to not go near that road until things are sorted out.

Unlike the customers who were afraid to get robbed by bandits, Bruce had a wicked smile.

'hehe bandits, today is your bad luck because I'm about to rob you'

Bruce finished his chicken noodle soup and ordered some snacks from the restaurant. After enjoying his meal to the fullest, he wanted to nap but robbing the bandits was more pressing. Bruce left the town and walked on the road to the Umbrah City.

Sensing people ahead of him, Bruce started his performance.

"Daddy! Where are you? Don't leave me here, I promise I will be good" Bruce started to pretend that his dad left him here alone as punishment to lower the bandit's guard.

As Bruce immersed himself in his performance, a group of men came out of the bushes and surrounded him. A tall burly man with a beard came out and looked at him.

"Please don't hurt me…" Bruce stuttered as he looked at the bandit leader.

"Kid, where are your parents?" The bandit leader asked.

"I broke an expensive vase, so my dad left me here alone as punishment" Bruce was ready to strike as soon as the bandit leader lowers his guard.

"Hmm. What a jackass thing to do to a young boy. My men will take you back to your home." The bandit leader assured Bruce that they won't harm him.

'Wait. What the hell? Why aren't you kidnapping me and demanding ransom or something?' Bruce thought about the situation internally as the bandits smiled and dragged him along.

"So, tell me, kid, where do you live?" The bandit leader asked as he intended to help Bruce get back to his home.

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"Umm… I don't know where I live." Bruce lied once again.

"Hmm, it must suck being this stupid at your age. I can see why your dad was mad at you" The bandit leader laughed heartily as his group joined in the laughter as well.

Bruce's face turned red from anger, but he still tried to probe the bandit's intention.

"Are you guys the bad guys?" Bruce asked innocently.

"Maybe to some people. Our group doesn't kill anyone. We only rob passersby to make ends meet at home. The city that we live in is rotten to hell due to corruption." The bandit leader explained to Bruce which made Bruce feel pity for them. However, the bandit leader tested Bruce's patience once again.

"You're too stupid to understand that right now but one day you will when you grow up" The bandit leader laughed.

Sensing a new prey has arrived on the road, the bandits quickly hid and told Bruce to not make any noise. When the four-wheeled vehicle passed by the bandits, everyone jumped out.

"STOP RIGHT HERE!" The bandit leader yelled.

"Everyone get out of the vehicle, we're robbing you!"

The driver stopped the vehicle, and a middle-aged man came out of it. The man looked at the bandit and calmly surrendered. The man was definitely wealthy as he had golden jewelry on his body. It seemed like the bandits hit the jack pot.

"All of my valuables are inside the vehicle. You can take everything. I just don't want any trouble"

The bandit leader became cheerful after hearing the man's response. As he walked to the vehicle, he was stopped by someone unexpected.

"STOP!" Bruce yelled at the bandit leader.

"Huh? What do you want kid?" The bandit leader was annoyed that Bruce stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't you find it fishy that a wealthy man with almost no cultivation is traveling alone on a road?" Bruce wanted to teach the bandit a lesson in awareness.

"Now that I think about it, that is weird!" The bandit leader exclaimed.

"There's probably an expert inside the vehicle waiting to kill you as soon as you open the door. Go call your goons over there and kick the vehicle down.

"Men, do as the kid says" The men got near the vehicle and pushed it down so that it fell on its side. Right before the vehicle fell, a figure flew out of the door and stared at Bruce with hatred.

"Tsk, so indeed someone was in the vehicle. A Peak Elemental Profound Stage. No wonder this rich guy dared to travel on this road" The bandit leader himself was at Early Stage Soul Manifestation so he had no problem defeating the bodyguard of the wealthy man.

After defeating the bodyguard and robbing the man of his valuables, the bandit leader looked at Bruce in a new light. Before he could say anything, Bruce managed to surprise him once more.

"Is there something wrong with you guys' heads? That's not how you rob someone" Bruce shook his head when he looked at the group.

"Look, this guy is wealthy for a reason. You should torture him and see what bad deeds he has done in this life and then use those bad deeds to extort him for more wealth." Everyone went into shock after hearing what Bruce said.

"Even his bodyguard seems wealthy too. Imagine working for this rich guy for a couple of years. Why aren't you robbing the bodyguard as well?" Bruce looked at the bandits in disappointment as if it were their first-day becoming bandits.

"WHAT ARE YOU FOOLS DOING? WRITE THAT DOWN!" The bandit leader then became enlightened and desperately wanted to learn more from Bruce on the art of banditry.

The bandits: "….."

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