The Monarch Wants to Forget

Chapter 25: Heroes Part 2

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"Everyone make sure the placements are all correct. One mistake could cost us our entire lives!" Bruce instructed the crew while stepping on Tod the entire time. Killing Tod wasn't the objective of today's attack. He was waiting for the bigger fish to arrive.

"Alright everything looks good. Everyone move to your designated positions!" Bruce pulled out snacks and started to enjoy them as he waits for Tod's father to arrive.

After several hours, Tod's father finally arrived. He looked around and saw a bunch of people with Body Refinement stage cultivation. His eyes landed on a kid who was stepping on his son. He ignored everyone else and only focused on the kid.

"Hello there, are you the father of this son of a bitch?" Bruce stepped on Tod's face as Tod was screaming through the duct tape.

"Kid, I'm going to skin you alive!" Rok saw the state of his son and went enraged. He could not believe someone dared to do this to his precious son. He was ready to kill everyone here to avenge his son.

"Don't move a muscle. I will kill your son immediately if you inch any closer to me" Bruce pointed Light Piercer at Tod's head and charged it up. Rok suddenly froze as he was trying to figure out how to get his son out alive.

"What is it that you want?" Rok finally calmed down and decided to negotiate with Bruce. His son's life was far more important than fulfilling his thirst for vengeance.

"I want 10,000 medium energy crystals in a storage ring." Bruce gave out a price to Rok.

"Outrageous! I don't have that kind of wealth. What you're asking for is impossible" Medium energy crystals are much more rare than low energy crystals. One medium energy crystal is worth 1000 low energy crystals.

"I didn't know you were that poor" Bruce's remarked darkened Rok's face, but he had to endure until he gets his son back. Afterward, he would make sure to torture Bruce to his heart content.

"Okay, give me everything you have in a storage ring and pass it over to me. I'll release your trash then" Bruce finally gave Rok a reasonable demand. Rok nodded and handed over everything he had in a storage ring. Bruce inspected the storage ring before releasing Tod.

"You're quite rich for a humble official" Bruce found 100,000 low energy crystals in the storage ring along with several divine king level artifacts.

"Here's your worthless son back" Bruce knocked Tod out cold and threw him over to Rok. As soon as Rok confirmed that his son was still alive, he sent out his killing intents to the surrounding and moved in front of Bruce.

"Everyone, now!" Bruce yelled out and the group used their energy to activate the runes beneath them. Then, a formation appeared in the sky locking down Rok making him unable to move.

"You're way stronger than me so I had to improvise. Please understand" Rok was unable to process what just happened as he was unable to move. When he looked at Bruce, he saw the gun glowed brightly at him.

"Heavenly Stars, Open!"

"Blazing Blitzkrieg"

Bruce activated Heavenly Stars to increase his power as much as possible and used his strongest offensive move at the moment. Bruce's eyes and body shined brightly. Bruce hoped that Rok would die after getting hit by his attack head on.

"SHIT!" Rok hardened his body and prepared for the impact.


The area where Rok was held got destroyed. When the dusts settled, Rok was seen standing up. He was badly injured with blood spewing out of his body, but he was able to move finally.



Rok punched the ground and created earth fissures in the vicinity. Everyone was knocked off balance. Rok then sent out a soul attack toward Bruce intending to mentally cripple him. He dashed in front of Bruce and punched him hard on his chest.

Bruce puked out massive amount of blood after getting punched by Rok but he still maintained his grin. After Rok punched Bruce, a shattered sound rung in the air. Rok wanted to punch Bruce again, but he couldn't. When he looked down, he saw that both his hands and feet were frozen.

"NOW SEAN!" Bruce yelled out and Sean finally appeared. Sean thrusted his sword toward Rok's neck. Rok couldn't dodge or use any soul attack to stop Sean as everything was happening too fast.

"ARRGHH" Sean stabbed Rok's neck deeply and sliced off his head. Rok was finally dead.

"Haha that bastard is finally dead. Help me get this ice off my body everyone." Before the battle, Bruce hid a frost bomb inside his chest. It would freeze both his body and Rok's body so that no one would be able to move for a brief few seconds.

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"Bruce, I can't believe this, but we actually managed to kill that bastard's father" Sean looked at the head beneath his feet and finally accepted what just happened. It's unheard of for low stage Soul Manifestation to kill a late stage Soul Manifestation, but Bruce made it happen.

"The plan was risky but I'm glad we managed to pull it off." Bruce was still badly damaged by Rok's initial punch. He should be able to heal his wounds after a few days of rest.

"Unbelievable, that kid actually managed to kill a late stage Soul Manifestation expert with his measly low stage Body Refinement cultivation" Alain muttered after he witnessed the entire fight.

He arrived shortly after escorting Felicity back to the empire. He wanted to jump in and protect Bruce but stopped when seeing Bruce coming out unharmed after receiving a soul attack from a late stage Soul Manifestation.

'That kid must be wearing an artifact to conceal his cultivation. It's impossible for a body refinement cultivator to create an attack of that magnitude. Furthermore, I did see lightning infused in that attack which means that he does have lightning affinity. But how? And how did he survive the soul attack?'

Many questions began to appear in Alain's head as he remained in the sky silently watching over Bruce.

"Hey dumbass wake up" Bruce smacked Tod across the face couple of times to wake him up. Tod opened his eyes and screamed in fear when he saw his father's head on the ground.

"You guys can do whatever you want with him" The young men gathered around Tod with murderous glare.

"Before you guys finish him, make sure to extort all the information from him. Practice what you learned in my previous lessons" Bruce then laid down on the ground and started napping.

Sean pulled out a recorder and forced Tod to confess everything. Tod provided Sean with the names of the families who had been his partners. Later, Sean finally finished recording Tod's confessions and sent him back to the village. Tod will only have nightmarish days for the rest of his life. He will be held in the village prison until the day he dies.

A few days later, a packaged arrived at the Stellae castle with all the evidence containing Tod's confession and his father involvements. The recorder also showed the families that were a part of the operation. This news was quite shocking and could not be hid from the public as the owner of the recorder could send copies around the country.

"Looks like there are still rats in our family" Logan slammed the table. He was extremely angry that something this hideous was happening on his watch. He ordered the arrest of the families involved in the operation and put them on trial for treason. Stealing is one thing but enslaving an entire village is something he would never forgive.

"Dear, calm down. We will punish everyone involved but don't you find the note in the package familiar?" Elizabeth smiled after reading the note.

'Dear rulers of Meropis Country. I have uncovered heinous deeds happening in your country and removed the bad seeds. Don't thank me as I am just a humble traveler. If you want to thank me, please appoint the next mayor of the Briestone village to be Sean Walker. I highly recommend him because he's the hero that slain the villain.


                                          Someone with a harem of 100 beauties


"I didn't look at it yet but what does it say?" Logan looked to his wife who finally smiled after a long time. Elizabeth was extremely worried about Bruce, and it frustrated her that she could not see her son for a long time. Elizabeth handed the note to Logan and Logan also smiled after reading the note.

"I guess I have to appoint this Sean Walker person as the mayor now. Otherwise, someone will beat me up in the future" The two looked at each other and hugged one another. Their son had finally sent something back to them.

"Bruce, do you really think I'll be appointed as mayor of this town?" Sean was recently informed of Bruce's request to the rulers of the country. He didn't really think that the Stellae family would appoint him as mayor since it's much better to appoint someone else more qualified.

"Yup, don't worry about it. You are the hero that killed Rok. Everyone in the village will accept you wholeheartedly."

"I want you to manage this place and turn it into a money making machine. You can stop being a bandit and finally have a home." It was time for Bruce to continue his journey to the Imperial Academy. He had finished what he needed to do for the Briestone village.

"Ok, I'll do as you say. But I really don't know how to run the village though" Sean still had doubts about himself. All he knows in life are cultivation and banditry.

"You're not doing this alone. I'm sure the guys will help you along the way as this village is their home also."

"Unfortunately, I must head out now. I'll visit this place when I have time in the future. I hope that when I return, the god of wealth would greet me" Bruce said his last joke to Sean and continued his journey to the Imperial Academy.

"Thank you for everything you've done for us Bruce, I won't disappoint you!" Sean bowed and bid farewell to Bruce.

Starting from that day, the god of wealth legends began…

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