The Monster Girl Heroines And The Man Who Loves Them

Chapter 44: Episode 011 Bonus: A Nun’s Night of Longing… ♥?

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There could be no sweeter paradise. I was so close to him as he consumed… Oh what I would do to be the meat between his teeth.

“Okay, I’m going to walk Dorthaunzee to her room.”

The woman speaks, but my mind is too disarrayed to hear.

“Aww, she’s so latched onto you, Fainn.”

What is this? I feel as if some force is trying to remove me from my Savior. Have at thee! Foul monster, I shall not leave! But ahh—my arm—why does it betray me? No! No! A thousand times no! I belong next to my Fainn!

“Ahh! I got her! Okay, I’ll walk her back now!”

The flesh is weak. I knew it to be true, but I have been brutally reminded. Curse you, arms that could not hold fast. My stomach churns—a testament to my dissatisfaction.



The Goddess of Blinding Light, Svilran ferried me back to my dwelling. I now knew the truth. Like a cruel god, she ripped me away from my savior when my body was weak and my mind was failing. She ripped me away when I was basking in his almighty presence and breaking bread with him.

And I cried out for him, but my mind could not form the thoughts, nor could he hear my pathetic embers. She took me away from him and cast me into the darkness. There was no light here. For I did cry out to her, but she did not hear me—

“Okay, Dorthaunzee, have a good night, okay? I’ll be back in the morning to check on you—oh no! Please be careful, you almost tripped. Here… There we go, nice and tucked in. Okay, sweet dreams, Sweet Dorthaunzee.”

She swaddled me in heavenly bindings this weak and warmth craving body refused to leave.

I cried and cried. She was greater than I—I could do nothing but submit to her will.



Savior, oh my sweet Savior. My body is burning for a profane fire has been lit. I cannot put it out. I can only pray and plead that in not reduce me to ash. It cries out for your cooling presence. It searches for the cooling chill your presence provokes.

Come, my Savior… You need not touch me and be repulsed. Even watching would be more than I deserve. To feel your gaze piercing my self… To have you so near, with your fanged tentacles spreading over me.

Ahh! My body quivers, My Savior.

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Open your maw and watch me squirm. Your lesser tongue, with teeth growing out of every bud, could ensnare me. You wrap your fangs around me, and I feel them pierce my flesh, and I am filled with what could only be described as ‘divinely right.’

Ravish me, my savior, for my foolish fingers wish to take your place. They are a false idol, insulting your divine form. Would you bite them off—mmm—if I could only be so deserving of such punishment.

Why did you lead me here, hateful goddess, to this place of darkness, where I am lost, and where I will never be saved? You left me to the mercy of my wretched fingers and lamp. You abandoned me to be mocked by the sounds of my renegade womanhood.

My body cries from every pore. I can only close my eyes and create an image of my savior, an eighth as great as the man.

Forgive me, Lord, for the shameful sin my disgraceful flesh commits. It seeks relief and I will not stop its pursuit. My womanhood is burning with desire. It is a furnace of passion, a cauldron of lust, a pot bubbling over with desire. Nothing but disappointing filth will flow out.

The shadow of the savior I conjured up approaches. My breasts ache and he would grab. My womanhood would cry and he would lap it up.

Mmm—the warmth of my lantern—it is what connects us and now it is thrust between my thighs… Ahh! It brushed against something—was that My Savior’s will sending a jolt?

My garments are torn open. Can you see them? Bring your teeth down and bite on my teat until you are satisfied.

My undergarments—they can not be in your way. I would not hide myself so. Ahh—I’m sorry for they are so dirty.

I am sorry! Can you feel that, My Savior? How slippery my crevice has become. It calls out for you… Can you hear my thoughts? Please, discipline my profane self. Bring down your fanged hand and drive your sword into me without mercy.

My body quivers—I have invoked an image too powerful. My hands will not stop. My fingers have plunged deep into my depths—

Ahh, no, no! Don’t spread this one open. That is too many fingers—I will tear in half without My Savior here to bear witness. I do not want. My Lord, My Lord! Pay heed to my cries for I have stepped too far! Please don’t leave me to this! I’m sorry! I was foolish to think I could play—


How furious—could my fingers ever move so quickly? They thrust without stop, slathering themselves in heinous proof of desire. Please, I beg you, My Shepard. Come! Burst through my chamber’s doors and watch me. Guide me. Correct me. Do not leave me to burn in the flames by my lonesome. I long for you. Why can you not see me—

All that was built hit its peak. The force was such that my mouth did tear open and a sound my ears had never heard came from the deepest part of my being. The wondrous room was stained—forgive me, My Savior, for tainting that which you so generously offered…

In that moment—that brief moment—my heart was a bird flying over the mountains and valleys of my soul, soaring through the sky and above the clouds to heights of ecstasy…

My Savior, surely, I could reach the same heights in your presence.


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