The Multiversal Protagonist System

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Et tu, Truck-Kun?

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A lone figure walked along a secluded street, the steady downpour of rain and steady thrum of vehicles passing by on the overpass above lending the area a dreary, depressing atmosphere.

This miserable flavour of serenity was quickly shattered by the screech of tyres and scream of an engine under considerable strain. The sound, coming from behind the figure, caused them to whirl around, their eyes widening under the hood of their coat as they spot the runaway delivery truck barrelling straight towards them.

Swearing vehemently, the figure dove to the side, the rush of disturbed air that blasted into them as several tonnes of metal and distressed delivery driver sped past a testament to just how near their near miss was.

The figure, now soaked to the skin thanks to an inconveniently placed puddle, slowly rose back to their feet, shaking their fist at the rapidly retreating vehicle.

“Et tu, truck-Kun? No Isekai adventure for me today! Got stuff to do!”

Snorting, the figure took another step, only to freeze in place as a cacophony of blaring of horns, yet more squealing tyres, and the crash of metal impacting metal blared out from the overpass above.

Looking up in alarm, the figure was just in time to act as horrified witness as an even bigger truck burst through the flimsy barrier above, hurtling over the edge of the overpass and descending towards them like a falling star with the inevitability of a shitty Monday morning.



The figure experienced a burst of short but incredibly intense pain, before everything faded to black. However, to their slowly dawning surprise, this was not their end. The black swirled, darkness leeching from the surrounding black, pooling together to form letters upon a suddenly brighter background.

**Viable Protagonist detected.**

**Initiating Protagonist System… Complete**

**Scanning recipient’s memories for Seed World preferences… Complete**

**Selecting viable Seed World… Complete**

**Creating backstory for recipient in selected Seed World… Complete**

**Reforming Protagonist in Seed World…**


I let out a soft groan as consciousness begrudgingly returned. The feeling of soft sheets against my bare skin slowly calmed my addled mind, reassuring me I was not floating around in the unknowable black, but was instead back in my university halls after one of the strangest dreams I’d ever had the misfortune of experiencing.

Rolling onto my back, I let loose a jaw-cracking yawn as I stretched out. Reluctantly, I peeled open my eyes, quickly forced to squint from the early morning light spilling into my room through a crack in the curtains. Rubbing my eyes to clear the last vestiges of sleep, I sat up in bed, blinking rapidly as what I expected to see, and what I actually saw, utterly failed to marry up in my mind.

What had once been a comfortable, albeit boring, bedroom had changed. The colours, once muted, were now bright and vibrant, giving the room a soft, cosy vibe. My mouth hung open as I gaped at the changes, the sharp features and high definition of reality supplanted by what can only be described as an anime aesthetic.


Blinking owlishly, I once again went to rub my eyes, only to freeze in place when I caught a look at my hands out of the corner of my eye.


Throwing off the covers and springing out of bed, I ran towards my attached bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I staggered, my gods damned anime hands grabbing onto the gods damned anime sink for support as the gods damned anime face staring back at me through the mirror blanched in shock.

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I stared, hands hesitantly touching the stubble on my cheek. Everything felt the same, and it was still recognisably me staring back at me, same short brown hair, same jawline, same slight gut from one too many nights on the sofa, same grey eyes, just… anime styled.

My eyes widened in horror as a thought crossed my mind. Reaching down, I tugged at the hem of my boxers as I hastened to assess the status of Private Johnson, letting out a little sigh of relief as my inspection found the Private to be entirely unpixellated, and maybe even slightly bigger than I recalled.

“Okaaaay, might have to consider that nightmare wasn’t a figment of my imagination… Buuuut, not all downsides, I guess? Oh fuck, that means I really did just die…”

Before I could get a proper freak out going, my internal musings were interrupted by a little blue box popping up in my vision, blocking my view of my new self.

Accept? (Y/N).

Tentatively I reached out, tapping the Y with a finger. As soon as I did, the blue box disappeared, once again revealing my baffled anime face. “Uh-huh…”

Lowering the lid, I sat on top of the toilet, head in my hands. Suddenly reminded of it by the system, the pain of being crushed under several tonnes of truck stuck in my mind like a thorn, hanging over me like a portent of doom. Focusing on my breathing, I tried to regain my mental equilibrium.

A couple minutes into the exercise had me feeling considerably better, the sharp spike of panic I’d been dealing with since I woke ebbing, replaced by a rapidly growing sense of curiosity. The curiousty swelled as I considered this so called system, eagerness to explore this new and strange development filling me. I started a little as a little envelope icon started flashing in the corner of my field of view, a small number 4 emblazoned atop it.

Mentally trying to select what I assumed to be several unopened notifications, I could only sigh in disappointment as I was met by an error message instead.

Error! You are unable to open your notifications until you gain access to your status screen. How hard is it to have a shower, stinky?

Shaking my head in amusement at the snarky comment, I waved the message away, standing up and heading over to the sink to start my morning routine. I noted with mild interest that, although anime-fied, my odds and ends were exactly where I’d left them the previous morning.

Taking the weirdness of the day in stride, I cleaned my teeth and washed my face before stripping off my boxers and hopping into the shower. The warm water was soothing on my skin, my muscles relaxing further and easing some of the tension they’d gained after this morning’s strangeness.

I was quietly contemplating the wider universe and my place inside it when a knock at my bedroom door coming from the main room caught my attention, shortly followed by a muffled voice of someone on the other side. A short internal debate raged as I considered if I really wanted to get out of the shower to open the door. I had no doubt in my mind that it was one of my shitty flatmates, probably wanting to ask a favour.

A little miffed that one of my the two flatmates assigned by the uni had picked now of all times to bother me, I stoically ignored the noise as returned my thoughts to the meaning of life.

My eyebrows rose in mild surprise and consternation as, rather than give up and sort out their own problems, my unwelcome guest tried the door handle. My eyebrows rose even further as I heard the decidedly unlocked door swing open, the soft sound of bare feet on carpet as someone entered swiftly following.

I breathed in sharply, taking in a lungful of air as I prepared to deliver a chewing out of epic proportions to whichever of my two ‘flat bros’ thought it’d be a good idea to enter my room without my permission. The might speech died in my throat, however, when the intruder spoke up.

“Casper, are you up? You know Annie will be pissed if you sleep in and miss your first class... again.”

The voice, which was tinged with mild exasperation, was not in fact the dulcet tones of one of my male flatmates, but instead sounded decidedly feminine. Alarmed, I spun to face the bathroom door, suddenly very aware that, in my distracted state, I’d left it wide open.

“Are you even in here? I swear to God, if you’ve left the shower on to piss out all our hot water then swanned off somewhere, then I’m going to be…”

“Wait, no, don’t!” I cried out, cutting the stranger off in my desperation to warn them.

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