The Multiversal Protagonist System

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: A brief treatise on attributes, followed by more anime girls.

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Peeling an eye open, I glanced out the window. Finding that I had a few minutes to go yet on the ride, I returned my focus to my status sheet in search of more information. Whilst I had a general idea of what everything did, I felt it was probably best to check before a dumb assumption came back to bite me in the ass. Handily, focusing on each attribute brought up a tooltip, complete with brief explanation.

Strength: 6 (+0).

Strength is a measure of your physical prowess. It determines how much weight you can carry and move, as well as how hard you hit with melee weapons. Increasing strength will also increase your HP regen, currently at a rate of 0.025 HP/min per point of strength.

Agility: 8 (+0).

Agility is a measure of your physical finesse. It determines how fast you can move, how accurate you are with both melee and ranged attacks, and also affects balance and hand-eye coordination.

Endurance: 10 (+0).

Endurance is both a measure of your physical stamina and a measure of your physical resistance to damage. It determines how far you can push your body before failure (both mentally and physically), the speed at which you recover from physical and mental strain, the amount of sleep required for you to feel rested, and your innate physical resistance. Increasing endurance will also increase your maximum HP, currently at a rate of 2HP per point of endurance.

Intelligence: 12 (+0).

Intelligence is a measure of your mental processing power. It determines the speed at which you can solve complex problems, your ability to form and cast magic, as well as the ease at which you convert short-term to long-term memory. Increasing intelligence will also increase your maximum mana pool, currently at a rate of 2 mana per point of intelligence.

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Wisdom is a measure of your ability to intuit information from the world and your ability to apply knowledge already learnt. It determines how perceptive you are, as well as a measure of mental control. Increasing wisdom will also increase your mana regen, currently at a rate of 0.05 mana/min per point of wisdom.

Charisma: 10 (+0)

Charisma is a measure of your likeability and affects how others perceive you. It determines how persuasive or intimidating you are to other beings, how well you can strike a bargain, and also has a minor effect on how attractive you are to other people.

Nodding as I took in the information, I next tried to do the same with my specialised Exp pools, only to be met with an error message telling me I would be told about the various types of specialised Exp when I needed them.

A soft nudge on my arm suggested it was a moot point, as it appeared I’d run out of time and would have to explore my status more later. Smiling at Sophie in thanks, I stood, grabbing the handrail as the bus slowed to a stop in front of the university. I was mildly surprised when I stepped onto the curb to find the same old main building of campus in front of me, as I’d been half expecting everything to change to something more closely resembling a Japanese high school.

Both Sophie and I kept our heads down and walked side by side towards the main doors, moving quickly to avoid gaining the attention of the small collection of students hanging around and handing out fliers neither of us wanted, the shouts of people advertising everything from nightclubs to popular student restaurants and cafes, and even a couple of the cities less seedy strip clubs, filling the air.

I shared a small, triumphant grin with Sophie as we successfully navigated the throng and made it inside the building, only to let out a sigh of defeat moments later as I was stopped by a university sanctioned spokesperson, who eagerly started expounding the virtues of safe sex at me as my traitor of a flatmate scurried away.

Sophie quietly watched from a safe distance, a smug grin on her face as she witnessed my numerous awkward attempts to break away from the conversation as politely as I could. Unfortunately, the super cute and incredibly enthusiastic pink haired anime girl I’d been caught by was having none of it, all of my escape attempts thwarted as she tried her very best to warn me of the dangers of bareback sex whilst hyping up the humble condom, arms waving around to emphasise one point or another.

By this point Sophie’s grin had morphed into a silent fit of giggles, deeply amused by the slowly dawning look of horror on my crimson face. The seemingly innocent looking girl’s persuasive arguments had got thoroughly lost in the weeds along the way, and I was forced to stand in the middle of the busy lobby in mortified silence as the pink-haired young woman described, in stunning and unnecessary detail, just how amazing receiving a ‘nice, hot, gooey creampie’ (her words, not mine) felt.

It was only by distracting her with the promise of support for her cause and offering to purchase the little safety pack she was hawking that I finally managed to get free of the girl. After assembling a ‘goodie bag’ for me personally, she sent me off £10 lighter with a distracted wave, her eyes distant and dreamy.

Stuffing the small bag of naughty goodies into my backpack, I power walked out of the lobby, a grinning Sophie skipping up beside me. “Soooo, get anything good?” she asked, an amused twinkle in her eyes. Determined not to be the only one dying of embarrassment, I fished back into my backpack, bringing the small bag back out.

“Let’s find out, shall we?” I asked back, opening the little bag so that both of us could see and revealing it to be chock full of condoms. Shaking the bag, a surprisingly large bottle of lube and a little sticker with ‘I heart safe sex’ printed on it were revealed to be buried amongst the small foil packets.

I got the reaction I’d been expecting as Sophie looked up at me with wide eyes. Her teasing smile suddenly turned shy as an all too familiar blush returned to her cheeks. She caught my satisfied grin and huffed, lightly slapping me on the arm. “Well, you did ask.” I said, chuckling.

She rolled her eyes at me, then raised a slender eyebrow as I reached into the bag and started rummaging around, intending to fish out the sticker and put it on as a joke.

Letting out a small noise of triumph, I pulled it out, holding up my prize to the light. “Wait, shit, no, that’s a condom.” I was treated to a bemused look as I dropped said condom back into the bag and tried again, this time successfully drawing out the sticker.

Both of us glanced down at the sticker in my hand, then at the mobile number clearly written on the back.

Sophie slowly looked back up at me, and I could practically hear the ‘jiiiiiiiiiiiii’ as I was treated to my first full-blown anime girl pout.

In for a penny…’ I thought, peeling the sticker, sticking it to my blazer, then screwing up and throwing away the back portion, number and all. “Not really my type.” I said with a shrug, before turning and walking off towards our next class with no further comments. Sophie once again fell in beside me, a noticeable pep to her step as we walked towards the lecture hall.

Our route had taken Sophie and I to the back of the main campus building towards the library, the two of us happily chatting as we walked. We were just passing by the library entrance when a loud shout stopped me short.


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Wheeling around, I wildly looked for the source of the joyful shout with no small amount of alarm. Catching sight of a blur of pale blue from the corner of my eye, I spun, only to let out an ‘oof’ as something small and soft collided with and glommed onto me, causing me to stagger.

Struck with a sudden and unexpected weight, I vainly attempted to fight gravity, a valiant but ultimately doomed attempt to stay upright that naturally ended with me going ass over teakettle. Letting out a startled yelp, I fell onto my back, the pale blue torpedo coming down on top of me.

Letting out a soft groan from the floor, I mentally patted myself down, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Blinking owlishly, I picked my head off the floor, determined to discover the source of the warm, soft weight perched atop my chest that was doing an admirable job of distracting me from the pain of falling on my ass. This brought me face to face with the source.

Ice-blue eyes stared back at me from a cherubic face framed by long, pale blue hair. I felt more than heard the soft inhalation of indrawn breath, the delightfully pillowy sensation of two prodigious breasts resting up against me only growing more noticeable as the young woman’s chest rose and fell in time with her slow, steady breathing.

Those ice-blue eyes flicked downwards towards my lips, a movement I couldn’t help but copy. My breathing hitched, suddenly very aware of the plump, kissable lips less than an inch away from my own. Her lips twitched, the corner of her mouth rising ever so slightly as her eyes rose back to meet mine. Swallowing nervously, I triggered Analyse.

Analyse Successful!

Annie Whitethorn.

Level 7, Student.

Flatmate of the Protagonist.

“Hi Casper.” My other new flatmate said, the slightest twinge of an Irish accent audible in her melodious voice. She gave me an innocent smile, only slightly betrayed by the clear amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Annie, ya damned klutz! What have I told you about tackling him every morning? One of these days, you’re going to crush him under those melons!” Sophie grumbled, stomping over to stand above us, her hands on her hips. Annie pouted, sitting up and crossing her arms over her ample bust as she turned to look at Sophie.

“I just wanted to give him an innocent hello. Not my fault he didn’t catch me. And anyway! Don’t be so mean about my boobs! Jealousy is an ugly emotion, y’know? I bet Casper doesn’t like it.” Annie said, drawing an honest to god harrumph from Sophie, who crossed her arms over her own chest defensively. Both women looked at me back at me as if seeking my input, Sophie, with an expectant and slightly insecure expression, and Annie with a mischievous and highly satisfied smile.

I had only been partially tuned into the conversation, trying my best not to let my body react to the busty girl straddling my hips, not helped in the least by the fact that she’d been gently grinding her mound against my slowly hardening length through my trousers ever since she sat upright, her movements so subtle I doubt anyone else had noticed.

“First, both of you have really nice boobs, so please stop sniping at each other,” I said distractedly, both girls sharing a surprised look and mild blush, Annie’s teasing movements stopping entirely. I blinked in surprise and shot Annie a confused look, my cofusion only growing as she looks away shyly. ‘She’s been grinding against me this whole time. Why is she getting bashful now?’ Chalking it up to a mystery of the fairer sex, I shrugged.

“Second, please get off me. People will start staring and might get the wrong idea.” I said, lightly slapping her on the bum (which jiggled pleasantly) to get my point across.

Annie ‘eep’ed and hopped to her feet, cheeks turning pink as she rubbed her ass and gave me a surprised look. ‘One of those that can dish it out but can’t take it, huh? Noted.’ Smiling at the girls when Sophie offered me a helping hand up and Annie quickly copied, I accepted their help and returned to my feet.

The three of us chatted away about little things as we walked together, finally making it into the lecture hall. I claimed a seat in one of the middle rows, smiling warmly at the girls as they claimed a seat on either side of me.

With nothing better to do and mana regen going to waste, I began to ping off the occasional Analyse in the hopes of training the skill, starting with the beautiful Miss Wittersham, a leggy and incredibly attractive blonde in her mid-thirties who taught most of my lectures.

Analyse Successful!

Cameron Wittersham.

Level 4, teacher.

Teacher of the protagonist.

Cameron, Huh? It suits her.’ Taking a moment to appreciate the sway of her ass as she wrote on the board, I idly wondered if one of my favourite anime tropes would apply, making Miss Wittersham part of the stupid hot but romantically hopeless teacher demographic. I could only hope, as student was very much hot for teacher.

Hijinks between my flatmates and I were kept to a minimum as we sat through a fairly standard introductory lecture, the steady ‘ping’ of successful analysis keeping me entertained. In fact, it only took two more uses of the skill to receive the notice I was waiting for.

Analyse has reached Lvl 2!

Analyse will now reveal how friendly someone is with you on a scale of -200 (they really hate you) to 200 (they really like you). Higher numbers are possible in both directions but require input from powers you are currently unable to access.

Internally cheering, I re-scanned the three people I was currently the most interested in. ‘+37 for Sophie, +23 for Annie, but only a +2 for Cameron? I suppose that’s fair.’

For the rest of the lecture, I sat back and took notes, pinging off an Analyse every time my mana was full as I quietly wondered how I could boost those numbers higher.

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