The Multiversal Protagonist System

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: A quiet moment of consolidation.

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“Is this really necessary?” I asked, looking up at a softly blushing Sophie with some small amusement.

“You’re about to pass out, so it’s only natural I look after you whilst you’re away,” she replied imperiously, looking anywhere but at me, a soft blush on her cheeks. I merely grinned, rather enjoying the classic lap-pillow treatment.

We’d received one or two funny looks when the four of us had dashed through the halls of academia, the girls having insisted they come with Cameron and I, but we’d made it to the pretty tutor’s car, an adorably ancient and beat up little bucket of bolts, with no major incidents

I’d happily gone with the flow when Sophie joined me in the back, her face burning an interesting shade of crimson as she’d practically tugged my head down towards her lap. Her soft thighs were supremely comfortable, and some gentle teasing had produced some hella cute expressions from the highly flustered redhead.


I glanced towards the front seats of the car, smiling innocently at Cameron and Annie, who were looking back at the two of us with full-blown anime girl pouts on their faces. As much as I would’ve loved to tease them a little, literal days of training time were burning away the longer I dicked around.

After a hasty round of goodbyes, I took out the token, my ticket to another world. Taking in a deep breath, I nodded to the three of them, then snapped the token.

The reaction was instantaneous. Colour rapidly leached from the world, and, before I’d had time to blink, everything had gone white.

Just as the colour had leeched away, it slowly returned to my surroundings, only… I was somewhere else entirely. Rising to a seated position, I found the car seat of moments ago had been replaced with a white leather sofa, which was set against the back wall of a modestly sized room.

Other than a small cubby with a closable door on the right and a closed doorway off to my left, which, when I checked, lead to a small but serviceable bathroom, the walls were entirely covered in screens, all in various shapes and sizes and all displaying different screensavers.

It might have been sensible to at least be a little concerned about the apparent lack of exits, but the screen directly opposite me, by far the largest in the room and only one of two that seemed to be active right now, set me at my ease.

Now given a moment to relax, I looked curiously at the other active screen, slightly smaller, and off to one side of the main central screen. It looked to be displaying a picture of the viewpoint I’d had not long before I’d come to this ‘hub’, resting on Sophie’s lap inside Cameron’s car.

The longer I looked, the more I felt drawn towards the image depicted, almost as if the screen was trying to pull me in. Rocking back, I shook off the strange sensation and looked away, knowing in my gut that looking for much longer would’ve dragged me right back to the mirror earth without any training. That. naturally, would’ve been bad.

That’s how I get back to one of my unlocked worlds, huh? So, these screens are all worlds I’ve yet to unlock?

Finding that the momentary compulsion I’d felt was no longer present, I carefully studied the image on the smaller screen, ready to pull back if needed. No further compulsion came, so I was able to observe for a while, finding that the only thing that seemed to be moving was a time stamp on the bottom right, tracking hours, minutes, and a long string of numbers that I assumed to be the time between seconds.

From the look of things, time was still moving in that world, just exceedingly slowly. Satisfied I had a moment to slow my roll, I settled in for some quick character maintenance. First off were notifications.

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A silly little grin on my face, I imagined all the fun I could have with the Waifu milestone reward and my new kissing skill. Snickering, I stopped thinking naughty thoughts and instead assigned the attribute points I’d gained upon reaching level 3, assigning the two I needed for agility to reach a base of ten and the remaining three to my strength. Naturally, this garnered me another achievement.

Now finished with my notifications for the time being, I looked at my status screen, curious to see how I was getting along.

A smile formed on my lips as I read over the changes, immensely satisfied by what I’d achieved in the space of a single morning. My eyebrow rose at the amount of Waifu experience I’d earned, surprised by the total. ‘The kiss and the group hug must’ve netted me a fair amount. I wonder when the next Milestone is?

When no answer was forthcoming from the system, I instead switched my focus over to my inventory before glancing over to the hub-space’s locker. ‘Hmmm, maybe I should leave some things here. Space will probably be at a premium over in the new world.

Opening up the system display, I perused the items I’d been lugging around in my interdimensional pocket.

Hmmm, ok. I should store the textbooks…’ Wandering over to the locker, I did just that, a little 97/100 appearing on a digital display embedded in the locker door when ‘d finished up and closed it behind me. ‘Nice, extra storage! Now, what next? The knife?

NO!” I shouted, before laughing to myself for the dumb reference.

Heh, seriously though, let’s try... this!’ Mentally selecting the knife, I dragged and dropped it into the first melee weapon slot. Curious to see if it would work, I closed all my menus, then focused on equipping the knife, letting out a whoop of triumph when it appeared in my hand with a small flash of light.

After a couple of practice swipes (bad ‘swish’ sound effects included), I attempted to stow the weapon, beaming as it worked, the knife disappearing from my hand. ‘Still, only the one slot, kind of a bummer. I suppose I can take any backup weapons out of my inventory if and when I need them?

Quickly testing to see how viable that was, I moved the knife back to my inventory and tried pulling it out quickly from there. It was still blindingly fast, but felt like it took a little more concentration to pull off, it being a two-step process to retrieve items by first opening the inventory, then retrieving the weapon I needed. It was only a small delay, but a delay none the same.

So, should I keep my main weapon in the melee slot and any backups in the inventory?’ I thought, then immediately rejected the idea. ‘No, the other way round is better. If I’m in the position to need a backup, then I’ll probably need it in a hurry.

Satisfied with my setup, I left my knife in the melee slot, then returned my focus to the one item I wasn’t sure what to do with, my old wallet. I was considering just dumping it and leaving it in the hub when a small tool tip popped up, suggesting I channel some mana into it.

Shrugging, I took it out and did just that, my eyebrows rising in surprise when, after a few points of mana were invested, the whole thing began to glow before disintegrating into shimmering lights.

A quick check of my status screen showed that I’d gained 47 item Exp at the cost of 4 points of mana. Result! Deciding to keep the stack of condoms and the big bottle of lube (because, why not?) I finished all of my preparations. Turning back to the main screen, I eagerly approached, excitement building in my heart. It was time to book my trip to a new world!

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