The mystery of minrove manor

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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I slowly waved goodbye to my family as I hopped onto to the wagon heading to the noble family I would work for as a maid but if I could go back I wish I would have done it differently.

Anna arrived at Minrove Manor at exactly 3am, it was quite late and Anna was extremely tired from the day of traveling that she tried to enter through the front gate....

Unfortunately, for her the entrance was closed so she had to search for the servants entrance she first stepped back to take a bigger view of the mansion and she smelt a violent must smell coming from the bushes near the mansion and then she finally realised how creepy the mansion felt, she looked to the right of her and found some overgrown hedges,  which were covering some strange ruins with the might of a coward. 

She tried to figure out what the ruins meant but then gave up and started to find the servants entrance.

When Anna finally successed in her quest,

 she saw a lump of clothes that had label with her name on ,right next to the entrance and immediately picked it up and knocked on the the door.

A sweet old lady with streeks of white and gray in her hair and a smile of gold answered the door and let Anna into a small living room with a beaten blue sofa and small wooden table

The Lady, which Anna was know informed was the Head chef from a badge on her apron, quickly led Anna to her room with a face of worry and scolded her for not having enough layers on.

Anna was quite confused at this comment as she had quite the standard amount of layers on and she also hadn't felt chilly at all so Anna told the head chef “Ma'am, I am quite confused because I have a coat on and I don't feel the slightest bit of cold.”

Shocked, the head chef replied “Dear, should I be worried for you, just look at your hands .”

Anna looked down at her hands and they were as purple as carrots and then she politely asked for gloves and then she suddenly remembered  the ruins and asked the old lady about it and she immediately answered “ What ruins sweetie?” and then immediately added after seeing Anna's questioning look “You probably just imagined it and I bet some tea will make you feel better.” 

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The Lady left and Anna lied down and wondered why the lady was so quick to answer her question and then made an excuse to leave.

“I know I never imagined it , I saw those ruins.” Anna thought but it was now to late, her eyes were already getting  heavy soon Anna drifted off to sleep.

Anna slowly opened her eyes and slouched into a sitting position, she usually didn't have nightmares but for some reason tonight. 

She had a vivid dream that she was in a room with just white and there was just a crimson monster with pulled face and a face half the size of the room….it was trying to tell her something.

Anna shaked it off and slowly trudged out of bed and went to wear she dropped the package of clothes next to the door and started to dress herself.

After Anna tiredly managed to drag her clothes on, someone knocked on her door.

She jumped after the shock and went to open the door but her dismay there was no one there not even a fly. 

Anna closed the door and popped on her shoes and started to walk to the kitchen and there she found the old lady from yesterday.

She smiled at the lady and then began to ask "Ma'am, I am sorry to trouble you again but I don't no where I am going  to be working"

"Oh Dear just go to the butler's room on the second floor and you will find it at the end of hallway just knock twice and he'll tell where you got to go. "

"Thanks Ma'am and I hope you have a great day!"

"You too sweetheart ."

Anna trotted happily up the stairs, she finally felt happy for some reason and she had a lot of pep in her step as she thought how grown up it is to have a job and to support the family.

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