The Mystery of Zhang Gong

Chapter 14: 14

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Wang Yan’s Line of Sight Swept Past Lan Jue and Fixed on Zhang Ping; He Raised His Hand. “Detain Him to the Ministry of Justice!” 

Lan Jue read through both exam papers. 

Zhang Ping’s literary work was written very stiffly. His introduction could be considered unique and his analysis presentation was clear; in addition to his rigidly written characters, overall, it was like a square-shaped brick. There was weight, it was just too shocking. 

Liu Bing sneered. “If just by listing a few clauses and sub-clauses could make a literary work good, then everyone in the yamen ghost-writing indictments are eminent writers.” 

Li Fangtong responded, “Although this examinee’s literary work is abundantly rigid and lacks literary grace, we can see he has a clear mentality, a rigorous nature, and unique insights. In contrast, although Minister Liu’s chosen literary work is indeed written with elegance, every sentence had its own history; I’ve seen them used by great individuals from past dynasties and famous scholars from this dynasty. I cannot find his own words. If a person who doesn’t even have his own opinions enters the Imperial Court, how will he manage government affairs? How will he seek the common people’s welfare? How will he share the Emperor’s worries? Needless to say, his writing is just imitating Minister Lan, empty and pompous, exactly so!”

Liu Bing swayed his fan. “Minister Li, what exactly are you trying to express with those words – that this student’s literary work is badly written? Or are you insulting Minister Lan?” 

Li Fangtong’s expression stiffened, and he rigidly cupped his hands towards Lan Jue. “Apologies – that was just a slip of my tongue. I extremely admire Minister Lan’s writings, but this student’s imitation, although painstakingly artificial, has no charm or grace.” 

Lan Jue replied with a smile, “No matter. I know Minister Li is commending me. Many thanks.”

He read through Ma Lian’s paper; at first glance, the calligraphic style written on it was a shadow of his own handwriting. Unfortunately, the characters were as light as a feather, like water plants floating on the paper. It was indeed as Li Fangtong said – extremely pompous. 

Lan Jue was good at painting and calligraphy. To know a person you must first look at their handwriting; Ma Lian imitated his calligraphic style, involuntarily making it appear harsh. From his writing, it can be seen that this person has a somewhat impetuous nature. 

Looking at Ma Lian’s answers and literary work again, at first glance, it was rather neat and beautiful. After reading it through more thoroughly, every sentence seemed familiar, giving him a vague sense of having seen this sentence here and that sentence there. Lan Jue found Liu Xian’s political views, Yuntang’s writing style, and even several verses from his own poetry of undeserved reputation. 

But this examinee was very deceitful. He broke the sentences into pieces and interweaved the different points. By doing this, he held intentions to curry the examiner’s favour. If he’d encountered a rigorous examiner, the other probably wouldn’t have appreciated the kindness and might’ve even questioned his moral conduct. 

However, this examinee was also quite wise. He could even compile the literary essences of Liu Xian and Yuntang, who differed vastly, and other scholars into one. 

If he entered the Imperial Court, he’d be able to get along with others more smoothly than Zhang Ping. 

Lan Jue suddenly remembered the tip-off letter-

Examinee Ma Lian is a literary thief. Stealing works and robbing reputation, he’s not worthy of participating in the imperial examination. 

Li Fangtong said, “Examinee Ma is filled with tricks. Literary works are like people; they need to have their own spirit and strength of character. I can’t see bones in this examinee’s characters and writing.”

Liu Bing smiled. “Minister Li is using such a (1) big hat to intimidate people. Citing and using literary quotations are common; I’ve always heard that being able to use literary quotations means one’s learning is good. How is it when it comes to Minister Li, it means one is filled with tricks and lacking moral conduct? Could it be that when Minister Li learnt calligraphy it wasn’t from a model and when writing a literary work you never use words of the ancients? I find this examinee to be clever and dexterous, and is worthy of becoming a great tool. Minister Li would rather favour an examinee with dead fish-eyes than choose Examinee Ma; could it be because he mentioned former Grand Tutor Liu’s words, causing Minister Li to feel upset? This examinee also used Respected Teacher Grand Tutor Yun’s words and I think he used them very well. If Respected Teacher saw this, he’d definitely praise it.”

Li Fangtong’s face turned green. Tao Zhoufeng hurriedly mediated, “Ai, both of you have devoted your hearts to selecting a talent for the Emperor. As for these two examinees… It’s truly difficult to choose. I know Zhang Ping, so no wonder I found his handwriting to be familiar. A few days ago I’d just tried a case; this examinee’s mind is very nimble and had assisted the Ministry of Justice in breaking a years-long unresolved case. Although the literary work was written rather rigidly, I feel he, as a person, isn’t rigid…” 

When the rest of the grading officers heard this, they knew Tao Zhoufeng inclined more towards Zhang Ping. 

The Hanlin Academy’s Graduate Wu, who graded exam papers with Lan Jue, immediately said, “It turns out this examinee has a natural talent for judging cases. No wonder his literary work is of such rigour. The Emperor, Empress Dowager, and His Highness Prince Huai once said the Imperial Court needs more earnest and prudent talents; by lucky coincidence, this examinee is a fit.”

Liu Bing responded, “This is exactly why Zhang Ping cannot be chosen. This examinee has rigid thinking; not knowing how to accommodate to circumstances is the first reason and secondly, when he tried to prove a point, many of his quotations were outside of Confucianism. (2) Now law is the government of the people, and that, to which attention should be given, is the practical side of affairs. Where is this from? Legalists believed in severe punishments; this examinee even used the ‘Book of Lord Shang’. If he entered the Imperial Court, he might turn out to be a ruthless minister like Shang Yang. Am I right, Minister Lan?”

Li Fangtong’s uncle, Li Yue, and Tao Zhoufeng were both Liu Xian’s disciples and were both in the same department. Although Lan Jue was Liu Xian’s son-in-law, Liu Xian never let him into the Liu Family’s home. Lan Jue had always been close to Grand Preceptor Wang. Grand Preceptor Wang and Grand Tutor Yun were of the same breath and branches; now that Li Fangtong had gained the upper hand, it was reasonable for Lan Jue to support Liu Bing. 

But Lan Jue naturally inclined more towards Zhang Ping; Ma Lian’s petty tricks truly weren’t so good. For Liu Bing to praise him so much, there was a very likely chance he’d received some benefits. 

Lan Jue thought about the tip-off letter and felt a vague sense of strangeness; he said, “Just by looking at the exam paper, both examinees have redeeming qualities. Ma Lian’s expressions are flexible whilst Zhang Ping, although lacking literary grace, holds unique insights. Although many Legalists are ruthless ministers, (3) Guan Zhong and (4) Han Fei were all sages. It was just a sentence from ‘Book of Lord Shang’, but… This is truly a hard decision…”

Tao Zhoufeng cheerfully said, “Assistant Minister Lan is right!”

Li Fangtong hadn’t expected Lan Jue’s speech to be partial towards Zhang Ping; the look in his eyes as he gazed at Lan Jue was slightly complicated. 

Liu Bing chuckled. “Ai, Minister Lan, I’m afraid Minister Li won’t accept your feelings because of the two Zongzi.”

Li Fangtong frowned. “What Zongzi?”

Lan Jue replied, “Oh, I also recognise Zhang Ping. I’ve eaten twice at his little stall; once for noodles and the other for Zongzi. Maybe this was what Minister Liu was referring to.”

Li Fangtong’s expression slightly changed. “This examinee actually sells food on the streets?”

Liu Bing smiled happily. “There’s more – according to reports, he’d also sent gifts to Minister Lan’s residence. Isn’t that right, Minister Lan?”

Lan Jue replied, “That’s right; he sent a basket of Zongzi. Of course, I didn’t dare accept it, so I threw it away.” 

Tao Zhoufeng explained on behalf of Lan Jue, “I know of the fact that Assistant Minister Lan knows Zhang Ping. During the trial, Minister Lan was at the Ministry of Justice, so he saw-”

Li Fangtong’s complexion had turned completely dark. Liu Bing continued, “According to reports, this examinee dallied with a maiden before abandoning her in the end, and had erotic disputes. However, grading should be focused on one’s examination papers, not one’s character…” 

Tao Zhoufeng said, “Oh? How strange. Just by looking at this examinee’s writing, he doesn’t seem to be this kind of person?”

Li Fangtong coldly said, “Minister Tao, it is I with humble talent and shallow learning; I wrongly recommended a paper. Please act as if I’d never recommended Zhang Ping’s paper.” 

Tao Zhoufeng held Zhang Ping’s paper with both hands and sighed in despair. “Minister Li, have you thought this through? If you don’t recommend it, this paper won’t reach me and Zhang Ping will fail the imperial examinations.”

Li Fangtong’s expression was ashen as he bowed lowly with cupped hands. “I am incapable; my eyes were deceived. Please allow me to withdraw my recommendation. I, Li Fangtong, will never recommend someone with such character!” 

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Tao Zhoufeng sighed deeply. He rolled up Zhang Ping’s exam paper and stroked it for quite a while before putting it aside to pick up his brush and draw a circle on Ma Lian’s paper. 

Liu Bing smilingly said, “There’s no need for Minister Li to be so rigorous; I just heard of some things. Ai, speaking of this, it was I who interfered. If we hadn’t opened the exam papers, maybe he would’ve been chosen. Unfortunately, Minister Li made a mistake.” 

Li Fangtong stiffly responded, “I have to thank Minister Liu, otherwise, accepting this kind of person as my student would’ve been my entire life’s humiliation.” 

Lan Jue stood aside and smiled silently before turning back to the ‘ethics’ grading room. 


During the morning the list was posted, Zhang Ping and Chen Chou stood in the crowd and re-read the list several times; neither of their names were on it. 

Zhang Ping silently turned around and walked out of the crowd; Chen Chou followed dejectedly behind him. 

A white horse dashed towards them, almost colliding against Zhang Ping; Zhang Ping and Chen Chou flashed to the street-side. The person on the horse reined it in and arrogantly looked down on them; with raised eyebrows and a smile, they said, “Brother Zhang, Brother Chou, how coincidental.” 

Zhang Ping raised his eyelids and saw that person was actually Ma Lian.

Ma Lian was in glowing spirits, completely pleased with himself. “Brother Zhang, Brother Chou, were your names on the list?”

Chen Chou stiffly replied, “We failed the imperial examination – we truly envy you to death, Brother Ma.”

Ma Lian laughed. “You flatter me; I was at the end of the list. After the palace exam, I might also be last. This was just a fluke. You two, my dear friends, are people with outstanding abilities; you’ll definitely win top marks in the next imperial examination!”

He shook the horse’s rein and left them in the dust. 

Chen Chou snorted. “A scoundrel intoxicated by success! Ai, how unfortunate it was him who reached his ambitions… Brother Zhang, what do you plan on doing next? I want to just stay in the Capital.”

Zhang Ping replied, “I’ll return to Nanchi County. Commodity prices in the Capital are too high; unaffordable.” 

Chen Chou said, “You’re like me – someone with no mother or father. Where can’t you live? Commodity prices in the Capital are high, but isn’t the money you earned from selling noodles enough for you to spend? In the future, we’ll help each other financially. The previous months have already passed; wouldn’t three years also pass us in an instant? Unless you don’t want to continue participating in the exam… That’d be a pity… Even Ma Lian could get chosen. In my opinion, the imperial examination isn’t something difficult; you and I will definitely get chosen in the next exam!”

Zhang Ping didn’t say anything. He returned to his dwelling and took a nap. 

Chen Chou went to get drunk with several other examinees who failed and didn’t return all night; he only came back the next morning, a strong scent of alcohol on him. 

Zhang Ping dragged him on the bed and positioned him well, then pushed a small handcart that’d long been unused and arrived at the junction to set up his stall. 

At dusk, he saw a familiar figure walking over from the street. 

That person walked to the stall and said, “A bowl of noodles.”

Zhang Ping cracked a poached egg into the noodles and boiled it well. When he served the noodles, Lan Jue smiled. “I didn’t add an egg.” 

Zhang Ping wiped his hands on the apron, and spoke in a depressed tone, “Consider it a gift.”

Lan Jue clenched his chopsticks and looked at him. “What plans do you have after failing the exam?”

Zhang Ping replied, “I want to return home. So I set up this stall to earn some travel expenses.”

Lan Jue stirred his noodle and indifferently said, “If you want to stay in the Capital, I happen to be lacking an accountant at home. But if so, when you participate in the next imperial exam, no matter who recommends your paper, you’ll still be considered my disciple.”

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment. “Thank you for Master’s affections, but this student still wants to go home.” 

Lan Jue laughed. “I’m just saying. Everything naturally has to be in accordance with your decision.”

After eating the noodles, Lan Jue got up to pay the bill. From the other side of the street, a group of constables suddenly appeared, holding weapons, manacles, and leg-irons in their hands; they were walking towards the noodle stall. 

Valiantly walking at the forefront of this group of constables turned out to be Wang Yan, his crimson ministry uniform especially dazzling under the setting sun. 

Wang Yan’s line of sight swept past Lan Jue and fixed on Zhang Ping; he raised his hand. “Detain him to the Ministry of Justice!” 

A few yamen-runners went up to harness Zhang Ping in the manacles and leg-irons. Wang Yan deeply looked towards him. “Do you belong to a broom?”

Lan Jue couldn’t help but ask, “What exactly is going on?”

Wang Yan looked at Lan Jue again, with a complicated expression and helplessness in his eyes. “One of the examinees that got on the list, Ma Lian, died. He’s a suspect again.”

(1) Big hat to intimidate people – meaning to intimidate people by pinning political labels on them.

(2) Book of Lord Shang – the quote written in this section was translated from ‘Book of Lord Shang’, a foundational work of Chinese Legalism from the third century BC, during the Qin dynasty where Legalism was a heavy influence. Legalism is the belief that humans are more willing to do wrong than right as they’re motivated entirely by self-interest, and thus needs strict laws to control themselves. Shang Yan, whom it was named after and contributed to, was a philosopher, politician, and legalist scholar, as well as a statesman, chancellor, and reformer who served the State of Qin. 

(3) Guan Zhong – a philosopher and politician who served as the Chancellor for the State of Qin.

(4) Han Fei – a philosopher and statesman of the School of Legalism during the Warring States period; also the prince of Han state. 

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