The Mystery of Zhang Gong

Chapter 23: 23

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“The Murderer Behind this Case Had Actually Already Been Captured and Locked at the Ministry of Justice by Assistant Minister Wang.” 

Tao Zhoufeng sat within the Palace of Government holding two bamboo sticks, hesitant. 

He inscribed two marks on the two bamboo sticks. He weighed and fiddled with them in his hands. 

Should he hold a court trial? Or should he not? 

Just as Lord Tao closed his eyes and threw away the bamboo sticks, someone made an announcement outside. 

“My Lord, My Lord! An Imperial Edict has arrived.”

Tao Zhoufeng instantly opened his eyes and rushed out the door, almost spraining his old waist. 

The Imperial Edict stated that Ma Lian’s murder case was heavily involved with the haunted Liu Residence’s case and the Ministry of Justice must immediately halt the trial. The two cases will become one and will be trialled by the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Judicial Reviews, and the Censorate. 

Tao Zhoufeng breathed out a sigh of relief. Not long after, Lord Chancellor Shen from the Court of Judicial Reviews brought two official registrars for the two cases’ dossiers. 

Lord Chancellor Shen cupped his hands in greeting towards Wang Yan and smilingly said, “Assistant Minister Wang, please excuse me. As ordered by the Imperial Edict, in addition to the dossiers, we also have to bring back Brother Ling to the Court of Judicial Reviews.”

According to this dynasty’s legal system, any suspects captured for a major case trialled by the Three Judicial Ministries would be handed over to the Court of Judicial Reviews. 

Wang Yan responded with a poker face, “Lord Shen, this is official business – there’s no need to be so polite. Lord Deng personally accompanied the Emperor to the crime scene, so he must’ve reached a verdict. You may take away any suspect according to your preference.” 

Lord Chancellor Shen politely spoke a few more conventional words before ordering someone to bring out Wang Xuan from the prison. 

Wang Xuan had never suffered before in his lifetime. After being locked up in prison, he’d become unkempt and unshaven, and even his eye sockets had sunken. He was led by a few yamen runners with his head down, not looking at Wang Yan. Lord Chancellor Shen exclaimed with intentional surprise, “Aiya, how are you treating Young Master Wang? Quick, let him wash up first.” 

Wang Yan coldly said, “How can you allow a suspect from the prison to wash up? There’s no such rule in the Ministry of Justice.”

Wang Xuan looked up and proudly said, “That’s right! After I get out from this unjust verdict, I’ll wash myself well! I hope the Court of Judicial Reviews won’t make an error of judgement and miscarry justice.” 

Lord Chancellor Shen smiled. “This time, the Three Judicial Ministries are trialling together. Neither the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Judicial Reviews, or the Censorate can convict you alone. Young Master Wang, please rest assured.”

Wang Yan frowned and looked at Lord Chancellor Shen, who was just about to leave. “Why hasn’t Lord Chancellor mentioned Chen Chou and the other two scholars in the prison?”

Lord Chancellor Shen raised his sleeves. “I was ordered to transfer only Wang Xuan. Lord Wang, I take my leave.” 


When Lan Jue heard of the fluttering rumours about these two cases during the morning attendance, he also held doubts in his heart. This case began as just an examinee’s murder, but now it’d turned exceptionally more complicated. 

What made him more puzzled was that on that day, Zhang Ping had hurriedly left before rushing back at night to tell him he wanted to take a few days’ leave. 

Lan Jue granted it. 

The next day, the steward went to Lan Jue and told him when the kitchen’s boy-servant went to the rice stall to buy grains, he saw Zhang Ping carrying a clothed bundle as he rode out of the city gates on a donkey cart. At that time, the sky was not completely light yet and the city gates had just opened. 

The boy-servant had thought Zhang Ping stole something from the Lan Residence and was secretly running away, so he rushed back and informed the steward, who hurried off to tell Lan Jue. 

Lan Jue ambiguously said, “Ah… I know about this matter. Something happened back home, so he took leave.”

Lan Jue couldn’t help but wonder where Zhang Ping went and what he wanted to investigate. 

After Zhang Ping left, Lan Jue was summoned to the palace. Emperor Yongxuan was sitting on the Dragon Throne in Qinzheng Hall. Inside was a refreshing scent of ointment. 

Hence, Lan Jue said, “You’ve recently been busy with government affairs. Please take care of your (1) health, Your Majesty.” 

Emperor Yongxuan rubbed his temples. “Ai, recently, if it isn’t the Grand Tutor, then it’s Deng-qing. If it isn’t either of them, then it’s Liu-qing. Each time I want to goof off and take a nap, they’ll come. Oh, that’s right. Lan Jue… How’s Zhang Ping?”

Lan Jue replied, “He took leave. It seems something happened at home, so he left the Capital.” 

Emperor Yongxuan yawned. “Oh, zhen thinks he’s quite talented; it’s a shame he failed the Imperial Examination. But this issue can only be discussed after the two cases have been solved. He wanted to enter the examination hall for a look, but it was inconvenient for zhen to permit him. What happened after I spoke to Lan-qing that day?”

Lan Jue replied, “He came into contact with my steward and sneaked into the Examination Hall for a look. It was I who didn’t discipline the steward well. Your Majesty, please punish me.”

Emperor Yongxuan raised his hand. “No matter. There’s no need to make a fuss over such a minor issue.” He yawned again. “How are the preparations going for zhen’s Imperial Uncle’s marriage?” 

Lan Jue didn’t expect Zhang Ping to be so lucky. However, it’s still unclear whether it’s a blessing or a curse to get involved in this case.  

He just had to pretend he didn’t know anything and refrain from asking questions. These two cases had been combined into one. After changing it so the Three Judicial Ministries were trialling the case, because the Court of Judicial Reviews and the Censorate had to review the dossiers, anyone arrested had to have their statements of confession re-recorded and all evidence re-examined. In addition, the identities of all officers correlated with this case had to be filed and even the crime scene was revisited. The trial finally began after many days of delay. 

On the day of the trial, Lan Jue was busy examining the (2) xihua for Prince Huai’s wedding. After the design originally decided was made and presented to Empress Dowager, she said it wasn’t as beautiful as she thought and wanted to change it, causing the entire Ministry of Rites to suffer a crushing defeat. 

Lord Geng was old and couldn’t run anymore, so entering the palace to present the designs and waiting for the Empress Dowager and Emperor to examine them was Lan Jue’s duty. 

The Empress Dowager finally took fancy for a design, allowing Lan Jue to breathe a sigh of relief. When he was leaving the Imperial City, he encountered the Hanlin Academy’s Graduate Wu Jingshen, who’d reviewed the exam papers with him. Graduate Wu asked him with knitted brows, “Lord Lan, has anyone from the Court of Judicial Reviews or Censorate come to find you?” 

Lan Jue was taken aback. Graduate Wu caught his expression and whispered, “Could it be Lord Lan still doesn’t know? Who would’ve thought an examinee getting murdered would involve so many things, causing even you and I to find no peace.” 

Lan Jue responded, “…I’m completely mystified. I hope Lord Wu can explain in detail.” 

Graduate Wu sighed. “The trial for examinee Ma Lian’s murder case started today. The Ministry of Justice discovered that Ma Lian was the younger brother of the culprit behind Chen Zishang’s case six years ago. The Ministry of Justice had arrested another examinee, Chen Zishang’s younger brother, who they determined possibly murdered Ma Hong’s younger brother as revenge for his elder brother. The Court of Judicial Review said the Ministry of Justice’s judgement was wrong and the person who murdered Ma Lian is actually Grand Preceptor Wang’s youngest son, Wang Xuan.”

Lan Jue was taken aback once again. “This…”

Graduate Wu looked at the distant horizon. “The Court of Judicial Reviews found that at the time of admission into the examination venue, Ma Lian’s conduct was slightly strange. At night, there were examinees who heard weeping from an empty exam room. An examinee experienced a seizure during the exam and was carried out of the examination venue. Lord Deng felt this issue was related to Ma Lian’s murder, so he closed off the Examination Hall to investigate. Turns out, someone had made imprints under a bed in an exam room and it’s suspected to have something to do with cheating during the Imperial Examinations. Someone had divulged the exam questions in advance… Ma Lian was able to succeed because he cheated. Fortunately, Lord Lan favoured Zhang Ping and hadn’t recommended Ma Lian that day; otherwise, who knows what would happen.” 

Lan Jue responded, “It truly is fortunate. Only, on that day, Lord Liu strongly recommended Ma Lian. Examinee Ma’s brother was convicted by Grand Tutor Yun, so if what the Ministry of Justice discovered is true… I truly can’t figure it out.”

Graduate Wu sighed. “Those who’d released the examination questions, Lord Zhu and Lord Gao, have been taken in by the Court of Judicial Reviews for questioning and Liu Bing is also powerless to defend himself. Two venue supervisors are already in prison. An Imperial Examination caused such big trouble – ai – if, on that day, Lord Li hadn’t conceived a temporary scheme and didn’t recommend that examinee called Zhang Ping, maybe there wouldn’t be today’s mess.” 

He shook his head and left. 

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The next morning, just after Lan Jue left morning attendance, he saw Lord Chancellor Shen leading a few official attendants near his sedan chair. 

Lan Jue already understood, so he smiled lightly as he said to Lord Chancellor Shen, “Is Lord Shen going to put me in fetters or manacles and leg-irons? Do you want me to take off my official’s uniform first?” 

Lord Shen cupped his hands. “I dare not. Today, the Three Judicial Ministries will be trialling Ma Lian’s murder case. There’s one issue we’d like to inquire about and would like to invite Lord Lan as a witness in court. 

He personally lifted aside the curtains on the horse carriage and let Lan Jue get in before leading them to the Court of Judicial Reviews. 


The courtroom for the Three Judicial Ministries’ trial was arranged at the Court of Judicial Reviews.

Lan Jue entered the courtroom and saw Deng Xu and Censorate Minister Bo Yifan sitting upright within. Kneeling was Chen Chou, Wang Xuan, and the two other scholars; standing was Liu Bing. 

Many officials from the Three Judicial Ministries were ranked lower than Lan Jue, so they made way for him with their hands by their sides. Tao Zhoufeng actually wasn’t sitting with Deng Xu and Bo Yifan, but behind a small table to the side with a downhearted expression. Wang Yan stood beside Tao Zhoufeng, his complexion slightly redder than usual as if he just had an intense dispute with someone. His nod and smile towards Lan Jue appeared a little reluctant. Lan Jue first greeted Deng Xu, Bo Yifan, and Tao Zhoufeng before smilingly said, “I’m involved in this case, so there’s no need for everyone to be so courteous.”

Deng Xu responded, “Don’t say that – we ask Lord Lan to act as a witness and have no intentions of seeing you as someone involved in the case.” He ordered someone to bring a chair for Lan Jue to sit on, but Lan Jue stood opposite of Wang Yan and bowed. “If Lord Deng and Lord Bo have any questions, please ask.” 

Deng Xu asked, “Lord Lan, while the ministers were reviewing the examination papers that day, was Liu Bing’s conduct abnormal?” 

Lan Jue answered, “This subordinate didn’t notice anything abnormal. That day, because Lord Liu Bing recommended an examinee, he had a slight dispute with Lord Li Fangtong. This is a common occurrence during reviews. Ministers selecting examination papers had always been like craftsmen selecting beautiful jades; if one encounters a particularly congenial paper, it’s often difficult to part with it.”

“In other words, Lord Lan hadn’t noticed Liu Bing recommended Ma Lian because he accepted bribes?” 

Lan Jue frowned slightly. “When reviewing the Imperial Examination papers, the ministers would always select the papers first before unsealing them to check the examinees’ names. In the past, the papers would be transcribed first; later, because some examinees’ handwritings were illegible and transcripts were prone to omissions, the late Emperor modified the regulations for no more transcripts. In the beginning, ministers won’t know which exam category they’ll be reviewing. Lord Liu reviewed the ‘moral principles’ examination papers; at that time, it was this subordinate who almost reviewed those papers.”

Liu Bing looked at Lan Jue, his eyes brimming with gratitude. 

Deng Xu nodded. “Then, Lord Liu, I don’t understand how you were so capable and managed to get your hands on Ma Lian’s paper.”

Liu Bing stared at Deng Xu. “This subordinate can’t understand either. Why does Lord Deng keep saying only I accepted bribes? When recommending Ma Lian, Lord Tao and the other ministers had all read his paper and knew he was quite talented. Lord Deng has no evidence – why would you slander this subordinate?”

Deng Xu replied, “Since Lord Liu was asked to the courtroom, then we naturally have evidence.”

With a beckon of his hand, an Assistant Judge held up a stack of banknotes. 

Deng Xu first took the stack of bills. “These banknotes were used by Ma Lian to purchase rare curiosities from the Capital at Hushang. Among his purchases was an Eight Treasure Jade Elephant. We found one exactly the same at Lord Liu’s home. Your servants have already confessed and even the gift list is in our hands. As for whether Examinee Ma’s examination papers show talent…” 

Deng Xu picked up a key. “Before the Imperial Examination, Ma Lian stored a box within a treasure study room. There is a date on the box’s wax seal and inside the box is the ‘ethics’ examination paper. Lord Liu may not know, but the ‘ethics’ exam paper for this year’s Imperial Examination was changed once. When the examination paper was initially released, Lord Gao felt it wasn’t good enough, so he requested an imperial edict for another release. In Ma Lian’s box is the initial exam paper – how could a mere examinee have a disused examination paper?  The examinee in exam room 356 suffered from a seizure and happened to also be taking the ‘ethics’ exam. How coincidental.” 

The Court of Judicial Reviews had gone to investigate the epileptic examinee, but he’d already turned stupid and only had a mouthful of babbles; he couldn’t even speak a complete sentence. 

Then, the Court of Judicial Reviews went to investigate the officials responsible for sealing the examination questions and discovered one had disappeared the day before their arrival. As for the weeping at midnight, a venue patrol from that time said a minor official heard bats in the vacant exam room but mistakenly thought it was a ghost and went in to check. He accidentally burnt the lantern and was chided by a venue patrol, scaring him to tears. 

All venue patrols from that night could testify. 

Deng Xu knew there couldn’t be such a coincidence but there was no evidence, so he could only leave this issue aside for the time being. 

He picked up another stack of banknotes. “This is a stack of silver banknotes and totals to a large amount. Ma Lian was merely a poor scholar, so it’s impossible for him to have such property. Wang Xuan, you should know where these silver banknotes came from, right?”

Wang Xuan answered, upright and unafraid, “I don’t understand what Lord Deng means.”

Deng Xu put down the silver banknotes. “I already have a rough idea about this case’s ins and outs. Young Master Wang, there is a ghost market outside the Capital. You are the market-maker and Ma Lian was your employee; furthermore, he helped you cause the haunted Liu Residence case. This money was his reward. It’s also because of this he managed to obtain the ‘ethics’ examination paper, and send Liu Bing a gift and reap his recommendation. Ma Lian’s murder was an act of silencing him.” 

Wang Yan stepped forward. “Lord Deng, this subordinate has an objection. What you said is just an inference. Since Ma Lian is Ma Hong’s younger brother, why did he change his household registration and come to the Capital? Spending money to buy the examination paper, bribing a minister, and leaving behind evidence would all threaten his future prospects – why would he do that? Chen Chou is Chen Zishang’s younger brother. On the day of the incident, he happened to have time to commit the crime. He’s obviously a major suspect, so why are you disregarding the Ministry of Justice’s investigations and not mentioning it?”

Everyone in the courtroom seemed to have been caught in a deadlock. Wang Xuan faintly said, “Brother, don’t contradict Lord Deng. Others will say you’re shielding me. If I didn’t do it, then I didn’t do it. Does a person like that need me to commit a murder? I believe the Emperor and the Heavens will uphold justice!”

Lan Jue couldn’t help but think if he was Grand Preceptor Wang, at this moment he’d definitely want to choke these two foolish sons to death. 

He also wondered what the truth was. 

Ma Lian was Ma Hong’s younger brother; he holds vengeance against Grand Tutor Yun for killing his brother; from the evidence listed by Deng Xu, Ma Lian’s actions on the contrary seem to be like… 

The deadlock remained. Lord Chancellor Shen rushed beside Deng Xu and whispered a few things into his ears. 

Deng Xu’s expression darkened. In the end, he frowned and spoke in a clear, loud voice, “There’s currently one person who knows the case’s true culprit and its ins and outs. They have received the Emperor’s Imperial Assent to enter the courtroom.”

Everyone looked at each other speechlessly. Lan Jue turned his gaze outside the courtroom and saw a travel-worn figure walk through the courtyard and stride in. After a few days of not meeting, he’d lost weight again. A visible red glowed through his tanned skin and his eyes had become more sunken; there was even a circle of dark stubble on his face. 

Chen Chou immediately shifted with excitement, a sobbing tone in his voice. “Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, you’re finally here…”

Wang Yan frowned and the other two ministries’ officials were confused. Deng Xu said, “Zhang Ping, since you obtained the Emperor’s Imperial Assent to enter the courtroom, if you don’t know who the true culprit is, you should know the punishment for deceiving the Emperor.”

Zhang Ping respectfully responded, “This student understands. This student has already found out who the murderer is with undeniable evidence.”

Deng Xu sneered. “Oh? Great timing. The Ministry of Justice and my opinion are at odds with each other. I believe Ma Lian was involved in cheating for the Imperial Examination and was silenced for it. The Ministry of Justice says Ma Lian’s death is related to Chen Zishang’s case. I wonder which side the true culprit you believe is from?” 

Zhang Ping raised his eyelids and looked at Deng Xu before looking at Tao Zhoufeng and Wang Yan. Wang Yan snorted and turned his eyes away. Zhang Ping said, “The result from this student’s investigation is consistent with the Ministry of Justice. Ma Lian’s death is because of Chen Zishang’s case, not to do with cheating for the Imperial Examination.” 

Wang Yan turned his gaze back at him with astonishment, Deng Xu even more so. With a slight change of complexion, he said, “Zhang Ping, are you sure?”

Zhang Ping spoke word by word, “This student is sure.” He looked at Wang Yan once again, “In fact, the true culprit for this case had long been arrested by the Ministry of Justice’s Assistant Minister Wang and had always been locked in the Ministry of Justice.”

Chen Chou’s complexion had already turned ghastly pale. Deng Xu expressionlessly asked, “Who is the true culprit?”

Zhang Ping answered, “The true culprit behind this case is a dead person.” 

(1) Health – in Ancient China, the Emperor’s body is called ‘龙体’ (‘long ti’) lit. translation, ‘dragon body’. This is because dragons were used as a symbol of imperial power and the Emperors’ sovereignty. The most powerful Chinese mythological creature + the most powerful person in Ancient China = Perfect Match, hence many things related to the Emperor would also have mentions of dragons. 

(2) Xihua – this refers to the decorations you see in traditional Chinese weddings (e.g. paper cuttings, those red silk flowers you see the bride and groom holding during wedding ceremonies in Chinese dramas)

T/N: Please remember to read the translator’s note from the previous chapter :DD

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