The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian

Chapter 26: Volume 3 - CH 2

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Translator, editing/proofreading: NaCl

“I told you, I just happened to meet Yuki and Ayano there, you know?”


“Gosh, you still don’t believe it…”

“Not really, you don’t need to cover it up. Isn’t it great

if fellow childhood friends can get along with each other like that?”

Alisa did not try to hide her chiding tone, even though she said

that she didn’t mind it. Her classmates, who had just this morning

had chatted casually with her earlier in the morning, were now pretending to ignore her because she was in a bad mood.

(Well, it was only natural for her to be cranky, it wasn’t funny to see her partner secretly meeting an opposing candidate in an empty classroom… moreover, Yuki

is Alya’s friend of the same gender)

Masachika assumed that was the cause of Alisa’s bad mood. Yes,

Alisa’s jealousy was not a romantic feeling. She’s not cranky because

the guy she’s close to is seeing another girl. That was definitely not the reason. (TN: i think this is sarcasm)

(Hah… if this keeps up, she’ll be ostracized again in class…)

Sighing inwardly, Masachika decided not to go any further on this

this topic further, and tried to move on to other topics.

“Ah, well, leave that matter aside. Alya, would you like to study together for

exam after school today?”

Alisa’s eyes widened clearly after hearing Masachika’s words.

Studying for exams. She responded with a very skeptical expression, as if not believing that such words came out of Masachika’s mouth.

“…What kind of joke is that?”

“Your words are quite sarcastic oi”

Masachika smiled wryly at Alisa’s too-honest reply, and

shrugged her shoulders as she said,

“Well, it’s only natural to react like that.”

“…Well, I also pondered a bit about what Taniyama said.”

Hearing these words, Alisa also recalled what happened last week and fell silent.

The debate event that was held last Friday.

After that, Alisa and Masachika learned about Sayaka’s feelings, and

renewed their determination to fight for the Student Council President seat.

(I see… Kuze-kun too, finally starting to get serious, huh)

Although Alisa felt happy that her partner was getting motivated, she

had mixed feelings about the fact that it wasn’t her who was the

the trigger. However, she did not reveal her heart and replied

“Well, I don’t mind”

“Ah~… but, if you can’t concentrate unless you are alone, you

don’t need to force yourself, okay?”

Masachika reluctantly said what she thought about Alisa’s naive reaction.

Alisa. In response, Alisa raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

“Who says that I won’t. Of course I’ll accompany you… because,

I’m your partner.”

“Ohh…well, alright. How about the student council room?”

“Yes, I don’t mind.”

Nodding in agreement to Masachika’s suggestion, Alisa then twirled her hair.

(Fufufu, well I guess it’s my duty to help Kuze-kun study. Gosh, what a troublesome partner.)

Looking at Alisa who had a satisfied smile on her face, Masachika instead…

(Did her mood improve a bit…?)

… secretly he stroked his chest inwardly and felt relieved.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

After school, Masachika went to the student council room with Alisa. At this time of year

exams are approaching, there were many students in the classrooms and library, but in this room, only student council members were allowed, so they can study without any distractions. That’s why Masachika chose this place.

“Alright then, huh…?”

Immediately after sitting down in his usual seat, Alisa also naturally sat down on the

the seat next to him, leaving Masachika stunned.

(… No, don’t people usually sit facing each other in a

this kind of situation?)

Moreover, the distance seemed so close to the point that if anyone else saw it, they would have

comment on ‘why not use a wider table’.


“……No, it’s nothing”

However, Masachika himself didn’t dare to say anything about it.

Masachika then turned his face forward to avoid Alisa’s gaze.

(Yes-Yes, it doesn’t matter as long as no one sees us. The President and

Sarashina-senpai, as lovers, will probably study together at a

place where no one else will come, and even if

Masha-san came, she would probably ignore us, and the only person

who would comment on this situation, Yuki, would probably have already gone home

and studying with Ayano, so where would she come here– )

“Ara? I’m really sorry. I didn’t even knock on the door… It turns out that you were both already inside.”

(Imouto yoooooooo—-!!)

Masachika screamed inwardly, just as he was relieved, but it was chaotic


Turning around, he could see Yuki and Ayano standing in the doorway.

At first glance, Yuki seemed to have an apologetic expression, but Masachika could

clearly see that behind that expression was a wicked smile.

(You think you can be alone together? I won’t allow it!!!)

(You… what did you come here for? That’s of course…)

(Of course?)

To prevent the reproduction lesson study session that’s about to happen in this Student Council room! Reproduction of your hips! Yuki tilted her head while maintaining her graceful demeanor, even though the look in her eyes was so intense.

(TN: i literally do not understand this part)

“Are you two studying for the exam? If you don’t mind, can we

be allowed to join you?”

Regardless of Yuki’s intentions, Masachika had no reason to refuse her if she

said it in Ojou-sama-style fashion. Masachika could only

glare at her, and reluctantly agree–

{I don’t want to}


Masachika tried desperately not to react to the sulking voice in Russian that came from behind him.

“…Alya? Yuki said so, but what about you?”

Although inwardly his was about to collapse, but Masachika managed to control himself. Alisa also responded with a feigned expression of non-objection while shrugging her shoulders.

“I guess it doesn’t matter. There’s no reason to reject it either.”

“……So yeah”

Putting her Russian aside, Masachika had already gotten the approval of

Alisa in Japanese, so she turned to Yuki again, but ──

{I wanted us to be alone}


The sweet murmur of Russian that was heard made Masachika unable to

unable to stand up anymore. He looked like a newborn fawn.

(You, you tsundere! Don’t say something so cute! My heart almost fell out!!!)

Inside his mind, Masachika grimaced in pain while banging his forehead

the ground on all fours. He wanted to turn around to glare at the person beside him, but Masachika didn’t dare because he wasn’t sure if his cheeks were not twitching.

He couldn’t help but stare at Yuki while exerting all his strength to control his facial muscles.

(Damn it, what the hell? But I can’t refuse her request either… If

I refuse, it feels as if I want to be alone with Alya! And

you too, Yuki! Why don’t you say, “Then, since

I have Alya-san’s approval…” and quickly sit down! What

are you so eager to hear the approval from my mouth!)

Masachika glared at his younger sister who despite being sensitive to the atmosphere,

still dared to ignore him. However, Yuki only tilted her head

while putting on a fake smile, as if not understanding the gaze of

Masachika. Ayano was still disguised in the air.

(Phew, relax. I need to calm down. First of all, about Alya… how serious was about not wanting Yuki and Ayano to participate. To be honest, I

was also quite annoyed that I had to accept her request… that’s right, if I had

refused with a joking tone like “I don’t want to act like a familiar

with the enemy”—)

“Oh yeah, I just borrowed the previous years’ exam question papers

from the Chairman and Sarashina-senpai. If you want—“

“Welcome you two”

Masachika easily agreed when presented with the exam cheat sheet.


Alisa’s words in Russian instantly stabbed him in the back.

Ten minutes later, the now four-person study group was in full swing, despite their inner feelings.

Alisa quietly solved the set of physics problems. Yuki, who sat in front of him, answered some questions about world history. Next to Yuki,

Ayano was solving math problems. As each of the three of them

were moving their pens, Masachika himself was…


…silently reading the answer sheet of the math problem without taking out his writing utensil on the table.

“…Nee, Kuze-kun”


“You kept reading the answer sheet, but… are you really

studying for the exam?”

If you look at the answer explanations of the exam questions before you can

solve it yourself, you’ll only feel like you’ve already

understood it, but you actually didn’t understand anything… or

that’s the general opinion of most people and Alisa agrees with it.

That’s why Alisa was skeptical of Masachika, who didn’t seem to be

trying to solve the problem at all, but… Masachika wasn’t too

bothered by that and shrugged her shoulders.

“Why waste time thinking about a problem you don’t understand?

Instead of wasting time like that, it’s much faster to figure out how to

solve the problem.”

“Geez… that’s not how it works either, is it? It’s not like you get

the exact same questions in the exam, and if you don’t get the hang of

solving them yourself, you’ll run out of time in the actual exam,


Alisa rebuked Masachika with a reasonable theory, but Yuki interjected

with a slightly troubled smile on her face.

“Fufu, you don’t have to worry about that, really? Alya-san. Masachika-kun

always looks like this. Right, Ayano?”

“That’s right. Masachika-sama’s study method is always like this.”

Alisa turned around with slightly raised eyebrows upon hearing the words of the

Masachika’s two childhood friends sitting across from her.

“……always like this?”

“Yes. He always just read the textbooks and answer sheets. Even

so, it’s great that he still gets good grades.”

Yuki smiled bitterly mixed with a bit of worry. However, Alisa still seemed

not convinced it and took out the math exam questions from four years ago from the

the pile of questions on the edge of her desk (which had been accumulated by the student council for generations), and thrust it in front of Masachika.

“Then, try to solve the 6th part of this problem. As for the time limit… well,

about 20 minutes. If you manage to answer correctly, I won’t be

nag you anymore.”

The math exam consists of parts 1 to 6 of the main questions, and the time limit is

is 120 minutes. Through simple calculations, each problem should be done

within 20 minutes, even though the questions in the 1st and 2nd sections were relatively basic, but that is very different from the 5th and 6, which usually came with applied questions and were not in the question book. Solving the 6th part of the problem in 20 minutes was already a very difficult hurdle.

Sure enough, Masachika accepted the exam paper reluctantly while

with an expression of

“Ehh~” as if it was a troublesome thing.

“Hmm… well, if it’s this…”

“Are you ready? Then, start.”

“Wait a minute, my stationery-“

Masachika hurriedly took out his stationery and notebook, and

started answering the questions.

Exactly 20 minutes later, Masachika put down his pen after hearing the

the word “time’s up” and handed his notebook to Alisa.

Alisa frowned for a moment when she saw that the formula was written more clearly

than she expected, then she said

“Yeah, but what matters is whether

the answer is correct or not”

and began to concentrate on

comparing it with the answer sheet… but, the expression on her face

gradually became gloomy.

Upon seeing the change in her expression, Masachika began to grin in satisfaction.

“Hmm? How did it go? Are the answers all correct?”

“…yes, they’re all correct”

“Ossha, I told you what too! Hooray~!”

Alisa returned the notebook irritably to Masachika who looked

smug from getting carried away.

“…Well, if you can answer it, no problem.”

“Fufu, I can understand your feelings…so it’s useless to keep

worrying about it. It seems that Masachika-kun ane us have different levels of

of intelligence.”

“…On the contrary, I find it curious, if you are so smart, why do you

always get grades that are almost above the remedial grade limit?”

“Hmm? That’s an easy one. Because I don’t study!”

“Is that something you can say with pride?”

Alisa’s gaze pierced Masachika’s face as she said it without hesitation.

“Masachika-kun is used to studying all night, isn’t he?”

Masachika replied with a haughty smile to Yuki who said that

while still wearing her wry smile.

“How naive, Yuki… these days I… study speeding in the morning!”

“You’re really stupid, aren’t you?”

“At that level, I’m of the same mind as Alya-san”

“Still, I was able to avoid taking the remedial exam. That’s great,

“I’m not praising you at all… wait, did you not just

proposing this study together because…”

In response to Alisa’s gaze, Masachika nodded as if it were a


“Of course, it’s for the sake of watching me so that I don’t slack off on my studies, okay? If

I study alone, I’ll definitely be lazy”

” … It seems like you know yourself very well, huh”

“Still, I can’t say that proudly, you know?”

Alisa and Yuki could only smile wryly as they saw Masachika shrug his shoulders playfully.

And as he turned his head to avoid their gazes, Masachika saw Ayano tilting her head in front of a book of

of math problems.

“What’s wrong, Ayano? Is there a problem you don’t understand?”

“Ah, no… well, there are a few I don’t understand…”

“Which problem?”

“No, it’s not something Masachika-sama needs to handle.”

Masachika smiled and moved to the seat next to Ayano, who declined

with a flat expression.

“Don’t worry. So, which matter do you not understand?”


“Don’t worry, I won’t make fun of you. “

“No, I’d rather you say, Why can’t you understand this problem you useless person!!! In a merciless tone.”

“I won’t say that, you know”

“I-i see…..”

“Eh? Why do you look so disappointed?”

Masachika performed tsukkomi to Ayano who was still expressionless

but looking down with a gloomy aura. Seeing the scene, Alisa

looked at them with a confused expression.

“Nee… you guys are just childhood friends, right?”

“Eh? Yes, right? What about it?”

“Why do you say… for some reason, even though you’re childhood friends, but the distance

between you is a bit far… just like Yuki-san and Kimishima-san, the relationship between

relationship is like master-servant.”


Masachika gulped for a moment at the unexpected sensitivity, and began to

thinking quickly about how to trick her. However, before

Masachika could say anything, Alisa said with a rather


“Could it be… Kuze-kun and Yuki-san… you two…”


Masachika’s heart nearly gave out as Alisa suddenly mentioned his relationship

with Yuki. However, what she said next was something completely

completely unexpected.


“Who was the victim of the Sakuradamon incident?” (TN: Link to article about it


“Masachika-kun, is Ii Naosuke.” (TN: ig the context is from the wikipedia)

“Yuki is great, instantly understood, yeayyy!”

Masachika and Yuki high-fived Ayano after performing a perfect joke.

perfect joke.

Alisa, who couldn’t react to the sudden joke, pouted for a moment and pursed her lips.

“Hey… don’t change the subject when I’m asking you a serious question.”

“No, I apologize. After all, you said something very interesting.”

“What’s interesting … when I’ve thought about it seriously, really?”

“Oi, oi, think about it carefully. Yuki, the daughter of the famous Suou family, and

I, the son of an ordinary middle-class family. What kind of mistake could

cause us to be in an engaged relationship like that?”

“That’s… because your parents are so close?”

“This is not a romcom manga.. No matter how close our parents’ relationship is

how could they possibly think ‘let’s marry off our children to each other’”

“…I didn’t expect you to say that kind of tsukkomi.”

Alisa frowned at the fact that Masachika, who usually

made otaku-like comments, was criticizing her otaku ideas.

In response, Masachika smiled wryly at her.

“Moreover, your thinking is still a little naive… If talking about the

engagement decided by the parents, the partner should be a beautiful girl

with large breasts, with long black hair that looks appropriate in a

kimono, and a figure that perfectly describes Yamato Nadeshiko!” (TN: Yamato Nadeshiko is a term to describe the ideal female figure in Japan)

“…Isn’t that almost right?”


Hearing Alisa’s response, Masachika subconsciously tilted his head and

then looked at Yuki again.

(Long black hair, she wears a kimono during flower arrangement lessons, well

if she’s back to Ojou-sama mode, her appearance is quite elegant… oya oya?)

Indeed, everything she said was almost true. But…

“…Yes. That part, you know yourself, right?”

“Masachika-kun? Which way are you looking?”

“Masachika-sama, I think your gaze is very indecent”

“You pervert”

Masachika shrugged his shoulders at the reproachful gazes of the girls that were

directed at him as he spoke in the same way to Yuki when

they were at home.

“No, yes. Well… anyway, there’s no way we’re engaged or anything like that.

“Anyways, why do both Takeshi and you want to pair me up so badly with Yuki?”

“Fufufuu, doesn’t that show how compatible the two of us are?”

While saying that, Yuki glanced at Alisa. That meaningful gaze

caused Alisa to raise her eyebrows.

“It’s nothing… I just think that you two are very close”

“That’s just… our relationship is very close, isn’t it? Masachika-kun?”

“Ah~… well, that’s it”

Masachika nodded, but immediately averted his eyes when Alisa

raised her eyebrows in annoyance. However, it was not Yuki if she did not

say something sensational.

“I often stay at his house too”

“No, that’s… it’s true.”

The word “sleepover” made Alisa’s forehead furrow even more and

Masachika broke out in a cold sweat… So, he decided to run away.

“Well, let’s not talk about it anymore. So? Which matter do you not understand,


“About this.”

Masachika escaped under the guise of tutoring Ayano, but even while

teaching, he could still feel the gaze of her eyebrows on him.

That didn’t change even after finishing Ayano’s question.

Masachika was still in a cold sweat when he returned to his seat and

turned to the person next to him.

“…Alya? What’s wrong?”

“…I was wondering if there were any problems you didn’t understand…”

“Nothing for now…”

“So ……”

Alisa nodded as if satisfied and looked down at her own hands. So,

Masachika finally relaxed his body…

{At least you can count on me a little}

Masachika had forgotten. That this Russian girl liked to stab him with tsundere phrases

(M-Maybe this is the reason why she’s sitting so close to me?)

Masachika had a distant look as his insides were almost

spewing blood. However, due to the collateral damage caused by her

continuous gaze, Masachika managed to maintain his expression and

called out to Alisa.

“Ah, sorry. There’s a part of the question that I don’t understand…”

“A-Ara. Is that so?”

“Yes, can you teach me a bit on this part?”

“Hmm~? What can I do…”

While saying that, Alisa combed her hair happily. Masachika

desperately kept his expression while pinching his thighs, as he saw

Alisa’s expression that was so easy to understand.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The four of them looked at each other

and Alisa responded as the representative of the others.

“Please come in.”

“Everyone~ Good job~”

In response to Alisa’s voice, the person who knocked turned out to be Alisa’s older sister,

Maria, who entered the student council room with a smile on her face.

“Masha? Aren’t you studying with your friends?”

“Yes. But since it’s already over, I thought I’d make you some tea

before going home if you’re still working hard.”

“Well, I’m very grateful for that.”

Yuki with a graceful smile on her face, immediately stood up and went to help

Maria, while stopping Ayano who was also about to stand up. After a few

minutes later, the tea Maria made was in everyone’s hands, and they

decided to take a short break.

“Araa? What’s this?”

Suddenly Maria raised her voice in surprise and picked up a book

that was lying on the Chairman’s desk. On the front cover were the words

Introduction to Hypnosis that anyone can do: Today you are also

a hypnotist!~, a book title that was really suspicious.

“Oh, it seems to be the book Sarashina-senpai confiscated. Didn’t she intend to

hand it over to the disciplinary committee later?”


Maria flipped through the contents of the book with interest, then sat down next to

next to Alisa and raised one finger in front of her face.


“Well~ look at this finger carefully, okay~? Eventually your consciousness will


“No, what are you talking about…”

“Umm… when I tap my hand, you will fall into the dream world.

Are you ready? I’ll start, okay? Three, two, one– hai!”

As she said that, Maria put the book on the table and clapped her hands loudly.

loudly. Then she looked at Alisa with an expectant gaze.

Alisa looked back at Maria with an annoying look in her eyes.


“No, it doesn’t work. How could it possibly work? It might as well be

a fake book.”

“Eh~? Hmm~~ then, one more time, one more time”

“No way. If you’re here to interrupt my study, go home.”

“Then, does Alya-chan want to do hypnosis?”


“Uh why~ Onee-chan also wants to try doing it. Want to

try it~”

Maria puffed up her cheeks and wiggled her body on the chair, but

Alisa ignored her completely. As she was not satisfied with her

sister’s indifference, Maria turned to Masachika rather than Alisa.

“Then, Kuze-kun. Do you want to do it?”

“Uh, me?”

“After all… Alya-chan is ignorant anyway.”

Laughing at Maria’s pouting face, Masachika got up from his seat

and stood beside Maria, he then picked up the book lying on the


“Ummm, first of all… how to do hypnosis? This is it…”

He opened the section of the page that Maria did earlier, and tried to imitate it.

“Alright, watch this finger carefully. Gradually, your consciousness will


Masachika bent down slightly, then raised his index finger in front of

Maria, who was sitting on the chair, and said so.

The change… appeared in an instant. Maria who had been

expression was full of hope and joy, suddenly the look in her eyes turned

blank and lost her expression.

“Hmm, uh…? “

Although surprised by her sudden change, Masachika thought that

she was probably acting and continued.

“…When I clap my hands, you will fall into the dream world. Are

you ready? Three, two, one… hai!”

Then, as Masachika clapped his hands, Maria’s head bowed.

With a completely blank expression, she stared at a point on the floor like a doll.

like a doll.

“Ummm… eh? Masha-san? Masha-san?”

Masachika hurriedly waved his hand in front of Maria’s face, whose

behavior was too genuine to be called acting, but Maria didn’t even blink

at all.

“Eh? Masha-senpai… Is she really under hypnosis?”

“I don’t know… what do you think?”

As Yuki’s eyes flickered and asked her, Masachika replied with a

a tone of confusion. Then Alisa, who was staring anxiously, shook her

her sister’s shoulder from behind.

“Already, already, don’t keep acting… Masha?”

However, Maria only shook her body and did not respond to the voice of

Alisa’s voice.

“Hey come on… no kidding-“

Alisa raised her eyebrows and stood up to walk in front of Maria, but

her eyes immediately widened at the sight of her sister’s awkward situation. However,

she did not immediately believe it and quickly raised her eyebrows again to

stare sharply at Masachika.

“Hey, can you stop? Do you all want to try to make fun of me


“No, this is different. I was also surprised to be like this…”

“Lies. How could that kind of lame hypnotic technique really


“I thought so too… but see, it says here that the more people

they want to be hypnotized, they tend to be more susceptible to hypnosis,

isn’t that what’s going on here?”

Alisa looked suspiciously at Masachika who was explaining the current situation.

However, from the point of view of Masachika who hadn’t prepared anything, she was

found it troublesome to be looked at so suspiciously.

“U-For now, I’ll release the hypnosis first…”

In order to avoid Alisa’s gaze, Masachika looked at the hypnosis book and

learned how to awaken the hypnotic state. He then bent down in front of

of Maria again.

“Umm, then, when I touch your shoulder, you will regain consciousness.

Are you ready? One, two, hai!”

Raising his voice, Masachika grabbed her shoulder and shook her,

then not long after Maria quickly raised her head. The expression on

her face gradually improved and she blinked as if waking up from a


“…Um, Kuze-kun? Next?”


As Masachika tilted his head, Maria puffed out her cheeks and

pointed to the book.

“Mou, isn’t that clearly written there? After raising your finger, you

have to clap your hands.”

“No… no no no, eh? You don’t remember it?”

“Eh? Remember what?”

When Maria looked at her with a puzzled expression, Masachika’s cheeks twitched

as he said “Ah, it’s genuine”. However, there was still one person who didn’t

believe it even though he had seen it with his own eyes.

“Masha… let’s not keep joking around”

“Alya-chan? What’s the joke?”

“I told you, haa… never mind”

When Alisa shook her head as if she didn’t want to deal with it anymore,

Yuki suddenly called out to her from across the table.

“In that case, Alya-san, how about you ask Masachika-kun to

hypnotize you too?”



As Alisa and Masachika turned their heads simultaneously, Yuki smiled and

clapped her hands together.

“The hypnosis from Masha-senpai earlier didn’t work, but the hypnosis from Masachikakun might work. If you can feel a little bit of the effect, wouldn’t that

dispel your suspicions?”

At first glance, her smile seemed to have no malicious intent.

Masachika’s cheek twitched as he felt Yuki’s evil smile hidden in the

the ballik of her graceful smile, as if to imply, “I found something


However, Alisa did not seem to notice Yuki’s hidden intentions at all, and

returning to her seat, she then gave Masachika a suspicious look.


“…Alright, I don’t mind.”

“Uh… you seriously want to do it?”

“Hurry up and do it. I’ll finish this joke quickly.”

Sensing a bad premonition, Masachika approached Alisa who grunted in disbelief that she could be hypnotized.

believe that she could be hypnotized.

“Ehh~… then, try watching this finger carefully. Over time

your consciousness is getting blurred”

Then, as Masachika held up his index finger in front of Alisa…

Her expression, which was still full of suspicion, gradually became


“…When I clap my hand hard, you will fall into the world of

of dreams. Do you understand? Three, two, one– hi!”

As Masachika clapped her hands, Alisa’s head immediately fell back. Masachika’s eyes widened at the sight of her blank face, and he continued his hypnosis technique half-heartedly.

hypnosis half-heartedly.

“Alright then, the moment I touch your shoulder, you’ll instantly

wake up~. Do you understand~? One, two–Hi!”

Then, she grabbed both of Alisa’s shoulders and shook them, and Alisa

looked up and blinked slowly. A few seconds later, she looked up at

Masachika with focused eyes and complained.

“…Hey, don’t stop halfway. What’s next?”

“Didn’t you have the same reaction!!! You also have the same reaction!!?”

“Eh? What?”

Alisa raised her eyebrows suspiciously as Masachika shouted. Yuki then

called out to her with a wry smile.

“Alya-san… you were really hypnotized just now, weren’t you?”

“Uh… lie”

“That’s the reality. Right, Ayano?”

“Yes. Through my own vision, you really do look like a person who is

under hypnosis.”

When told by Yuki and Ayano, Alisa’s eyes looked troubled. However,

she quickly glanced at Masachika and said in a pushy tone.

“P-Proof! Show me the proof! I don’t believe it unless you can

show it in video form!”

“Ehh~… come on, this alone is enough. You don’t need to get hung up about it…”

“No way! I don’t want to be thought of as a girl who is easily


“No, better stop it. After all, what kind of pride is that.”

“Let’s hurry up, one more time!”

“Yes, yes”

Then, Masachika resumed hypnosis as Alisa had requested…

and the results were unquestionable.

“So easy… I’m surprised you were able to trigger the flag again so quickly.”

Beside Masachika who was holding her forehead in front of Alisa who was

You are reading story The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian at

had a blank stare, Yuki waved her hand near Alisa’s face.

Alisa’s face. Probably because knowing that she could not remember anything

in this state, Yuki was no longer in Ojou-sama mode.

“Hello hello~, Alya-san~? Are you awake~?”

” … “

“Useless, she’s not budging at all. She already looks like a corpse.”

“Don’t say that even if it’s just a joke!”

Yuki chuckled at Masachika’s weak tsukkomi and turned her

her attention towards Maria, who was sitting next to Alisa.

“So? Why did Masha-senpai get hypnotized even though the target wasn’t her?”

“How should I know?”

As the two siblings stared at each other, unexpectedly, just because of the

suggestion (?) Maria was also hypnotized.

Yuki swallowed her saliva as she looked at the siblings who sat slumped on the chair

with a blank expression.

“Seriously… Doesn’t that mean, you can do all the erotic things

as you please?”

“Don’t say that, even if you think about it!!!”

“Oi oi, what are you going to do, Aniki… the thin book will get thicker.

thicker, you know.”

“Why are you the one who’s the most excited?”

“Who wouldn’t be excited… there’s real hypnosis, you know? Oh my,

that’s why you are a cheat user with 10 times more points

experience (excluding ball games).”

“Don’t call me a cheat user!”

“Try opening your status screen? You’ll probably see “Hypnotist: Lv.3” has been

added to your skill column.”

“First of all, I can’t open the status screen.”

“By the way, when your hypnosis skill level has reached level

MAX level, you might be able to hypnotize all the students in the school, and there will be a

ridiculous rules that are very erotic”

“Okay, can you shut your mouth for a while”

Masachika gave her a reproachful look, wondering why his

her sister was so familiar with the clichéd 18+ ban template. Ignoring her

her sister’s gaze, Yuki moved her hands lasciviously.

“W-w-w-What are you going to do? Are you going to grope oppai first?”

“Who wants to grope!?”

“Then let me grope her.”

“Oi baka, stop!”

Masachika hurriedly stopped Yuki, who was really going to grope the chest of

Alisa’s chest.

Yuki made a sullen face, but then she kicked her hand with an

“Aha”. She then grinned and gave a thumbs up, followed by a wink of her


“Don’t worry, Aniki… this is just like a kiss. It’s common knowledge

that a fellow girl groping her oppai doesn’t count.”

“No, what are you talking about, anyway. That’s not what it means, although fellow girls

are allowed, doing it to an unconscious person is still not


“Mu… But, other than Masha-senpai, Alya-san usually doesn’t show such

such carelessness…”

“Anyway, why are you, who is clearly a girl, so eager to

groping breasts?”

Yuki opened her eyes wide and yelled out loudly against Masachika’s

simple question.

“Bakayarou!!! Girls also really like big oppai!!! If I could, I’d

want to bury my face in Masha-senpai’s chest! It must feel really

cozy and delicious!”

“…I see.”

“Ja-So ……”

“No, I won’t let you, okay?”

Masachika grabbed the neck of Yuki, who was really going to try to

bury her face into Maria’s chest, and pulled her away roughly.

“Unya! I’m not a cat, you know!”

“I know, really”

Masachika gripped the back of her collar like a cat, White staring at his sister with a dissatisfied gaze, Masachika called out to Ayano who had disappeared behind him

“Umm~ Ayano? Just because Yuki likes big breasts, doesn’t mean that you

need to compete, okay? After all, a girl shouldn’t be groping her own

her own breasts in a place like this.”

Ayano who had been staring flatly at her own breasts as she groped them,

looked at Masachika’s gaze and quietly removed her hands

from her breasts.

Yuki gave a thumbs up to Ayano while smiling brightly.

“Don’t worry Ayano. I really like Ayano’s breasts, too.”

“You!!! don’t you recognize the word sexual harassment?”

“Of course I know. Sexy harassment show, right?”

“Alya will scold you, you know.”

“…Just kidding, really. Harassment of secretaries, right?”

“I don’t know why that feels wrong, but it doesn’t”

“You don’t need to worry. Because I don’t feel like I’m being harassed.”

“Don’t show off your mysterious tolerance. This person will eventually get carried away.


“Ouch, you said don’t pull my collar”

Yuki looked at her brother with a look of protest while standing on tiptoe. If this was

scene in the manga, she seemed to be hanging. Of course, Masachika

didn’t have that much strength.

“Haa… for now, I’ll let go of the hypnosis.”

“Oi oi, you sure you don’t want to take evidence first?”

“Eh? … Oh yeah.”

Remembering that she was asked to do such a thing, Masachika

took out his smartphone and said,

“For now, taking a photo

should be enough…”–

“Suddenly the Otaku bonus event is here! The theme! When hypnotizing girls

beautiful girls♪♪ What’s the first suggestion you’ll give her!?”

…and suddenly Yuki’s words echoed, she raised her face with her

hands in her pockets and shouted out the answer quickly.

“Make them act like toddlers!”

“Make them open-minded and take off their clothes!”

“Ah ummm… how about making them tell secrets that are

embarrassing secrets?”

The three of them exchanged glances as they gave their answers in

“Isn’t the term ‘open personality’ a bit of a misnomer? After all, isn’t it

too much to say that ‘open personality’ = ‘taking off clothes’.”

“No, no, isn’t the suggestion of acting like a toddler too aggressive for the

the first suggestion? If we’re going to do it, it should be after taking

a few steps.”

“Hmph ……”

After silencing Masachika, Yuki then turned her attention to


“Ayano’s answer anyway~… well, it’s not bad, but it might still be a little weak.

If there’s a shocking secret revealed, there’s a possibility that the atmosphere will be


“I see…”

“On the other hand, it would be nice if you could limit the questions you want to

to ask. Maybe you can ask them about three body measurements or their experiences with men.”

“I’ll study it again”

“No, no, you don’t need to study it seriously.”

“As for my answer! Isn’t that the right answer to make

them have an open personality? If we make them an

open personality, they’ll tell us embarrassing secrets as if it’s a


“How sneaky! Isn’t that very sneaky!?”

“You got to take my answer into account… That’s amazing, Yuki-sama.”

“Yup, my answer won with the most votes! Answer to the theme

question “When hypnotizing a beautiful girl, what is the first suggestion you will

given to her?” The answer is ‘Make her have an

open personality!’”

After raising her fist triumphantly, Yuki grinned and

stood in front of Alisa and Maria.

“Therefore, I will make you two have an open personality.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t even try to do that!”

“Fu~fu~fu~ Alya-san, Masha-senpai, you two will become more and more

open-minded. You two will lose your minds, both your body and soul will become naked!”

“No, I haven’t heard that two people who are hypnotized together


As soon as Masachika was about to say something, Alisa’s and Maria’s heads fell forward with a

forward with a thud and they immediately looked up with a dazed expression.

dazed. Yuki also looked surprised when she saw the unusual situation.

“Eh… eh? By any chance, does it really work?”

“Oi, you cheater. Why don’t you look at yourself if you want to talk about people?”

“N-No, how could…”

Yuki looked at their faces with a tense expression, but suddenly, Alisa and

Maria stood up at the same time and moved towards Masachika.

“Uh, wait a minute–“

Masachika stepped back reflexively, but the distance between them was quickly

quickly closed and Masachika was pushed down on the sofa. And then–

“…Oi, Yuki”


“Why am I being petted like this?”

“En-I don’t know? Why, huh?”

“Oi look at me, you irresponsible culprit”

Now, Masachika’s head was being stroked by Maria who was holding her

her head. While on the other side, Alisa’s head was also being stroked in the

the same way.

Alisa also seemed to want to try to do something to Masachika, but

without realizing it, she found herself already in that position. After all, she wanted to compete against her own sister

In addition, the usual Alisa would have dismissed Maria’s hand in annoyance,

but this might also be due to the effects of the hypnosis… Now, she quietly

let her head be stroked while narrowing her eyes as if she was

feeling somewhat comfortable.

(Rather than being called an open personality… Aren’t they becoming

more honest personality? Although Masha-san turned into a

a more motherly figure)

Masachika wondered if this meant that their common sense and shyness had faded away, as she thought about it and tried to escape.

had faded away, as she thought about it and tried to escape. to escape

from reality.

“Fufu, good boy~ good boy~♪”

Maria looked happy as she stroked Masachika’s head on her right hand

and Alisa’s head in her left hand.

Seeing the scene, Yuki (for now, already in Ojousama mode) had a horrified expression on her face.

“I can’t believe that it’s not Masachika-kun, but the harem game of

Masha-senpai is about to begin…!”

“The way you’re surprised is strange in itself.”

After criticizing through her gaze, Masachika looked up and turned to


“Umm~ Masha-san? Can you let me go for a moment?”

“Hmm~? No way~”

“It doesn’t work, huh”

After being told that, even though Masachika wanted to let herself remain

being stroked, but she couldn’t continue like this. That’s because, the position of her body is quite


Currently, Masachika’s head was resting on Maria’s shoulder, but because

Masachika was sitting taller than her, it naturally caused Masachika’s

upper body would lean towards Maria.

Although he was trying to balance herself with his hands,

but right next to her were Maria’s feet, and opposite her were Alisa’s feet.

So, there was nowhere to put her hands.

Masachika had also

tried to put his hands on the back of the sofa, but Maria’s body was in the way

and made it impossible for him to move his hands.

Plus, even though he tried not to realize it, but at this point, his body was already touching a lot of things.

“Excuse me a moment~…”

Before he collapsed on top of Maria because his strength was running out, Masachika hesitantly

hesitantly brushed off Maria’s hand and tried to extricate herself, but…

“Aan, mou. Don’t run away~!”

“Wait, she’s holding on really strong-“

Maria wrapped her arms around the back of Masachika’s neck and clung to his

tightly. Masachika lost his balance and hurriedly tried to grab something with his hands only to find that it was Maria’s legs, while in a

panic, he fell down– munyu

There was a soft touch on Masachika’s hand and a more rubbery sensation that

touching his cheeks and nose. Plus, it smelled really good.

The softness of the thigh on his left hand and the embodiment of motherhood (physically) right in front of his eyes.

In a way, he felt like he was in heaven. The fact

that he felt indecisive about whether to move or not, made the situation

even more humiliating and overwhelming.

“Ma-I’m sorry–!?”

Masachika immediately panicked and tried to move his body away, but his efforts were

were unsuccessful. He couldn’t move at all because his neck was held in place by a

power that exceeded that of an ordinary human.

In other words, every time he moved, Masachika felt an indescribably soft and rubbery sensation on his face, and it was very dangerous

in many ways.

“Wait-, Oi! Help me-“

“Ayano! Hurry up and turn around!”

Masachika’s SOS request overlaps with Yuki’s sharp command. Ayano

who was about to try to save Masachika, tensed her body and

turned backwards as if responding to Yuki’s shout of

“Hurry up!” from Yuki.

After After that, Yuki also turned her body around, and pointed her thumb towards

Masachika who was behind her back.

“Don’t worry! We haven’t seen anything yet! For my part too, please

enjoy it to the fullest!”

“I don’t need that kind of attention! Ayano! Hurry up and help me!”

“Ayano! Your master is me, right! Obey my orders!”


Yuki mobilized her strength! Then made a direct attack to the area of

And then, a heart symbol appeared in Ayano’s eyes!

“…Yes, I will obey Yuki-sama’s orders.”


Abandoned by Ayano, who had been his only hope,

Masachika had no choice but to make a decision.

“Ahh never mind… Excuse my rudeness!”

He grabbed Maria’s arm and forcefully released her, he then stood up from the sofa. He felt he had touched various places in the process of

detachment, but Masachika decided not to worry about it at the moment this time.

(I’m sorry, Masha-san’s boyfriend whose face I don’t even know)

As Masachika apologized to Maria’s boyfriend (who somehow image became a handsome blond guy) in his

imagination, Maria who looked dissatisfied started hugging Alisa tightly with

both hands.


However, Alisa pushed Maria away and stood up with a resentful look on her

her face. And then, she took off her blazer without another thought.

Did my face get hot from close contact, huh~ … As Masachika

vaguely thought so while fanning his face with his hands… he

tilted his head and muttered, “hmm?” when he heard the sound of the zipper being

being pulled down, then turned to Alisa who was behind her.


“Wait- What are you doing?”

In front of Masachika who was at a loss for words… Alisa unhooked the hook of her skirt

of her jumper.

Naturally, the effect of gravity pulled her skirt down. The white, smooth

smooth white legs and light blue stockings peeked out from the hem of her shirt. eyes

Masachika’s eyes widened at the sight of this overly voluptuous figure–

“The appearance of a career woman in the morning who is good at her job but sloppy at home!”

“I totally understand!”



Immediately after Masachika reflexively shouted, he heard a voice reply

from behind her. He turned around and saw… the figure of Yuki who was

behind him, but still checking the situation with her hand mirror.

“Oi, didn’t you clearly see it?”

“Now is not the time to say that, you know? Behind you,

it seems like something troublesome is going on, you know?”


Upon hearing the words “troublesome thing”,

Masachika turned around and saw

Alisa, who, who knows how long ago, had taken off her ribbon tie, and started to

unbuttoning her shirt. And next to her, Maria also began to take off

her blazer.

“Wait, wait, why are they both starting to undress!?”

“Oh, I just remembered, if I’m not mistaken, the suggestion I made was that

they will be “more and more” open-minded and “both body and soul” will be naked…

“You bastard, you’re a genius! Thank you very much!”

“You’re being too honest, Masachika-kun.”

However, while they were making a joke, Alisa had already unbuttoned her third button.

button, and she could no longer make jokes about it.

While trying to quell his feelings of confusion and anxiety, Masachika

hurriedly recalled the mantra in her mind and chanted it with a

half shouting.

“U-Ummm then, the moment I touch your shoulder, you will regain

regain consciousness! Do you understand? One, two-hi!”

Then, she looked into Alisa’s eyes with a sense of anxious expectation…


“O-Oii!? Why aren’t you awake yet!?”

The fourth button came off smoothly, revealing the white cleavage

of the twin hills as well as the light blue fabric sticking out, and

Masachika hurriedly turned his gaze upward.

“Oi Yuki, time to change!”

“Eh? To take the photo?”

“What the devil do you think you are! I mean, you’re the one who has to release

their hypnosis!”

“Ah, yes.”

Perhaps thinking that the situation was getting dangerous, he could hear the voice of

Yuki running over to him, and Masachika left the place while still

facing up.

“Umm… Then, when I touch your shoulder, you’ll wake up. Do you

understand? One, two- hi!”

Yuki’s voice echoed and the atmosphere became quiet. After a few seconds

with painful tension, Yuki muttered.

“Whoops, looks like the hypnosis can’t be broken”

“Ooooiii!! Seriously!?”

Along with these desperate words, Masachika heard the

the sound of the skirt falling diagonally in front of her again, and her anxiety

increased even more.

“Seriously, what should we do about this?”

“A-Ayano! I’ll restrain Alya-san, and you stop Masha-senpai.


“Masha~? I’m done for now, aren’t I…?”

Suddenly, accompanied by the sound of a door opening, Masachika heard a familiar voice

and as she turned toward the source of the voice, she saw Chisaki’s eyes widen in


“…Eh? What kind of situation is this?”

“Sa-Sarashina-senpai! Anu, umm actually… I was trying out that book of

hypnosis book, but I can’t shake off the hypnosis!?”

After hearing Yuki’s words, Chisaki’s gaze fell on the book that was

lying on the long table… After nodding once, Chisaki closed the door

and walked over to it.

“Excuse me, sorry for being a little rude”

Then, as soon as Yuki who was holding Alisa’s arm, stepped back,

Chisaki hit Alisa’s chin from the side with incredible speed.

On top of that, the fingertips of both of Chisaki’s hands moved with great speed

touching Alisa’s temple and cheek as her body trembled unsteadily.

Then, Alisa’s gaze went blank, and Chisaki gently

let her lean back on the sofa, her body completely helpless.

The whole incident took only three seconds.

She then repeated the same process to Maria, and when the older sister

sisters sat next to each other on the sofa, Chisaki nodded in satisfaction.


“Wait, wait, wait”

Even Masachika was unable to perform tsukkomi after seeing that.

Forgetting to avert his eyes, he asked Chisaki with his

her cheeks twitching.

“Uh, just now- what did Sarashina-senpai just do?”

“Eh? Just now? I just did a reset, really”

“Only a mad scientist would use that word to a human!?”

Immediately after responding to Chisaki’s remark with tsukkomi, the Kujou sisters

opened their eyes simultaneously and muttered “Uuhh~”, and

Masachika gasped.

“A-Aree…why am I on the sofa…?”

“Ara…it’s like, my consciousness is blurred…?”

“Umm, Alya-san, Masha-senpai, I understand you two are still a bit

dazed… but for now, you’d better clean up your appearance…”


“Straighten up…”

Not long after, a shrill scream echoed out, and Masachika turned around

with all his might. However, a hand with a sinister aura gripped

his shoulder, and he turned around stiffly.

Then, in front of him was Chisaki’s beautiful face, smiling beautifully.

A normal guy would have felt embarrassed by such a close distance, to the point of wanting to look away, but… Masachika just couldn’t

turn his face away. He had a premonition that if he looked away, his life

would be threatened.

“By the way, Kuze-kun… you saw it earlier, right?”

” … “

Masachika felt that now was not the time to pretend by answering

“saw what?”. However, she was also unable to say “I saw it” truthfully.


As a result, in front of Masachika who swallowed her saliva without being able to say anything,

Chisaki slowly raised her right hand and bent her fingers one by one to make a crackling sound.

one by one to make a crackling sound.

“Want to try, reset too?”

Masachika shook his head at high speed at Chisaki, who tilted her head with a smile on her face.

“Then, let’s listen to your words of regret.”

After returning home, the study session was supposed to resume at the Kuze residence.

Masachika was sitting on the bed in his room and looking at Yuki who was

who was sitting on her knees on the carpet.

After that, the situation was really very difficult. Thanks to Yuki who

said, “I’m the one who hypnotized them!”, Masachika managed to evade

Chisaki’s reset action, but Alisa looked at him as if he was the villain,

and Maria, who was blushing, immediately rushed home ….

What kind of expression

he should show when he met them tomorrow, just thinking about it made Masachika dizzy.

However, for now, he decided to seal the suspicious hypnosis permanently.

Once that matter was settled, the only thing

left was to clean up the… mess.

“Is there anything you want to say? O defendant Yuki-san who has sexually assaulted her friend and senpai and made them take off their clothes?

“…Not me”

“For now, let’s stop doing such denials, okay?”

“Yes, yes, I admit it! I’m the one who made Alya-san and Mashasenpai half-naked! But normally, you wouldn’t think that hypnosis would work, right!”

“Yes. But that doesn’t mean you can make suggestions as you please, okay~?”

Masachika looked at her gently, but Yuki just looked away. He sighed at her sister who was like that, and then… turned his attention to Ayano, who had inexplicably sat down on the

the floor, despite not being ordered to do so.

“Umm~ Ayano? You don’t have to sit on your knees, you know? Again the only person who is at fault is Yuki.”

“No, I can’t just stand up while Master is sitting on the floor.”

Ayano replied as if it was a natural thing. What loyalty. This is what a personal servant should say. However, the only thing that

Masachika was curious about was ….

“…O Imouto-san yo”

“What is it, o Aniyan-san yo?”

“…Why does this girl look a little happy?”

“Because she is an M”

In response to Yuki’s quick answer, Masachika looked at the ceiling of the room and meditated.

After looking at the ceiling for about 10 seconds, he slowly bent forward and held his head. Then he took out smartphone, started the game app and pulled a gacha.

“Wow, got the Zashiki-warashi character again”



He clicked her tongue at the dregs of his gacha results, then threw his smartphone into the pillow, and cleared his throat softly. When he changed

expression and put her elbows on her knees, Masachika directed his gaze to Yuki.

“So, what are your words of regret?”

“No, what was the point of that brief moment of running away from reality?”

“How can I face this without running from reality!”

Masachika held his head as she heard Yuki’s calm tsukkomi.

Yuki gave a cold stare and added another attack to her elder brother,

who was taking a defensive stance with both hands in the face of a reality that was

could not be accepted.

“And your acting was too long too”

“That’s it, sorry. Thank you for waiting without tsukkomi halfway through.”

“You’re welcome “

Masachika gently peered through the gap between his arms and apologized for the painful reminder. He thought Ayano should

be allowed to say “What kind of joke is this?”.

“Haaa… Well then, I guess it’s time to hear your words of your regrets?”

“I told you, why have you been trying to escape reality?”

“I didn’t hear anything!”

In front of his sister who was trying to pretend to have a flat expression, Yuki asked to Ayano who was next to her.

“Nee, is Ayano an M?”

“Yes, I’m M’s maid”

“That’s the fact, Aniki”

“Stop itttttt!”

Masachika scratched his head again at the statement that she was an

M from Ayano’s mouth.

“Nooooo! It’s not just my sister who’s this weird, but apparently

my childhood friend is abnormal too!!!”

“Oi, what does that mean? Your words make it sound like that I’m abnormal.”

“Do you really think you’re normal?”

“Fumu, it’s true, my cuteness is abnormal.”

“Look at me, look at me.”

As Yuki nodded seriously while crossing her arms, Masachika

looked sarcastically at her. Then, Yuki grinned and looked at Masachika

with a cute expression.

“But in reality, I am cute, right?”

Yuki closed one eye and pressed her index finger on her cheek, a

image of a very cute expression. However, Masachika only looked

down while frowning.

“Can I answer very seriously?”

“Go ahead, let’s say it!”

When Masachika asked a question with a serious expression, Yuki also had a serious expression. In the midst of the tense atmosphere, it seemed as if a serious confession was about to happen,

Masachika made a serious statement.

“To be honest… you’re really cute”

“Thanks~. Gabacho”

“What are you, a koala!”

In an instant, Yuki dropped her pretense of seriousness, then deftly

moved from her kneeling position and jumped on top of Masachika who was

who was sitting on the bed with her arms and legs wrapped around him.

That figure of hers, as Masachika said, looked like a koala that was

clinging to its mother’s body with both arms and legs. However…

“Hm, which is better to say-“

“Shut your mouth”

“Onii-chan Daishuki”

“Don’t suddenly act like a toddler”

“…Aha, there it is.”

Suddenly feeling satisfied with something, Yuki distanced herself from Masachika and

placed her left hand on her waist and her right hand on her chest, as if she had just gotten a good idea.

“Okay, fine. Then, I’ll accept the punishment for

hypnotizing Alya-san and Masha-senpai.”

“What? Punishment?”

“According to the principle of ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, I will use my

self-suggestion to act like a toddler as Onii-chan wants, that’s the

the punishment.”

“No, it’s true that I answered like that in the student council room earlier,

but I don’t seriously want that, know …. Ayano, what is your master saying?”

“I don’t know… a commoner like me will never be able to understand it.”

“No, don’t say it as if Yuki has deep thoughts.

This girl is just babbling.”

“Although it seems so, but it seems like she has other intentions…”

“Woi, woi. Are you the main character’s crony who always interprets things positively? The character who would say,

“Sasuyuki” orsomething like that? “

“Excuse me, what does “Sasuyuki” mean…?”

“It stands for ‘Sasuga Yuki-sama’, that’s why it’s called Sasuyuki.”

“Masachika-sama, it’s rude to call her “Sasuga”.”

“No, I know.”

In front of Masachika who was staring at Ayano, Yuki opened her legs wide and lowered her hips, she posed as if she was challenging something.


“Ikuze Onii-chan! I’ll do everything I can to get rid of my debt. I’ll rewind my mental age as fast as I can!”

“Seriously? Do you even have any shame!”

“Of course I do, you bastard!!! Uwoooooooooooo!!!”

A large amount of energy radiated from Yuki.

The energy was as strong as a warrior who increased his aura for the sake of performing a precise technique.

Yuki flapped her hands in front of her chest, she roared as she

flipped her body upward, and then stopped in a

bent over.

“…Oi, Yuki?”





Yuki responded as she looked up with eyes that looked pure and innocent, and Masachika bent his body forward while clutching his

her chest. Yuki rushed over to her anxiously, as Masachika suddenly reacted as if his chest was shot by a gun.

“Nii-sama, what’s wrong? Are you alright!?”

“Ugh, he-stop, scar, my old scaruu!”

“Scar…? That’s bad! I’ll call a doctor!”

“That’s not it…! Stop staring at those innocent eyes!”

“Innocent eyes…? Why? Even though Nii-sama also has the same eyes.”

“No! They may be the same shape, but my eyes are much uglier!”

Yuki put her hand on Masachika’s lap as she sat on the bed and tilted her head. Her petite and

beautiful presence mdae her look as adorable as an angel. But for Masachika,

whose grief had been tainted, her innocent gaze was painful.

“Nii-sama, are you feeling ill?”

“Be-This way Yuki. I admit that I was the one at fault, so can you not

go back to the way it was?”

“Nii-sama, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I can’t take it anymore! Ayano! She’s your master, right! Please do

something about this!”

Unable to take it anymore, Masachika asked Ayano for help, but the

the person in question suddenly disappeared with a look as if she had seen something precious.

“Oi, wait. Don’t try to blend into the air! Hurry backkkk!”

“Nee, Nii-sama”

“I told you, stop that innocent gaze!?”

Yuki who turned into an angel and Ayano who blended into the

air. The place was so chaotic that finally, that day there was no more session of studying together.

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