The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian

Chapter 38: Volume 4 - CH 4

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(Seriously, you're all so fashionable!!?)

She knew that Alisa, Yuki, and Ayano's casual outfits looked very fashionable, but Chisaki and Maria were no slouches either. Even when they were hanging out like this, Masachika knew that their group attracted a lot of attention from the people around. If he listened carefully, he could hear voices of admiration such as, "Oh, is there some sort of photo shoot?" "Celebrities?", "Are they an idol group?" could be heard from all over the place.

(We're all just student council members... No, if you look carefully, it really does look like a celebrity photoshoot)

Masachika, who was only wearing a shirt and unbranded trousers, felt a little uncomfortable in front of the pretty girls. Then, Alisa turned to Masachika and greeted him in a loud voice.

"Masachika-kun, good morning."

"...Oh, morning."

In a situation where all the other student council members were present, she boldly addressed Masachika by his first name. This was... as expected, Yuki immediately bit the bait.

"Ara? Alya-san... Did you change how you call Masachika-kun?"


When Yuki asked while hiding a condescending grin behind her graceful smile, Alisa answered without fidgeting in the slightest.

"Come to think of it, it was a bit awkward when one of us was only called by our surname, when we were both running for student council president, right? Besides, it's strange to call my partner by his last name while Yuki-san, my opponent, calls him by his first name. Therefore, I decided to call Masachika-kun by his first name as well."

Alisa said it without hesitation, as if she was standing on a podium. Undoubtedly, she had prepared her answer in advance, anticipating that she would definitely be asked so.

"So that's it."

Yuki was surprisingly easily convinced by Alisa, who had a slightly proud smile on her mouth and felt satisfied for having made her point. And then she continued with a face that looked thoughtful.

"It's true... I might have been insensitive for acting so familiar with Masachika-kun even though he was already my opponent..."

"Eh!? N-No, you don't have to worry about that, really? The two of you are childhood friends. So it's only natural that you two act familiar with each other."

"But, considering Alya-san's feelings, it's true that I've done something insensitive..."

"I really don't care about him!"

Alisa rushed to respond to Yuki's unexpected apologetic reaction. Seeing the state of the two of them, Masachika had a bad feeling.

"...Do you really not care?"

"Yes, b-because I have no intention of disrupting the friendship between you two..."

"Really! Thank goodness then!"

After saying that in a happy tone, Yuki's face suddenly turned cheerful and grabbed Alisa's hand while smiling.

"We are opponents competing for the position of the next student council president at school,... but let's forget about that during this training camp, okay? Yeah, something akin to a truce agreement."

"Uh, y-yes... alright, let's do that."

Yuki's smile widened even more as Alisa interrupted with a hint of confusion, ... Masachika clearly sensed a smile behind her graceful smile as if to say, "I've got the promise!". And inwardly, she thought,

"You're always the one who starts the fight though...". He did not dare to say anything, as he did not want to interrupt the conversation.

"Okay, then it's time to go."

It was at that moment that Touya spoke up and turned towards the station. Then, Yuki turned around in a good mood and...

"Masachika-kun then! Let's go!"

She rushed towards Masachika and tried to grab his hand... but Masachika, who had already guessed that she would do that, quickly raised his hand to avoid him. However, Yuki continued by forcibly hugging his arm through the strength of half a butting....

"Then Yuki-chan, let's go~"

"Uh, Masha-senpai?"

However, Maria, who narrowed the distance from the other side, easily caught her arm.

"Uh, what's wrong?"

"After all~, Alya-chan doesn't want to hold hands with me, anyway~" 

(TN: based older sister being the wing-woman)

Maria answered Yuki's question while puffing up her cheeks. No, then why did you take Yuki's arm? Not only Masachika, but Yuki was also thinking the same thing, but when Maria hugged Yuki's slender arm tightly, she instantly dispelled her doubts at once. Masachika didn't miss the moment when Yuki's gaze turned into a lascivious gaze and stared with full attention on Maria's breasts touching her arm. By the way, Yuki's inner voice saying, "Woww, so big!" was clearly heard by Masachika.

"Fufu, I'm really looking forward to this training camp~♪ Hey Yuki-chan, do you think octopus ink tastes good?"

"Etto? Octopus ink, huh? Masha-senpai, do you have any experience eating it?"

"Never, really~?"


Then, Yuki was pulled straight to the station by Maria. After looking at her back for a few seconds, Masachika

called out to the remaining Alisa and Ayano.

"...... Let's go."



Then, the three of them followed behind. There was only one thought that came to their minds. It was 

"Masha is so strong".


Then, after about two hours of train travel. Masachika boarded a private train in a certain region and was slightly surprised by the scenery inside the train.

"Wow, it's amazing. It feels like riding an old-school train. And the seats, box seats? I don't know what they're called, but the seats are facing each other."

"Hmm, if I'm not mistaken in the city, you can probably only see them on some express trains."

"Wow, look at this~ look at this~! The doors aren't automatic, but with buttons!"

"Ara, that's right~ ... what will happen if I press this button while running?"

"I don't think the door will open, but don't press it anyway, Masha."

"Oh, I'll take a photo. Ayano, try standing next to Alya-san."

"Is this one over here good?"

They all looked around the inside of the carriage with great interest and excitement at the lonely old-fashioned carriage. Each of them posed at will in front of Yuki who was in charge of taking commemorative photos with a digital camera for the publicity of the student council activities. But then, Touya realized that there was a grandmother who was looking at them with a smile, and he coughed lightly to cover his embarrassment.

"Hmm... Then, after we're done taking some photos, we'll sit in groups of four and three with members who don't usually get together. This is also a chance for fellow student council members to get to know each other."

"Oh, that's a great idea! Then... Do you want to separate each pair from the first years?"

At the suggestion of the student council president and vice president, the exchange would be divided into a first half and a second half during the 40-minute of the trip. They sat separately in two sets of seats across the aisle from each other.

"Therefore, please cooperate~"

"Please cooperate as well."

"No, is this a matchmaking event?"

Yuki sat next to Masachika in the first 20-minute round. And across from them, there were Touya and Chisaki.

(If we're talking about members who don't usually get together, shouldn't the president and vice president be separated? .... I guess I shouldn't comment on that, huh...)

Masachika silently swallowed his criticism of the "Touya and I are a couple, you know" atmosphere issued by Chisaki and was sitting in front of him. After all, his position was just public affairs. He could not fight against the power that the vice president possesses

"...Umm, what's your hobby?"

"No, it's not like it's clearly a typical matchmaking question."

Because Yuki immediately fell silent, she somehow started the conversation, but... Touya only replied with a wry smile, and Masachika raised his head in a silly manner.

"That's right... Then, how did you two get together?"

"Is this a wedding press conference!!?"

"E-Eh~? You really want to ask that~?"

"Hmm? You're unexpectedly enthusiastic, huh? Chisaki."

Chisaki held her cheeks with both hands and smiled shyly, while Touya raised one eyebrow with a half-smile. However, Chisaki did not seem to be bothered by her boyfriend's reaction, and her gaze wandered as if she was reliving her memories.

"That's right~ the reason why I'm attracted to Touya... hmm~, I guess I should start telling you about my childhood first in order to talk about this."

"That's a good idea. I want to hear Sarashina-senpai's story."

When Masachika leaned forward with interest, Chisaki's mouth relaxed as if she was dissatisfied. Then, while turning her gaze out the train window, she spoke in a nostalgic tone.

"That's right... back then, when I was a weak little girl who didn't even dare to kill a bug..."


(TN: finally an illustration of Chisaki)

"Oops, hallucinations huh?"

The unexpected opening of the story made Masachika make a rude comment with a flat face. However, Chisaki continued on without paying much attention to her.

"At that time, although it feels strange if I say it myself, I used to be a beautiful girl who was very quiet... the type that looks like a small animal?"

"I see, even beasts can still be called small animals when they're babies, huh."

"I've always been a nervous girl, with a small, timid voice... and of course, I was often bullied by the boys at school, when I went out. When I was out on the street, I was talked to by suspicious uncles, or followed, or almost kidnapped... At one time, I even stopped going to school because of distrust of men and anthropophobia." (TN: fear of people)

"...Eh? Really?"

Even Masachika hesitated to make fun of the serious content of the story and retracted his joking attitude. Then, when Masachika turned his gaze toward Touya, he replied with shrugged shoulders and a serious expression. Apparently, it was not a story made up on the spot.

"Well, fortunately my mother always protected me, and I wasn't traumatized that severely... but that was enough to make me a hikikomori." 

(TN: people who withdraw themselves from society and confine themselves. It's mostly more common in Japan. Something like a NEET I guess?)


"Then one day .... Do you know an anime called 'Flame Sword'?"

"Eh? Oh, that I know. I've seen it on my computer because it was touted as a masterpiece anime."

Flame Sword is an original anime that aired a few years ago. An anime that tells the story of a boy who embarks on a journey to save Kamiko, the heroine who holds the fate of the world, who was kidnapped by the enemy country in his childhood. On his journey, the main character meets his comrades-in-arms and fights his enemies, until finally, he gets closer to the secrets hidden by the heroine and the truth of the world... or more or less it's a fantasy story.

"At that time, I was watching it in real time~... It really surprised me. Remember the scene where the emperor and the heroine talk after the battle at the border fortress?"

"The scene in the throne room?"

"Yes yes, that one."

"Ah, that is indeed a very good scene, isn't it?"

It was the first scene that gave the impression that the heroine was not a helpless girl just waiting for the main character's help, but rather a strong woman with a clear will and a great sense of justice. The heroine goes head-to-head directly against the emperor who is trying to rule the world by force, and talks about her own ideals without considering her personal safety. The emperor, who is the final boss, just grunts as he says, 

"That's just the naïve ideals of the poor. is just the naïve ideal of the weak," 

but he also changed his judgment of the heroine ..... in that scene, Masachika also subconsciously shouted in amazement 'The heroine is really cool--!'. I see, so Sarashina-senpai immediately changed after seeing the heroine, yes ...... before Masachika nodded, Chisaki who also seemed to remember those days, nodded with touching emotions.

"When I saw that scene, it made me think... Ah, I see. In the end, it's all about power."


"Because I didn't have power, I was belittled by men and almost kidnapped. I began to understand that in order to convey your wishes, you must first commit enough violence .... to silence the mouths of others." 

"Wow, I didn't expect you to make the heroine a bad example. So you were influenced by the last boss, huh?"

"After that, I cut off my long hair and trained my mind and body so that I wouldn't be underestimated by men anymore... I trained hard for a year at a martial arts dojo run by my relatives... and this is how it turned out."

"That means a complete makeover, yes."

Masachika gave an honest impression while casting a glance at his sister who nodded with a face like "The last boss... is really good. I totally understand" next to her. Chisaki smiled bitterly at the poor evaluation.

"Hushh, your way of speaking. There you should have said that I grew up normally... Well, thanks to that, I now have the courage to replace the aura of a weak beautiful girl."

"What a tragic change before and after. Isn't it funny?"

"Since there's such a past...I can't consider it someone else's business when I see Touya trying so hard to change himself."

"Oh, you suddenly switched to the story of how the two of you got together, huh. I couldn't keep up because there was such a sudden development."

Chisaki suddenly began to glance at Touya shyly, Masachika's cheeks twitched in resignation, and Yuki could only smile dryly. However, the lovers began to stare at each other passionately, oblivious to the reactions of their juniors. 

"Even so, I still felt shocked when he suddenly hit on me after meeting me for the first time~."

"Oi, oi, don't tell that one either."

"Already, already... but thanks to that event I was also able to feel Touya's change, right?"

"Yes... well, I realized that I was too excited."

"Right~ but I thought it was great anyway~?"

"Ah~ geez! I told you not to say that!"

Touya shyly glared at Chisaki, who was teasing him while grinning. However, there was no awkward atmosphere between them... instead, there was just a rather sweet atmosphere, Masachika and Yuki who were looking at the scene in front of both had a faraway look in their eyes.

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"(This scene is not good for us singles~...)"

"(What do we do now? Do we need to be intimate too? Let's do it, let's do it.)"

"(No need.)"

The siblings were whispering to each other while facing forward, but the couple in front of them didn't seem to be aware of that. Meanwhile, 20 minutes passed and the members changed. Ayano replaced Yuki who was sitting next to Masachika, and Maria sat in front of them.

"Please get along with me~?"

"Likewise, let's get along with each other."


As usual, Maria had a gentle smile on her face and as usual too, Ayano immediately blended into the air expressionlessly.

(Why doesn't anyone want to talk!)

Maria who usually plays the role of a listener, and Ayano who usually blends into the air. Masachika was annoyed by the combination that made conversation difficult. Then, despite the fact that it could still be called a conversation, Masachhika turned his gaze towards Ayano who was already about to become air, with a reprimanding look.

"Ayano, for once why don't you start talking about something at a time like this?"

"That's right, I apologize for my negligence."

Perhaps she thought that what Masachika said had some truth to it, Ayano's shoulders trembled slightly and lowered her head. Then she raised her face and let her gaze wander a little before opening her mouth with a flat expression.

"What kind of maid outfit does Maria-sama like?"

"First throw, hard throw."

"Hmm~ if asked which model of maid outfit I like, I prefer the classic type, perhaps~? The maid outfit with long skirt looks cute, doesn't it~?"

"Being hit back...!?"

"So that's what it looks like, huh?"

"Yes, but I think a very mini skirt looks cute too~? Like the ones in anime music videos."

"Oops? The ball I thought was hit back flew diagonally upwards?"

"Is that so? I'm also learning anime songs to some extent."

"And the ball was caught as if it was a natural thing. It's a conversation from a different dimension...!"

"Learning it? Ayano-chan, do you want to be an anime song singer?"

"No, I'm not aiming for that."

"Is that so?"




"...No, throw back the ball you caught."

"! That's right. Etto..."

Masachika stared at Ayano as she ended the conversation with an overly short answer. Ayano's shoulders then jerked and she began to look around the carriage hurriedly.

"Fufu, you don't need to be in such a hurry, just relax okay~?"

"No, that's just... etto..."

Mariya calmed down Ayano, who was clearly looking for a topic of conversation right now, with a smile on her face. However, when Ayano shrugged her shoulders as if she was afraid of her senior's attention, she began to blink repeatedly while searching for a topic of conversation.

"Etto, do you like trains?"

"Just bring up something that the eye sees."

"Hmm~ I don't usually take trains, you know~"

"And senpai immediately replied without the slightest pause. Are you the Virgin Mary?"

"What about Ayano-chan?"

"I'm the same..."

"That's why you threw it... huh"

Masachika patted Ayano's head in surprise and thanked her for trying to start a conversation that didn't develop at all.  Then, he decided to change the subject to make up for his childhood friend who was not good at starting conversations.

"Etto, senpai said you don't usually take the train, does that mean you take the bicycle or bus more often?"

"Yes, I like traveling. But really~ maybe I use a bicycle more when I go out?"

"Hee~, somehow it feels a little surprising. I can't imagine Masha-san traveling around by bicycle."

"Ara~ really? I see-this way I'm pretty fit, right? I can usually walk if it's around three train stations away, and I can go even farther if I ride a bicycle."

"That's really great. But isn't it faster to use the train normally than to use a bicycle ....? Does senpai hate it? The train I mean."

"Hmmm~ it's not like that... I like looking around the city. Just by entering a street that you don't normally walk on, you can see a new view of the city, right?"


Masachika nodded as if he understood what Maria was talking about. When he walked around the city looking for a suitable store for his birthday date (?) with Alisa, Masachika was surprised to discover that there were many places he had never been to, even though they were near his  neighborhood. When Masachika agreed with her words, Maria lowered her eyebrows slightly and continued.

"Moreover... the train is dangerous, isn't it?"


"You see, sometimes there are people who get caught in the hanging ropes of the handrails and suffer injuries to their wrists."

"Hmm? Hanging ropes?"

Masachika turned to Ayano as she had never heard of such a story, but Ayano shook her head as if she too had never heard of it. her head as if she had never heard it either. Come to think of it, Ayano usually used a car, so she didn't often take the train for reasons different from Maria.

"The wrist got caught in the hanging rope...? Maybe because of the sudden pull when the train shakes...?"

"Hmm I don't know? I've never experienced it myself, and it looks like Chisaki-chan hasn't either... I wonder if it only happens to men, huh?"

"Hmm? Sarashina-senpai?...only happens to men?"

Maria's fragment of words caught Masachika's attention... and her cheeks twitched as a vague image came to mind.

"Etto, Masha-san. Did that phenomenon happen .... when you were with Sarashina-senpai?"

"Eh? Yes, that's right~... When I was traveling with Chisaki-chan, maybe about three or four times?"

"...Perhaps on a crowded train?"

"Hmm~ I don't know? But the passengers were quite crowded~ to the point that the handrail rope became full."

"...Was the injured man the one standing next to or behind Masha-san?"

"Yes! How can you tell!?"

"...Ah that..."

In contrast to Maria who widened her eyes in surprise, Masachika narrowed her eyes. In other words, the wounded man was probably ..... Come to think of it, Maria would most likely be targeted by someone of that kind of person. Alisa had a very cautious nature and, for better or worse, she was too conspicuous to be targeted. For example, when the two of them took the train together before, almost all the passengers in the same carriage stole glances at Alisa. No one would dare to commit a crime under such circumstances.

On the other hand, Maria's appearance was not as flashy as Alisa's in terms of color and tended to attract people who were brash or the like.

(And as a result of being attracted to her... the wrists of such people get messed up, huh.)

After guessing the general situation, he turned his gaze with a shudder towards Chisaki who was on the other side of the hallway and continued to ask.

"How did Sarashina-senpai react at that time?"

"Eh? Ah... if that's the case ~ Chisaki-chan is really amazing, isn't she? She always took the initiative to accompany the injured man and bring him to the stationmaster's office. I also wanted to try to help, but since I'm an amateur when it comes to treating wounds, I can't help but leave everything to Chisaki-chan~"

".... So that's it."

"Nee, what is that supposed to mean? Kuze-kun, are you understanding something?"

"Ah no, it's just that... yes. That's right too. From now on, I think it's better that Masha-san should be accompanied by Sarashina-senpai when wanting to board a crowded train."

"Oh, Chisaki-chan also told me the same thing. Well, even without being told, I rarely ride the train alone..."

Then, suddenly curious about something, Masachika asked Maria while wanting to divert the conversation as well.

"Oh yeah, by the way, what about Masha-san's boyfriend? For example, when you two go out together..."

"Eh? Oh... Right now, I'm in a long-distance relationship. So, we don't have the chance to go out together~"

"Ah~ Is Masha-san's boyfriend Russian? Although I only heard about it through rumors, anyway."


"Ehh? No, huh?"

"(...Ah, his name is...that's it)"

"Uh, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. More importantly, how are you two yourself?"


"Is... there someone you like?"

Maria intertwined her fingers in front of her chest, then leaned forward slightly and asked happily. They were both facing the direction of the girl who liked romance, but at the same time, tilted their heads.

"No, I'm... a guy who only lives in a 2D world. So, I'm not really interested in the 3D world..."

(TN: what a loser :/)

When Masachika said that jokingly, Ayano, who took it for granted, blinked her eyes with curiosity.

"Really? If I'm not mistaken, I've heard that you were in a relationship with someone when you were in elementary school..."

"No! That was... a story when I was a kid. Besides, I wasn't an otaku back then."

Masachika frowned slightly as he recalled the past that he did not want to remember. Then, while pretending not to notice Maria's curious gaze, he turned to Ayano.

"What about Ayano herself? Is there someone you like?"

"As for me... as you already know, Yuki-sama is my highest priority. So I reject the invitation of that kind of thing."

"...Uh, wait a minute. You said you refused... Have you ever been confessed to by someone?"

"Yes, about twice in the past."


Masachika was taken aback by the shocking information that appeared unexpectedly. The information that there was a guy who confessed his feelings for his childhood friend made Masachika's heart pound for no reason.

"Are you feeling curious?"

"Uh, well, maybe a little?"

"If Masachika-sama feels curious about it, I can tell you the names of those two people..."

"Better not. Keep those two people's names to yourself for the rest of your life."

After trying to stop Ayano from trying to do something terrible, Masachika scratched his head.

"Well, I did feel curious... since I've known you for a long time, I didn't realize that you'd been involved in colorful love... it feels a little emotional."

"I have no intention of getting involved in that..."

"Ahh, yes... please be careful with that, because the slightest mistake, your words just now sounded like you were boasting about your popularity, okay?"

After saying that and letting out a light sigh, Masachika faced back towards Maria and shrugged her shoulders.

"So yeah, the two of us don't have any romantic stories."

"...Hmm~, so you two have no intention of falling in love~?"

"Not really for me..."

"I'm the same way."

"I see... too bad~"

After saying so, Maria sank her body that was slightly leaning against the chair, and Masachika felt relieved inwardly .... but it seemed too early to feel relieved.

"Then, can you tell me more about your old girlfriend/romantic interest, Kuze-kun?"

"Uh, no, wait, seriously..."

Shaking his head, Masachika looked at Ayano as if asking for a favor. Replying firmly to the direction of her eyes, Ayano then nodded and said.

"To be honest, I also feel curious."


Masachika shouted wildly at the unexpected betrayal of her childhood friend. In the end, for the next ten minutes, Masachika was subjected to a chase by two girls interested in romance.

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