The Neutral Army of the Will World

Chapter 2: A strange experience

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It was a feast of diplomatic envoys from some of the forces of order, high ranking neutrals, and some of the most important neutrals. This banquet is not only to announce the rise of the neutral army to the outside world, but also to re-plan the new pattern of the future.

"This is the Deputy Commander of the Neutral Army and the head of Propaganda -- a slutty man," Andy said, pointing to a manly man nearby, nodding his head and raising his goblet in confirmation and homage.

"This is Sin Yu, deputy Commander of the Neutral Army and Chief Analyst of the Operations Department." She is an old acquaintance of mine. All operations of the Operations Department are arranged under her command.

"This is Sho Sledge Hammer, deputy commander of the Neutral Army and military Commission," Andy said, pointing to a man with a big belly who looked exactly like Trump, down to his hair color and head shape.

"This is your Majesty, governor of the Council of the Neutral Army." I have some affection for him. He joined the Neutral Army at the height of Farsi's reign, and he saw the degradation and darkness, oppression and injustice of the Neutral Army. He tried to save the neutral army from the inside because he knew that no one could help him, so he worked his way up and finally became the second in command of the Neutral Army and had some influence in the neutral army. Probably because of too much effort, his appearance always makes people feel that he is a very gaunt thin handsome man.

After Andy, our leader, introduced the anti-chaos military President Ling-Hua one by one, Ling-Hua began to cut to the chase.

"I've always heard that the Neutrals are full of talented men, and when I see them today, it's true," he paused. "The forces of Order and Chaos have been fighting each other for years, and the dogs of Chaos have been rampant despite their decline. I hope the Neutrals will make the right choice."

"The purpose of the Neutral Army is to maintain peace, to remain neutral, to cooperate with all parties,"

With a smile, Jing Hua picked up his glass of wine and said, "May peace last forever."

At that time, the pattern of the world had gradually become clear, the forces of chaos had gradually declined, the forces of order had taken absolute advantage, and the neutral forces represented by the neutral army were quietly rising.

And I acted as a volunteer waiter at the party, under duress, of course. Our flag team was asked to name three, and I was unlucky enough to get drawn...

As the party drew to a close, vehicles carrying diplomats from various organizations could be seen leaving on some of Neutral City's roads,

As I was about to leave, a man who appeared to be part of the diplomatic entourage came up to me, held out his right hand,

"My name is Girl Wang, former head of the Anti-Chaos Military Intelligence Department and now head of the SCP undercover team," he introduced himself.

I was a little amused that someone else was called such a strange name, but it wasn't surprising, because when I first learned the name "Slut" when I came to the Neutral Army, I wasn't surprised by the strange names that followed. In the world of will, all sorts of strange things are possible.

The scp undercover team was actually a puppet organization from the anti-Chaos Military, but it still had some status.

I shook hands with him.

"Dear guest, what is your request?" When someone in such a high position suddenly shakes my hand, either asking for wine or asking me to do all sorts of things,

"I know all the information on the forces of Order, and if you cooperate with me, we can all benefit,"

I pretended to smile. He wanted me to be a spy, something I would never do, especially in a public place. I didn't know what he was thinking.

"I'm just a waiter," I said gently. "I only know how to serve wine."

"Tell me when you're done thinking about it, and I'm sure you'll agree," she said, leaving the meeting with an elegant look.

I waddled my shoulders. He had seen many self-righteous people, and he was no exception.

At that moment, his partner came over and said, "I'll take care of the rest."

I waved. "See you later that night,"

As I left the meeting, Berda, the captain of the guard, was also in a hurry to leave. He gave me a look that seemed to confirm my identity. Something seems to have happened.

When I got back to the Neutral Army headquarters building, I saw the girl Wang was also in the hallway of the building. I just wanted to turn away from him, but he said in advance, "Long time no see, my good brother."

Who's your buddy... This guy looks like he's trying to drag me down...

'Why are you here, Sir Guest?' I asked.

"Grand Master Andy has invited me here for a meeting. If you haven't had a one-on-one with the Grand Master yet, I'll give you the opportunity," he said as he walked over to my side, patting me on the shoulder.

"Wait, you're a diplomat. The Grand Master asked for you, not me. What are you doing..."

Before I could finish, he pushed me to the elevator,

"Don't be nervous, my dear brother, this is a rare opportunity,"


In this way, I was a face meng pushed to the office of the big leader, I just entered the door, the girl will close the door, he walked out, which let me at a loss.

I turned my head to see the Grand Commander of the Neutral sitting at his brown desk, reviewing the papers.

He sat upright, with a stern face and an indescribable sense of oppression. Seeing me coming, he looked up and asked, "Are you the girl king? Sit down, please."

"Ah? ... Uh... The Grand Master... Actually, I'm..." Before I could finish, the red phone on the desk rang. Andy stood up at once.

"Wait a minute, I'll take care of something urgent," he said, and he left me standing alone in my office.


In this way, I was a face meng pushed to the office of the big leader, I just entered the door, the girl will close the door, he walked out, which let me at a loss.

I turned my head to see the Grand Commander of the Neutral sitting at his brown desk, reviewing the papers.

He sat upright, with a stern face and an indescribable sense of oppression. Seeing me coming, he looked up and asked, "Are you the girl king? Sit down, please."

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"Ah? ... Uh... The Grand Master... Actually, I'm..." Before I could finish, the red phone on the desk rang. Andy stood up at once.

"Wait a minute, I'll take care of something urgent," he said, and he left me standing alone in my office.

Perhaps the circulatory system is out of order, the office is a little extra hot and stuffy.

I tried to find the air conditioning controller in the office, but it didn't seem to do anything,

I went to the window, drew back the curtains, and opened the window. A cool breath came from outside, and seemed to be accompanied by a slight sweet smell.

"Or the natural wind is more comfortable,"

Suddenly, a dark shadow came into the room through the window.

Her long red hair was reflected in the moonlight, and her swan-like silhouette was graceful in the air. The bellies of the tight-fitting leather, crossed silver double blades, like the emissary from heaven, like the devil from hell.

I was thrown to the ground, the blades crossed over my neck. The stark contrast between the cold eyes and the beautiful appearance made me gasp.

As we stared at each other, she started, then changed into a look that I couldn't understand, and my attention involuntarily drifted down to hers.

She straightened up a little and said, "Tell Andy this is a warning."

"A warning? ..." At this point I had no idea,

However, before I could ask any more, she punched me and knocked me unconscious. It was very vicious.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital and my forehead was heavily bandaged.

I gathered my thoughts, trying to remember what had happened. Oh, good. No memory loss. I closed my eyes and tried to remember her face.

At this moment, an officer entered, and I jumped, followed by a nurse,

"He just woke up," the nurse explained to the officer.

Without another word the officer pulled me to my feet. "The Commander wants you. Come with me."

His rude behavior made me think that I had made some serious mistake.

By the time I was shown to the door of the Grand Master's office, which had been left open, I could overhear a conversation between Grand Master Andy and Intelligence Chief Berman. Andy didn't seem happy.

"Explain the situation,"

"We had her under surveillance three hours ago, Grand Master. She was one of the visitors. When you left the party, we noticed her missing and began a secret search," explained Peiman.

"Has anyone been found now?" Andy asked.

"Fully located, on the way to the Neutral City exit checkpoint, but... I'm in a beautiful car. Should I stop it?"

"The splendour of this,"

Andy thought for a moment, then said, "Let them out, shut up the news, and when nothing has happened. But the identity of the intruder must be found out."


When Peiman left, I was pushed in by the officer,

"Captain, the men are here," said the officer.

"Oh, you go away,"

Andy looked me over, and when Andy and I were alone in the room, he said, "Comrade, when did you join the neutral Army?"

"Well, I remember when I added it, and it wasn't long before you became Grand Master,"

The Neutral Army has had three grand commanders, the first being Yu, the second being Farsi, and the third being Andy. I joined when Farsi was in power, and Farsi was actually a chaos nationalist, who took a series of extreme measures to fight chaos, who was fighting violence with violence, who was ousted by Andy, and who is now a figure to be avoided by the neutrals. I will not mention naturally, there is no way, or to learn to be wise, do not poke the topic of the hornets.

"I know all that already, and thank you for taking the blow for me,"

That punch really hurt, and I wouldn't want to get punched if I could help it...

He got up, walked over to me, and asked, "Do you remember what the intruder looked like?"

"I can still remember some,"

"I'm giving you a special assignment to help me dig deeper into this intruder. I don't trust Intelligence," Andy crooned in my ear.

I seemed to be aware of something. I nodded at once. 'Yes, dear Mr. Grand Master!

Andy patted me on the shoulder, then went back to his desk and motioned me off.

I walked out of the office and was immediately followed by the director of Construction, who was standing at the door. Although he did not know me, I had seen him on the news.

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