The Obsessive Male Leads Want to Eat Me Alive

Chapter 9: 9

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Finally, a summary trial began.

The participants were the Marquis of Corel, Madam Mimosa, and Viscount Puterio.

And there were five children who prepared the food together, including Sislin and I.

‘That man is the Marquis of Corel.’

He was a chubby man who gave off  a very sensitive impression, and he was wearing a white horsehair wig used by judges.

And as soon as he arrived, he acted very strangely.

Spray– Spray–

His secretary had put something in a perfume bottle and was diligently spraying it on the chair.

‘The smell of alcohol…!’

Then he carefully wiped the chair on which the marquis would sit on with a silk handkerchief.

Marquis Corel asked for understanding, perhaps reading the puzzled faces of the people.

“Excuse me, I’m sensitive to cleanliness.”

‘As expected, his mysophobia is severe.’

He couldn’t even sit on a bare chair. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the scene.

It was like a person who suffered from severe ‘health anxiety’ and ‘mysophobia’ at the same time.

As soon as he arrived, the picky marquis shook hands with Madam Mimosa and Viscount Puterio in turn.

“Oh my gosh, Marquis… I’m sorry to bring such a busy and honorable person like you for such a small incident!”

“No, Viscount.”

Giving a somewhat cold reply, the marquis raised his hands and his secretary changed his glove.

‘Oh My God. I can’t believe I’m seeing this in person?’

Maybe it looked funny even to the little ones as everyone covered their mouths with their small hands and laughed, going ‘pfft!’

But soon after seeing Madam Mimosa’s cold eyes, everyone stiffened and shut their mouths.

“These are the children who helped prepare food for today’s VIP guests.”

“I’m Sasha!”

“I’m Julien! I made bread.”

Then, in turn, the five children gave their greetings.

The girls held up their skirts and waved cutely in the traditional greeting of the Forest, while the boys held their hands tightly and made eye contact with the adults.

“I am Annette.”

At last, it was my turn, and as I was about to say a traditional greeting and leave…


Viscount Puterio grabbed my hand and pulled me, and I was helplessly dragged away. He whispered in a voice so soft that only I could hear it.

“I knew you were going to get rid of me, but to think you’ve come all the way here, you brat. The greeting was pretty cute, but anyway, I don’t think you’re cute for a child.”

A disgusting threat followed. Against a 12 year old child.

“A bastard who has no money is not cute. I especially hate girls who are useless like you.”

I tried to pull my wrist out, but instead, he harshly applied more force to my hand.


“Be careful. Wouldn’t it be possible to become a slave after four years? There are many children who are kidnapped after leaving the forest? Kek.”

It was then.

Sislin pushed the viscount with great strength and brought me into his arms, hugging me tightly. The boy’s rosy red eyes fluttered dangerously as he stared straight at the viscount.

With a cold, expressionless face, Sislin uttered,

“If you touch Annette, I will kill you.”

Startled by the force he felt, the viscount said,

“…This, this, this slave!”

I suddenly buried my head in Sislin’s arms and closed my eyes.

Aww, he’s such a powerful kid. If Sislin had been 12 years older, I would have been excited…

‘He’s scared himself, but still trying to protect me, my baby is so special.’

I scrunched my nose.

“You must be careful, Viscount. As you know, that child is an ‘ability awakener’.”

Madam Mimosa warned appropriately.

The viscount, whose face turned red, looked like he wanted to swear, but he kept his mouth shut as he looked at the eyes of Marquis Corel, who was still making a fuss.

Because he didn’t want to be hated even a little bit.

After all, today was an important day in his life.

50 million gold would not normally be a disappointing amount from the standpoint of a well-known slave trader, and it was enough money to help him with his life if he went bankrupt.

So, like moving a raw egg, he would be cautious during the trial.

He would do his best not to offend the sensitive nature of the marquis.

The marquis, who had been contemplating the situation, opened his mouth as if it was insignificant.

“Let’s move on quickly. Who will tell me about the case that will be put on the summary trial today?”

“I’ll tell you!”

Viscount Puterio shrewdly stepped forward.

He had a mean expression on his face showing that he wanted to say something in his favor.


Madam Mimosa seemed a step behind. The marquis gave Viscount Puterio the right to speak.

“Yes, tell me.”

Viscount Puterio smiled and stood up and said,

“Marquis, today’s case is about a young slave named Sislin who belonged to my ‘Ferdes Slave Store’, achoo!”


Marquis Corel looked at the viscount with contemptuous eyes, as if he was annoyed by the sudden sneeze.

“What was that unsanitary sneeze just now, Viscount?”

Viscount Puterio wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled.

“Oops, I’m sorry. I must have an itch for a second. I’ll say it again. Today’s… achoo! Sorry, achoo!”

Marquis Corel exclaimed in displeasure.

“What the hell are you doing in the sacred court?!”

Then, I intervened and said, blinking seriously.

“Is this a symptom of an infectious disease?”



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In an instant, the atmosphere became as cold as if it had been hit by a bomb, and Marquis Corel’s face turned pale blue.

Blood rushed out of the viscount’s face.

Seeing their reaction, I laughed inside like a baby devil.

‘Yum yum, the peaches had a good effect?’

* * *

3 hours ago.

Viscount Puterio’s secretary first came to the forest to convey the taste and preferences of his superior.

“The Viscount enjoys meat dishes, especially duck.”

“Coincidentally, the Marquis also said that he enjoys cooked meat. Then it would be better to have a whole duck!”

“You’re very smart, young one.”

I answered clearly with a clever and bright attitude, characteristic of a typical model student.

“Thank you, Mister Secretary!”

The secretary smiled happily.

“Oh, and by any chance, is there any food he can’t eat because of allergies?”

I asked with a smile on my face. Usually, nobles in this country strictly avoided food allergies from an early age, and had no chance to overcome it.

So it was very common for nobles to have at least one allergy.

“I’m going to tell the chef to exclude the ingredient.”

“You’re very meticulous. Let’s see…aha!”

The secretary, who had been stroking his chin, raised his index finger as if he suddenly thought about it, and explained bit by bit.

“The Viscount is allergic to the fuzz on peach skin, but it’s fine if it’s stewed or put in a bottle.”

After a while…

I gathered the kids who would cook today and said,

“Sislin is a Tree just like us. But it looks like he’s going to be dragged into slavery. We’re not going to let it go, are we?”

The friendship between the little ones was strong.

I said to the children who looked at me with their twinkling eyes.

“My friends, can anyone help Sislin?”

After biting her small lips, Caroline said resolutely, “If he’s Annette’s friend, he’s also my friend! I’ll help!”

With his big eyes twinkling, Julien said, “I want to help your friend too.”

Sasha then said, “Sislin blows soap bubbles really well! So I have to help!”

…Well, it’s a strange reason, Sasha but thank you.

Then the other children rushed to raise their hands.

It seemed like they were more friendly towards Sislin just because they all played in the water together.

It was a good thing.

“But how can we help?

Sasha tilted her pink hair as if she was curious.


I smiled and pulled out a basket. There were a pile of sweet, fluffy peaches from the grocery store.

“Everyone, now, enjoy eating these peaches!”

“Wow, it’s delicious. How easy!”

The little ones sat around and ate the ‘yum yum’ peaches with their small hands.

And when the summary trial began, I fluttered my skirt full of peach fuzz – shaking it off when the viscount grabbed my arm.

It was just a cute greeting, but it was enough to catch the viscount.

* * *

“Is it a contagious disease?”

Marquis Corel asked as if picking a fight. I pretended not to know anything and calmly explained.

“I was told that one would sneeze or cough if you got the Ferdes epidemic. Then, as the fever develops, the skin of the whole body rots away…”


Marquis Corel looked as if his skin had already rotted.

Naturally, Viscount Puterio jumped up and denied it.

“Hey, it’s not me! Keuk, keuk!”

He desperately covered his mouth, but the sneeze had now turned into a heavy cough.

I smiled softly (at an angle only visible to Viscount Puterio) and pretended to be concerned.

“Oh, Viscount, is your fever like a fireball? I’ll have to bring you some fever reducers.”

The startled Viscount Puterio pushed me and glared.

“It’s completely false! Keuk, keuk. This little brat is trying to frame me…!”

However, the marquis already had a sick and fearful expression on his face.

“Stop that filthy cough right now! It’s an order!”

“Marquis, look at my forehead! Not even a fever!”

That was when the viscount fiercely approached the marquis to prove his innocence.


As he was struck by the thick palm of the marquis who swung with all his might in disgust, Viscount Puterio’s skinny body spun around and around.

He was hit so hard that his front teeth came out like popcorn.

“Where are you coming from? Get away from me!”

Marquis Corel, with a prideful expression, dragged the chair he was sitting on towards the wall to avoid him. His horsehair wig was trembling.

Viscount Puterio was unable to stand up easily and was groaning from his current position on the floor, but no one lifted him up.

With his face red like an active volcano, the marquis hastily said to Madam Mimosa.

“I would like the trial to proceed as soon as possible. What happened today?”

Madam Mimosa spoke without showing much embarrassment despite the sudden situation.

“The Viscount claims ownership of the child named Sislin in our Forest. He was originally a slave to the Ferdes slave trader, but it was said that he lost the child due to negligence.”

As soon as he heard it, the expression of Marquis Corel crumpled.

“It’s shameless of you to claim ownership on the subject of losing a child through your own negligence!”


Viscount Puterio, who naturally thought the marquis would be on his side, looked as if an iron skewer had pierced his whole body.


His bloody lips contorted badly.

Ame: Double updates today! Let’s see the ‘end’ of the viscount, shall we? ^^

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