The Old Puppet House

Chapter 1: The Old Puppet House

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The Old Puppet House


By Ivaran Kealar




Haleigh sat in a poorly illuminated grey interrogation room.

Haleigh was five foot five, 35, had cobalt eyes and caramel hair.

In stepped a female officer, clad in black uniform.

“Hello, I am Officer Foley,” she stated, as she sat opposite Haleigh. She swept away her red fringe. “We found you nude in the old puppet house in Barkley Woods.”

Haleigh sulked and shivered.

“If you don’t talk, I can’t help you.”

Haleigh failed to speak.

“Well, I tried to help you, miss. I guess I’ll take off now.”

Officer Foley got up.

Haleigh cried out.

Officer Foley sat at the table.

“I’m sorry,” Officer Foley began, “could you please repeat that, miss?”

Haleigh stammered, “I am Haleigh. My late boyfriend and I tried to rob the old puppet house... And it all went terribly wrong...”





Haleigh and Bromley hugged each other on the park bench.

Bromley was six foot one, 32, had cobalt eyes and jet black hair.

Bromley wore his black shirt, identical to his jeans and boots.

Haleigh, meanwhile, wore a short blue shirt, sunglasses, blue jeans and blue sneakers.

Bromley whispered, “I have a nice tip for you.”

“Babe, we’re in public,” Haleigh laughed.

“I am not talking about my dick this time... I heard the old puppet house in the Barkley Woods, owned by the Grower guy, has some money in it!”

“How much are we speaking here?”

“Enough money for us to retire,” he grinned.

Haleigh squealed and threw her arms round him.

“Now, babe, when shall we get the heist going?”

“How about tomorrow night,” said Haleigh.

“Tomorrow night? Why wait until that time?”

“We need time to prepare for our heist.”

Bromley made an “ah” motion with his mouth.

“Also, that place might be booby-trapped, and we need to be careful.”

“Fuck, you’re right... Old Grower was rumoured to be fucking fanatical about his puppets, you know? I heard he was obsessed with the occult.”

“Are you afraid that Mr. Grower’s ghost might grab us both?”

“If that spooky-ass ghost gets close to you, I’ll catch him!”

They laughed and made their way home.





The next day, Haleigh and Bromley drove a Ford Fiesta to Barkley Woods. They told their work places cock and bull stories why they’d be away from work for a few days – to craft the perfect alibi. They bagged their equipment as well.

Haleigh was clad in her black PVC suit and tall dark boots.

Bromley wore his black turtlenecked sweater, charcoal pants and charcoal boots.

Before long, they eventually arrived at the Grower Estate.

The Grower estate looked charming – it had a front porch swing, a garden area that hadn’t been cut, and the mailbox was intact.

Haleigh and Bromley ate some hamburgers, and drank some cokes.

“Remember the plan,” began Bromley, in between eating his food, “we break in via the back way and split up to look for the money.”

“I take the ground floor, you take the top,” added Haleigh.

After eating their food, they cleaned up and played the waiting game.





Night fell. Haleigh and Bromley were all alone. After making sure there were no law enforcements were around, they grabbed their equipment and left the car.

They used their flashlights to light their trail, and approached the Grower estate.

They circled about the house, and worked their way to the rear entrance.

Bromley was on lookout while Haleigh picked the lock.

The door was unlocked. Haleigh opened it with a smile.

Bromley shook his head. He signalled to let her in first and she did.

Carefully, Bromley closed the door behind them and the back door clicked.





They were now inside the old Grower house. They gagged when the scent of dust had invaded their nostrils. They were in the tiny kitchen, which still had its utilities.

They walked into the main foyer. They looked up the long staircase.

Bromley said, “We’ll spend at least an hour searching for the money— if there’s no money or valuables, we’ll meet back here and we’ll go.”

“All right,” Haleigh said. “Remember, one hour, babe.”

Bromley grinned. He stealthily headed upstairs.





Haleigh walked right into the roomy lounge.

After a futile search, she gave up and exited the room.

Then Haleigh checked the dining area. She knitted her brow. She had no idea how a mere puppeteer could afford such a luxury. The table was large enough to feed a family of ten, and there were cupboards filled with Chinese dishes.

Haleigh looked around, but found nothing.

Afterwards, she searched the kitchen and practically tore it upside down. Her search yielded no results. She completed a sweep of the ground floor and returned to the main lobby.





Haleigh leaned against the front door as she waited. She checked her watch.

Bromley was to meet her down here in an hour. Haleigh had five minutes left.

When those five minutes were up, there were no signs of Bromley.

Haleigh cried, “Baby, are you still up there?”

Reluctantly, she grabbed the railing and headed up.





Haleigh was freaking out. Bromley was never late meeting her at the rendezvous point.

Her legs unknowingly took her to the restroom, to see if her boyfriend was here. She checked the bathtub – which was empty and dusty – and wondered where Bromley was.

Haleigh left the bathroom and experimented with the guest room.

She flashed her light all around, but there were no signs of her boyfriend.

She felt hopeless now. She now checked the master bedroom.

All of a sudden, something hard fell on her head and she moaned with pain.

Haleigh looked up and came out with fearful breath.

Bromley was pinned to the ceiling by thick wire. His face was purple and his eyes looked like they were bulging right out of his skull. Blood dripped from his mouth.

Haleigh knelt down and awoke the house with her high-pitched screams.

At that moment a banging noise caught her attention.

Haleigh turned to the door. Someone was inside the old house.

She wiped her tears with a grimace on her face.

Haleigh arose and departed from the bedroom.

She went down and witnessed shadows moving outside the house.

Haleigh tried the entrance door, but it was jammed. She tried to frantically lock pick it.

The door was completely stuck. It was like someone had blocked it.

Haleigh ran through the entire house, and tried heading out the back way.

When she tried the back door, she was horrified to find the back door jammed.

She tried to break it down, but it wouldn’t budge.

Her legs took her to the main area, and she saw a suspicious door was now open.

Unexpectedly, Haleigh went through the door and down the stairs.





Haleigh was shortly in the cellar, and had found the marionette room. She looked around and saw numerous creepy-looking puppets: there were animals, insects and goblins.

Haleigh felt faint. She couldn’t stop crying. She felt some tightness in her chest. She couldn’t hold back her frustration. She trembled a little. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Her throat felt like it was closing. She found it difficult to breathe. Her legs felt weak. She felt like the puppet room was too small. She couldn’t help but think of her late boyfriend.

Her legs appeared to be acting on their own and she walked around, gradually.

“Where are you,” she shouted. “Show yourself! Who the hell killed my boyfriend?”

There was no one about. She shone her light, but couldn’t find anyone.

Haleigh sighed. She had to go outside and find somebody to help her.

She tried to return, but a thick wire suddenly wrapped round her neck.

Haleigh dropped her torch and she grabbed at the wire firmly choking her.

She pulled and pulled, trying to remove the wire, but it was secure.

Next, a wire was tied to her left wrist – her arm was pulled up.

Haleigh wheezed. She used her right hand to attempt to undo the thick wire.

Then, before she could react, thick wire fastened around her right wrist, too.

Haleigh wailed, as her right arm was pulled up and she was lifted off the ground.

She looked around cagily, trying to catch her attacker, and she saw two spider puppets.

Haleigh stared back, trying to process what was happening, but it didn’t click.

She looked down and saw several green goblin puppets seize her boots.

Soon, the creepy goblin puppets removed her laces and ripped off her boots.

Subsequently, the goblin puppets seized her black socks and slowly removed them.

Haleigh’s feet were bare and now vulnerable to the touches of these vile puppets.

A spider puppet grabbed the zip of her PVC costume and pulled it to the bottom.

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Haleigh looked around and heard the clacking of scissors and her suit being cut.

Progressively, the goblin puppets used the scissors to cut her PVC suit off of her body.

Haleigh wailed, and thrashed around as the vile puppets were disrobing her.

Haleigh was now clad in only her black brassiere, and her black laced panties. 

With caution, the goblin puppets cut her bra, and also her black pants.

Haleigh was completely naked. She shut her legs while she was crying and fighting.

The spider puppets enveloped her ankles and calves in wire and extended her legs wide open. The spiders wrapped their thick wire round her arms, fingers and thumbs.

Haleigh was spread-eagled, bound, nude, and her fingers and thumbs were spread out.

When the goblin puppets stroked every inch of her naked flesh, Haleigh laughed.

Haleigh had a paradoxical laughing fit. The thought of horny puppets tying her up, stripping and raping her was too much to take in.

Then Haleigh’s uncontrollable laughter attack was muted by a penis puppet entering her mouth. She flinched. That marionette was made of latex, and it tasted disgusting. She wailed, when she felt the long cock puppet thrust backwards and forwards, rubbing against her tongue. She closed her eyes. Haleigh figured she was having a horrible nightmare.

The goblin puppets now rubbed her lovely tummy in slow circles.

Haleigh bleated. The hands of the goblin puppets were made of cotton, and she loathed admitting it, but their hands felt good on her skin. She was somewhat aroused by it. However, after years of getting fucked, she was able to force down her feelings.

Eventually, after thrusting for what felt like five minutes, the cock ejaculated hard.

Haleigh winced as she felt its semen shot into the back of her throat and she coughed.

The tip of the cock puppet left her mouth, and it wound around her neck for a rest.

Haleigh spat out its sticky cum, as it dribbled down her chin and she coughed hard.

“This isn’t happening,” she gasped, as she struggled to break free, “this is fucking insane! Puppets aren’t alive! They don’t rape people! I’m dreaming! Wake the fuck up!”

Haleigh then jerked when she felt something long stroking her lovely arse cheeks.

A huge scarlet worm puppet, made out of rubber, was rubbing her lovely arse cheeks.

Haleigh’s gusto for freedom kicked back in, and she struggled and writhed.

The head of the worm puppet entered her tight anus – causing Haleigh to arch her back and scream throatily – and it stretched the walls of her anus, as it delved deeper.

The worm puppet wriggled and twisted, moving backwards and forwards – it was taking its sweet, sweet time fucking Haleigh’s tight arsehole.

Haleigh shut her eyes tightly, and she clenched her teeth. She growled and moaned. She struggled harder against the bonds, as she felt this thick worm penetrate her anus. But the thing that frightened her most was that her body reacted to it. She felt a sudden flood of arousal rush through her tiny frame, as she whimpered sensitively from the soreness.

As her eyes opened, she suddenly saw an orange octopus puppet.

As she panted and moaned against her will from the anal, she asked, “What the fuck?”

The octopus stroked her left breast: It used the tip of its tentacle to start from Haleigh’s nipple – it slid outward, smoothing the breast and used affectionate force.

Haleigh automatically pulled in opposition to the bonds to defend her tits, but failed.

The octopus kept gently stroking the circumference of Haleigh’s left breast. Then, its tentacle lifted her breast up a little and manipulated her left breast.

Haleigh quivered. Her face reddened. She thrashed her head from side to side. She tried to quell her groaning, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

At a snail's pace, the tentacle used amorous massage movements to manipulate and twist Haleigh’s left breast in a clockwise motion, and an anti-clockwise motion.

Two of the octopus’ tentacles enfolded the side of Haleigh’s left breast near her now erect nipple – the tentacles pressed down and out with a firm and gentle massage.

Haleigh let an inhuman grunt out of her lungs as she turned her head.

The octopus now played with her right breast: It used the tip of its tentacle to start from Haleigh’s nipple; it slid outward, smoothing the breast and used light pressure.

Haleigh moaned and groaned. Her disloyal body disobeyed her requests.

The octopus gently caressed the circumference of Haleigh’s right breast. Its tentacle lifted her breast up a little and manipulated her right breast like kneading dough.

 Slowly, the tentacle used smooth massage movements to wring Haleigh’s right breast clockwise. It alternated between moulding and turning her left breast in a clockwise and anti-clockwise motion. Next, two tentacles enfolded the side of Haleigh’s right breast near her now erect nipple – the tentacles pressed down and out with a firm but gentle massage.

When they were done, the tentacles lay flat on both of Haleigh’s breasts – the suckers latched onto the mounds of flesh, and sucked on Haleigh’s hardened nipples.

Haleigh groaned and could not contain the smile which extended upon her face. She felt the suckers alternate between sucking her poor nipples roughly and gently.

A strong vibration pierced the body of Haleigh while an orgasm stunned her. Tears spilled on her pale cheeks, as she knew what the octopus had done. She could feel that its breast obsessed tentacles continuously massaged her tits and nipples.

Haleigh whimpered, “Oh fuck...! They’ve actually made me orgasm...!

She reluctantly giggled, as something touched her bare feet.

Green caterpillar puppets stroked the soles and arches of her lovely feet.

Moaning unwillingly, Haleigh fought against her bonds, and laughed nervously, “Please! Don’t! Don’t! Please don’t tickle my feet! Please! No! Stop! Stop...!”

The caterpillar puppets disobeyed: They tickled every inch of her lovely feet.

Haleigh yelped. She deafened the puppet room with her laughing screams. She thrashed about in her restraints – hoping to break free – but her efforts were all for naught.

“Stop...! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop,” she begged.

While the caterpillar puppets tickled her feet, the spider puppets tickled her armpits.

Haleigh thrashed about even harder, as her smile broadened, and she cried harder. “Stop that! Stop that! I hate being tickled! Please stop! Help! Someone help me! Please!

These perverted marionettes treasured the feet of their new hostage. They were constantly tickling her feet, tickling her soft soles and armpits.

One spider puppet repeatedly tickled the hood of Haleigh’s clitoris.

Haleigh laughed against her volition. Unmanageable tears rolled down her cheeks. Her feet and clitoris were at the puppets’ mercy. Her screams of laughter were replaced by repeated wailing of joy. Her hips bucked against her restraints, as she trembled.

Eventually, the caterpillar and spider puppets stopped tickling her and they ascended.

Haleigh panted, sobbed, moaned, and cried... Her body was too tired to protest.

“No more,” Haleigh panted and moaned, “Please! No more... Let me go... Please!”

The goblin puppets stopped rubbing her stomach: next, they went to her feet and applied gentle pressure. They rubbed her heels, her arches and the balls beneath her toes. Numerous small snake puppets opened their mouths, and they sweetly sucked Haleigh’s toes.

Haleigh shook her head a little, whimpered softly, and trembled a little. Her dead boyfriend was no good at massaging feet. However, these perverted puppets were.

The octopus puppet kept playing with her breasts, and slowed the nipple sucking.

Haleigh then released an inhuman grunt from her lungs as she thrashed her head around. She pulled and pulled – wanting to disentangle herself – but it was fruitless.

Regrettably for Haleigh, her body and limbs trembled, and she felt a surge of orgasms.

Several goblin puppets licked her bare thighs up and down and kissed them.

Haleigh felt the shock-waves of spontaneous stimulation surging through her body. She cried endlessly and struggled feebly against the bonds. Her pussy was soaked by the orgasms the puppets had given her. Invasive thoughts of wanting them to have their way with her, and become their whore, had invaded her brain.

A bulky jade snake puppet soon appeared in between her shuddering legs. The snake puppet’s scarlet tongue slithered out of its mouth, and it licked her snatch lips.

Haleigh trembled. Her lips quivered while singing groans came out of her lungs.

The serpent took its sweet time, savouring the sweet flavour of her wet pussy.

Haleigh fought in opposition to her bonds. She cried. She bawled. Tears flowed across her cheeks as she cried delicately. She felt the long tongue licking her pussy lips in a cruel but gentle way. She was shaking all over. Another orgasm welled up inside her.

No, stop,” she whimpered, “please! Stop teasing me! Have mercy!

The serpent licked her clitoris, sending ecstatic shocks through her whole body. It licked her clitoris up and down, all around, rubbing hard and rubbing softly. It alternated between rubbing rapidly, and rubbing unhurriedly. It even licked her puffy labia.

After suffering for such a long time, Haleigh’s body was rocked by another powerful orgasm and she trembled. She panted for air. She moaned and lamented. She was too weary to rebel. She managed to buck her hips a touch. “Oh, God...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Christ...!

The snake puppet entered her wet sex, and it soon discovered her swollen O’spot.

Haleigh’s eyes shut tight, as she let out a petite howl. Suddenly, she became incredibly excited by this illicit sensation. Irrepressible tears streamed down her cheeks, as her shaky hips bucked violently and her body shuddered. She felt another unwilling orgasm rise.

Haleigh thought, ‘Dear God, I’m actually hoping the fucking police come here! This was a terrible mistake! We should never have come to this goddamn house! I need to escape!

Haleigh moaned, “Wait! Please! You’re gonna...! Make me...! Make me...! Come...!

The greatness of the O-spot abuse was too much for her. Her body quivered, as her quivering hips bucked wildly. She moaned frenziedly. She suddenly felt lightheaded. Her body jerked about. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her pussy squirted her orgasmic juices. She moaned, at the peak of her voice, as a portion of her body’s energy felt drained. His self-control broke like glass. Her tongue came from her mouth.

The snake groaned enthusiastically, as its long tongue explored deeper and shovelled the sticky cum out of Haleigh’s love canal and into its own mouth – swallowing the lot.

Haleigh was wet with sweat, while her limbs and body shook with ecstasy. She panted and whimpered, “Oh, Lord...! Oh please...! Oh no...! Oh, God...!

Tardily, the snake left her dripping and sticky pussy.

Haleigh quivered in rhapsody. She cried with intense passion. The uninterrupted breast and nipple worship, and the anal, was keeping her excited.

OK...! OK...! You win...! You win,” she breathed. Haleigh opened her eyes to the rhythm of a snail, and she looked down on one of the goblin puppets.  “Fuck me...! Fuck me raw...!

The cock puppet unwound from her slim neck and navigated to her slit. Its bulbous tip rubbed Haleigh’s wet pussy lips, taking its sweet time, just to let her know it was there.

With ecstatic tears rolling down her cheeks, Haleigh sobbed, “Please...! Please...! Enter me...! Enter me, please...! Fuck me, masters...! Fuck me hard...!

The cock puppet refused to comply: It rubbed her pussy lips harshly.

Haleigh’s lower lip trembled, and she sobbed, “Please...! Please...! You win! Stop fucking teasing me! Just fuck me hard, now! This is what you wanted...! I’m yours!

A voice whispered in her ear, “You’re our whore...! You do not command us...! If you want to be fucked, you call us Masters...! Now, plead for it, slave...!”

Haleigh trembled, and whimpered, “Please, Masters...! Please...! Fuck me...! I’ve been good, Masters...! I’ve been so good...! Fuck me good...! I’m your whore...!

The great dick puppet rushed into her wet pussy.

Haleigh arched her back as she released an excited call from her lungs.

The marionette was moving backwards and forwards.

Haleigh struggled and sobbed, “Deeper, Masters...! Please...! Go deeper!

The cock puppet ventured deeper and deeper – as it constantly thrusts within her.

Haleigh whimpered softly, as she writhed about, and her head rocked side-to-side.

At last the cock puppet reached her spongy a-bit.

Haleigh trembled, and she moaned, “Yes! Oh, yes! Fuck! Masters! Oh, Masters!

She felt the cock puppet slither in reverse, little by little, but not enough to quit. She felt it move forwards, slowly but surely, heading to her a-spot for a second time.

Her uncontrollable smile widened. Her sweet whimpering rose from her lungs. She felt this large cock puppet hit her spongy a-spot with awesome accuracy.

She also felt many orgasms rushing across her tingling body, which again made her tremble with ecstasy. Her eyelids flickered, as her eyes drifted into the backrest of her mind.

Her hips bucked and quivered often.

The cock puppet alternated between penetrating Haleigh at the pace of a snail and hastening. It moved within her like a writhing snake, and rubbed against her inner walls. 

Haleigh fought for breath, as her body jerked and contorted about. Her eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings. Her hips bucked and quivered repeatedly. Tiny screams of ecstasy flared up in her lungs. Her song-like moans were in the same rhythm as the thrusting cock puppet hard. More tears streamed down her cheeks. Her head was clouded with prurient thoughts.

The sinister voice whispered, “Say it, Haleigh – say that you’re our little whore!”

Haleigh groaned, “I’m your whore, Masters! I’m your whore, Masters! I’m your whore, Masters! I’m your whore, Masters! Fuck me, Masters! Fuck me good! Please!

The dick puppet alternated between moving backwards and forwards, and penetrating her wet and sticky pussy in a corkscrew movement – rubbing her interior walls. It stretched her love canal without mercy. It propelled at an alarming rate and hit her a-spot.

Haleigh chanted, “Make me come! Make me come! I want to come! I want to come! I want to come! Give it to me! Give it to me! I want it! I love it! Fuck me raw! Please! Fuck me!

Other puppets watched Haleigh moaning like a ghost, and writhing in ecstasy. Many puppets jerked off and moaned strongly.

Haleigh’s body trembled as she continued to whimper and whine. She then tightened the walls of her slit, and seized the mighty member that was drilling her wet snatch.

The cock puppet felt the inside walls of Haleigh’s pussy tighten – almost trapping it. It had to thrust even harder and faster in deep her pussy, when it rammed into the squishy wall of her a-spot. It fucked her persistently, making her experience it.

Haleigh had many orgasms that consumed her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, as her hips bucked, trembled. She couldn’t stop weeping blissfully. She felt this lengthy member fuck her poor pussy relentlessly – it hurt, but it felt oh so fucking good.

The dick puppet was advancing faster now, while it penetrated deep into Haleigh’s pussy. It writhed and slithered like a thick serpent and gave away the barrier between bliss and pain.

Haleigh eagerly moaned, “Give it to me! Make me your whore! Make me your slut! God, I needed this so fucking much! Fuck me into a coma! Fuck me raw! Please, don’t stop!

“Receive it, whore...! Receive it...! Love it...! Love us...! Love us,” said a dark voice.

Haleigh chanted, “I love you! I love you so goddamn much! You’re the greatest lovers ever! Please, fuck me until I pass out! Make me come! Make me squirt really hard, masters!

The cock puppet penetrated harder and quicker, pushing Haleigh past her limits, and inducing her to spasm like a marionette on strings. Finally, the cock puppet shuddered in Haleigh’s love canal, and it ejaculated its flood of gluey semen inside of dear Haleigh.

Fuck! I’m gonna...! I’m gonna...! I’m gonna come, Masters,” Haleigh sobbed.

Haleigh trembled as though she was in the midst of a seizure. She struggled for breath, as she fought in opposition to her bonds and groaned with a primal hunger. She felt lightheaded. Torrents of her orgasmic juices gushed out of her snatch. She enjoyed feeling the cock puppet shuddering hard in her pussy, and its semen filled her up. Tidal waves of multiple orgasms filled her whole body, while she felt the puppet unload in her.

Haleigh moaned, “Oh, Masters...! Thank you...! Thank you so much...! I love you...!

Haleigh’s mind was consumed with darkness and she blacked out. Her body and limbs quaked from the after effects of her orgasms. Her face was the image of bliss...





Back to the present: Haleigh was back in the interrogation room with the cop.

“And that’s what happened,” Haleigh whimpered.

Officer Foley smirked. “And how did that feel?”

Haleigh glared. “I was gang-raped by puppets! It was an absolute nightmare!”

Officer Foley grinned. “Miss Haleigh, don’t be a liar. You were fond of what the puppets did to you. You’ve become their sexual slave. You’re their whore.”

Haleigh never said a word. She watched the officer arise and kneel beside her.

Foley whispered into her ear, “Haleigh, none of this is real! It’s like some kind of dream! The cops didn’t find you. You’re still tied up in the home of my deceased husband. When he died, I cursed his puppets to look after the property for him! Funnily enough, I never told the puppets to rape women – they did it on their own.”

Haleigh couldn’t allow that to be true. The whole thing was a nightmare.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen next,” Foley continued. “When you wake up, you will have no memory of your boyfriend. You will fail to remember the true motive you went to the house. You will live forever and will also be the love slave to the puppets! You will call them your masters and you will plead for sex when you wake up.”

Foley then pressed her lizard tongue within Haleigh’s ear.

Haleigh’s eyes looked purple, and a white light blinded her.





Haleigh’s purple eyes opened at a snail's pace.

Haleigh was still naked and bound in the old puppet room.

Haleigh remembered coming here to beg the puppets fuck her.

A wide smile stretched her face, and Haleigh purred, “Oh, Masters...! My sweet, sweet masters...!” She licked her upper lip and moaned. “Please, masters, make sweet love to me!”

That was the signal: Once again, the puppets began to fuck Haleigh, and she loved it.


The End

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