The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook)

Chapter 3: The First Nightmare

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CW: violence, blood, mild sexual content, dub-con


            Hook scanned the horizon for the Jolly Roger, frowning when he caught sight of her black sails.  While it was a relief that Pan hadn’t done anything to his ship, being able to see her meant that the crew was able to see him too.  He already didn’t want to contemplate of what the men must’ve thought of him, the last thing he wanted was them seeing the outcome of his deal with the demon.

            “Worried about your men?” Pan asked.

            “Would be a bit awkward.  Besides, wouldn’t we be better off somewhere…” he gestured around them with his hook, “with a little less sand?”

            Pan’s lips twisted into an amused grin.  “I suppose you’re right, captain.”

            The boy grabbed his wrist and the world shifted, beach and open sky melting away into the rocky expanse of a cave.  If Hook had to guess where Pan had taken him, he’d say somewhere in the cliffs that made up much of the western part of the island.  The sandy beaches were to the southeast, leaving him a good day’s journey away from his ship.  By normal standards, at least.  If Pan didn’t want him making it back, well then it’d take until he actually killed the demon.  However long that may be.

            Pan surveyed the barren cavern with a dispassionate look. 

            “We can decorate it later, when the real fun begins,” he said, returning his attention to Hook, “Now, captain, your shirt.”

            His tone was more forceful than it had been on the beach, leaving Hook at a loss.  The demon liked games.  Wouldn’t he want to drag the whole thing out as long as possible?  But then, perhaps he was just enjoying watching the pirate squirm.

            Pan scowled at his reluctance, a simple twist of his magic unfastening all of the buttons on both his shirt and waistcoat.  Wasting no time, the boy harshly tugged at the cloth until it fell past his shoulders.  Hook raised an arm to push his hands away, but found that even that slight movement made his head spin.

            “Damn it,” Pan muttered.  His eyes caught Hook’s.  “You’ve lost too much blood.”

            Exposed as he was, the captain shivered, the result of both blood loss and the cool air of the cave.  Being drenched from his swim certainly didn’t help matters any.  Pan’s magic immediately worked its way through the air, bringing it up to a much cozier temperature, though that didn’t do much for the ringing his head.  The look in the boy’s eyes sent a chill running down the pirate’s spine, but at least Pan’s attention was fixed on the wounds marring his chest and not on Hook himself.  Pan reached for one of the cuts on his shoulder and Hook was tempted to flinch away, half expecting the demon to dig his nail into it.

            Mercifully, he just traced the wound with his fingertip, a warmth soaking into Hook’s skin.  It made the pain melt away, his shoulder tingling as the tissues slowly began knitting themselves together.  It was as if the boy’s finger was an eraser, sealing the cut without even a scar to indicate that he had ever been injured.  Pan traced over the next and the next until the entire set of claw-marks on his shoulder had faded in nothing put a painful memory.

            “You were never theirs to mark,” Pan said as he began healing a particularly deep gash on the pirate’s chest.

            “Well you did tell them to drown me,” Hook said, with a bitter laugh.  “Thanks for that, by the way.”

            Pan shook his head.  “Doesn’t matter.  I’m the only one allowed to mark you.”

            He paused in healing the captain, trailing a hand over the base of his hook right above the wrist.  The exact same place he had driven a knife through.  The wound hadn’t bled, some magic of Pan’s sealing it immediately, but it had hurt like a bitch.  Far more than what the mermaids had done.  Almost worse than any pain he could remember.

            “But that comes later.”  Pan sighed.  “You’re still bleeding.”

            Hook didn’t resist too much when Pan proceeded to tug off his shirt entirely, taking his coat and waistcoat along with it.  He told himself that it’d be better if he wasn’t bleeding out for the rest of the night.  The wet clothing wasn’t exactly comfortable anyways. 

            Once the boy had finished with the cuts on his arms, he circled around to take care of the wounds on his back.  Without being able to see him, Hook couldn’t help but tense slightly every time that Pan touched him.  Only the pleasurable tingle of the magic and the fading pain told him that the boy was still healing him, but that didn’t make it easier to bear the lines those wandering fingers traced on his skin.

            The kiss that Pan pressed to his spine was a shock to his system.

            “Peter?”  The name escaped his lips before he could stop himself.

            “It’s been awhile since you called me that.”  His voice was quiet, completely devoid of its usual sinister edge.

            Hook looked over his shoulder at the boy, any potential response catching in his throat at the sight of the gentle smile on Peter Pan’s face.  He had thought that particular smile to be gone for good.

            It lasted only for a few seconds before that soft expression was eaten by the amused smirk so preferred by the demon.  Pan pressed another kiss to his shoulder blade and Hook jumped when he felt the sting of teeth breaking through his skin.  The demon merely returned with a grin twinged in crimson.

            “Those mermaids really did a number on you, captain,” he said, “You’ll need to take off your trousers so I can take care of the rest.”

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            “Can’t you just heal them?” the pirate snapped.  He figured his trousers were coming off at some point, but he’d be damned if he gave in to Pan so easily.

            “It works better if I can see exactly what I’m dealing with,” the boy said, circling around so he was back in front of the captain, “And seeing as I won the game, you’re really in no position to refuse.”

            Hook started a staring match with the ground as he undid the belt holding his cutlass to his side and then the buttons of his trousers.  Again, he told himself that he was only doing it because of the wounds, because it’d be easier to deal with whatever Pan had in store for him if he wasn’t bleeding all over the place.  But his traitorous hand trembled.  Not looking at the demon didn’t mean that he couldn’t feel that hungry gaze burning into him.  Or the glee radiating off of the boy.  The pirate irritably kicked off his boots before starting to slip out of his trousers.  Of course, Pan had to “help”, which just made everything a million times more awkward.

            Pan again starting healing his wounds, starting with the cuts crossing over his left ankle dangerously close to the vein.  At first, it was somewhat bearable.  But it became impossible to relax as those hands moved higher, Hook desperately wanting to stab the boy as his fingers traced up his inner thigh.  But he knew that he needed to cooperate somewhat if he wanted Pan to let down his guard.  So he merely avoided looking at the demon until the last of his wounds were healed, and only then did he dare to meet Pan’s eyes. 

            The desire reflected there was painfully familiar, if buried under raw sadism and unsettling amusement.  All thoughts of playing along evaporated.

            Hook lunged forward.  The boy’s laughter filled the air, though he himself had vanished.  The captain felt the tip of his hook pressing into his jugular before it registered that the demon king of Neverland was behind him.  He was powerless to resist as the boy nipped at the tip of his ear.

            “I’m afraid we’re not playing that game tonight.  You see my darling captain, you lost, which means that we’re going to do what I want.”

            The pressure at his back vanished, the boy reappearing in front of him.  Pan yanked him forward by the chain of his pendant, crashing their lips together with such force that Pan’s teeth scraped his lip.  The demon licked at the wound before forcefully deepening the kiss, the blood from his split lip dyeing it a metallic taste.  And Hook hated himself for not resisting, even as he returned the kiss, his common sense evaporating bit by bit every second that it continued.

            When Pan pulled away, he looked like he might float away from sheer ecstasy.  “And you know exactly what that is, don’t you captain?”

            “What if I want no part in it?” Hook snapped.

            “Then I’ll just tie you up and take it.  But really, you should just go along with it, that way it’ll be enjoyable for both of us.”  He shrugged.  “Though I don’t really mind what you do.  Either way, it’ll be fun for me so it’s your choice.”

            Hook put on a resigned expression.  With his hook in Pan’s possession and his gun fuck knows where, he’d lost track of it with the whole drowning thing, his only remaining weapon was his sword.  Which was discarded somewhere to his left.  And he only had his right hand.  Suffice it to say, it’d take a large movement to retrieve so he needed the demon to let his guard down a little.

            The boy seemed to accept his surrender.

            “Now, I did say that we’d decorate so-” his magic fanned out around the room, transforming the barren cave into a lavish bedroom, complete with a canopied bed.

            Hook took advantage of the distraction.  His fingers had just closed around the handle of his cutlass when Pan sighed.

            “You’re really not going to make this easy for yourself, are you?” the boy asked with a put on look of disappointment.

            Hook drew the sword, managing a thrust before the world shifted.

            He found himself on the bed, ankles tied and spread apart, each fixed to a point beyond his line of sight.  The wrist of his good arm was tied above his head and, for a moment, he thought that Pan had forgotten about his stump, but the demon just waved his hand.  More ropes appeared to secure his forearm to his upper arm, another looping around the inside of his elbow, pulling his arm up to be just as immobile as the rest of his limbs.  The most he could do was flop around pathetically like a fish waiting to be carved up.

            Naturally his sword was missing.

            It was only when Pan climbed on top of him, eyes dragging over his body without the excuse of checking for wounds, that Hook became hyperaware of just how exposed he was.  And there was nothing he could do to stop the boy from aimlessly tracing shapes into his skin with his own damn hook, the tip pressing in just enough for him to feel it but not yet enough to break skin.

            The demon’s smirk didn’t give him any assurance that things weren’t heading in that direction though.

            “Now how to punish you for that little stunt earlier?” Pan mused, pouting almost childishly was he thought it over.

            Hook could see the exact moment that the idea came to him, a specific violence taking hold of the demon’s expression.  That was his only warning before Pan slashed the hook right above his heart.  A line of crimson bubbled up in its wake, the boy looking at it with a twisted fascination.  The pirate struggled against his bonds, ignorant to the pain blooming in his chest.

            “You little shit,” Hook gasped out.

            The words only amused the demon.  He laughed, a distorted, ugly sound, before lowering his head and dragging his tongue along the wound.  Hook closed his eyes, wishing desperately for daybreak.  But if Pan really had control of the island, then couldn’t he make morning never come?  The lips suddenly pressed against his own silenced the panic, forcing him into the moment.  He dared to open his eyes, meeting those unnaturally green ones which seemed to almost glow in excitement.

            “Oh, my darling captain, we’re going to have so much fun.”

You can find story with these keywords: The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook), Read The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook), The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook) novel, The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook) book, The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook) story, The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook) full, The One-Thousand and One Nightmares of Captain Hook (Peter Pan x Captain Hook) Latest Chapter

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