The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 2: 2 – Unexpected Event

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[ Will you please stay with me for a while? ]  

That's what the Silent Angel wrote in her memo pad

Uhhh..... This is unexpected. What am I supposed to do, accept her request? But I would feel guilty if I didn't accept it, let alone leaving her here all alone in this chilly and gloomy place. 

My body moves and sits down next to the Silent Angel as my mind struggles with how to handle this unexpected development. I only sit and take in the scene in front of me. Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it because the water is impossible to see in the darkness.

We remained still in our location for a few moments. Neither The Silent Angel nor I has made any moves. We just simply relax ourselves and do nothing. I really want to go home so that I can play and eat and drink all night. Ah, speaking of which,

"Hey, take this" I gave her the plastic bag which contains the things that I purchased from the convenience store. It's way past dinnertime and I'm sure that she hasn't eaten dinner yet. I know it's unhealthy but it's not also healthy when skipping dinner and I can't leave a classmate geting hungry here.

She makes an expression that tells she has witnessed something extraordinary as I hand her the plastic bag. She then begins to jot something down in her memo pad. She seemed to be making some sort of note at least that's what I think.

She gave a memo sheet to me and it writes:
[ Are you sure on giving this to me? ]

"Yeah you can take it. I'll just gonna go back to the convenience store and buy another one" Since the convenience store is rather close by and you can easily walk there, I can just get another one.

"Well, please excuse me and I will have to go now" I just wanted to forget that this event never happened and all of it was just a dream. Today is an unbelievable day for me. I hope I have that flashy thingy from M*n In Bl*ck to erase the memories that I've seen today and restart anew.

As I get up and started to walk away from this situation, someone was holding onto my hand and it's none other than the Silent Angel herself. 

She gave me a note and it says:
[ I want to come with you ]




"So you've officially left your status as a herbivore, huh? I'd like to sincerely congratulate you."

"Shut up or I'm gonna kick your ass"

Currently we are now inside at the convenience store, specifically in the counter, giving the items that I buy to scan. The one was talking to me was the cashier named Julian. We're both acquaintances and sometimes my playmate in online games. I applied for a part time job here and coincidentally we both work in this place. Why didn't I work today you ask? Well, my part-time schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends and today is Friday so I have no work today.

"Hey girl, you should watch out for this guy as she would take advantage and attack you when the opportunity rises"

"Says the guy who would do the same thing to other girls"

"You know what they say, life is short you gotta enjoy eveything while you still can"

"And that's why you're playing aound with the girls?"

He's a senpai of mine who plays around with girls at the brothel near the city. I don't even know how the heck I made friends with this guy. He even gave me some advices on how to get a girl which I'm not interested in doing so and I'm still young to do that kind of thing. But with all those actions that he did, he's pretty much a good senpai. I even heard from an employee here that he graduates at a famous school at another place and he was working at a pretty famous company but he quitted becuase he just want to pursue his hobby and that is playing around with the girls. At least, that's what the employee working here said. 

"So, who's this girl beside you? Your girlfriend?" says senpai with a teasing tone. His voice makes me annoyed for some reason.

"A classmate of mine. Saw her at the beach and went onto her and here we are"

"So you actually did follow one of my advice"

"Wait what? No. I was just helping out a classmate. Did nothing to her" I quickly rejected on what he said. I just do what I want to do.

"Heh~ So what's her name?"

"Are you actually trying to hit on her?" I'm not even surprised if he crossed that line but my doubts was cleared up as senpai chopped my head off with his hands.

"Idiot, I have my standards and it's not one of them" he pointed out the girl beside me, which is now in a confused state as what we were talking about. 

"Besides, I would've been in jail a long time ago if I did that" Well he's got a point in there. You'll get in jail if you're trying to do 'something' to the person whose age is below 18 years old regardless of their gender. 

"Anyways, why is she here in the first place? Isn't your school far away from here?"

Now that he mentioned it, the only way to reach in my school is either by train or biking. When riding the train, it would take ten stations to reach from here to my school, which as senpai said, is really far away but in the Silent Angel's case, why would she come here all the way here from this place?

"Don't ask me, I just found her at the beach. And would you please scan my items? My classmate and I are really hungry here" my stomach has been grumbling for a while and I definitely need to eat or else I can't take the hunger. I bet the Silent Angel is also hungry too so we should eat as soon as possible.

"Oops, almost forgot" he quickly scanned the items that I bought, which is the same thing that I bought earlier. I gave him the money and went outside at the table to fill our stomachs.


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I immediately eat the pack that I bought and quickly drank the bottled tea. 

"Ah, that was so refreshing. Hm? Aren't you gonna eat that?" The Silent Angel hasn't touched the pack that she take out in the plastic bag that I gave earlier.  

She was writing in the pad and gave it to me

[ I'm sorry but I don't know how to open this ]

Wait, seriously? She doesn't know how to this open kind of thing? Maybe her lunch is always a bento one that's why she doesn't know how to open this pack.

I gave her a hand and tried to open her pack and gave it to her. Seriously, she doesn't know how? Is she a princess or something?

She grab the chopsticks at the bag and uses it to grab the food. Man, even while eating, she looks so refine and gorgeous. 

I went and go back eating the food my pack. 





As we were finished eating at the convenience store, the Silent Angel asks me to show her the way to the train station with the plastic bag swaying down in her arm. She only ate the packed food one as she told me, through her memo pad by the way, that she will bring the remaining food in her house. 

"Wait, you fall asleep in the train and when you woke up, you don't know where you are?"

As I was having a conversation with the Silent Angel, she admittedly told me the reason on why she was in this deserted place. That sure is an embarassing one. Don't ask me on how she felt asleep in the first place, I'm not the kind of guy who would interrogate someone like a police officer just to quench my curiosity. It is up to her if she would say it to me or not.

"And since it was still early to go home in your house, you were walking around in this place until you found the beach and for some reason, you don't want to go home yet even though it's dark outside?"

As I said out loud the reason on why she was at the beach eariler, her face is getting redder and lows her head down.

"It was surprising to see the Silent Angel doing on something like this" normally in the school, she is a hardworking person with a dignified aura and seeing this event made my opnion on her changes. 

"It's fine if you made a mistake" before, I ditch whole classes and went home in my apartment because there was a limited event that was happening in the game that I was playing before and limited event means that there's a low, if not, zero chance of ever having rerun so I grind the whole day to receive a limited reward. And little that I know there were having a surprise test at that time so yeah, no scores for me haha.

I continued, "Cuz like, we all made mistakes, you know?"




Silence consumes our sorroundings. The only thing that you can hear is the sound of our breathing. The air is chilly tonight and I can feel the coldness of it in my skin.

Eventually, we've reached the train station. The last trip is at 11 PM, and the time tonight is 9;30 in the evening. I bought a ticket for the Silent Angel, which is insisting me not to do so but I bought it anyways. 

"You don't have to worry about paying me. I just do what I want to do " I told her on this as she doesn't have to worry about me and she should worry herself fo the time being.

Before she went in the train, she's writing in her pad and gave it to me

[ Thank you for everything. I'll never forget this kindnes of yours ]

"Yeah, yeah, save the gratitude for later and get in already" I shoved her inside the train as it would be leaving soon. I waited until the train starts its engine to start its trip and eventually the train can't be seen from here.

"It's one hell of a day isn't it?" I muttered to myself, thinking of the sudden events that is happening tonight and went back to my apartment.



Author's Note: MC shoving the Silent Angel in the train makes me spills my drink lmao. So how's the new chapter? Is it good? Is it bad? Lemme know in the comments down below!

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