The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 4: 4 – A Blessing Or A Curse?

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I'll be honest with you: I'm not great at academic topics, but it's not so bad that I have to drop out. I could get decent marks if I worked very hard, but I'm content with a decent one. The exam, which is one week away, is growing closer. I should limit my time spent playing online games because it could have a negative impact on my grades.

Currently I'm in the library studying with the Silent Angel by my side. She said that she wanted to repay me for helping her at that time and I could ask anything that I want. I wanted to request on having a new graphics card on my PC but then it's a pretty unreasonable request or maybe I'm just greedy. So I choose her to be my tutor until the exam is over in order to avoid the failing marks.

Afternoon classes had already concluded, and I had previously informed the Silent Angel that I wanted to be instructed by her in the library, so I went there first because it would undoubtedly draw notice if I walked alongside the Silent Angel. I have no idea what the future holds for me if I do that.


A few hours later


As expected of a top student, not only she's good at this but she's also good at teaching. her method of teaching is so simple that I can easily understand it. 

I check the clock at my phone and it shows 6:30 PM. 

"Crap, it's already this late?" I muttered while looking at the sky behind the library windows. It's getting dark and we should leave this place as there are no more students wandering around the place.

"Hey, aren't you gonna go home? It's late already" Luckily I don't have a part time job today so I can just go home whenever I want but in The Silent Angel's case, I am worried if she could still go home at this hour.

She was writing something in a memo pad and gave it to me

[ I will go home now. I can still take a train at this hour so it's not a problem ]

The same as me huh. 

"Should I take you to the train station?"




The train station is located inside of the city and you can just walk it for ten minutes from our school. Right now, I'm walking beside The Silent Angel. If this is a dream, someone please wake me up. But unfortunately, this is reality and I have to accept the current situation that I am in right now. 

After my unexpected proposal to the Silent Angel she surprisingly accepts it and now it has turned into this situation. I wanna curse myself for giving her that proposal. I hope there's no one from the school saw us.

While I was scolding myself mentally, the Silent Angel grabs my sleeve, looks at me and makes a worried face. 

[ Is something wrong? ]

"Sorry. I just thought of something. You don't have to worry about it" don't worry Silent Angel, I was just scolding myself a bit. It's not something that is worth your time. I wanna play games so bad right now. 

[ I see ] is what she responds while she was looking away from me.

The city is quite dazzling at night. The streets are teeming with people, each with their own set of issues. Some stores are closed, although others remain open, particularly inside the mall. Because the mall normally closes at 10 p.m., many people prefer to spend their time inside. I only go to the mall to buy new video games. I wanted to go to Tokyo to buy those games that I really wanted to buy but I'm sure my money would be drained the moment I stepped foot there.

We finally arrived at the train station. Fortunately, there are only a few passengers on the train, so The Silent Angel can sit anywhere she likes. As for me, my apartment is located at the last station in this train. I'm not sure if this is all a coincidence or if the gods are attempting to ruin my life by having the most popular school in my class stroll next me. I'm not a fan of attracting attention, so I avoid anything that might do so. I only pray to the gods that no one from my school sees me or else my high school career would be stopped in its tracks.

I went to the ticket booth to buy a train ticket. As for the Silent Angel, she doesn't know how this "tickets" works so I asked her on which station would she go off to and I bought there a ticket. 

The Silent Angel followed me to the booth to pay the ticket. She grabs some kind of an ATM card in a black color in her wallet.

Wasn't a black ATM card are for the rich people? I remember reading an article about having a black ATM means that you're very rich and you can basically buy anything you want just by having that ATM. I have to add that only the richest of the richest can only own that kind of card. 

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"Don't, I'll pay your ticket" I stop at her actions and pay for her ticket, again. I don't want any people see what she holding as it could possibly attract some unwanted attention. I feel like I'm her caretaker. 

We both ride at the same train and seated at the same seat. If someone from our school saw this scenario, the Silent Angel would be flocked by a lots of people and I get cursed by the males because I get to seat beside the most popular girl in the class.

 The train would usually arrived at my destination at half an hour but our morning classes starts at 9 AM so I don't have to worry about waking up late but not too late. I just set an alarm not once, not twice, but ten times. Yes, I know it sounds crazy but I have to do it because I I'm a heavy sleeper and I can't wake myself if there's no repeating sounds.

While I was fiddling my phone, I felt a bump in my shoulders. I look at the source of it and it was the Silent Angel, taking a nap at my shoulders. 

"Hey, don't fall asleep or you'll miss your stop again" I gently shake her so as to not make her uncomforatble and I could wake her up. I can't imagine if it would happen to her again. 

She makes an angelic face at while she was taking her time napping at my side. One look at this and it will make the boys and girls head over heels to her.

Oh come on, how am supposed to make myself calm when I see this kind of reaction? 

Why does every troublesome things always come and bite me? I just wanted to have a peaceful life dammit. After this, I should stay away from her as to avoid any troubles in the future.

"Hey, can you at least tell me where's your stop?"

She lazily grabs something in her pocket and gave it to me. It was a name of a station. Was she expecting this situation?

'Okabe Station'

Okabe Station huh? It would take 15 minutes from that station to the station that leads to our school, excluding the walking part of course. Okay, now that I know where her station is, I don't have to worry about her missing her stop.

As we stopped in every stations, more and more people came to ride the train. Luckily I don't have to worry about finding seat as me and the Silent Angel already have one. And she's still sleeping very peacefully at my shoulder. Unconsciously, I yawned as I also felt sleepy while looking at her sleepy sight. 


A few minutes later



Okabe Station, Okabe Station 


The name of the Silent Angel's station has been announced so I forcefully wake her up. She makes a groaning sound making it look like she wants to sleep more. I'm sorry but you have to get off now or you'll miss your stop.

Thankfully she managed to wake up before the train leaves. She quickly grabs her grab and make her way to the exit. As she was going to the exit, she goes back to me and gave a piece to memo pad and quickly leaves. I watched her getting off the train and no issues has happened so far. The train's door closes and starts to take off to the people's destinations. 

[ Thank you ] is what's written in the pad with her beautiful handwriting. 

Sigh. What a day.



I have to be away for a while everyone as I have important things to do at my school. I'll resume posting a new chapter (including my other work if you've already read it) preferably next week. And as always, thank you for reading my writing and have a good day everyone!

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