The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 6: 6 – Kiddie Meal

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Every afternoon, the Silent Angel has tutored me at the library, as is the usual routine for atleast for a few days since that time. The library generally closes at 6:30 p.m., and right now, a good number of people are reviewing here in the library, and naturally, many people are gazing at our location. Some are looking at us with envy, particularly the boys, and some are hating themselves for not being instructed by our wonderful Silent Angel, but I ignored them all and focused on our review session.


[ Alright. That's all for today. You've been getting good at this, Mob-kun ]

The Silent message me with this text. Seems like she'll be taking a break from using a pen as it would take a while to write her something. Texting someone is pretty much easier compared to writing by using your pen. The future is now, old man.

"Of course I do. This is you we're talking about. And please don't call me that nickname "

[ But it's true right? You've never interacted with our classmates and no one notices you so 'Mob' sounds like a pefect nickname for you Mob-kun ]

I mean, she has a point though. Since day one, I have rarely, if ever, interacted with my classmates. That's because I always go right home, either playing video games all night or going to my part-time job, so I'm constantly occupied.

"But anyways, it's getting dark. We should go home"

I told the Silent Angel as I take all of my books and notebooks inside of my bag. She also does the same to herself.

[ Yeah let's. ]

As we walk out of the library, the light greets us by shining their light rays in the corridor in front of our faces, but it doesn't bother your eyes because the light is quite dim. I check the time on my phone, which reads '5:30 PM.' We walk beside each other without saying anything or doing anything to each other.

We eventually arrived at the school gate and were met by a lonely, empty scene. School concluded more than an hour ago, and all students, except us, have already gone home, with some doing whatever they please. There are some people remained in the school such as the librarian or the guard who is checking every classrooms to see if there's still any students left or some teachers who are still working even if the night came.

They should really give themselves a break. Sure, hard work is admirable, but overdoing it harms not just your physical but also your emotional health. It is critical to have a healthy self, both mentally and physically, because having one allows you to do whatever you want in life. Perhaps rekindling old interests? Or how about traveling around the world? Or aiming to learn new things? Who can say? It's entirely up to you.

We walk together to the train station since, as you may know, we share a railroad station. Despite the fact that we took the same train, I didn't see her when I rode in the morning. Perhaps because she is an early riser, as opposed to me, who gets up an hour before class begins. I don't always have breakfast because it takes a long time to prepare my meals and I'm just too lazy.

That's why, whenever I go to the convenience shop, I usually bring a lot of meals because I grow hungrier as soon as lunch arrives. You could say I eat two worths of meal in my lunch.

As I continued to go towards my destination, I looked to my side to check what was going on with the Silent Angel, but to no avail. When I turned around, she was looking at a fast-food restaurant on the other side of the road with a hint of interest written in her face.

I felt a vibration from the pocket of my slack and I take out my phone. I see one message from the Silent and it reads:

[ Should we go over there? ]

[ Don't you have important things to do? ]

[ Nope. None. How about you? ]

[ Same to you ]

As I sent that message to the Silent Angel, my stomach suddenly makes a growling sound signaling that it's time to replenish an energy. Why now, of all times?

[ Looks like tummy wants to go too fufufu ] teases the Silent Angel in her message. 

[ Shut up. I did not see that coming ]

[ Yes, yes, so should we go or not? ]

Like I said, I'm pretty much free today even when I go home other than playing games all night and I haven't been in a fast-food restaurant for a while and the Silent Angel invited me to come with her so I guess you could that this is a win-win situation.

[ Sure, why not ]

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I mean, what could go wrong?



We stepped into the restaurant, and there were a lot of people there. And by a lot, I mean a lot. Every available corner of my vision is crowded with people ranging from ordinary folks to persons dressed for work and pupils who are not from our school. We both joined a line at the counter to place our orders.

[I think  I'll be getting some fries, a burger and a softdrink. How about you? ]

As I was about to tell her on what I should order, she was looking at a meal, and not just any meal, she was looking at a kiddie meal with her eyes gleaming at every second. When she receives my message, she returns to her senses as if she never made that expression. I'm not sure if I could ever forget that expression.

[ Um, I'll also order what you want to order ]

Even though you were looking at the kiddie meal so intensely a while ago.

[ So you want a kiddie meal then? ]

I jokingly told her about it through text messages. she must have recieved my message as her entire face is as red as a tomato ketchup.

[ I-It's not that I wanted it! I was just looking at it, that's all! ]

So the Silent Angel gets embarrased too huh. What a new discovery I have found.

[ So do you want to order it or not? ]

[ I-I want to order it. But in exchange, you'll have to pay for it! ]

[ I was going to pay for it anyways so you don't have to worry about that ]

In fact, I just want to pay for her meals because I kind of feel bad when I'm the only one eating and she was not. 

Eventually, we've reached the counter and we've order what we want to order. A few minutes later, our order has arrived and I was the one carrying our meals while the Silent Angel is just following besides like some kid that always at the side of her mother. We've found an empty seat besides the glass pane and both of us were enjoying the meals that we have.

As for me, I was just eating my so-called dinner which consists of burger, fries and a coke. I wanna eat as soon as possible so I can play as early as possible. I didn't the inform the person in front me of what my motives are though. 

As for the person that I've mentioned, she was staring at a small bear toy at the kiddie meal that I bought for her while the food hasn't been in contact for a while. Haven't she tried buying this kind of meal when she was a kid?

[ Hey, you should eat your meal or it will get cold ]

Even the message hasn't reached her as she was too focused on the toy at the palm of her hands with a hint of pure, genuine happiness that's written on her face.

Well, as long as she is happy, that's all that matters.



I still buy a kiddie meal at a fast-food restaurant even though I'm already an adult....

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