The Only Way To Communicate With The Angel Is By Writing

Chapter 8: 8 – Convenience Store

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“Ah, so you’re here too, huh?”

As you can see, the Silent Angel is standing right in front of me. She is dressed in our school's signature uniform, a blazer with a blue bow tie in front of her neck. I'm not even lying when I say she's attractive now that I take a closer look at her. She has a face and a physique that make her look like a fashion model.

I felt a sensation in my pocket and took out the source, which was my phone alerting me that a message had arrived. I read it, and it was from the Silent Angel, and it said:

[ Hello there Mob-kun. I didn’t know you’d be riding the same train as me early in the morning.]

Does fate have a grudge against me? Why is he attempting to bring me closer to the most popular girl at school? If you're reading this, fate, I'm throwing you the middle finger for doing this.

I went back from my unnecessary complaint that I made in my head and reply to the Silent Angel

[Ah yeah, same here. Well, I just woke up early. That’s why I ride the train early.]

Thanks to me waking up early, I get to ride the same train as the Silent Angel. Hey, I didn’t know she was in there. I’m pretty much as clueless as that ‘one’ guy.

The time on my phone says 8:20 AM. I still got time to reach school. I mean, it’s literally right in front of this station and you can just walk out of it for 15 or 20 minutes. 

[Hey, aren’t you going to school right now? ]

I asked this question to the Silent Angel as she was just standing in front, as if she was waiting for someone. 

[I could say the same to you ]

[I’m taking a break here because my knees hurt like crap but now I get a sufficient amount of rest. I might as well as go now ]

I get up from the bench I've been sitting on without hesitation, ready to go to school, but first I need to get my lunch at the convenience store. It's not too far away from here and there. I always get my lunch there, as well as supposedly my breakfast if I haven't eaten one.

[Shall we go to school together?] messaged the Silent Angel as I was about to take the stairs leading outside the station. I froze. My body froze. I re-read the message to see if I read it wrong, but unfortunately, it’s the same exact message that I read a few seconds ago.

I look at the Silent Angel. She’s just standing in front of the bench that I sat on earlier, with a look that’s if she’s a deliveryman waiting for my signature, but in this case, she was waiting for my answer at her seemingly unexpected question. 

[Uh, I’ll make a detour before going to school. ]

[Is that so?]

[Yeah ]

I don’t like where this is going.

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[ Then, can I tag along with you? ]



A store clerk has greeted us as we come in to the store. Nothing relatively new has changed in this place. It’s just like your average convenience store. 

Oh, I almost forgot to say that something surprising and unexpected has occurred. Yes, the one and only Silent Angel with me, just as you suspected. Well, not really that surprising as she's been doing since 'that' day. What's the reason for her following? I have no idea.

I left the Silent Angel in her current position and proceeded to the sandwichcorner. I didn't look back since seeing me with her in this circumstance would be awkward. Worse, this location is close to my school, which means that if someone from class spotted me with the Silent Angel, gossips would spread like wildfire and my daily high as a normal high school boy would be ended.

“Oh, here it is”

As I was thinking about all of those possible scenarios, I found the place that has the sandwich. There are many varieties of sandwiches; from a sandwich that comes with a ham only, or has a ham and lettuce in it, or both of them are mixed up with each other, or a ham and cheese sandwich. In my case, I only pick the ham and lettuce sandwich, as it is my favorite type of sandwich.

I take not one, not two, but three sandwiches and carried them on my arm. I’m a healthy, growing man after all, so I need to eat a lot of in order for me to get growing more. What, this sandwich looks unhealthy? Oh please, it’s got meat and leaf so the nutrition is still in there. Now all I need is a green tea bottle and we’re good to go.

As I was about to head to the beverages corner, I felt a cold sensation on two sides of cheeks

“Eeek! You scared me, Shirayuki-san”

It’s Shirayuki-san with her holding two bottles of green tea with a teasing grin. She gave me one bottle and is now fiddling with her phone. Immediately, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I’m sure this is a message from Shirayuki, I thought. I grab the phone in my empty hand and read her message.

[ Did I scare you so much that you called me by my surname? ]

Huh. Now that she mentioned it, I always refer to her as “you” so calling her surname is a surname is a first for me. And also, I have my reasons for not call her in her surname. 

[ You gave me a good scare out there. I feel like my soul has left at that time.]

[ You should really see your face when you’re scared fufu~ ]

[ Please don’t do that to me again, Shirayuki-san ]

I wanna go back to my apartment and play some games right now...

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