The Originals: New Guy

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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A pair of cold soulless eyes just stared at them from afar and just left quietly.

"I need to find a place to adjust myself, this amount of energy is going to destroy my body at this rate," said Alexis as he just vanished from his position. The next moment he appeared 1.5km away from the position he was in last, and his face was planted in the ground the moment he stopped. He got up feeling annoyed and with a bruised face, broken nose, and hands which were quickly healed by the excess energy.

"Fuck, I can't get used to this speed at all, I have to be careful lest I broke more bones in my body." muttered the mc annoyingly as he tried to just walk slowly to find a quiet place to control the absorbed energy from the people he helped on their way to the {immaterium}.

He found a place as he quietly analyzed the gains he had during this gruesome ordeal. He learned he could do magic but not how Esther taught(tried to teach) him. He got cocky and tried to fight a group of them together and one of them almost decapitated him as they worked extremely well as a group. It was at that time that he accidentally blocked a lethal blow with a [wind shield] spell and everyone were shocked. He took that heaven-sent opportunity to dispatch them and went to kill them by hunting them one at a time while they were distracted, leaving the thinking part at a later time when he wasn't preoccupied with playing with his life and sending his playmates to the chaos gods.

"phew, That was a close call." he shuddered as he remembered that moment when his life was flashing before his eyes as the axe was close to decapitating him. He wiped his sweat as he tried to adjust himself to the new energy he absorbed. It was nourishing his body as the density of his bones, flesh and muscle increased exponentially. His whole body was itching and soon turn to full-blown pain as the energy permeated into his every organ and bloodstream, he gritted his teeth to endure the reconstruction of his body. After 30 minutes of hellish pain, the raging energy reconstructing his body subsided and calmed down. [There was no black substance coming out of his body if you were wondering]

After the energy subsided he made sure to familiarise his body unless he repeats those mishaps from earlier when he couldn't control the energy outburst or his body movement. He stretched his body and went to wash in the stream of all the sweat. As he was washing he contemplated on what he was going to do from now on, since training only will not maximize the potential his powers had. It seems his powers work more when he is in chaos and distress to feed the energy it gets from the people he dispatched, therefore he planned to follow Mikeal and others to go raiding with them, and while he was at it hunt those fuckers who put him through hell. He made sure to mark them with his energy and will always know them whenever they were close by. He planned to stalk them and made sure to eliminate the Jarl who was behind them and perhaps turn some of the forced men that were in Jarl's camp.

He got up and dried himself using a minor wind spell as he took his hole-filled clothes which were now smaller and tighter than before as he marveled at the convenience of having magic. He adjusted his bracelets to 50kgs each as he started to feel resistance at that weight. It was finally over, this first adventure in which he wasn't entirely a willing participant but nonetheless benefited immensely as he ran in the direction of his home with difficulty.

"They are probably looking for me, it has been almost 7 days since I disappeared. I better hurry up." I ran as fast and carefully as I could and killed an Elk that I met on the way as I entered the vicinity of my home.

"It feels good to be home, nothing beats the warmth of your home."

"I will probably have been lost by now if it weren't for the crazy senses that I got after the rush-hour energy that reconstructed my entire body."

He entered the settlement carrying the huge elk in contrast to his size, he looked comical as he just continued walking not minding the eyes of the settlers that were staring at him.

"hey isn't that the boy that was missing?"

"yeah, they were looking for him everywhere."

"How come he is strolling around looking like a beggar carrying that elk?"

"Who knows."

"Do you think he hunted that elk?"

"Haah, no way probably found it somewhere."

"yeah, how could a child hunt that thing?"

"but don't you think there is something wrong with this picture."

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"huh, what is.... ohh.... how is he carrying that thing?"

"Yah how is a child walking leisurely with that thing on his head?"

He continued as he tuned out the irrelevant side character's murmurs as he went to his house only to find his brothers and sisters running to him as soon as they saw him.

"Look its brother," Rebekah yelled excitedly as she and the others came running to him. He was really touched by this scene as his heart warmed quite a bit. All this time he was behaving like a robot with them because he still only treated them as characters in a show he remembered. but they were family, his family and it was time he acted that way.[that decision wasn't influenced by the cute Rebekah & Kol, it was totally coincident]

He put the elk down as he lowered his upper body down and took Rebekah and Kol into his arms and the others just hugged him as they bombarded him with million questions about where he was and if he was the one who caught the elk and so forth. Not far away from them was Finn who was standing with their mother, he looked annoyed but his lips were curved upwards even if he didn't realize it himself. Elijah looked at him after he separated himself and said "Welcome back brother." as he smiled warmly at his brother.

"Rebekah, boys come inside let your brother rest, Finn and Elijah bring that elk in the back," she told her children as she turned and went inside the house, a rare smile was plastered on her face which quickly vanished. Alexis just stood there for a couple of seconds and smiled as he went inside still carrying the little cutelings and entered the house. That night they ate the elk happily as they laughed and joked around as Alexis told them stories about what he saw in the wild [minus the murder of course] and they listened as Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and even Elijah and Esther were listening. He exaggerated a lot of things but in an entertaining way. The children were soon feeling drowsy as they were listening to the story. He picked them up as he tucked them in for the night.

The following weeks were more brutal as he trained in a mad max style as he pushed his body and power to utmost limits. The weights of his bracelets reached an astronomical weight of 250kg on each of his limbs. His mother started training and teaching him the fundamentals of magic and what to do and not to do when casting spells. His magic worked on his imagination and having knowledge of the inner workings of the spells he wanted to create. he tried all forms as he started with simple things like the magic shield that he subconsciously made, and arrows as he worked his way upwards slowly. The deeper he imagined the workings of the spells the more firepower it unleashed.

Just like that 9 months passed, as his training on his body became stagnant, and just focused on his magic and making potions. The magic he worked on became more intricate as he researched more into it. He progressed more by just focusing on wind and fire elements to understand their inner workings and improve upon them.

so far the magic spells he managed to comprehend were;

"Windshield"                                  "Fire arrow"

"Wind bullet"                                    "Fireball"

"wind arrow"                                      "Warmth spell"

"wind hurricane"                                "Minor Pyrokinesis"

"Wind blade"                             

These were some of the spells in his arsenal as he didn't want any delays during his spell casting in fights. Still, he was going to polish the spells and make it battle-ready in the next raid. He learned potions from Ayana as she was more than happy to teach him although made sure her grimoire was out of option as he asked multiple times and was brushed by her. Everything was going great and he was progressing rapidly in everything he started except the potion making. The herbs and their functions and all the little details were just too much for him as he was also juggling a lot of other things at the same time. So he decided to focus on his magic and practice them until he made sure there was nothing to practice anymore as he waited for the raiders and his father to come back.

3 years passed in a blink of an eye and Alexis was crazy buffed for 11 year old. He was taller and way stronger as he became part of the raiding party when he was 9.

"Alexis get your weapons, it's time," said Mikeal as he smirked looking at the son he was proudest of.

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