The Other Side

Chapter 13: A Slap and a Kiss

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Aditi shut the study door behind her and turned to see Vivaan staring at her coldly. A moment passed in uneasy silence. She wondered for how long he had been standing there. The door was solid oak and they had spoken in soft tones. But looking at Vivaan's face now she couldn't work out if he heard them.

"Vivaan! Are you..okay?" She asked unsurely. It was easy to sit in the safe haven of her Dadaji's study and speak her mind, nothing could touch her in his presence. But right now she was suffocating. The man in front of her was giving her jitters.

"I wasn't until now," His expression changed from frosty ice to a sunny smile. "But I am much better now that you are finally free." His eyes flicked on her from head to toe and he forgot he had ogled her sister just moments ago. She was wearing a pastel peach salwar suit. It blended into her like a second skin, he couldn't take his eyes off. "Come, I have been waiting for so long. We have so much to talk about."

Pulling her by the wrist he walked to the library just a few paces away and held the door open, but Aditi didn't enter. The library was her favorite room in the house, she usually spent hours here. But today it looked foreboding, she suddenly had an urge to run back and hide in her grandpa's study.

"What do you want to talk about Vivaan? I need to be at Dr. Wadhwa's clinic at five." Her voice held a slight tremor.

"Dr. Wadhwa is that homeopathic doctor in the town, isn't he?" Vivaan asked, casually running a thumb on the soft skin of her inner wrist. She felt a shiver run down her spine. "He can wait a few minutes, Aditi. This is more important."

Pulling her into the room he led her to a couch by the large bay window. She followed him meekly but with each step, her heartbeat increased, and her throat went dry.

"Vivaan, I need to see a pregnant lady at five. She is near her time and there are some complications."

"I said this is more important!" His voice raised in irritation. "Come on Aditi! We haven't had a chat in ages. I've been waiting for so long. And you can go to the clinic after our talk."

He jerked his head at a chair opposite him. She moved mechanically to take it and saw him smirk. "Vivaan, if it is about this morning then I don't..."

He raised his hand and she stopped mid-sentence. "I want to apologize for my behavior this morning, Aditi. I should not have raised my hand to that man. I am sorry."

Aditi looked at him in surprise.

"It was out of order. He helped you, and instead of thanking him, I got angry. I should have known better. I apologize."

Leaning forward he took her hand and pressed it slightly. Aditi stiffened. "I was so worried, Aditi. I heard about your fall at the racecourse the other day. I came to meet you but you were already gone. Then we got your call about Aron bolting and you going to the caves. It scared me to death. I rushed to meet you. But when I saw that man holding you, I lost my senses."

Aditi didn't know how to react. This was not the Vivaan she knew. Vivaan Raisingh never apologized. There must be more to this, he wouldn't let her off the hook so easily.

"So..we are good?"

"Of course." He smiled pleasantly.

"You are not angry anymore?"

"I am not angry, Aditi. As I said, I was worried for you. I am sorry for my behavior."

"Thanks, Vivaan." She was relieved, confused, and nervous by equal measures. "Please don't worry too much. I only went to see Ratan Chacha. Then Aron bolted, and then...well you know the rest. It was all a coincidence really. Nothing to worry about." She gave a strained smile and glanced at her watch. "I think I should leave now, I don't want to keep the lady waiting..."

"Not so fast, Aditi. We haven't talked about that wound yet." He smiled mischievously and watched her face pale. "Not that I don't trust you Aditi, but it feels a bit weird that that stranger knows about your wound." His eyes flicked down her lush body, to her narrow waist, then lower. Her long shapely legs were clamped together shut. A sudden shiver ran down his body. "It worries me to no end, thinking about what would have happened. A girl like you alone with that man. You know it's not safe Aditi. I would never have let you go."

"Calm down Vivaan. Nothing happened. He was a good man..."

That was the wrong thing to say. No man was good enough, except for him. She should trust no one, except for him. Vivaan's face hardened. She gulped uneasily, wishing again she was anywhere but here.

"You are too straightforward, Aditi. Anything can happen. You can't trust these tourists." That was what he'd warned her when she'd brought those four boys home one evening for dinner. She had seen Vivaan fly into a rage, then take it out on a horse with a lash. It was the same as before. Every time she defied him, someone had to suffer. Someone needed to be punished, only then he would feel happy.

Friend, she called him, for want of a better word. But he wasn't like any of her friends. With them she could be carefree, just be herself. With Vivaan, she had to be guarded, always careful of her next word, next action. Anything could unhinge him, a small lapse and he would blow off. Even now he watched her with hawk eyes. Her palms felt clammy as the dread in her heart now spilled into her limbs.

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"I mean...I am fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"That's good to know, but that's not what I asked Aditi." He continued rigidly. "You know I don't like this. First those four boys, now this stranger. How many times should I tell you to mend your ways?" His face was stiff with anger. "Now hurry up and tell me what happened in that room. I haven't got all day. Did you two..? I am ashamed even to think! How could you be so callous, Aditi?"

Aditi closed her eyes; anger, fear, and humiliation crashed on her like waves. He had no right! It was her life, her own damned life! This man, this arrogant, overbearing, interfering man, had no right!

Taking a deep breath she calmed herself. She wouldn't give in. She wouldn't be cowed by this man. "Think what you want Vivaan, but I don't need to justify myself to anyone. I am not comfortable talking to you. I have told Dadaji everything. You are free to ask him if you are so concerned." She stood up from the couch. "And now if that's all, I am leaving."

She turned to go when felt a strong grip on her wrist. Vivaan stood up and jerked her to him. His face was inches away, torn with insane rage. Not just rage, she noticed in panic; there was something else. A reckless need to control, a wild hunger to ravage.

Fear swamped her heart. "Vivaan! Let me go.." She tried to wrench free but he held on. His eyes darkened as he pulled her, crushing her to him, savoring his power over her.

"If you have told him, you can tell me too, Aditi." He hissed between ragged breaths. "Being your future husband, I have every right. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. Better yet, next time, make sure you come straight to me. No need to involve anyone else. Just come to me."

He pulled her even closer, savage desire clouding his eyes. Her head swirled as she felt the familiar constricting of the throat. Safety, it seemed, was not guaranteed even under her own roof, among her own people. It was a conscious choice to guard what was hers, be it her rights, be it her body. Her brain made a decision in a split second and her hand landed on his cheek with a loud smack. The sound of the slap fell with a dull thud in the stuffy room and Vivaan staggered back.

"Behave yourself Vivaan. You are in my house." She spat menacingly and he flinched. "And for the last time, forget about that silly agreement. I have no wish to marry you, or anyone for that matter. I have already told Dadaji and now I am telling you. I am not going to marry you. I am not answerable to you. In fact, I am fed up with you Vivaan. Just go away already and leave me alone."

Turning back on him she stormed away raging. Vivaan stood in disbelief, too stunned to react.


Nehal knocked on the library door after an hour to find Vivaan staring out of the window. The sun had sunk low, making his long shadow nearly reach the door, nearly touch her. Pushing the door open she walked in carrying a tray of coffee. He turned as her dainty footsteps sounded on the marble floor, quiet, delicate, always mindful of others.

She gave him a smile and crouched on her knees to make him his usual, with a dash of milk and two spoonfuls of sugar. Her silver bangles jingled as she gave it a stir, then got up to hand him the mug. His eyes took in her flushed skin, her downcast eyes. The red dress looked slightly damp from working in the kitchen. She smelt of his okra fry and kheer.

"Thanks, Nehal." He accepted the mug, his fingers lightly brushing her hand. "You look beautiful today."

She looked at him in surprise, a joyous blush lighting her face instantly. He felt his frazzled nerves calming, he needed this validation at this moment. His cheek still tingled, the sound of that slap still echoed his head. He needed something to forget it, something to distract his mind off that humiliation.

Taking a sip, he kept the mug back on the table and turned to Nehal. She looked in surprise.

"Did you not like the coffee, Vivaan? I made your usual. Is the milk not enough? Or is it too sweet? I'll make you another one..."

She hurried to the table to pick up the used mug when he blocked her way.

"It's fine, Nehal. It's just the way I like it."

She stared at him in surprise. He was barely a few inches away, she had to crane her neck to see his face. He looked so...grave. Disturbed. Yet so boyishly handsome. Something was gushing inside him, craving to erupt out. Her heart melted as usual. "Vivaan, are you okay?" She asked softly touching his cheek.

Stepping forward he closed the distance between them and pulled her to him.

" are so beautiful, Nehal." He murmured as he nuzzled her neck. The next she knew, he was kissing her passionately. In his mouth, she tasted the coffee. It was just as he liked. She relaxed instantly. Yes, he was happy. And in his happiness, she was happy too.

***** *****


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