The Other Side

Chapter 23: The Perfect Solution

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"Aditi, wait!"

Darsh called in alarm, rushing after Aditi on the path. Her slender form soon disappeared behind the bushes and he stopped for a breath. Running an uneasy hand through his hair, he cursed himself for his lapse. For all his infinite patience, it hasn't taken him a moment to lose it.

That kiss! He had experienced nothing like it. His breath was heavy with her scent, his mouth full of her taste. His body shivered with anticipation, his entire existence seemed to be overwhelmed. This was a feeling too foreign to him. It was a feeling of losing control, utterly and irrevocably, like a rolling stone gathering momentum as it fell, deeply and helplessly towards certain doom.

Swallowing an uneasy lump, he started again when his phone buzzed. It was Rajeev.

"So I guess congratulations are in order. I take it you are engaged by now?" Rajeev's voice was light, but Darsh could sense his disapproval. He was not happy that his partner had taken a month-long holiday when he was left alone to look after the business. Neither was he happy that his friend had suddenly got engaged to an unknown girl, without even informing his nears and dears.

"Yes, it's done, Rajeev. And I'll inform everyone when the time is right," Darsh answered tightly. "How is Ma? You haven't told her anything, right?"

"Of course not! Why would I tell her about her only son's engagement? Mothers have no right to interfere in such matters, right?" Rajeev's voice thrummed with anger. Darsh sighed.

He had debated it for a while, but it was a no-brainer. Vicki was already on his deathbed. His Ma will not take it lightly when she knew the danger he had gotten himself into. With police swarming everywhere in Palampur, it was just not feasible to bring her here. Moreover, the people at tonight's party were not exactly welcoming. His Ma was a proud woman, she wouldn't have liked the snide remarks or the snooty looks. And last but not the least, it was Aditi. It wouldn't take his mother a minute to notice something was amiss. All in all, it was best to keep this engagement secret. There would be time to explain to her later, that is - if his fiancée behaved and didn't do anything to spoil his plans.

His eyes went to the path Aditi had taken a while ago. He could no longer see her, she seemed to have taken some short-cut. "Rajeev, I need to go. I'll talk to you later."

Rajeev sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing, Darsh. Take care."

Humming to him, Darsh cut the call. Rushing on the path, he reached the party. She was not there. Making an about-turn, he went back. He had to find her before it was too late. He had a weird feeling this was something to do with Vivaan Raisingh.


Aditi rushed on the path back to the party. Her face was flushed crimson, lips stung raw. Her body spasmed with unknown sensations, the kiss had left her feeling rather...disheveled.

She wondered why she was feeling this way. It wasn't like it was her first kiss, he wasn't the first man who'd touched her. All those first experiences were stolen from her, snatched, robbed, and lost forever. Try as she might she would never have them back. It might have been different in some other life but not in this one. In this life, she was stuck with herself, with her taint, her wound, her demons, and her shadows keeping her company.

Her stomach roiled as her eyes stung, the ache in her heart becoming unbearable. She stopped for a breath when she heard Darsh's worried voice calling. Startled, she straightened herself and took a quick left turn into the woods toward her destination. It was ahead, not behind. She had no business stopping here for second thoughts.

A few more turns through the dense trees, and she reached an old bridge - rusty and crumbling with age. About half a mile away was another bridge, bigger and better, built by her great-grandfather some sixty years ago. People used it regularly while this one had fallen in disuse and disrepair. No one came here, except for thieves and miscreants. In short, a perfect place for the next step of her plan. The final step before she'd be free.

"Think again, you still have time!" A voice called through the pulsing night as she waded her way through clumps of reeds a smell of age-old decay assaulting her senses. She didn't know who it was. It sounded like her mother, but it could be her own conscience.

"You just got the taste of happiness. You just saw what your life could be like. Take it while you can! Don't throw away your chance at love!"

Shaking uncontrollably she stepped on the slippery decking and walked towards the center. It was too late now. He was near. She could already feel him in the air.

The silence stretched for a moment which itself stretched like an eternity. She waited with bated breath, her damp palms bracing on the broken rail, her wet eyes still on the black water flowing under the bridge.

Three, two, one...she whispered to the rustling wind. A bridge creaked in answer, a heavy footstep stepping on it, making its presence known.

"Looks like you didn't enjoy that kiss much," Vivaan's voice cut through the dark.

Bracing herself, she turned around.

Her childhood friend stood in front of her giving her an icy look. In the dim light of a lone lamppost, she couldn't see his face clearly. This time it was she who gave him a once over. He was, as usual, impeccably dressed, but her sharp eyes noticed patches of drink on his shirt.

He stepped closer, and as expected his eyes traversed her body, undressing her leisurely. She was keenly aware of her dislodged pallu. It was off by inches, but she didn't bother to straighten it.

"Never seen you wearing red before. It suits you." He said after a while, his gaze veering to her bare midriff, then to her swollen lips.

She gave a little smile.

"This is Ma's saree. I thought it'd be apt to wear it tonight."

"Yeah. Tonight is...special." He dipped his head in acknowledgment. "I lost you. You got engaged to Darsh Rathore. Congratulations."

She pursed her lips.

"Look, I'm sorry. I know I texted you and then this happened. But I couldn't go against Dadaji."

He shrugged.

"It's okay. What's done is done." Taking a step forward he came closer. His hand lifted to touch her cheek but she flinched back.

He stilled, then smiled.

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"So. What made you change your mind? I am curious. One moment you were texting me, accepting my proposal. The next moment you decided to go with Darsh Rathore. What brought this sudden change?"

"Why, it was you, of course!" Her nostrils flared. "Your callous behavior forced Dadaji to make this decision. Or did you expect to get off scot-free after Jeevan Chacha's accident?"

"Why do you think it was me?" He asked calmly tilting his head. "Don't you think it's a bit too much of a coincidence that he had the accident the very next day I threatened you? It was Darsh Rathore who took him to the hospital. And surprise, surprise! I get the blame and he gets you."

"That's enough, Vivaan! I won't stand here and let you slander my fiancé." She gritted her teeth. Some people just liked to live in their own sweet bubbles. It was just like him to blame Darsh for his own despicable deed. "Darsh is honest, kind, a man of integrity. Unlike you, he does not go around hurting people for amusement. You are nowhere in comparison, I won't even talk about you two in the same breath!"

He raised his eyebrows.

"Oooh! Sounds like someone is in looovee!" He burst into his signature maniacal laughter. Her face paled.

"You are in love, that too with a man you met a week ago! Bravo, Aditi!! And here I am waiting for my whole life, begging for your attention but you won't even spare me a look!" He continued his hysterics, hiccuping in between as tears of insane mirth rolled his eyes. Her face lost color as she listened to his meaningless stupidity.

"My my, you are so gullible, Aditi! So stupid! No wonder he has fooled you so easily." He lurched forward while laughing harder. She took a step back waiting for his madness to the peak. It was near now, he was showing the signs. Her pulse started racing.

"Think whatever you want, Vivaan. I don't care. And yes, a week was enough for me to fall in love, Darsh is that kind of man. You could never achieve it in a million years."

His eyes darkened. "Really? Then why didn't you enjoy it?"

She frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about the kiss, sweetheart. Why didn't you enjoy the kiss if you are so much in love?"

She ground her teeth, her heart thudding in irritation. Or was it anticipation? She couldn't tell. Forcing herself to relax, she gave a coy smile. Now was the time she was waiting for.

"I did enjoy the kiss, Vivaan. In fact, I have enjoyed much more than that." She gave a suggestive smile. Vivaan's eyes flashed dangerously.

"You were right, that night in the Sarai was the first time we came close. It's hard to control a man like him, won't you agree? And now that we are engaged, we have all the freedom in the world."

"You bitch! You dare..!" He surged forward with mad intensity and pushed her to the rail, his claw-like hand grabbing her thigh. Through the delicate fabric of her saree, she felt his nails digging into her wound. A piteous whimper escaped her lips as her skin slowly ripped apart. She tried to push him, but couldn't move.

"It hurts, does it?" He dug deeper, his long fingers slowly twisting in her flesh. She felt a scream stuck in her throat.

"I am sorry Aditi, but you deserve every bit of this. This is how I am feeling right now. This is your punishment for making me feel that way."

Pushing her further back, he pulled a piece of wood off the broken railing. The next she knew, he had plunged it right into her thigh. Her mind began to fog as dark shadows swooped out of its depth to grab her throat. "No..please!" She choked the words out but couldn't hear her own voice.

"Sorry Aditi, but I can't. You can't do this to me. You were promised to me. You are mine...You can't.." His eyes zoned out as he blabbered incoherently. The next five minutes were a blur of panic and pain as she struggled for her life, her dignity. Her saree was ripped off and flew over the railing. She tried to bite, kick, punch, scratch - do whatever to save herself. Her eyes streamed and her head swirled. Her body threatened to go limp on her.

The last she remembered she kicked hard, making a final effort to push him away. The age-old railing broke with a loud crash. A scream rent the air as Vivaan tumbled into the black water from a height of twenty feet. She watched stupefied as he crashed into a rock, then slid like a broken doll into the gushing water.


When he was a child, her Dadaji used to come here with his friends. Jumping in the water from atop the bridge was their favorite pastime. It had only stopped when one day a boy crashed on that rock. A few hours later, his broken and lifeless body was found down the waterfall. Vivaan too would be there soon, she was sure of that. The current was fast here, and the night was still young. There was no rush, no rush at all.

Aditi stared down, dazed and fatigued, yet now inexplicably calm. Under the bridge, in the reeds on the riverbank, a light flashed thrice. Emerging out of his hiding place, Zorawar glanced at her then turned and walked along the riverbank following Vivaan's path. His instructions were to make sure Vivaan didn't get out. He had to stand guard and make sure Vivaan met his natural death if he was not already dead.

She knew she could rely on Zorawar. He had never questioned her orders. Not on that fateful night when she'd lain in that cold bathtub, defiled and desecrated, demanding he get rid of those vile boys. Nor tonight, when Vivaan had repeated the offense. Zorawar was only too willing to oblige. One less Raisingh and the world was better for it.

Relief flooded her mind as her body began to shut down. It was her master plan that she had executed with utmost precision. An act of self-defense, a crime committed while saving herself from a brute. A minimally invasive procedure with maximum benefit. Aditi smiled. Her professors had always said she had all the hallmarks of an excellent surgeon. Tonight she agreed with them, maybe she would consider the profession after all.

Her head swirled as nausea took over, making her violently sick. Doubling over, she vomited her heart out, hoping this was the last time, relieved that it was finally over. The wooden bridge behind creaked once again as another man rushed to her. Pulling her away from the broken railing he threw his jacket over her and hugged her close.

"Is that...Vivaan Raisingh?" Darsh's face turned ashen as his eyes zeroed in on a lifeless form floating away in the dark.

She gazed at his handsome face and smiled. "Take me home, Darsh," she said, dizzy with relief.


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