The Outbreak

Chapter 14: C.14 : Chaos and Death

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PoV : Irene

Irene felt death looming over her, as if she were about to meet the Grim Reaper. Luckily, Kira reacted faster than she did and shoved her aside to the floor.

Air being torn apart came from where her head was a moment prior. Irene landed heavily, but she had no time to complain because the infected woman stomped down, wanting to crush her chest and everything within.

"Everyone leave now!" Kira tried to assist her new partner but she was quickly knocked backwards over a table by the woman in question. Someone nearest to the door tried to flee, and the infected woman vanished.

The middle aged man had several of his worldviews collapsed tonight, but he felt that as long as he lived, he'd be okay. The woman plunged her hand through his back after appearing behind him, and tore out his spine.

"Learn to listen." She dropped the spine and licked the blood from her hand, her tongue stretching far longer than it usually appeared. Kira got her phone and looked at the countdown until the Assualt Squads arrived.

"Listen to me! We just want to help you! Killing these people will not make your situation any better!" Kira yelled as she flipped a table on the side and dove behind it.

Not a moment later, a steak knife pierced through the inches thick wooden table, stopping after it's momentum had worn off. Irene looked at the other girl who had frozen up, no doubt in fear and disbelief.

"If you want to 'help' me, how about you offer me a drink? I am curious though. Why do this now, with people around? You wanted them to get caught in the middle as well?" She didn't even bother to dodge her bullet this time, letting it hit her shoulder, letting it miss her dress.

"You can move quickly, if we waited, you would have been long gone." Kira took a gun from her waist, something Irene hadn't even noticed and loaded it as quickly as she could.

"Oh, that makes sense. Since you were honest, I can grant everyone here a painless death." Irene used a nearby table as cover when a fork embedded itself up to the handle in the wood, nearly piercing all the way through the makeshift barricade.

"Orissa! You said you'll count on me to protect you! Then why do this? I know you aren't evil because even now, no one aside from the man who tried to leave has died!" Alice yelled out and the infected woman walked over with a barely veiled smile.

"Have you never seen something hunt? Playing with prey is fun you know?" Orissa stopped a few inches away, staring into Alice's green ones with a smirk, but her thoughts were in disarray.

"Fine. Kill me then. When I first saw you, I wanted to be your friend, and maybe go further if I could, and even after all this, you aren't a monster to me. They came to get you, and you retaliated. Sure, you didn't have to kill that man, but it's probably a part of who you are."

Irene peeked around the table and saw the infected woman called Orissa gripping Alice's neck, lifting her off the ground with a single hand, but her eyes seemed a bit hesitant.

"You just see the good! I wonder if you can still say that when I'm on top of you drinking you dry..." Orissa opened her mouth and went to bite Alice when the latter spoke and she froze.

"I have no problems with you being on top. To be killed by someone as cute as you could be considered a blessing even?" Irene felt that she could see the confusion on Orissa's face as she leaned back to look into Alice's eyes.

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Irene, for the first time, saw that although this person, Orissa, was infected, she wasn't an unfeeling predator, and that made it so much worse because she could commit atrocities without a care.

Orissa let out a bone chilling hiss, but she released Alice and walked towards Irene. Kira dove from behind her table, aiming her gun at Orissa who vanished and reappeared, hands locking Kira in place.

"You seemed confident that would cause some harm to me. Why is that?" Orissa questioned Kira who tried to struggle futilely. Having enough, Orissa was about to shatter the bones in her upper body when she heard glass shattering.

Leaving Kira, she leapt back and landed lightly, ignoring the small gunshot from Irene because aside from keeping her clothes intact, she could take no damage from Irene's weapon.

Irene was about to fire the last round in her gun when two armored vans screeched to a stop and armed people got out, carrying weapons that looked as if they were about to be deployed to a hot zone.

In the momentary distraction, Orissa grabbed a nearby waiter and launched him at the window without holding back. The already cracked glass shattered and the armed people outside barely had time to leap aside as a body flew past where they stood and splattered on the van's side.

"Seems like we can test this out." Kira fished a small case from her pocket and opened it. Inside was a single button and a dial which she had no hesitation in pressing.

Irene looked at Orissa who had stopped to cover her ears. A high pitched ringing sounded that completely annoyed Irene's ears, so she had no idea how bad Orissa must feel right now.

"You disgusting human!" Orissa staggered towards Kira, who backed up more confidently seeing that the high pitched sonic discharge restricted her speed somewhat.

"You have extremely acute senses, but should one overpower the others, you'll be disoriented. Now!" Kira yelled and two men rushed in, rifles aimed at Orissa who moved without thinking.

A table shattered into pieces as Orissa practically sped through it, unable to move as she pleased without her senses dictating her actions. The two arrivals tried to lock on to Orissa but she kept moving, creating craters in the walls or broken tables and chairs.

"We don't have much longer! The speaker will be fried in another ten seconds!" Kira yelled worriedly because she had no doubt that she'd be the first to die should Orissa recover.

Even without her senses, Orissa managed to speed into one of the men, and he flew back, blood spurting from his orifices. The other yelled in anger and fired, but Orissa leapt forward, her claws slashing out repeatedly.

The man hit the wall hard, his chest beyond mutilated and bloody. Orissa stepped forward and stomped down, crushing his head against the wall causing blood and brain matter to splash out.

"Three seconds!" Kira yelled and rushed to Irene, wanting to grab her and flee, but then the ringing faded and Orissa straightened her body, her face distorted in anger.

"Die!" She didn't even hold back, leaping over five meters to smash the annoying human to death, but while midair, something slammed into her and knocked her off course, sending her crashing through the remains of the window and out on to the street.

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