The Paradigm Shift Job Comes With Perks

Chapter 1: Prologue – Death Comes For You

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“Not again, another failure.” A voice of a man muttered in disappointment.

The person in question now just regained his consciousness after realising something which he is attempting had failed. Rising up & checking his surroundings, he finds that he has now awakened in the middle of the day after taking a look at the time as shown by the small clock which is beside him.

Hauling himself up, he goes to the window nearest to him to open the curtains which are preventing sunlight from coming into his home to light up the environment around him, which is still pitch dark.

Pulling one of the window’s curtains apart, he allows the light from outside to come into his dwelling, revealing the current conditions which have been kept from his eyes by the darkness which is now being repelled by day light.

The whole place is in a mess, suggesting the man is up to something unwholesome. Many items in the dwelling lay scattered around. Some are broken while others are still intact, suggesting that chaos has been coming on & off from time to time.

Worst of all, found among the clutter of items in his home are lethal ones that are able to cause misery & even death if the conditions are right, indicating that attempts for suicide are now in the works by him.

“Looks like another round of supply run for the next method.” He concluded in his mind after observing the mess he had made.

He sat at the chair & taking a pen & a piece of paper, he begins to scribble the list of items that he plans to buy to be used to get himself killed again by his own hands. He sighed as he looked at a document which is half taken out from an envelope, indicating that it the source of his motivation.

Once done with his shopping list, he readies himself for the shopping trip. Wearing his jacket over his soiled shirt, he takes his bag & heads out of his dwelling, revealed to be a small house located in a place which is quite deserted somewhere near the desert. Parked at the side of the building is an old pickup truck which the man owned as a means of transport from that shabby small house.

The man drove along the rugged road which leads him through the rough terrain & about after about an hour, he soon reached the main road. Unlike the road he took to reach here, which is devoid of vehicles. The main road has some vehicles which occasionally pass his. Despite the opportunity to create an incident to end his life presents itself to him, he held off the urge to get those who are innocent to be involve with his misadventure.

Little does he know, life has plans for him & it dislike anything to interfere with it. As the man is driving his truck, there is a heavy vehicle which is out of control approaching it from behind him. Bringing tow with it is a big tank which contained many gallons of fuel for the town which the man intended to visit to procure the items that he needed to end his miserable life. The tanker driver is unconscious at the wheel & there is no means for anyone to learn of his fate to save him.

The man soon notices the speeding vehicle, but it is already too late for him to react as the tanker plough through him, causing his truck to tumble & turn turtle. With his vehicle now turned upside down, it has now become an obstacle which is now forcing the tanker to stop.

With the strong momentum is still pushing both vehicles from the tanker, the tank trailer begins to tilt till it flips & hit the road with a powerful force. This results the tank to rupture, allowing its contents to spill onto the road which is heated by the sun to temperatures to the temperature needed to ignite the fuel which is gushing out from the tank.

After a short while, both vehicles came to a stop with flames chasing them from the initial ignition point from the road. While little harm comes to the tanker driver, the same cannot be said to the man who is driving his pickup truck, who is now trapped & crushed in his vehicle. He is still conscious & is aware of his life which is now seeping away from his broken body.

In his final moments, he smiled in realisation of how much a fool he is for wanting to meet death. In that very short moment, he now knows that death is the one that will come for him at the time & place of its choosing, not him. It is the one that will decide how it will take him away from life with the methods of its choosing with style & grace. That revelation before death then passed as the fuel tank exploded, killing both drivers who are still trapped in the burning wreckage instantly.

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