The Path to Mediterranean Supremacy/Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 115: Vol. 1 Chapter 115: Should I Get Involved?

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After hearing Ferdinand's words, Hoover also calmed down. Anyway, the relationship between the two countries has always been like this, and what can be worse? So what if they had evidence? Would Serbia dare to go to war now? He started to think about his next plan.

"Your Highness, what should we do now with the rebels inside Serbia? They are in a very bad situation! If we hadn't been funding their efforts, they would have been finished long ago!"

Ferdinand thought for a moment and then said, "What was meant to be! They are just a bunch of rascals. We didn't expect to rely on them to make things happen! It was a surprise that they could fight the government forces for so long!

Since it has been exposed, it is simply to do some blatant, soon, the army will be equipped, and all those rags will be either sold or sent and threw part of it to the rebels!"

Hoover said firmly, "Yes! I know what to do next, Your Highness!"


Ferdinand was not prepared to seek the bad luck of Serbia now, they had not yet completely fractured with Austria-Hungary, and this time it will not take much of a chance to go up!

"Intentionally planted flowers, unintentionally willow will become gold!"From the ancient book "Zengguang Xianwen". It is a metaphor for wanting to do something and using a lot of energy and effort, but the result did not turn out as desired, while the unintended thing, on the contrary, went well and got a good result. In Taoist terms, it means to let nature take its course and not to force everything.

It was not expected that, under the butterfly effect, a small riot in the history of Serbia would turn into a civil war!

When you think about it, it's normal. Serbia is already poor. A few years ago, also beaten by Bulgaria, it has not recovered and just happened to be a mediocre king and foolish cabinet! When they see the expansion of the Bulgarian army, they do not consider whether the finances can bear it. They are foolish to follow up and raise taxes when there is no money!

It's a misfortune that the economic crisis has come back! Another disaster for Serbia, the population couldn't take it anymore, and a spark ignited!!!

They should have quickly suppressed it. It so happened that the Austro-Hungarian financial crisis broke out again, with the original loan gone, which delayed the suppression because of the government's lack of money!

It happens to be on Ferdinand's radar again, with Bulgaria, an international donor, offering favorable support to the rebels, which are not so easy to deal with when they have a nanny!!!

Even if it is a group of mobs, but he has a gun! They can not deal with the regular army, but when it comes to guerrilla warfare and hide and seek, who is afraid of who!

After all, the rebels represent the struggling masses. The mass base is beyond doubt! The people who could not survive were their constant source of new blood, so they expanded with the government forces.

There is no big battle. Today they took out a landlord, tomorrow they took out an aristocrat thing, and the day after tomorrow they broke a town or not less!

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It is Serbia's weakest time, and Ferdinand is unwilling to let go of this opportunity!

If you can give him a hard time, at least for twenty years, you can not worry about the threat of Serbia without ceding land and paying reparations!

After wavering from side to side, Ferdinand decided to call a military and political meeting to see what judgment the Bulgarian elite would make!


Ferdinand is going to blame. It definitely is not his own sabotage in Serbia has been found, which concluded that Serbia has destroyed free trade and seriously harmed the interests of Bulgaria!


The military's opinion is purely on military concerns, completely ignoring the political and diplomatic impacts, summed up as 'to fight', 'to revenge'!

Those who do not know still think that the previous war in Bulgaria was defeated and was beaten to Sofia? Now it will raise the country's army to avenge the past nine years!!!

Ferdinand decisively chose to ignore that things of hatred can not be eaten as food. When needed is good medicine. When not needed, leave it aside to cool off! Anyway, the last loss was not Bulgaria. The hatred value is also greater than in Serbia. Now the revenge should also be Aleksandar I it!

With setting eyes on the government, the military manner still played a role, at least gave them enough bottom!

Chekhov was still the first to open his mouth. Having experienced the Bulgarian-Serbian war, he had been a staunch anti-Serbian. Still, after he joined the cabinet, he began to take a well-rounded view of the problem and gradually put away his hatred.

Mixed with an angry tone, quite a bit of cynicism, "If it were just a mere Serbia, it would be no pressure for us! Ever since they lost the war in 1886 in the Bulgarian-Serbian War, they have been having a bad time.

It has not had time to recover, catching up with the economic crisis, then the civil war broke out again. However, the rebels have been suppressed, with two consecutive years of unrest, and now Serbia can be said to be in the weakest period!

'The country is poor. The people are deprived, and internal and external conflicts are the best picture of Serbia! We have been the opposite of our rapid development. In terms of national power has been far away from us!

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